Chapter Six

Morgan gritted his teeth and wondered again why he'd agreed to let Hawkins tag along.

Jules was a pain in the ass, and not in a good way. The bastard tried to take charge of everything, and to a dominant male like Morgan, control meant everything.

“You know, I let you come along. I even let you drive this shitty boat. But I'm not letting you come aboard that cruiser with me. You'll scare my contact before I even get a good look at him.”

I'll scare him?” Jules had the nerve to grin, and a hint of fang peeked out.


Jules chuckled. The cool breeze blowing by did nothing to wipe away his grin, but it made Morgan shiver.

“Believe it or not, I don't work for you.” That wiped away the smirk. “I work for Mrs.

Sharpe. Now, I found your boy Delancey.”

“Great, he's in the Southeast. Maybe you could narrow it down some,” Jules said with sarcasm.

“Maybe I could, if some dumbass squid wasn't breathing down my neck.” Jules gripped the steering wheel of the small boat they occupied.

Probably to keep from wrapping his hands around my neck.

Jules snarled, “When this is over, you and I are due for a long-ass talk.”

“Sorry, handsome, I'm taken.”

Before Jules could choke him, Morgan laughed his way out of the boat and jogged around the curve of land toward the nearly empty pier, where a large yacht named the Emerald floated.

Out here in the middle of nowhere, near some asshole's private island, his contact had told him to come alone.

Morgan stopped at the edge of the yacht. A feeling of wrongness overcame him. But before he could pull back, a familiar face stepped out of the shadows and put a finger to his lips.

He motioned hurriedly for Morgan to join him.

A glance up showed two swarthy men descending the stairwell to the upper level. They hadn't yet seen him, still engrossed in a heated conversation in thick Portuguese, Morgan's native tongue.

“He said Montaña killed Vicki. Why the hell would Tomas lie?” one of them said to the other.

“Shit, Francisco. I didn't want to tell you, but your sister is gone, man. Turned up a floater early this morning. Montaña hurt her bad.”

I'll kill him!” Francisco swore and began ranting threats and curses against his hated boss.

Dissent was good, but Morgan wasn't exactly a welcome visitor. Sticking around to increase unrest wouldn't be wise.

He hurried to join his contact in the darkened interior of the cabin. Leather, teak, some Brazilian redwood inlaid in the glossy floor, glass tiles that probably cost a small fortune. All in all, an expensive boat, and one Tomas—his contact, a clever, talkative man Morgan had convinced to be his eyes and ears—shouldn't have been on. Tomas normally worked as his cousin's lackey.

And speaking of said cousin, Morgan whispered, “Where's Pablo?” Tomas nodded for him to ease back. They entered a smaller room off the main cabin, and Tomas closed them in the bathroom. Handcrafted ceramic tiles lined the full shower and accented the dual sinks, made of gold-veined marble.

“Pablo is in trouble. Montaña and his American friend, Delancey, have been partying on a yacht for a week, and just yesterday, the Florida authorities found three dead women in the waters.”

Morgan stilled. Gotcha, you bastard. “Where are they?”

“I don't know, exactly. Near Miami, I think. Pablo isn't answering my calls. When he found out one of the girls was Francisco's sister, he told. That's Francisco.” Tomas pointed to the door, through which Morgan heard the deep voice of a seriously pissed-off brother.

Banging and clanging sounded, followed by the pounding of running footsteps. What the hell was Francisco doing?

“This boat is Colonel Montaña's. I think he come back for it in a week or two. But I have to find Pablo. Can you help me?”

Morgan nodded. “Yeah. Can you get me on board as a crew member?” Tomas gave an emphatic shake of his head. “No. They kill me if they know I talked to you.


A loud boom that rocked the boat cut Tomas short. Without thinking about it, Morgan dragged Tomas out of the bathroom and hurtled them both out the backdoor of the cabin toward an open veranda.

The world suddenly went black as Morgan slammed through the railing and through the air. Fire, the scent of burning flesh, and pain, the likes of which he'd felt too many times before, filled him from head to toe. And then he heard a familiar voice that eased his worry.

“I knew you'd come.”

