Fargo flew. Beyond the cottonwoods was a straight stretch but no Ovaro or the pair on him. In his mind’s eye he saw them fleeing for their lives with the man-killer after them.

Worry gnawed at Fargo like a termite at wood. He ran until his chest was ready to burst. Stopping, he doubled over and sucked in deep breaths. He would rest for a minute and go on.

The forest was quiet. He marveled at how quickly the bear had circled the cabin and gone after the Ovaro. It was pure luck the grizzly hadn’t spotted him or caught his scent.

The ache lessened and Fargo ran. He kept thinking he would spot Wendy and Bethany around each bend but he didn’t. When his exhausted body couldn’t take the punishment anymore, he stopped. He was caked with sweat, his lungs in torment. Sinking to a knee, he listened in vain for some sound that would tell him the Brit and the girl were safe. When he recovered sufficiently, he set off again.

A copse of alders blocked his view. He was almost to them when he heard a grunt. Darting to his left to a log, he flattened on the other side. Not a moment too soon.

Brain Eater came out of the alders. Her head was down and she was rumbling in her chest. Dried blood splotched her coat. She went a short way past the log and stopped. Raising her nose to the breeze, she sniffed. Then she sniffed the ground.

Fargo’s gut churned. She had caught his scent. If she found him he was dead. The Colt was a man-stopper but all it would do was annoy her.

Brain Eater turned in a circle, still sniffing. She looked south and she looked north. Growling, she lumbered off at a brisk clip, her hump rising and falling with every dip of her enormous body.

Fargo figured she would go as far as the shack, realize her mistake, and come after him. The moment she was out of sight he was up and through the alders. He paced himself, his lungs be damned. It was life or death and he was fond of breathing.

He took pride in his stamina. Not that long ago he’d taken part in an annual footrace that drew some of the best runners in the country, including an Apache girl famed for her fleetness. He didn’t win but he came close, and now he called on all his ability to get as far from the griz as he could.

He fretted about the Ovaro, and Beth and the Brit. He hadn’t heard shrieks or shots but he hadn’t heard any when the man at the shack was killed, either. The stallion’s tracks reassured him.

Fargo ran until his legs were mush and his lungs were on fire. Gasping for breath, he shuffled to a boulder close to the water and sat. His hands on his knees, he waited for his body to stop aching. He tried not to dwell on the fact that he was stranded afoot with no food and miles to cover to reach town.

A distant grunt warned him that Brain Eater had taken up the chase.

Fargo rose and made to the south. She would overtake him long before he reached Gold Creek. With just the Colt and the toothpick, killing her was next to impossible.

He could slow her down, though. He swept the ground for a suitable stick and found one about a foot long and as thick as his thumb. He drew the Arkansas toothpick and sharpened one end as he ran.

By the position of the sun he had seven or eight hours of daylight left. Enough to rig several traps. Maybe a deadfall, too, although that would take a lot of doing.

The grizzly was smart but he was smarter. He must believe that more than he believed anything if he was to have any chance at surviving.

From a fork high in an oak Fargo watched to see what would happen.

Grizzlies were sharp-eyed brutes. Brain Eater spotted his bandanna. She stopped and gazed warily about and sniffed. She walked up to it and sniffed some more. She put a front paw on it, unaware that it was stretched over a hole and held in place with small rocks, and that under it was the sharpened stick, embedded deep. She tried to draw back but her own weight worked against her. She yowled as the tip pierced her paw.

Fargo grinned. It wasn’t much of a wound but anything that slowed her down helped.

Brain Eater roared. She raised her leg, bit the stick, and wrenched it out. In her rage she shook it and bit it in half. She clawed at one of the pieces and walked in a circle and roared again.

Fargo quickly clambered down. He had a good lead and he wanted to keep it. He jogged for a while, the sun warm on his bare chest. He hadn’t liked to give up his buckskin shirt. Fortunately he had a spare in his saddlebags.

A spruce offered his next vantage. He climbed high enough and roosted on a thick limb.

Brain Eater was nearing the next trap. It had been a lot harder to rig but it would hurt her more. Fargo thought she would go right by but his scent on the shirt was strong and her nose didn’t fail her. She spied it hanging on what appeared to be a low branch, and stopped.

Brain Eater warily moved toward it. She stopped to sniff and turned her head from side to side. The shirt moved slightly in the breeze. She lumbered closer but stopped again. Fargo began to think she wouldn’t be curious enough. Then she raised the same paw and clawed at the shirt.

The principle was simple: a notched limb for a lever, a large log, and gravity. He’d had to strain every sinew to position the log just right.

The grizzly tugged. The shirt moved and the limb was torn out from under the log and the log rolled down on her. She tried to jump over it and once again her weight was her enemy. The log hit hard and she sprawled forward.

Brain Eater was enraged. She attacked the log, biting and clawing. When her fury subsided she turned south again. She was limping.

Fargo scrambled down. He hadn’t accomplished much other than making her mad as hell. But she would be more cautious and come on slower, gaining him precious time. The longer he delayed her, the closer he got to Gold Creek and safety.

For about fifteen minutes Fargo held to a steady pace. Another of the innumerable bends brought him to a pool—and two men camped beside it. The flap to their tent was open, and they were seated on stools. Beyond were their hobbled horses.

Fargo figured they were prospectors. “We have to get out of here.”

The pair picked up rifles and rose. Both were big and blond and well muscled.

“Hej,” one of them said. “Pratar du svenska?”

Fargo remembered them now. They were Swedish or Danish.

Immigrant farmers, lured to Gold Creek by the bounty. “Brain Eater is after me,” he warned. “Take me to town.”

They looked at one another.

“Jag forstar inte,” the one on the right said.

“Var snall och prata langsammare,” said the other.

“Goddamn it.” Fargo glanced over his shoulder. They had a few minutes yet. “Do either of you speak English?”

“Ja,” the one on the right replied. “Engelska.”

“The bear is after me,” Fargo explained, and jabbed a finger back the way he had come. “Do you savvy? Brain Eater? She is hunting me and will kill us if we don’t light a shuck.”

“Bear?” the immigrant on the left said.

“Yes, yes,” Fargo said. “Do you understand? Bear. Brain Eater. After me.” Again he pointed north.

“Bear,” the same man said, and beamed at his companion.




The pair hefted their rifles and eagerly brushed past Fargo.

“What the hell are you doing?”

The one pointed as Fargo had done. “Bear!” he excitedly exclaimed.

“Yes. Brain Eater.” Fargo touched his head and made a scooping motion. “Do you understand? The grizzly that has been killing everybody. We must go. Now.”

The Swedes looked positively delighted. They raised their rifles.

“No, damn it.” Fargo’s sense of urgency was climbing. He ran to the nearest man and grabbed him by the shoulder. “Don’t do this. Your guns won’t stop it.” They were armed with old long rifles better suited for small game. “We must get out of here while we can.”

The immigrant smiled and nodded. “Oroa dig inte. Vi kommer att doda bjornen.”

“What?” Fargo said.

“Slappa,” the man said.

“What the hell does that mean?” Fargo was growing desperate, and shook him. “You’re going to die if you don’t listen to me.”

“Tillrackligt,” the immigrant said, and tugged loose. “Lamna detta till oss.”

Fargo looked at the other one and the man smiled and nodded. He didn’t know what else to do. “You could at least learn the damn language.”

“Tack for att bjornen till oss,” the man said.

Fargo was about to appeal to them once more but they had run out of time.

Brain Eater was there.
