I love writing these acknowledgments because I have so many people who help me, and they deserve all the credit I can give them. At the same time, I hate writing these because I’m terrified I’m going to leave somebody out. I’ll keep it brief this time. Thank you to my editor, Jordan Brown, my agent, Sara Crowe, my publicist, Caroline Sun, and everyone else at HarperCollins and Balzer + Bray. You’re amazing.

Thank you to all of the authors who let me join them for awesome book tours and events, and thank you to the many amazing booksellers who organize those events and have become, over time, good friends. Most of all, thank you to the readers who come to all of these events. You’re what makes them great.

On a personal level, this book would not exist without my wife, Dawn, who is the most wonderful person I know. This book would exist, but would not be very good, without the input of my brother, Rob, and my friend Ben Olsen, who both contributed valuable bits of storytelling gold. I’d tell you which bits, but it’s kind of a spoiler.

Last of all, I want to thank the human race for being stupid and painful and wonderful and inspiring. People are the most amazing things the universe has ever created. Embrace your complexity, stretch your creativity, and live up to your potential. You are what makes the world great.
