I feel no guilt,” said Gloriana bleakly, “and think that I should not. But then feeling-strong feeling-has gone from me. The seraglio was becoming a museum of failed hopes. My children…” She sighed. “I was never fully conscious, Una.”
The Countess of Scaith, in voluminous travelling costume, took her friend’s hand. They were alone in the Withdrawing Room. Gloriana wore dark colours to match the shades of late autumn. Light rain fell outside.
Gloriana responded to her friend. “But you are recovered, eh, Una?”
“In truth,” she said, “I share something of your dilemma, for I know that I should have felt more terror. But there was something comforting about my incarceration. It removed all responsibility from me. And Sir Thomas Perrott, once he understood that I was a friend, proved a kindly companion. We talked a great deal. We were buried so deeply and escape was so impossible that we were able to choose a variety of topics. It was, in many respects, a holiday. For one of a fatalistic disposition, at any rate.”
“But you’ll not stay at Court?”
“I may return. But not immediately. I need the air of Scaith.”
“And you take Oubacha Khan with you?”
“As my guest.” Una smiled. “He’s celibate, he tells me. A vow.”
“Aha. A vow.” She became distant.
“You still pine for Quire?”
“He is a traitor.”
“Perrott does not think so. Perrott maintains his belief that he was Lord Montfallcon’s victim.”
Gloriana shrugged. “Well, they are both gone, now.”
“I bear him no grudge,” said Una. “Because you love him so, Gloriana.”
“I love nothing.”
“You love Albion.”
“I love myself. They are the same.” Her tone was not bitter. It was worse: it was hopeless.
Una hesitated. “I’ll stay. If you think…”
Gloriana shook her great head. “Go to Scaith with your Tatar.” She moved, like a funeral barge, to stand before the window, blotting the light from the room. “You risked your life for the Realm. I’ll not have you risking your soul for its symbol.”
“Oh, Gloriana!”
The friends embraced. Una was weeping, but there were no tears in the Queen’s cool eyes.