Braun sauntered up Second Avenue, in no hurry now, though he had grabbed only twenty minutes for his hamburger. April watched him unwrap a stick of gum and fold it into his mouth as he stepped up on the curb at the corner. The suspect’s tiny dog ran over to greet him, sniffing at his cuff. Camille quickly jerked the dog away. Braun shook out the crease in his pants, chewing, while his mouth tried for a smile.

He passed Camille. Slowly it occurred to him. His head turned. On his second take he sought guidance from Sanchez and Woo, sitting in the unmarked car as they had been ordered to. Braun looked at them and cocked his head behind him at the tall redhead now crossing the street with the little dog.

Is that the suspect?

Mike and April kept their faces neutral, unwilling to commit on yea or nay to such a jerk.

Lieutenant Braun decided it without their prompting, spun around, and ran back to her. Roberts followed.

“Shit,” Mike muttered.

Braun and Roberts approached the suspect like a freight train racing at full throttle. They blocked her front and back. Braun shoved his badge in her face. She cried out, reeling back.

“No! Don’t touch me.” She reached down to pick up the dog, then tried to get back to her front door. She didn’t get there.

Sergeant Roberts’s arm snaked out to stop her from resisting an officer. The suspect panicked and started screaming. April shook her head as the two men subdued her and put her in their car. Before they pulled away, Braun made a sign for Sanchez and Woo to remain where they were until further notice.
