
The Field and laboratory researches of the Franklin Forensic Project, and the Franklin Osteology Project, described in this book, were supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Boreal Institute for Northern Studies, the Polar Continental Shelf Project and the University of Alberta. Sincerest thanks go to these organizations and agencies.

Additional support for various phases of the project was received from the Park Nicollet Medical Foundation, the Science Advisory Board (NWT), Alberta Workers’ Health and Compensation and Taymor Canada.

Without the energy, insight, understanding, co-operation and dedication of those who participated in the field research, this book (and the research) would not have been possible. On Beechey Island: Walt Kowal, Eric Damkjar, Arne Carlson, Roger Amy, Joelee Nungaq, James Savelle, Derek Notman, Larry Anderson, Brian Spenceley, Geraldine Ruszala and Barb Schweger. And on King William Island: Arsien Tungilik, Karen Digby, Kovic Hiqiniq and Mike Aleekee. Thanks are also due to Dr. K. Kowalewska-Grochowska, University of Alberta Hospital; Sylvia Chomyc, Tuberculosis Control Unit, Provincial Laboratory of Public Health (Alberta), and the Netsilik Archaeology Project (James Savelle).

The authors would also like to thank the staff of the following institutions for their assistance with historical and archival research: the British Library, the British Archives, the University of Alberta libraries, including the Canadian Circumpolar Library, the University of Toronto libraries and the Toronto Reference Library. In addition, special thanks go to Donald Bray, Sten Nadolney, Patrick Walsh of Conville & Walsh, Matthew Swan of Adventure Canada and Rob Sanders. Margaret Atwood is profoundly thanked.

In memorium: Arne Carlson, who, with his wife Lesley Mitchell, died tragically in December 1998.


Photos: All photos are by Dr. Owen Beattie, except: photo on page 144 courtesy of the Department of Culture, Language, Elders and Youth, Government of Nunavut; photo on page 208 (lower) by Brian Spenceley; photo on page 216 “project photograph.”

Illustrations: Pictures on pages 20, 37, 39, 40, 42, 49, 59, 63, 80, 82, 89, 90, 164, 215 are reproduced courtesy of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, England; pictures on pages 19, 89 (lower) courtesy of the University of Toronto libraries; picture on page 54 courtesy of the British Library; pictures on pages 84, 98 courtesy of the Boreal Institute of Northern Studies, University of Alberta, Canada; pictures on pages i, 94 from the collection of John Geiger; pictures on pages 77, 87 courtesy of Mary Evans Picture Library.

Maps and diagrams: Neil Hyslop and Andrew Barr.


Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following for permission to reprint previously published material:

Quotation from The Rifles by William T. Vollmann. Penguin Books, New York. ©1995 William T. Vollmann. Reprinted by kind permission of the author.

Quotation from “The Age of Lead” by Margaret Atwood. Wilderness Tips. McClelland & Stewart, Toronto. ©1991 O.W. Toad Ltd. Reprinted with kind permission of the author.

Quotation from Terror and Erebus by Gwendolyn MacEwen. The Poetry of Gwendolyn MacEwen: The Early Years (Volume One), eds. Margaret Atwood and Barry Callaghan. Exile Editions, Toronto. ©1993. Reprinted with kind permission of the publisher.

Chorus from “Northwest Passage” by Stan Rogers. The album Northwest Passage. ©1981 Fogarty’s Cove Music. Reprinted with kind permission of Fogarty’s Cove Music and Ariel Rogers.
