19:00 HOURS

“I have to meet with Fields in Tijuana,” Mariana said to Antonio Castañeda, seated by his pool. The last time she’d seen the pool, she’d watched Crosswhite drown a man in it. To be back there gave her the creeps. “Can you supply me with two men I can trust to watch my back?”

Castañeda sipped from his glass of tequila, his beady eyes glossy — the only outward effect that excessive amounts of alcohol seemed to have on him.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“You don’t have any men you can trust around me?”

Pffft! I have dozens of men I can trust.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“The problem, my beautiful Mariana, is that if Fields or his men see two of my men following you around, they’ll know exactly who they are and take steps to neutralize them.”

Sometimes Mariana allowed herself to forget that Castañeda was an ex — Special Forces operative. Making it a point never to forget again, she said, “So do you have any suggestions? I can’t go up there alone. Fields is too dangerous.” She explained about Fields wanting to use her to get to Jessup.

“I see,” Castañeda said. “He wants you to sleep with him.”

She cocked a dark eyebrow. “He’s knows better.”

The drug lord set aside his drink, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Do you honestly believe that? Tell me how else do you think you will get this man Jessup to talk to you about the gringo sniper? Military men disclose that kind of information only under the most intimate of circumstances.”

She immediately thought of Anna Chapman, the Russian spy arrested by the US Justice Department in 2010 and deported back to Russia. Married to a British national, Chapman was purported to have slept with a number of rich and powerful American men during her intelligence gathering operations in the US. Even the thought of being used in that manner was enough to make Mariana bilious.

“I’ll think of something.”

Castañeda reached for the glass, resting back in his chair. “Suerte.” Good luck.

“About my support?”

He drew a breath, taking time to think it over. Had Mariana been anyone else, he would have left her on her own, but she had earned his admiration somehow. When they’d first met two years earlier, he’d given very serious consideration to abducting her and leashing her to his bedroom wall, but his inclinations had changed over the past eighteen months.

He whistled across the pool to a beautiful young woman in her early twenties who lay naked on a chaise lounge. “Tanya!”

Tanya sat up, her brown skin glistening with oil. “Sí, papi?”

“Go get your sister, my love.”

Tanya got up, slipped into a silken red robe, and strode into the house. She had long raven hair to the small of her back, and a perfect physique.

“My God, I love her.” Castañeda chortled happily and took a drink. “Why won’t you agree to stay with me for a while?” he asked Mariana. “Give me six months of romance, and you’ll never have to work again. You can leave the CIA and live wherever you like in the whole world.”

Though Mariana knew she was pretty, she also knew she did not possess Tanya’s stunning beauty or that of her older sister, Lorena. “You only want me because you can’t have me,” she said, now accustomed to his gallant overtures.

“You make me burn with desire,” Castañeda said, his throat feeling tight. “And it agitates me very much — because taking you against your will would only spoil it.”

“Then use that,” she said, maneuvering him. “Let me be the one woman you actually respect.”

He smiled. “I must think about this.”

Lorena came from the house wearing skintight jeans and a red-and-white soccer jersey tied in a knot just above her navel. She was so similar in appearance to her younger sister that most people who saw them together believed they were twins. “Sí, Papi?”

“Mi amor,” he said, his voice liquid and sweet. “Mariana needs someone to look after her in Tijuana. There is a CIA man up there who might wish to do her harm. I want you and Tanya to go with her and keep her safe for me.”

Lorena glanced at Mariana. “Sí, papi.”

“You will leave within the hour. Go and tell your sister.”

Lorena went back inside.

Mariana looked at Castañeda. “Are they… reliable?”

“If you ever see either of them use a straight razor, there will be no need to ask.”

She felt a chill. Both young women were truly beautiful, but there was an undeniable lifelessness behind their obsidian-colored eyes. “It’s smart,” Mariana admitted. “No one will ever see them coming.”

“No one ever does,” he said, taking a drink. “I choose my women very carefully.”

“Like you’ve chosen me?” she asked, continuing to maneuver him.

“One kiss,” he said, leaning toward her with his beady eyes so unattractive. “Please.”

“I’m a terrible actress, Tony. I promise you’d be disappointed.”

He sat back with a frustrated smile. “I suppose you’re right.” He thumped his fist lightly on the arm of his chair. “Me has embrujado.” You have bewitched me.
