Chapter 12

The sheriff’s office was a low log cabin with a timber roof, sandwiched between the telegraph office and a hardware store. It had a narrow porch and an awning held up by slender poles, a rocking chair set to one side of the door.

Inside, the place smelled like Tobin himself, a heavy mix of stale sweat, tobacco juice and smoke from the kerosene lantern that hung from a ceiling beam, its orange flame guttering. Black canvas shades were pulled down across the cabin’s two windows, blocking out every glimpse of sunlight, and the air was thick, cloying and close, hard to breathe.

A door at the rear of the office hung ajar on rawhide hinges and beyond was a single cell. The front wall of the cell was of red brick, a barred, iron door to the right. The rustler Roy Will lay on his back on a bunk in the half-light, staring at the ceiling, his shoulder heavily bandaged.

Tobin closed the office door leading to the cell. “I plan on hanging him the day after tomorrow, but, even so, it’s best he doesn’t hear our talk.” The lawman sat at his desk, opened a drawer and took out a bottle of whiskey. “Drink?” he asked.

Tyree shook his head. “Cut to the chase, Tobin. What’s your proposition?”

Tobin lifted the bottle to his mouth, took a gulping swallow that made his throat bob, then wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. He sat in silence for a few moments, studying the tall younger man, then said, “Tyree, now that Fowler is dead, this thing is over and it’s time you was riding on. There’s no point in your staying around and causing all kinds of trouble for everybody. Which brings me to this. . . .”

Tobin slid open another drawer, rooted around for a few moments, then came up with a thick stack of greenbacks. He threw the money on the desk in front of Tyree. “That’s a thousand dollars, more money than you’ll ever see in one place at one time in your whole life. All you got to do is lean over, pick it up and then be on your way. Ride out of the territory, Tyree. Go to Denver maybe and spend the money on women and whiskey. Hell, man, have yourself a time.”

Tyree made no attempt to pick up the money. He tilted his head to one side, smiling. “I’d say Quirt Laytham must be mighty scared of me.”

“Mr. Laytham isn’t scared of anybody,” Tobin scoffed, “especially not you.”

“Then why did he tell you to bribe me with a thousand dollars?”

The lamplight accentuated the pockmarks that cratered the sheriff’s white cheeks, picking out the beads of sweat on his forehead and nose. It was unbearably hot in the office. Tyree felt his shirt sticking to him, the fetid, feral stench of the fat lawman assailing his nostrils.

“You’re so smart, ain’t you, Tyree?” Tobin said. “So damned smart.” He leaned forward and propped his elbows on the desk. “Get this through your thick skull: Quirt Laytham doesn’t need to bribe you to leave anywhere. Step in his way again and he’ll crush you like a bug.” The sheriff shook his head. “No, this money was give me by somebody else, somebody who wants you long gone from here. For your own good, you understand.”

Tobin shifted his bulk in the chair and it squeaked in protest, sending a frightened rat scuttling across the floor. “After that . . . ah . . . shall we say, unpleasantness at Hatch Wash, Mr. Laytham and me figured Fowler would head for Luke Boyd’s place, seeing as how him and the old man were real close at one time. Me, I was gonna ride out there with the money today and talk to you private, like. But now there’s no need because there you stand as bold as brass and on the prod as ever was.”

“Who put up the money?” Tyree asked, intrigued despite himself.

Tobin grinned, saliva stranding between his small, pegged teeth. He tapped the side of his nose with a forefinger. “That’s between me and the snubbin’ post, boy, or maybe I should say between me and the party of the third.” As though suddenly bored with the whole business, Tobin pushed the pile of bills toward Tyree. “Now take that and you git. If Mr. Laytham or Luther Darcy happen to ride into town, you’re a dead man.”

“No, it’s your turn to listen, Tobin,” Tyree said. “Hand that money back to whoever gave it to you and tell him I’m staying right here until I settle a score with Quirt Laytham. On his orders, his men, your deputies, hung and then shot me and me just a stranger—”

“I know, I know,” Tobin interrupted, his irritation evident. “Just a stranger passing through. I’ve heard all that afore. See, it was an honest mistake and Mr. Laytham surely regrets it. Clem Daley and Len Dawson took ye for a friend of Fowler’s, another damned rustler like the one I got locked up here.” Tobin waved his pudgy hands. “Well, what’s past is past. Let bygones be bygones, I always say. Forgive and forget. After Fowler came back and started to rustle Mr. Laytham’s cows, everything was topsy-turvy, all kinds of regrettable things were happening. But now Fowler is gone and the rustling ended, we’ll get back to normal pretty damn quick.”

A hot anger flaring in him, Tyree placed his hands on the desk and leaned toward the sheriff. “Tobin, I believe you had nothing to do with what happened to me back there at the brush flats. If I thought you did, I’d have put a bullet into your fat gut by this time.”

