Acclaimed for her skill at bringing a deep human dimension to complex science concepts, Nancy Kress has a shelf full of the top awards in science fiction, including Nebulas for Best Short Story (for 1986’s “Out of All Them Bright Stars”), Best Novelette (for 1998’s “The Flowers of Aulit Prison”), and Best Novella (for 2015’s Yesterday’s Kin, her fourth win in the category) and Hugos for Best Novella (including 2009’s The Edrmann Nexus). Her novella Beggars in Spain, later expanded into a novel, won both the Hugo and Nebula in 1991, thanks to its dramatic and affecting examination of genetic engineering. Beggars in Spain kicked off the Sleepless series, just as “The Flowers of Aulit Prison” was expanded into the Probability series; together they make up just a small part of the more than two dozen novels Kress has published. The Best of Nancy Kress, published by Subterranean Press in September 2015, collects her best short work from over thirty years.