"Remember me, Miss Richardson?"

"Sandy Schiano. I was wondering if you were going to come back and see me. Come in. Have a seat."

"I have been thinking a lot lately – about the time that you and I spent together. You know." Sandy was speaking softly with her face lowered so that her dark hair was spilling in her face.

"I guess I got a little out of control that night. I felt mean and I took it out on you," Roberta Jean said.

"I don't blame you for a thing. I was being a snot and I deserved everything I got," Sandy said.

"I can't help but notice that you are a lot more polite this time. You seem positively humble," Roberta Jean said.

"I have changed since the time you tied me to the bed. I am a different girl," Sandy said with a shiver.

"Did you come here today because you want to make it with me again," Roberta Jean inquired quickly.

"Yes, Miss Richardson. I have wanted to return all the time – but I lacked the courage," Sandy said.

"I'm glad you found it. I promise that I will be more gentle with you this time," Roberta Jean said.

"No," Sandy said.

"No?" Roberta Jean quickly responded. It suddenly occurred to the woman that this little girl was returning for more abuse.

"I liked the way you treated me – only, uh, only I think it was too mild," Sandy said. "I think I need to be punished more s-s-s-severely."

"I see. And you think that I am capable of that kind of cruelty, is that it?" Roberta Jean queried.

"Yes, Miss Richardson. To tell you the truth, I think you are capable of ANYTHING!" Sandy said.

"I suppose I am. We will not be able to go to my place right now and do it, however," Roberta Jean said.

"Why not?" Sandy asked. It was obvious from the tone in the girl's voice that she was quite disappointed.

"Because such things deserve penetration. In two days I can have everything ready. I want to do this properly."

"I don't think I can wait," Sandy said. The blonde woman got up and slapped Sandy across the face three times, hard enough to make the Italian girl cry.

"You will wait!"

"Yes, Miss Richardson."

"And you will thank me for slapping you."

"Thank you, Miss Richardson."

"Very well. Go now. Come to my apartment the evening after tomorrow."

"Yes, Miss Richardson. Would you slap me again, please?"


"Oh thank you, I know you will be able to deliver me from my guilt," Sandy said.

It was the pre-scheduled evening. Miss Richardson was in her bathroom changing into her dominatrix bitch outfit, bought specially for this occasion.

She stripped naked and put much more make-up than usual on her face. She rouged her nipples and her inner cunt lips. She put on a black leather corset.

The corset fit snug around her middle and enhanced her hourglass figure. There were a pair of half-cups on top of the shapely corset.

Those cups fit under the woman's humongous, milky white breasts. Her tits were forced to ride even higher than usual on her chest. Her waist seemed more slender, which made her buttocks look even rounder and shapelier somehow.

Garters were attached to the bottom of the corset and then to the tops of her stockings, which were black fishnet, the sort with black seams running up their backs.

Her feet were pushed into high heels, spikes, as black as the rest of her evilly seductive outfit. In her right hand she held the riding crop she had bought. It was a horse whip, such as those used by jockeys to whip the shit out of their mounts during neck and neck homestretches at the flats.

The woman put some expensive musk oil on her breasts, her neck, her inner thighs and at the top of the crack of her ass. She applied the oil liberally.

This was the sort of musk oil that changed scent depending on the body chemistry of the woman who was wearing it. On Roberta Jean the oil smelled hauntingly beautiful.

Just as she had finished applying the oil she heard her doorbell and she knew her little sex slave had arrived. Roberta Jean knew that this was going to be an evening that neither of them would ever forget.

The little girl wanted to be punished, she was going to be punished. Roberta Jean was going to cause that little girl unthinkable pain. What was it about the Italian chick? Roberta Jean could be so nice at times, but there was something about Sandy, her need for abuse, that brought out the blonde woman's intrinsic sadistic tendencies in full force.

Roberta Jean answered the door and let Sandy in. The little girl had a puffiness about her lips that betrayed her desire. The older woman could see through the little girl's blouse that her nipples were erect with submissive sexual anticipation.

"Hello, Miss Richardson. I have never seen an outfit like that before, but I think I did in a picture once. Boy, you sure do look sexy," Sandy said.

"For the remainder of the evening, little sex slave, you will not refer to me as Miss Richardson. You will refer to me as Mistress Roberta Jean."

"Yes, Mistress Roberta Jean. I have been looking forward to coming here so much. I feel like I am going to jump right out of my clothes."

