Chapter Eight Secret Singers

“Wow!” said Lily. “Harmony Hall is packed!”

Queenie Bumblebuzz flew over to them. “I’ve saved you some seats,” she said, and led Goldie, the girls, and the Woollyhop family to the front row. Jess and Lily slid down onto the grass so the Twinkletail mouse family behind them would be able to see.

Mr. and Mrs. Longwhiskers the rabbits were handing out blackberry and honey ice creams, and Hamish was giving cozy blankets to the animals sitting on the grass. He gave an extra fluffy blue one to the girls.

“They’re so soft,” said Jess. “Thanks!”

“It’s you we have to thank,” Mrs. Woollyhop said to Goldie and the girls, “for saving our little lamb.”

“We’re so looking forward to seeing Grace play her tambourine,” Mr. Woollyhop added.

“Shh!” said Mrs. Woollyhop. “The concert’s starting.”

“They’re going to be so surprised!” Lily whispered to Jess.

Jess nodded, then giggled as Molly and Dolly Twinkletail jumped onto their shoulders for a better view!

The concert began with the Greenhop frogs doing musical acrobatics. There were cheers when Mr. Greenhop stood on his head and banged the drum with his feet!

Next, Melody sang her Sweetsong Solo. Just as she finished, there was a great snore from Patch Muddlepup. Melody had sung him to sleep!

The Taptree woodpeckers did an amazing tap dance, wearing little wooden shoes, and then it was time for the Honey Buns.

Queenie Bumblebuzz zoomed onto the stage, followed by the rest of the band. The Bumble Boogie began with a clash of cymbals. In moments, the whole audience was on their feet, clapping along to the lively, buzzy beat. The bees flew high in the air to take their bows.

“Where’s Grace?” whispered Lily, as Mr. Silverback the badger strode on stage.

“A warm welcome, please,” he said, “for the Secret Singers, with a song written specially for our concert, called ‘Friends Forever’!”

Grace, Sophie, Emily, Lola, and Buzz came onstage to loud cheers.

Jess glanced at the Woollyhops, who were wide-eyed with surprise.

As the group began to sing, Grace’s sweet voice filled the theater.

“Always together,

Friends are forever...”

Mrs. Woollyhop’s eyes filled with tears. “I never knew she could sing so beautifully,” she whispered, as Grace picked up her tambourine and jangled a pretty tune. Buzz hummed alongside her, while Sophie, Emily, and Lola danced happily.

When they finished, everyone in the audience clapped.

“What a wonderful surprise!” Mr. Woollyhop said.

The concert ended with all the performers singing Grace’s song.

“Together forever

Forever together...”

At the end of the song, Grace bounded off the stage into her parents’ arms. They hugged, and then Mrs. Woollyhop handed Grace a parcel and whispered in her ear.

The little lamb opened the parcel and took out two sparkling pink scarves. She gave one each to Jess and Lily.

“They’re a thank-you present for helping me and everyone in Friendship Forest,” Grace explained. “We made them on our magical loom, so they will never be too hot or too cold. Woollyhop Shop scarves are always just right!”

“Thanks!” said Lily.

“It’s so soft!” said Jess.

Goldie admired the scarves. “They’re just perfect!”

“Thank you, everyone,” said Jess. “The concert was wonderful, but it’s time for us to go home.”

They kissed Grace, and walked with Goldie back to the Friendship Tree.

“Thank you for saving Friendship Forest yet again,” said Goldie. “What would we do without you?”

“Let’s hope Grizelda’s learned her lesson,” said Lily.

“Hmm,” said Goldie. “Knowing her, she’ll come up with a new plan to take over the forest before too long.”

“We’ll be ready if she does,” said Jess as they reached the Friendship Tree.

“I know you will,” said Goldie. She touched a paw to the trunk, and the door appeared.

She hugged both girls. “Good-bye!”

“I hope we’ll see you soon,” Lily said, stepping inside.

“You will, I promise,” Goldie called as they entered the shimmering golden light. “Friendship Forest needs you!”

The glow faded, and the girls found themselves back in Brightley Meadow. Their cozy new scarves kept them warm in the crisp autumn air.

“What a wonderful adventure,” said Jess as they ran back to the wildlife hospital.

“Look, there’s the foal wearing his blanket,” said Lily. “It seems like forever since we saw him!”

They laughed. No time ever passed while they were in Friendship Forest!

The foal trotted to the fence. Lily stroked his nose, and he nibbled at her gorgeous new scarf.

“Hey!” laughed Jess. “You don’t need that. You’ve got your own blanket, silly!”

Lily giggled. “I’m glad our parents know we can knit. We won’t have to explain where our scarves came from. They’ll think we made them!”

Jess stroked her scarf. “They’re a lovely reminder of our animal friends.”

The girls shared a smile. They couldn’t wait to go back to Friendship Forest!

The End
