Chapter 52

Bella had been waiting too long for Ebony to call. She’d chewed all the scenarios over in her head and she hadn’t slept for days.

She looked across at the pregnant woman, who stared back uneasily.

‘Let’s stop all this,’ said Bella. ‘We’re both in here for the same reasons.’

‘I’m not a murderer like you,’ the pregnant woman, Jolene, replied.

‘Maybe not, but you were sectioned, weren’t you?’

‘For my own protection.’

‘Okay, well I accept that we don’t have masses in common but we are here together and we may as well make the most of it. I have a present for you, to say sorry for the way I’ve behaved towards you.’

‘What present?’

‘Chocolate. I got my daughter to bring it in.’

‘I didn’t see her bring anything.’

‘No, come to think about it, you’re right. I asked the nurse to buy it from the hospital shop. I’ve had a couple out of the box but I don’t want to get fat sat in here doing nothing all day. It’s all right for you, you can eat what you like.’

‘That nurse? Is it the young lad? The fit one? What’s his name? Jamey.’

Bella chuckled.

‘Yeah – you’re full of shit,’ Jolene hissed. ‘He’s not going to be interested in a pregnant woman or a killer.’

‘Believe me, he has exotic tastes. I have come to know him quite well when I’ve been on my exercise break. Why do you think I’ve been taking so long?’

‘I thought you must be having tests, to see if you are actually human or not.’

‘Yes – you’re right, I was testing Jamey and he passed with flying colours. He’s coming back in a minute. He’s on the night shift.’

Jolene sat up in bed, waiting.

The door opened and Jamey walked in.

‘Hello, ladies. Just come to make sure you have everything you need.’

‘I need to take a shower. Would you be able to help me with that?’

He looked back towards the door of the ward. ‘Yes, we’re not too busy. I can help you, no problem. I’ll go and request your key.’

‘Told you…’ Bella smirked.

Jolene grinned at her and shook her head. ‘Lucky bitch.’

Jamey came back a few minutes later and unlocked Bella’s cuffs. She picked up her towel and wash bag and the box of chocolates, which she handed over to Jolene.

‘You can have the rest.’

Half an hour later, when they returned to the ward, Jolene was sleeping deeply. Bella caught hold of Jamey and pulled him towards her for a kiss.

‘Pull the curtains,’ she whispered.

Jamey shook his head. ‘I’ll get the sack; anyway, Jolene might wake up.’

‘She won’t. She’s snoring her head off like a pig.’

‘I’ve got some work to do – when it all settles down for the night, I’ll come back.’ He kissed her. Bella held on to him as he tried to leave – her arm beside the bed as if she was handcuffed, as if he’d remembered to handcuff her back up. She watched him leave the ward then she slipped out of bed and felt beneath the back of her cupboard. She felt along, until she found what she was looking for, and picked the corner, stripping off the sticking plaster that held it in place. She walked across to Jolene and looked at the empty box of chocolates beside her bed. The sleepless nights that Bella had endured, the sleeping tablets she’d stashed would all be worth it now. She peeled back the bed cover and exposed Jolene’s stomach. She whispered, ‘Come to Mummy.’

Jamey could hear her singing. He walked towards the door of the side ward and paused outside, to listen. He heard the sounds of a lullaby.

As Jamey opened the door, Bella had her back to him. She was dancing around the room, twirling on her toes, but, in the gloom, she turned and saw him, and danced her way towards him, laughing. He could see her nightdress was covered in blood and in her arms was a baby.