"Not a bad idea, sex slave. Get naked and come with me into the bedroom. I have everything already prepared," Roberta Jean said with an evil hiss. She sounded like a summertime snake slithering through the dried grass.

Sandy stripped nude. The older woman could see that the insides of Sandy's thighs were moist from the juices spilling from her swollen love tunnel.

"Get on the bed and stretch out on your belly. Like last time. Stretch your arms and legs straight. No, separate your thighs a little bit more," Roberta Jean said.

Sandy did as she was told and she could feel copper wires being used to bind her ankles and her wrists to the four bedposts. Sensation soon left her fingertips and her toes.

Then the dominatrix bitch produced the riding crop and held it so that the little girl could see it. Sandy could feel her pussy boiling. She knew that she was to be whipped and her guilty heart yearned for the agony. She could feel the muscles in her buttocks twitching.

The blonde woman did not speak but merely held the riding crop high over her head and brought it down as hard as she could across both of the dark skinned Italian girl's buttocks at the same time. The little girl's entire body jerked as she felt the pain ripping through her. The older woman smacked the little girl's ass again and again, and each blow seemed to be harder than the one before it. The black haired teenager could feel her entire nervous system going berserk. Her eyes were swelling and turning red as the tears began to stream down her face wildly.

Then the woman whipped the backs of the girls legs and her back, especially in between her sharp shoulder blades. The little girl did not know that such pain was possible.

The dominatrix bitch then untied the copper wires and flipped the little girl onto her back. The wires were rapidly reapplied, before any sensation had a chance to return to the Italian teenager's hands and feet. Oh, the fear, the sweet fear that the small girl was experiencing. The woman put the riding crop back in the closet and pulled out a golden needle and a ring. She also had some rubbing alcohol and a ball of cotton. The cotton was saturated with the alcohol and then put directly on the little girl's left nipple. It stung like hell. Roberta Jean told Sandy that she was going to give her a present. A ring for her nipple. Of course, before she could wear the ring the nipple would have to be pierced. That was where the golden needle came in. The little girl watched in horror as the blonde dominatrix sterilized the needle with a lit match. The bitch then grabbed Sandy's left nipple with her left thumb and forefinger. She held the needle in her other hand. She pulled the nipple upward, until the skin all around that feminine erection was stretched taut and the entire breast looked a good deal pointier than usual. The blonde woman ran the tip of the needle all around the nipple – as if she were searching for a proper place to break the skin. Then suddenly, before the little girl could properly prepare herself for the pain, the woman snapped her wrist and drove the needle right into her nipple. The little girl bit her bottom lip hard in an attempt to stifle her scream of pain. She could tell that there was no way the woman was going to stop pushing with that needle until it came popping out of the other side of her nipple. Roberta Jean could have pierced the nipple quickly if she had wanted to – but she chose to push the golden needle through that hypersensitive flesh slowly, very slowly, so that the Italian teenager's agony would last just as long as possible. Finally, the black haired girl could see the skin on the other side of her nipple pushing outward. She could see the skin pop and the tip of the needle reappeared. There wasn't nearly as much blood as Sandy would have thought there to be. Only a couple of droplets of crimson oozed from the pair of wounds the woman had inflicted. Roberta Jean began to slide the needle back and forth through the hole she had made, so that this new opening would not close up the second the needle was removed. If that had been the case they would have had to start all over again. The blonde woman pulled the needle all the way out and inserted the golden ring.

"My nipple is throbbing so horribly," Sandy said with a tremble.

"You asked for punishment, and that is what you are going to get!"

"I can feel the numbness in my ass cheeks and the backs of my legs fading away."

"Yes, you will feel pain soon throughout your entire body."

"You mean you aren't through with me yet, Mistress Roberta Jean?"

"Hardly. As the poem says, you have miles to go before you sleep."

"You are removing my bondage, will I be rebound once again?"

"Yes, but first we have to go for a little walk down the hall."

"I'm not sure I can walk yet, Mistress Roberta Jean," Sandy said.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'll give your feet a quick massage to get the sensation back."

"Ummmmm, I can feel the blood flowing. The pins and needles are going away."

"Can you walk now, cunt? I'm becoming impatient with you!!!"

"I'm sorry. I'm moving as fast as I can. All of my muscles ache."

"The more you bellyache, the worse I am going to treat you," the bitch said.

