
The author wishes to thank the following for their technical expertise: Jim White, Executive Director, Covenant House Newark; Anne Armstrong-Coben, M.D." Medical Director, Covenant House Newark; Frank Gilliam, Outreach Manager, Covenant House Atlantic City; Mary Ann Daly, Director of Community Programs, Covenant House Atlantic City; Kim Sutton, Resident Manager, Covenant House Atlantic City; Steven Miller, M.D." Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital of New York-Presbyterian, Columbia University; Douglas P. Lyle, M.D.; Richard Donner (for the final push); Linda Fairstein, Manhattan Assistant District Attorney; Gene Riehl, FBI (retired); Jeffrey Bedford, FBI, Special Agent all of whom provided the author with wonderful insights and now get to see him distort and dismiss them to suit his own purposes.

Covenant House is a real organization, though I took great liberties here. I made up a lot of stuff that's why it's called fiction but I tried to get the caring heart and soul of this important charity right. Those interested in helping or learning more should check out

The author also wishes to thank his great team: Irwyn Applebaum, Nita Taublib, Danielle Perez, Barb Burg, Susan Corcoran, Cynthia Lasky, Betsy Hulsebosch, Jon Wood, Joel Gotler, Maggie Griffin, Lisa Erbach Vance, and Aaron Priest. You all mean a great deal to me.

To repeat: this is a work of fiction. That means I make stuff up.
