Reading Notes

1. Tarja wakes to find the geas that made him love R'shiel no longer in place. Why is his reaction so ambivalent?

2. R'shiel realises she cannot face Xaphista head on, but must find a more subtle way of breaking his power? What does she use and why is it so effective?

3. Damin decides to let the son of his enemy live, to be raised in the house of Tejat Lionsclaw. Why does he do this?

4. Why is it so important to Brak that Damin Wolfblade believes Mikel is dead, and why does he go to such trouble to prevent Damin from striking the killing blow?

5. Discuss the changes likely to happen in the Citadel with the return of the Harshini.

6. With the disbursement of the Sisterhood, Garet Warner wishes to give Medalon a democratic government. Discuss some of the problems likely to arise during this period.

7. In the end, R'shiel chooses not to kill Loclon, but to let him live on the Isle of Slarn. Is this a fitting punishment?

8. Shananara offers to place Harshini advisors in the courts of each ruler, to prevent further war. How would this affect each nation?

9. When the story ends, R'shiel plans to retrieve Mikel from the God of Music. What do you think the boy's reaction would be to all that has happened to him?

10. Will Death release Brak?
