Wayland lay outside the cave watching the waterfall descending in slow veils.

‘I’m going to give it one more try.’

Syth jumped up. ‘You mustn’t. The bear will come again.’

Wayland spread his hands. ‘The falcon was this close.’

She grasped his wrists. ‘So was the bear. What if it kills you?’

‘It won’t. I’ll take an axe and spear.’

She released him and walked away, hands clutched across her shoulders. ‘If you loved me, you wouldn’t risk your life for a falcon.’ She stamped her foot and whirled. ‘You don’t need to catch it. You’ve already found more falcons than you need.’

‘This one is special.’

‘More special than me?’

Wayland knew that logic wouldn’t win this argument. He stood and took hold of Syth. ‘The falcons aren’t the most important thing. They’re not even mine. When they’re gone, I’ll still have you. You’ll still have me.’

Syth looked at him. ‘For how long?’

Wayland experienced the hollow sensation he’d felt before climbing down to the first eyrie.

‘For ever.’

She looked towards the hide and shivered. ‘Wayland, if you don’t catch the falcon today, will you promise to give it up?’

‘I promise.’

They used levers to reconstruct the hide. Wayland hadn’t seen the falcon since the bear put it to flight. He took a last look at the lookout rock and wriggled into the shelter.

‘What if the bear comes back?’ Syth said.

‘It won’t.’

Syth bobbed up and down. ‘But what if it does?’

Wayland patted the axe.

‘What about me? What if it creeps into the cave while I’m inside?’

‘The dog will give you plenty of warning.’ Wayland was more nervous than he sounded. ‘Stay outside and keep watch. If I trap the falcon, I’ll need your help.’

She looked down at him, her hands bunched at her throat, and then left him to settle into another cold watch. Axe and spear lay to hand and he kept touching them for reassurance. A pair of ravens alighted on the glacier, walked about with no apparent purpose and flew off again. A black-and-white bunting sang from a crevice a few feet from the trap. He looked at the empty sentinel post. The falcon probably had several vantage points and it might be days or weeks before she returned to this one. He poked fingertips into his eyes to keep from falling asleep.

He blinked. Between one moment and the next the falcon had taken stand on her lookout. She shifted position and Wayland’s excitement died. He could see from her bulging crop that she’d already killed.

Now what? If he left the shelter she would see him and be suspicious of the place. He’d have to wait for the falcon to fly off or Syth to relieve him. The day stretched long and dreary before him until he realised that it didn’t matter if he abandoned the hide now. He’d given Syth his word that this would be his last attempt. That rankled. If she was frightened of the bear, she could go back to Red Cape with Glum. He was going to stay and catch the falcon no matter how long it took.

A fox placed its front legs on a boulder in front of the hide and stared at the pigeon. It began a wary stalk. Wayland hissed. The fox cocked its ears and resumed its approach. Wayland drew the pigeon into the hide. The fox was puzzled. It came on. Wayland reached for his spear. The fox broke into a stiff-legged trot. Wayland thrust out the spear and the fox flung itself into a reverse somersault and streaked away, looking back over its shoulder with such an aggrieved expression that Wayland laughed.

He stopped laughing and thrust the pigeon outside. The gyrfalcon was gliding towards him. Once again she alighted in the snow some yards from the bait and looked around before running towards it with the comical gait that reminded Wayland of Raul. A yard short she stopped again and made another survey. Her eyes fixed on the pigeon and she made another sally and stepped onto it with one foot. The situation was strange and her helpless victim didn’t trigger her killer instinct. Wayland rolled his fist. Absent-mindedly the falcon bent and broke the pigeon’s neck. She was still uneasy. Wayland saw her focus lift and lengthen and he tightened his grip on the pigeon just in time to prevent the falcon from carrying it off. She looked down in puzzlement, looked up, lowered her head again, looked up. Wayland had stopped breathing.

The falcon gave a flaccid rouse, tightened her grip on the pigeon and began plucking it. In her attempt to carry her prey, she’d dragged Wayland’s left hand outside the shelter. If he tried to grab her with his free hand, she’d see it coming. He waited until she’d plumed the pigeon’s breast and broken into the flesh, then he began to draw her towards him. She didn’t seem to realise what strange forces were operating and went on eating. Wayland was worried about foxes. Even at this stage one of them could show up and frighten the falcon off. His right hand was poised at the entrance less than a foot from the falcon. He rolled his left hand, forcing her to adjust her stance so that she stood squarely on the pigeon.


He shot out his right hand and grasped her around both legs. She screamed and thrashed. Wayland held on and wormed out of his hideout. His main concern was to secure her before she injured herself. He hoisted the falcon over so that she lay spread-eagled and flapping on her back. A faint shout reached him from the direction of the cave.