Tobin opened his mouth to interrupt, but Tyree waved him into silence. “I want you to give a message to Laytham from me. Tell him I expect him to leave the territory, taking only what he can carry on a horse. Tell him if he doesn’t go, I’ll come after him and destroy him.”

The sheriff shook his head. “Hard talk, Tyree, mighty hard talk. But Mr. Laytham isn’t going anywhere. He’s backed by twenty guns and one of them is Luther Darcy. You won’t find Darcy as easy to handle as you did the Arapaho Kid. He’s good—the best there is.”

Tyree straightened up and looked down at the sweating lawman. “Tobin, I’m all through talking. You take my message to Laytham and tell him to be gone by the end of the week. You tell him that and make it real clear.”

“I’ll tell him.” Tobin shrugged. “It’s your funeral.”

He picked up the money from his desk and tossed it back in the drawer. “The party of the third,” he said, “is going to be powerful disappointed in you.”

Tyree booked a room in the Regal Hotel, wondering why he was doing that instead of riding back to Boyd’s place. Then the answer came to him—he was doing it to avoid Lorena, unable to take the hurt, accusing looks she threw at him when he talked about Quirt Laytham.

He needed some time to himself, to think the thing through. He didn’t believe that Lorena was in love with Laytham, but she did seem attracted to the man, and she had not given the big rancher an outright refusal when he’d asked her to marry him.

And what about himself? If he succeeded in destroying Laytham as he planned, would Lorena ever forgive him? More to the point, would she forgive him enough to fall in love with him? Only time would answer those questions.

Yet there was another question, and this one demanded an immediate answer—was he really in love with Lorena?

Surprising himself, Tyree admitted that he did not know.

Lorena was so beautiful, sometimes it hurt him just to look at her. And she had sand. She’d proved that when she washed and cared for poor Fowler’s body back at the cabin.

But was it enough? Was beauty and grit a solid basis for love?

As he led the steeldust away from the hotel hitching rail to the livery stable, Tyree told himself that he didn’t know and gloomily admitted that he was more confused than ever.

He ate at the restaurant again that night, aware of the stares of the other diners, some curious, others frankly horrified, then went directly back to the hotel.

Wary of being bushwhacked, he kept away from the windows and placed the back of a chair under the doorknob. He had shamed Clem Daley in front of other men and, unlike Tobin, the big deputy was not the kind to forgive and forget.

Tyree stripped, gave himself a cold sponge bath from the pitcher and basin on the dresser, then turned down the oil lamp and got between the sheets. He laid his gun close to hand on the bedside table and closed his eyes, willing sleep to come.

The wound in his side was healing well, but it still pained him, and his run-in with the Arapaho Kid had taken more out of him than he realized. But gradually he relaxed, his breathing slowed and he drifted into the healthy young man’s deep slumber. . . .

A single revolver shot woke Tyree, blasting apart the fabric of his sleep, hurling him into wakefulness.

He grabbed the Colt from the bedside table and stepped quickly to the window. His room was at the back of the hotel and looked out on the flats where the dawn light was lacing the branches of the sage and antelope bitterbrush. In the distance the buttes, mesas and broken rocky ridges of the canyon country were fantastic blue silhouettes against a pale lemon sky.

Nothing moved out there. The landscape was serene and peaceful.

Tyree eased his thumb off the hammer of the Colt and smiled to himself. “Getting jumpy in your old age, Chance,” he said aloud. “That was just some rooster coming home drunk and letting off steam.”

But a few moments later, running feet pounded on the stairs outside, and from somewhere, a woman’s voice rose in a stifled shriek.

What was going on?

Tyree put on his hat, then dressed quickly and buckled his gun belt around his hips. He opened the door and went to the top of the stairs, passing a man wearing a red velvet robe on the way. “What happened?” Tyree asked.

The man—a drummer by the look of him—shrugged and brushed past. “Go see for yourself,” he said.

Tyree ran downstairs and elbowed his way through a clump of hotel guests who were standing at the door, looking out into the street. He stepped onto the porch then stopped in his tracks, scarcely able to believe what his eyes were telling him.

His zebra dun lay sprawled in death at the hitching rail, a bullet hole in its forehead oozing a trickle of blood. A white scrap of paper was tied to the horse’s mane, fluttering slightly in the morning breeze.

Tyree undid the paper and read. The note was short, scrawled on a page torn from a tally book.



Clem Daley had kept his promise. He had delivered the dun.

The man had obviously regained his confidence after talking to Quirt Laytham. Tyree’s own cartridge belt and holstered Colt hung over the top rail of the hitching post.

By returning the gun, Laytham was sending him a message.

He was telling Tyree that he wasn’t afraid of him.
