A writer spends months on end writing a book, but there are many other behind-the-scenes individuals whose efforts, talent, dedication, and heart go into the publishing of it. I’d like to acknowledge a few of the people who helped bring this book to fruition. First and foremost, I wish to thank my editor, Charlie Spicer, for sharing so much of his talent, being such a great listener, and always urging me to go that extra mile. I’d like to thank my agent, Nancy Yost, whose brilliance never ceases to amaze me. I’ve learned much from you. Many thanks to my editor in the UK, Trisha Jackson, for always making the books better. I’d also like to thank the entire team at St. Martin’s Press for their continued support, confidence in me and in this series, for working so tirelessly to get the books into the hands of readers—and for making it fun! Sally Richardson. Andrew Martin. Matthew Shear. Matthew Baldacci. Sarah Melnyk. Hector DeJean. Kerry Nordling. April Osborn. David Rotstein. There are many more individuals who contributed much, but remain unnamed due to space constraints. I’m incredibly lucky to write for such a dynamic publishing house.
I’d also like to thank my critique group for all of those Wednesday night marathons when I kept you up late. Jennifer Archer. Anita Howard. Marcy McKay. April Redmon.
Heartfelt thanks to fellow authors, Ellie James and Catherine Spangler, for the years of friendship and support. You gals rock!
Last, but not least, I’d like to thank the love of my life, Ernest, for his unconditional love and support through all the ups and downs of cohabitating with a full-time writer.