He stared at Kisho in wonderment and confusion. “When the hell did you get here?

Where's Tomas?” Morgan looked around but could see nothing but darkness. The light slowly filtered in, and he saw Kisho's bedroom. Two jade foxes sat next to each other on the nightstand, and Morgan sighed.

“Hell, I'm gone, aren't I?”

“Gone?” Kisho frowned. “What do you—”

“Never mind, kitsu. Now why don't you give me what you've been denying me for so very long?”

Darkness pulled him under, and then Morgan broke through to incredible pleasure.

Warmth gloved him as he surged in and out of Kisho, finally joining with the man he'd been destined for.

“That's it, little fox. Give me what I need.”

Pain in Morgan's chest flared and receded, but he couldn't stop fucking his mate. So right, so perfectly right.

He groaned as the slow orgasm overtook him in a tidal wave of pleasure so strong, it literally hurt. Blackness descended once more, but this time, he couldn't breach the fog of heaviness around him.

“Fuck! Morgan, Jesus. Morgan, wake up.”

He blinked up into water droplets. Jules, soaking wet, gazed down at him in horror and pushed down on his chest.

Morgan tried to stop him, to question what the hell Hawkins thought he was doing, but instead he coughed, spewing water. And then he was suddenly unable to breathe.

“Shit. Not now. Morgan, you are such a pain in my ass. Hold on, man. Kisho is gonna—”

* * *

“Hold him down. Don't let him go,” Mrs. Sharpe directed Tersch, Ava, and Fallon as they tried to hold a bucking Kisho to the couch.

Kisho wanted to tell them not to bother, but he couldn't unclench his jaw.

“Olivia, hurry. Draw some of the pain.”

Olivia touched him. He knew because he saw her from above, looking down on everyone in the study. Odd. One minute he'd been seeing into the future—or was that the present? Morgan on a boat, talking to some nervous guy, probably his contact. Then an explosion. Fire, bodies strewn everywhere. And there in the water, floating facedown, lay Morgan.

Jesus, oh no. Please no. Kisho darted back into himself, not sure how he did so. He writhed and jerked, trying to wake up, to tell them what to do and where to look. He could see it so clearly. Could see Ava and the others trying to help him, but at the same time, he could see Jules diving into the water to drag Morgan to safety. Pulling him into a boat, then to the shore where Morgan lay on a sandy bank, his beautiful skin burned. The gaping wound in his chest looked really, really bad. Blood flowed everywhere. Jules was yelling at Morgan.

Morgan didn't answer.

“I'm right here, kitsu. I'm okay.”

But he wasn't, not if Kisho could see his ghostly image in Mrs. Sharpe's study, when by rights, Morgan's body lay several hundred miles away, wounded, on some deserted shore.

“I'm good, lover.”


Morgan laughed, then frowned and clutched his chest. “Jules has no bedside manner. Did you like my roses?”

The change in subject threw him. “What?”

“My roses. I know you like white. And I read your poem when you weren't around. The one about thorns and purity and love.”

“Dick, that was private.” He paused. “Did you like it?”

“I loved it.” Morgan's sweet smile touched him, really touched him, and he felt shy all of the sudden. “I want to talk to you about it, but this really hurts. I need your help.”

“What can I do?”

“I'm not sure.” Morgan frowned. “But, I can feel them so close. I think… Ava and Alicia. I need you to reach out and grab them.” His voice and image faded. “Hurry.” Kisho blinked and gasped as his breath and sight returned. His chest hurt like a bitch. But he did as Morgan had asked. He stopped moving. When Mrs. Sharpe and Ava let go of him, he latched on to their arms. He held tight, past the yells, past Tersch's bellow, and even past the fire of pain blazing through his chest.

Dimly aware when they toppled onto him, he heard Tersch's roar and Olivia's cry for help.

Then Fallon was there, and everything went black.

* * *

Thirty-six hours later

Morgan groaned, aching all over. As he slowly rose to consciousness, he realized that though the healing process had alleviated much of his body aches, his head still throbbed. The nature of his ability, such as it was, pertained to energy, to connections. His strong bond to Kisho, despite the stubborn man's insistent denial, remained true, or Morgan would be dead right now.