"Where are you taking me, Mistress Roberta Jean?" Sandy inquired.

"We are going to the bathroom. Your ass must be purged," the dominatrix said.

"I'm not sure I understand what that means," the little girl sobbed.

"I am going to give you a huge enema and make you shit in front of me."

"Are you going to make it hurt?" Sandy asked, her knees still wobbly.

"That is probably the stupidest question you will ever ask me."

"I'm sorry. I should assume that pain is always essential," Sandy said.

"That's right. I am going to fill you with many quarts of water."

"But I don't think I can hold that much, Mistress Roberta Jean," Sandy said.

"That's the whole point. I am going to make you feel like you are about to explode."

"Oh God, it is like hell here. This is what I deserve. This is just what I deserve."

"You probably deserve worse, but I only had two days to prepare. Get in the tub."

"Do you want me to get down on my hands and knees?" the little girl asked.

"Hell no. I want you to stand. Reach up and grab the shower nozzle."

"Yes, Mistress Roberta Jean. Like this? With my wrists crossed?"

"That's right. Now I will wire your wrists in place once again," the bitch said.

"Ow! I can feel my shoulders pulling from their sockets," Sandy said.

"You sure do know how to complain. I'll give you something to complain about!"

Mistress Roberta Jean went to the dirty clothes hamper and reached all the way to the bottom where she had put her super-large enema bag.

The dominatrix bitch held the rubber bag so that the little girl could see it. Sandy thought that it looked like a hot water bottle.

The only difference was that this rubber bag had a long hose dangling from the base of it. There was a metallic clamp on that rubber hose.

Sandy Schiano correctly assumed that the metallic clamp was there to keep any of the water from flowing out prematurely. There was a nozzle at the base of the hose.

The water was to come out of a plastic syringe that was thickest at the tip and skinniest at the base. Sandy quickly figured out why the syringe was shaped like it was.

The tip was to push into her colon while her asshole squeezed the skinnier base. The nozzle would be locked inside once it was pushed inside.

Sandy could tell that it would take a sharp tug to get that nozzle out of her asshole once it was fully inserted. It would work as a butt plug to help the little girl retain the water.

Mistress Roberta Jean told her sex slave that she would be forced to take every drop of water inside her ass before she could release any of it.

If the little girl failed the process would be repeated until she got it right, only this time she would be whipped as the water flowed into her.

Sandy realized that she was going to have to relax all of the muscles astride her colon while she tensed her tight sphincter muscle as much as she could.

Mistress Roberta Jean took the rubber bag to the sink and filled it to the brim with extremely hot water. Sandy could tell it was very hot.

There was steam rising from the top of the bag. The dominatrix bitch attached the rubber bag to the pole that supported the plastic shower curtain.

The leather-clad bitch with the long blonde hair dug her scarlet fingernails right into the crack of the diminutive teenager's ass.

Mistress Roberta Jean pulled the little girl's buttocks apart as far as they would go and grabbed the base of the enema's syringe in her free hand.

The dominatrix bitch ran the blunt tip of the enema nozzle up and down the crack of the teenager's ass and Sandy shivered every time the plastic touched her bung.

Mistress Roberta Jean then paused when the tip of the plastic nozzle was poised directly on Sandy's pink asterisk of an asshole. She snapped her wrist.

The dominatrix bitch drove the thick tip of the syringe right past the little girl's tight tubular sphincter muscle into her waiting colon.

Sandy could feel her anus gripping the base of the syringe just like it was supposed to. The woman wasted no time removing the clamp from the hose.

The water began to flow right into the little girl's bowels and instantly her facial features began to contort. The water was hotter than she expected.

Sandy could not help but think that her body temperature had gone up about ten degrees once the water began to flow. She felt feverish.

The Italian teenager could feel beads of hot sweat forming in a perfectly straight row against her usually smooth but now deeply furrowed brow.

Mistress Roberta Jean could tell that the little girl's first instinct was to shit that water right back out. It was an urge that the little girl would have to battle throughout these water sports.

The little girl could feel herself filling up. She could feel her bowels stretching to hold all of that water. She looked down through tear-filled eyes.

She could see her abdomen bloating outward. She could feel the horrible cramps ripping through her. She didn't feel as if she could hold anymore. She really did feel as if she were about to explode.

Then the woman saw that the bag was empty. The little girl had taken all of the water – just like a cooperative sexual subservient would.