The falcon stopped screaming and lay still and looked at him with wild black eyes. Her breast heaved at an alarming rate. He risked a glance over his shoulder and saw the dog with Syth following, jumping from boulder to boulder. The falcon convulsed and arched forward far enough to bite a wedge out of his knuckle.

The dog skidded into a prone position behind him. Before Syth reached him, the falcon took another bite of his hand.

‘The stocking. In my belt.’

Syth threw herself down beside him and pulled out a woollen tube open at both ends. ‘What should I do?’

‘Pull it over her head.’

Syth eased the mouth of the stocking over the falcon’s neck.

With his left hand, Wayland folded the falcon’s right wing against her side. ‘Do the same with the other wing. Gently.’

Between them they worked the stocking over her wing butts, and then it was easy. With Syth holding the falcon across its back, Wayland was able to pull the tube down her body, leaving only her head exposed. He tightened the drawstring around the top of the stocking and knotted it.

He rocked back from the trussed falcon and sucked his bleeding knuckles. Syth stretched out her arms and twirled. ‘You caught her,’ she shouted. ‘You caught her.’

He carried the falcon back to the cave like a swaddled babe and laid her in the spare tent. He went through his bag of hawk’s furniture and took out jesses, swivel and leash. He honed his knife on a whetstone. When he’d assembled the equipment, he lifted the falcon out of the tent and placed her upside down on a fleece.

‘You’ll have to hold her,’ he told Syth. ‘Watch her beak.’

Syth gripped the falcon around the shoulders. ‘Are you going to stitch up her eyelids so that she can’t see?’

‘Not unless I have to.’ It would be months before the falcons reached their destination and he was worried that prolonged blindness might harm them. Instead, he’d decided to transport them in wicker cages that could be blacked out with drapes.

He rolled up the stocking from the bottom to expose the falcon’s legs. She shot out a foot and sank two talons into the ball of his thumb. He prised them out, licked the blood from his hand and examined the falcon’s train. The webbing was ruffled and some of the shafts were bent, but he could straighten them by dipping them in hot water. He measured the thickness of the falcon’s legs and cut slits in the jesses so that they would fit snugly. When he’d fitted them, he secured the free ends to a brass swivel and pulled a rawhide leash through the eye. He gloved his left hand and wrapped the leash around it.


Syth loosened the drawstring and rolled the stocking over the falcon’s head. It sprang up flapping and Wayland swung it onto his fist. The falcon sat hissing, her feathers puffed out, then bated. Wayland assisted her back onto his glove and carried her into her tent. He placed her on a stone block and tied the leash to a heavy granite spindle. She jumped off and plunged against her jesses. When she realised that she couldn’t break free, she bounded back onto the block. For the first time Wayland had leisure to appreciate the marvel that was his to make or mar. She weighed twice as much as the largest peregrine he’d handled, and everything about her bespoke power. Face on, she was spotless, the thick down covering her chest and pannel as soft and white as drifted snow. Feathers like flags hung down each side of her pantalooned legs. Her large liquid eyes bored into his own as if to discern his intentions and it seemed to Wayland that fear was already giving way to curiosity. Like a courtier withdrawing from a royal presence, he backed out on his knees and closed the tent flaps.

He crawled off to bed after supper and was asleep the moment he laid his head down. When at last he surfaced, his body felt bruised and boneless. His first returning thought was of the falcon. From her tent came regular flicking sounds. She was preening. A good sign. He tiptoed towards the shelter, speaking softly so that his appearance wouldn’t shock her too much, and cautiously opened the flaps. The falcon leaned back on her tail and hissed, but she didn’t bate.

He closed the tent and went out into the warm day and stood blinking at the fjord. It was as calm as a millpond. Syth was washing clothes in the pool under the waterfall. She’d laid garments to dry over boulders. A fire made from a rare piece of driftwood smouldered close to the pool. In the centre of the ashes lay a clutch of large oval stones, and next to the fire stood a conical structure of woven willow covered with blankets. Wayland was still too dopey to take in these curiosities.

Sunshine lit Syth’s smile. ‘I thought you’d never wake up.’

Wayland knelt by the pool and dashed water into his face. ‘We’d better pack up if we’re to get back to the camp this evening.’

‘It is evening.’

Wayland peered into the long rays of the sun. ‘So it is. Glum should have returned by now.’

Syth dunked a pair of leggings into the pool. ‘He came this morning with Raul. I sent them away again.’ She turned to look at him. ‘You were fast asleep and I didn’t want to return to the camp just yet. Do you mind?’