He'd pulled at Kisho's energy to heal himself, but it hadn't been enough. His ties to Alicia and Ava had done the trick, apparently. Using his lover as a conduit was a clever guess on his part, if he did say so himself. But he had a feeling Alicia wouldn't be pleased.

He sniffed but didn't scent salt air or Jules nearby. Where the hell was he?

“Oh good, he's waking up.” Ava's relief made him want to smile. Ava—he must have returned to North Carolina.

He scented Kisho close. When he brushed his hand against warm skin, he turned his head and opened his eyes.

Long, dark eyelashes fanned the shadows under Kisho's closed eyes. Asleep but otherwise healthy. Relief made Morgan light-headed for a moment. If anything had happened to Kisho, he didn't know what he'd do.

The scent of Ava's sweet perfume lingered, and she leaned over him to whisper, “I really am glad you're better. You scared the shit out of me.” He blinked up at her. “Sorry.”

“Yeah. But if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I'll geld you myself,” she hissed.

Not a fan of his energy tap. Great. He couldn't wait to see Alicia's reaction.

“Ava?” Tersch's deep voice. “Easy, baby.”

“Stop calling me baby,” she snapped and wobbled on her feet.

In seconds, Tersch scooped her into his strong arms.

Morgan glanced around him as the room came into better focus. Natural shades, minimalist prints on the walls, and small plants dotted every ledge and table. He was in Kisho's room. No wonder he felt so much better. The energy all around him comforted and eased the emptiness he'd waited a lifetime to fill.

An arm brushed his, and he turned back. “Kisho?” he rasped and fell into a coughing fit.

Someone pressed a glass against his lips, and he automatically swallowed the cool water.

“Thanks—” The rest of what he wanted to say stuck in his throat when he glanced up into the fury that darkened brown eyes to black. Oh hell. Mrs. Sharpe was thoroughly pissed.

“Don't you ever do that again!”

Okay, yeah, pulling energy without asking was tantamount to a psychic assault. But he hadn't intentionally yanked so much. He would have taken from Hawkins if the man had lesser shields. Desperate, he'd sought the one source closest to his heart. To his surprise, Morgan's attachment to Kisho apparently transcended space. Because he shouldn't have been able to pull from such a distance, let alone tap into two more powerful psychics. A Hail Mary of a plan that actually worked.

He swallowed. “I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to, but the thought just came to me that you could help.”

Tersch growled, “What the hell is he talking about? He's the one who made you two pass out?”

Mrs. Sharpe poked Morgan hard in the chest.


“Oh, hush! You're already on the mend. By tomorrow, you won't even sport a bruise. I'm annoyed with you for stealing what you should have asked for.”

“I said I'm sorry—”

“But I'm angry because you needlessly walked into a situation you knew to be wrong.

What have I always told you about listening to your instincts? Stupid boy,” she muttered and left, but not before smacking him again.

She blew by Olivia and Fallon, who entered on the heel of her wake.

“Thank God you're conscious.” Fallon sighed. “Olivia's been bugging the hell out of me.

Stubborn woman threatened to move into your room and keep watch. Kisho looks better, too.” Fallon narrowed his stare at Kisho and flushed. What the hell is that about? “Ah, you know, Olivia, I think we need to talk to Mrs. Sharpe. In fact, I know Jules wants to meet with us.

Tersch, you coming?”

“Soon as I tuck the beauty queen into bed.”

Ava squirmed. “Ass. You're just taking advantage because I'm not at my best.” The smile Tersch gave her set the room ablaze. Lust and a healthy dose of affection actually made the big guy look friendly. A first for sure. “Hell yeah, I'm trying to take advantage.

Getting into your pants has become an obsession.”

Ava snorted, and her lips curled. “You're so full of it.”

“I really am.” He whispered something in her ear that had the others laughing and Olivia red-faced.

Ava sputtered. “You…my…oh! Frederik Gunnar Tersch, you take me back to my room and put me down! Right now.”

Tersch sighed and carried her toward the door. “So much for being not at your best. You're still the meanest woman I know.”

