Kelda Crich is a new-born entity. She’s been lurking in her host’s mind for some time, but now, she wants her own credits. Find her in the intestines of London, laughing at the status quo, or on her blog, (It’s about time she got one of her own):
Rising phoenix, garmented in
plumed rust-red feathers,
groomed with persistent
Gene-modded eyes stretched endlessly
into infinity’s seeing vision.
Iron talons flexed,
a promise of rendition.
See dust-eyed, endless men
chant and dance
to bone flutes’ tunes.
The priest masked in yellow silk
on a gold throne,
spanning altar stone.
Phoenix arch over
dust-dry plains,
sucked dry by thirty, thirsty gods.
Shapes of chaos, crawling slowly,
digesting our colony bones.
seek the wind-walkers,
seek crowded chaos,
the ocean’s spawning flesh,
rise over jungles’ colossal shapes,
ancient teeth,
fed by fluttering mouths
grown in marrow-wood stars.
Seek the space of things.
Fly, phoenix,
born in our end of days.
Hosanna hunting song
that will not be stilled.
Over endless factories,
Where our recurring flesh
quivers in Fibonacci sequence,
Mandelbrot tentacles around our necks.
Rise, phoenix.
With down-blind-cast eyes, we watch you.