I HAVE, AS USUAL, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS to make for some of the material used in Freedom's Challenge.
Especially helpful was Dr. Susan Edwards, Ph.D., social cognitive psychologist, author of Men Who Believe in Love, who helped me with the social and trauma techniques, which have been used so successfully to help the victims of catastrophes, both personal and public (such as hostage situations) in recovering their personalities and self-confidence.
Margaret Ball, bless her heart, had all the Swahili and hunted down information about the customs and traditions of the Maasai tribes of East Africa. Fortunately, she also speaks Swahili, though I didn't have to use that much, since so many of the tribal chiefs are fluent enough in English.
I also wish to thank Georgeanne Kennedy for her careful copyediting and invaluable suggestions of what she wanted to know "more about" in this story. What errors a spell-check, even the most advanced ones, do not catch, the sharp eye of the intelligent reader does. And! give my spell-check a lot of hard names to cope with. Thank goodness it can't complain… ALOUD!