Somehow, “meanest” on Tersch's lips sounded like a compliment.

The pair left. Olivia moved forward and put her hand on Morgan's bare shoulder. A glance down his body showed him covered to the waist by a blanket. He had a feeling he wasn't wearing anything, and he had to concentrate on not thinking about Kisho so close to him. Fallon would kill him if he thought Morgan sported an erection for Olivia.

“You look much better.” Olivia smiled.

Morgan smiled back.

Fallon put his arm around his wife and tugged her away from Morgan, hugging her close.

The dark look he shot Morgan was telling.

She continued, “I'm not sure what you did yesterday, but I know it was you. When Kisho stopped seizing, he grabbed on to Mrs. Sharpe and Ava, and I could literally feel you in the room with us. The energy jumping around the room was crazy.” Fallon nodded. “Yeah. I read minds. That's it. But even I could feel so much power ripping from Ava and Mrs. S. into Kisho. That's wild, man. And let me tell you, when you just started regenerating in front of Jules, it freaked him the hell out.” Fallon glanced over his shoulder for his boss. “But don't tell him I said that.”

“Where is he, anyway?” Morgan asked. “I wanted to thank him for pulling my ass out of the water. It happened so fast. I was talking to Tomas, then wham. The boat blew.” Fallon shook his head. “You're really lucky. Last I saw Jules, he was on the phone with Admiral London and Mr. Anderson. Anderson's a friend in DC, one of Mrs. Sharpe's cronies, supposedly.”

Olivia explained, “He means Mrs. Sharpe will neither confirm nor deny the closeness of their association. But she likes Ron.” Olivia paused and frowned at her husband. “Jesse, he told me to call him Ron. I'm not being 'forward.' Jeez.” Silence, then she glared. “Oh, shut up.” She turned back to Morgan. “I'll see you later. I'm suddenly in the mood for a run to get away from all this testosterone.”

She huffed and left.

Fallon shrugged. “She can say what she wants, but that Anderson guys rubs me the wrong way. The last time he visited I got a weird vibe. I don't like the way he looks at her.”

“You don't like the way anyone looks at her,” Morgan reminded him.

Fallon surprised him with a sheepish grin. “True. But hey, my woman, my right. I have to talk to Jules. Look after Kisho, okay? Oh, and just a warning. Tersch has some ugly thoughts you might want to watch out for. He wasn't too happy you juiced Ava to get better, and he's gonna nail your ass soon as you're walking.”

Morgan groaned. “Tell him to get in line behind Mrs. Sharpe.”

“Can do. And you know, since Mrs. Sharpe doesn't have anyone to speak up for her, I think I'll take a whack at you on her behalf. After Tersch, of course.” Fallon grinned. “Get better soon. You're going to need all the help you can get.” He left and closed the door behind him.

Morgan didn't much care about the threat of retribution. He deserved it; no matter that he hadn't intended to hurt anyone in his zealous pursuit of survival.

Kisho moaned and brushed a hand against Morgan's side. Morgan's body hardened in response. Every place the sheets touched set him ablaze. He couldn't wait any longer. Morgan turned on his side to see Kisho. He wore nothing but jeans and lay on top of the bed. Had Kisho put himself there, or had one of the others tossed the sick patients together? Why the blanket between them? Did the others—did Kisho—really think cotton could keep them apart?

Gently easing out from under the blanket, Morgan shifted his legs over the side of the mattress and took his time standing. The burns and breaks in his body had healed. Alicia was right when she said he wouldn't have a bruise or a scar by tomorrow.

Morgan never got sick, never hurt for long, and could heal himself from near-death under the right circumstances. Like having a psychic lover who also happened to be superhuman. The energy Kisho generated was mind-boggling, intense, and more than a little scary.

Morgan walked gingerly to Kisho's bathroom and took care of nature's call. As he showered, he wondered about his fierce attraction to his future mate. There was no denying Kisho's beauty. Smooth, pale skin. Silky dark hair that framed a face made for seduction. Those exotic eyes, so dark, slanted just enough to show Kisho's Asian ancestry. Firm lips, high cheekbones, and that firm, square jaw. Christ, he didn't even need to start thinking about Kisho's incredible body. Those tight abs, that long, thick cock.

