
In one fast movement, Officer Palmer pushed the second basement door open and immediately rotated his body into the room, both hands firmly gripping the handle of his gun, his heart double-timing every beat, his eyes wide open — twenty percent scared, eighty percent searching the room like a hawk.

Bishop took a deep breath, swallowed dry and followed directly behind her partner.

It took both trained police officers just a fraction of a second to find their target — a man standing across the room from them.

The man, who was tall and slim, was no doubt caught by surprise. The fright made him jump back awkwardly.

A whole new slow second went by before Officers Palmer and Bishop realized that the man had something in his hands, but his arms were low, denying both officers a clear view of what it was.

Police training kicked in as it should.

‘Drop it,’ Palmer called out in a loud, nervous voice, his weapon now aimed at the man’s chest.

The man hesitated.

‘I said drop it,’ Palmer shouted one more time, hoping his voice sounded a little steadier than it had just a second ago.

The man’s gaze quickly bounced from one police officer to the other.

‘Drop it,’ Palmer ordered one last time. ‘Or I swear we’ll drop you.’

Outgunned and outnumbered, the man finally complied, letting whatever he had in his hands fall to the ground. Both officers heard something heavy hit the floor with a loud clunk, but their view was obstructed by a metal-framed hospital-style bed.

‘Hands where I can see them,’ Palmer instructed the man, who hesitated again before taking a step back.

‘Easy there, partner,’ the man said in return, clearly trying to buy himself some time.

Palmer’s finger tightened on his trigger. ‘Hands where I can see them... now.’

The man planted his left foot next to his right one, being sure to keep them shoulder-width apart.

‘Let me see your hands.’ Palmer’s voice was still a little shaky. ‘Now.’

Despite all his training, curiosity got the better of Palmer and for a fraction of a second, the officer’s eyes wandered down toward the bed.

The man noticed Palmer’s eye movement.

It took Palmer another second to understand what he was looking at and as he did, adrenaline exploded into his veins, making his whole body tense up.

Officer Bishop, who was a step behind Palmer and a little to his right, also finally registered the entire scene.

Her heart took a break from beating.

‘Jesus Christ!’
