About the Artists

Ben Baldwin is an artist and illustrator who works with a variety of mediums from photography and digital art programs to more traditional drawing and painting techniques. He has produced book cover designs and magazine illustrations for many clients around the world as well as one-off paintings or drawings for private commissions.

Keith Minnion sold his first short story to Asimov’s SF Adventure Magazine in 1979. He has sold over twenty stories, two novelettes, an art book of his best published illustrations, and one novel since. Keith has illustrated professionally since the early 1990s for such writers as William Peter Blatty, Gene Wolfe, and Neil Gaiman, and has also done extensive graphic design work for the department of Defense. He is a former school teacher, DOD program manager, and officer in the U.S. Navy. He currently lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, pursuing oil and watercolor painting, and fiction writing.