Sandy's eyes were closed tightly. Her eyelids were wrinkled. Her eyelashes pressed her cheekbones. Her face was flushed. She was drenched with sweat.

She was panting wildly. Her heart was pounding. Her back teeth were clenched together so tightly that the muscles at the sides of her face were protruding.

Her jaw ached.

Her whole body ached.

"Please," she whimpered.

"Just a moment longer," the bitch said.

Then the older blonde woman reached across the tub and grabbed the base of the hose, as close to the nozzle as she could possibly grip.

The dominatrix bitch once again snapped her wrist. She pulled the syringe out with a funny popping noise. The anus was stretched outward for a moment.

"It is okay for you to release the water now, you submissive cunt." Mistress Roberta Jean said – and Sandy figured these had to be the sweetest words she had ever heard.

The little girl relaxed her asshole for the first time in what seemed like ages. She clamped down hard on all of the muscles around her colon.

The Italian teenager could feel her asshole blustering painfully. It was also blustering loudly. She made the loudest farting noise she had ever heard.

The stained water gushed out of the girl's exhausted asshole, splattering up over the tiled wall at her rear. The room began to reek.

The entire bathroom was instantly filled with the stench of Sandy's inner bowels. The tub filled with water. The woman undid the wires above Sandy's head.

"You are disgusting," Roberta Jean said.

The little girl fell into the tub and rolled around in the smelly water. To Roberta Jean's surprise the little girl's hand went for her crotch.

Obviously the little girl's shoulders had not been ripped from their sockets as she had previously feared – but they would be sore for a couple of days.

The truth of the matter was that Sandy immediately went for her clit with her right forefinger. The clit felt ready to pop out of her pink slit.

She pressed her finger hard against her little man in the boat. She worked her finger back and forth across the fiery bulb as hard and fast as she could.

"Boy, do you stink," Roberta Jean said.

The little girl could feel herself coming – even as the enema water continued to ooze from her asshole. At that point the dominatrix bitch realized that she had to take a wicked piss.

After the little girl had finished masturbating and had finished cleaning up the mess she had made of herself and the tub, the woman ordered her to kneel before her.

The dominatrix bitch wanted to find out if the black haired girl was good enough to be her toilet. She forced the girl's mouth open between her legs.

The little girl was forced to kneel with her head far back and her mouth gaping open. Mistress Roberta Jean had no trouble opening up the floodgates.

The beautiful blonde purposefully missed the little girl's mouth at first and sprinkled her whole face with her golden showers. The piss was hot.

Sandy knew she should keep her eyes closed tightly. The piss would burn her eyes. This was hard as the little girl wanted to know what the pee looked like when it came out.

Then the dominatrix bitch re-directed her aim and made the pee go directly into the little girl's mouth. Sandy drank down every drop.

"Now that you have proven that you are good enough to be my toilet, let's see if you are good enough to be my toilet paper," the bitch exclaimed.

Sandy, even in her state of exhaustion, was smart enough to understand what this meant without any further explanation. She was to lick the last few droplets of piss away from the beautiful woman's urethra.

Sandy did this with several swipes of her pointy and slightly curled tongue tip. The woman moaned and Sandy could tell she was not supposed to stop licking.

All of the piss was long gone, all inside the little girl's belly or on her face, and still she licked. She explored the nooks and crannies of that hungry cunt.

She licked the clit until Roberta Jean began to orgasm.

She kept licking until the bitch's climax was complete.

Then the leather-clad dominatrix led the girl back to the bedroom. It was time to play with the dildos!!!


It was the day before the final day of school. The weather had been nice for some time and the moist earth had been dried by the growing intensity of the sun's rays.

Roberta Jean Richardson was working late. She had some seniors who were still confused about what they were going to do after they got out of school.

She had some late appointments, everything on the up and up, and by the time she was through she was one of the few people left in the school.

But it was finally time to go and she headed down the darkened hallway toward the exit. She was only twenty feet from being outdoors when it happened.

A muscular arm reached out and grabbed, dragging her into the storage room. The blonde woman looked into the face of the masked rapist!

Roberta Jean Richardson had never been so frightened in her entire life. She could feel all of the blood draining out of her pretty face.

The beautiful lesbian was disgusted by men and their sexual desires in general, and she knew she was being confronted by the most disgusting man of all.