He shook his head and sat down beside her. He, too, had no desire to return to the Greenlanders’ camp. In the few weeks that they’d spent in the hunting grounds, the Greenlanders had turned their base into a butcher’s shambles. They’d killed three walruses and taken from them only hides and tusks, leaving the carcasses to rot on the beach. Countless seals and foxes had been treated in the same prodigal fashion, and a fifteen-foot whale had been left drifting on the tide after its hunters had stripped its blubber and removed a few massive steaks for their larder. The only quarry they’d harvested whole were auks netted at their breeding ledges and preserved in barrels of fermented whey. The stink of putrefying flesh and the cloying smell from the cauldrons used to render blubber permeated the entire campsite.

Here the air was a tonic. ‘I’m starving.’

Syth’s face lit up. ‘I caught a fish. Just you wait.’

Awareness of his own hunger made Wayland realise that the falcon might be keen. Two pigeons remained. He killed one, opened the falcon’s quarters and sidled in. She shrank back, gaping defiance. Avoiding eye contact, he presented the pigeon. He didn’t expect her to take it. When she didn’t bate, he stole a look at her. She was still leaning back but she was sneaking glances at the pigeon. He began to count to ten. If she didn’t accept the food by then, he’d leave it. On the count of seven she stretched out her head and grasped the pigeon in her beak. He hung onto it. She pulled at it and then, without hesitation, stepped onto his fist. She looked at him with that piercing falcon gaze. He stayed stock still and after a few moments she bent her head and clamped her beak around the pigeon’s neck. He was so amazed that he glanced at her. She raised her head immediately, her eyes boring through his. As soon as he looked away, her attention returned to the food. She balanced on his fist as if it were a familiar perch and began plucking the pigeon.

Incredible. He’d once trained a falcon that had fed on the fist the same day it was captured and flown free after only eleven days, but even that prodigy hadn’t possessed this haggard’s composure. Amazement turned to concern. Perhaps her tameness was caused by starvation — a weakling hawk unable to provide for herself in the wild. She didn’t look like an ailing falcon. Her crisp plumage, her bright and liquid eyes, her saffron yellow feet, the gracious way she ate — all a picture of health. Slowly he raised his hand. She flared up, the feathers on her nape standing out like a ruff. He felt her breast. Solid muscle, the keelbone hardly discernible. She nipped his finger as if to say, ‘You’re disturbing my meal.’

When she’d eaten most of the pigeon, he set her down on her block and left her to finish the carcass at leisure. He walked out shaking his head and grinning. If he hadn’t trapped her in such a wild haunt, he would have sworn that she’d been manned before by a master falconer.

He went up the shore to relieve himself. On his way back he stopped. Syth was haloed by a rainbow near the pool, heaping embers against the rocks in the fire. He joined her.

‘What are you doing?’

‘You’ll see.’

He frowned at the tent of withies. A lot of work had gone into it.

‘It’s a surprise,’ Syth told him. ‘Do you want to eat first?’

‘You decide.’

‘Eat after,’ she said. She touched his face and examined his scar. ‘How does it feel?’

He felt the wound with the back of his hand. ‘Hot and itchy.’

‘Part of it’s swollen. I think the stitches should come out. Lend me your knife.’

She sat him down and snicked each suture in turn. Wayland tried not to flinch as she pulled them out.

She probed the infected part. ‘This might hurt a bit. The flesh is so puffy that I can’t see the stitches properly.’

She nicked his skin as she cut and pus squirted across her hand.

Wayland grimaced. ‘Sorry.’

Syth was concentrating on her task. ‘I had three brothers. The things I had to do for them. Stay still.’ She wielded the knife a few more times and then rocked back. ‘There. Do you want to have a look?’

Wayland examined his forehead in the mirror and made a rueful face. He was scarred for life, but without Syth’s deft needlework the disfigurement would have been far worse.

‘Come with me,’ she said. ‘Come on.’

She led him to the fire and pointed at the rock eggs. ‘You have to carry them into there,’ she said, indicating the wicker tent. ‘Be careful. They’re very hot.’

Being a man, he had to test for himself by placing his fingers on a stone. He snatched them away and blew on them. Syth rolled her eyes.

He wrapped his hands in a fleece and trotted the scorching stones into the shelter. Syth had constructed the frame around two flat boulders and she told him to pile the stones between them. To one side stood a pitcher of water.

When the rocks were in place, she pushed him out and pulled a blanket across the entrance. ‘We mustn’t let them grow cold.’

The dog looked on, cocking its head first to one side, then the other. Wayland returned its puzzled look and shrugged. ‘Search me.’

