This book is a continuation of—a sequel to—a novel called Time and Again. In that book a young man, Simon Morley, is invited to join a secret government-sponsored Project housed in an old Manhattan warehouse. The purpose of this Project is to test the theory of a retired professor of physics, from Harvard. He is Dr. E. E. Danziger, who believes that the past still exists, and that under certain conditions it might be possible to reach it.

Si Morley is one of the very few candidates in the Project who succeeds. He reaches the 1880s . . . returns to the present to make his report to the Project . . . but then returns to the 1880s to marry a girl of the time, Julia, and stay there forever.

But he doesn’t. And this book is the story of what happens when Si—out of simple curiosity—returns to the present just to see what’s going on.