This was the man who had raped her lover, had gone to jail for it, and had escaped. Now Roberta Jean knew that she was about to get fucked – and there wasn't anything she could do about it.

The beautiful woman could feel the masked man's fingers digging into her arm. Roberta Jean was a large woman, but she was nowhere near as strong as the rapist.

Roberta Jean was dragged into the storage closet and then was forced to get down on her knees while the man whipped out his cock and balls.

Roberta Jean saw the knife the man held in his right hand. She thought about biting the man's cock right off – but she decided against it.

The woman could tell that the man would be able to drive that blade between her shoulder blades very quickly if he wanted to. She was scared.

Roberta Jean correctly assumed that the man would easily have been able to kill her before she got a chance to bite his cock off like she wanted to.

The school counselor knew that she had no choice but to pleasure him – even though the whole idea made her feel like throwing up on his feet.

She did exactly as he said. She kissed and licked at the insides of his thighs. She placed the tip of her tongue on the underside of his scrotal sack.

She flicked back and forth with the tip of her hot taster lightly and quickly. She licked at his balls with the flat part of her tongue.

She moistened his balls with her saliva. She sucked his nuts. She sucked both testicles. He told her to keep her tongue busy at all times.

Then he made her pin his cock to his belly with the tips of her right fingers. She arched her fingers at the knuckles as she did this.

Roberta Jean did not want her long red fingernails to get in the way. She placed the tip of her tongue on the underside of his cock.

The beautiful woman began licking his prick at the base and worked her way upward. The truth of the matter was that Roberta Jean had never seen an erection be fore. When it came to going down on a man she was every bit as inexperienced as the little girls she counseled on a day-to-day basis. She had no idea what she was doing.

Nor did she care. She was concerned only with efficiency. She wanted to make the man come as quickly as possible. She flicked her tongue across his glans.

She ran the pointy tip of her taster from the ring of scar tissue just below his glans all the way up to the masked rapist's opening and closing piss hole.

She flicked the tip of her tongue back and forth across his piss hole. She was then ordered to take the man's cock in her hand so that she could suck him.

Roberta Jean opened her mouth as far as she could and the masked rapist quickly pushed his head inside that hole. She kept her teeth off of his cock head.

Roberta Jean wrapped her lips desperately around the ring of scar tissue below his cock head. She began to suck as hard as she possibly could. The man began to work his hips back and forth as if he wanted to fuck her throat, and the woman found she had to be agile with her head and shoulders.

Roberta Jean rocked back and forth with her entire upper torso to keep the man from gagging her with his harshly pulsating tube steak.

Roberta Jean could feel his cock head getting a little bit bigger inside her mouth. She was glad that she had lived her life as a lesbian.

Roberta Jean couldn't understand why there were so many woman in the world who actually enjoyed having sex with a man. She thought it was disgusting.

Roberta Jean was discovering that the reality of hetero sex was even more repulsive than her imagination had led her to believe. He began to shoot his come into her mouth.

She thought she would vomit when she felt the come rolling down her throat. She knew that she had to swallow it or risk drowning on it. Roberta Jean was lathered in sweat. She could feel the goo – which reminded her of snot – running all, the way down her throat to her belly.

Roberta Jean felt him relax and she thought he was done with her – but this did not turn out to be the case. She watched as the man held the knife to her face.

His cock was out of her mouth and deflating. He was explaining in a low scary voice just how easily he could ruin her beauty if he wanted to. He told her that they were going to stay quiet and wait until he got another erection. And wait they did. There was no exit – no chance for escape.

As it turned out, it only took the man about twenty minutes to achieve his second erection – but this seemed like much longer to Roberta Jean.

When his cock was once again erect he forced the school counselor to get out of every stitch of her clothing. He made her sprawl on her back.

He forced her to spread her long shapely legs as far apart as they could possibly go – and he wasted no time mounting her. She could feel the head of his cock on the mouth of her cunt.

He found the opening – the hole that had never before been penetrated by a real cock. He pushed and entered her. She could feel her cunt being filled with his meat.

She was dry as a bone down there and it hurt like hell as he forced all of his pulsating tube steak inside her struggling twat. But he did get all the way in nonetheless.

Because he already had one come under his belt he fucked her for a long time before coming inside her. He left her there in the storage room and she waited until she was pretty sure he was out of the building. She put on her clothes, returned to her private office in tears and called the cops.