Syth poked a hand out and dropped a tunic. Wayland darted a glance behind him. Out from the tent came a succession of garments, some of them discarded for the first time in weeks. Wayland ran a knuckle along his lips.

Syth stuck her flushed face out and blinked. ‘Now you.’

‘Now me what?’

Syth darted back inside. ‘Take your clothes off.’

The dog seemed to grin at him. He stripped off his outermost tunic. ‘All of them?’

‘The lot.’

He dragged off his stinking clothes and stood with his hands crossed over his groin.

‘What now?’

‘Are you bare?’

Wayland looked around. ‘Yes.’

‘Then you can come in.’

He parted the drape and shuffled inside. The heat from the stones beat up at him. Syth sat naked on the boulder across the firestones.

‘You sit there,’ she said.

Wayland subsided on to the seat. He’d never seen a naked woman before — not completely naked. Unclothed, Syth’s body was fuller than he’d imagined. Lust jostled with puzzlement. Syth’s face was set in frowning concentration. He placed his hands across his lap.

She picked up the pitcher. ‘I learned it from the women in Iceland,’ she said. ‘I hope it works.’

She poured water over the stones. They spluttered and hissed and Wayland snorted as a cloud of steam scalded his sinuses. Hot mist filled the enclosure. Sweat broke out on his body. Grubby runnels worked their way down his skin.

Her hand reached out of the fog holding a bone scraper. ‘It’s a way of cleaning. You clean me and I’ll clean you. Like this.’

She ran the scraper down his arm and showed him the sludge that had collected on its edge. ‘You’re really dirty.’

He took the scraper from her and slid it across her shoulder. ‘So are you.’

‘I’ll do you first.’

Slowly and thoroughly she removed the ingrained dirt that had accumulated on him during the journey. ‘Stay still,’ she ordered as she worked below his waist. ‘You’ve got a nice body,’ she said. ‘Just right.’

He cleared his throat. ‘So have you. You were such a skinny thing.’

She laughed merrily. ‘Wayland, you certainly know how to make a woman swoon.’

He looked away, tongue-tied. ‘I haven’t … I mean, you’re the first …’

She stopped laughing. ‘I know.’ She sat back. ‘Finished.’ She handed him the scraper and poured more water over the stones. ‘Now me.’

She drifted into a smiling dream as he cleansed her. ‘Turn round,’ he said huskily.

His confidence grew and with it desire. He couldn’t keep it down. She felt it and reached for him. ‘Not yet. I’ve thought about this.’ She gave him an appreciative squeeze and giggled. ‘I know just the thing for that.’

She seized his hand and dragged him out of the tent. She ran laughing towards the pool. Wayland dug his heels in at the edge. She plunged in screaming, throwing up handfuls of icy water. Wayland thrashed in after her. The freezing water burned. He embraced her and they stood pressed together looking up through the falling spray.

‘That’s enough,’ Syth said through chattering teeth. ‘Back to the steam bath.’

The atmosphere inside the tent was soporific. Wayland and Syth studied each other without embarrassment. ‘This might be the last time for ages that we’ll see each other naked,’ Syth said. ‘I want to remember.’

Wayland reached for her. ‘Syth.’

‘Not yet. We have to jump into the water again.’

‘Do we?’


They plunged in and then they dried themselves and clothed themselves in clean garments. Only the sun’s afterglow remained. Watching Syth comb out her hair, Wayland felt bewitched.

Her eyes widened. ‘The fish!’

She’d caught a char weighing about three pounds. Wayland wrapped it in wild sorrel and buried it in the remains of the fire. They ate it sitting side by side, blankets over their shoulders, watching the slow pageant of icebergs. When the fish was gone, Syth produced a bowl containing perhaps twenty bilberries. ‘That’s all I could find. It’s still too early in the season. You have them.’

‘We’ll share them.’

After they’d eaten, a gentle silence held them. Wayland had never felt so peaceful. He began to talk and Syth drew out of him all the poison of the past. She talked, too, telling him how her family had died one by one until only she remained to face the world. They pondered the trials that awaited them and pledged to face them together. Their conversation drifted to lighter topics, but everything they said was heartfelt and could never be unspoken.

Midnight came. Wayland drew Syth down beside him and they lay in each other’s arms, each trying to guess the other’s thoughts. Simultaneously they turned their heads and kissed. During their tender clinch a skein of geese flew overhead with the air singing through their wings, but Wayland never heard them. In her prison the falcon raised each leg in turn and bit at her tethers.

Syth drew away and looked at Wayland with cloudy eyes. ‘What about the dog?’

He motioned with his head and the dog rose and shook itself and went away to the edge of the fjord. It lay down panting, briefly looked back at the camp and then raised its head to watch the returning sun.