Morgan bit back a groan and ignored his raging hard-on. The time for distance had ended.

He wanted Kisho, and his little fox wanted him just as badly. He knew it. Kisho knew it. Time to stop playing games. If anything, Morgan's brush with death had shown him that there might not be a next time. So why wait to share what he felt?

After finishing his shower, he dried off and left his towel behind. The cool air on his body should have cooled his ardor, but if anything, the contrast to his body heat encouraged his arousal. He rejoined Kisho and simply stared.

Big, but not as big as me, Morgan thought with satisfaction. As a Circ, Kisho would top him. But now, here, Morgan ruled. Always a dominant lover, he'd occasionally let himself be taken, if only to prepare himself for his kitsu. He wasn't sure how Kisho would want it, but Morgan promised himself not to disappoint.

Though he'd made love to men and women throughout the years, he preferred men. And he liked them big—not small, effeminate boys, but strong, strapping fighters.

“You are so my type,” he whispered and stroked a finger over Kisho's cheek.

Kisho didn't stir, but Morgan tired of waiting. He dug into the nightstand beside the bed and took out a tube of lube and a few condoms, items he'd found when he'd snooped a few days ago. Fuck, but he wanted to lube himself up and shove hard and fast into Kisho's tight ass. But he wouldn't take, not now. This first time would be all about giving. He knew what the Circs needed from their mates.

Morgan grinned, trying to imagine how Kisho would take the news that they had more in common than anyone knew. Kisho moaned in his sleep and slid his hand down to his crotch.

Amusement faded as passion took over. Hell, he's sporting a big one. My pretty little fox isn't so little. He'd better be dreaming of me.

Needing his lover naked, Morgan unbuttoned Kisho's jeans and slowly eased down the zipper, made tight because of his fat cock. He watched Kisho's face, waiting for him to awaken, but the sexy male didn't stir.

Morgan removed the pants and tossed them aside. So perfect, and all mine.

He lay on the bed on his side next to the handsome Circ. Then he ran a callous hand over Kisho's jaw, his throat, down to his nipples that stiffened with arousal. Morgan's mouth watered, and he leaned closer to take one nub in his mouth.

Kisho groaned, deep in his throat, and slowly blinked his eyes open.

“Morgan?” he whispered. “Am I still dreaming?”

Morgan grinned, latched on to a nipple, and sucked hard. Good. He was dreaming of me. A glance down Kisho's body showed a thick drop of cum pearling at the tip of his cockhead. So damned pretty.

Kisho shifted and placed a hand on Morgan's cheek. “Fuck. Oh man, Morgan. Touch me.” Morgan stroked his abdomen while he worked Kisho's nipples. The plane of his lover's chest and belly rippled with muscle. So strong, so firm. Morgan teased with his nails, scratching down Kisho's belly toward his cock, but never stopping to touch the enticing flesh.

His lover squirmed and pleaded in breathy moans, but he didn't deny their play. Morgan shifted closer and let go of Kisho's nipple. He stared down at slumberous brown eyes regarding him with sheer need.

Not sure who moved first, Morgan met Kisho's mouth and kissed with all the passion he had inside him. A dueling battle commenced, tongues and lips taunting for dominance while Morgan rubbed his chest against Kisho's. He remained half on, half off his lover, trying to remain in control. Morgan knew that once his cock touched any part of Kisho, he'd have a hard time stopping himself from mounting and fucking him.

A deep rumble vibrated in Kisho's chest. Not a purr, a challenging growl.

“Want to play?” Morgan murmured against the corner of Kisho's mouth.

“Yeah,” Kisho breathed back and tried to muscle Morgan under him.

But Morgan wouldn't give him the upper hand. He shoved Kisho down and called on his own strength to pin Kisho's hands on either side of him. But the movement had unintended consequences. In doing so, Morgan blanketed Kisho's body, and the moment his cock rubbed against Kisho's, he lost it.

“Fuck, oh fuck.” He kissed Kisho with a desperation Kisho returned. They rubbed against each other, humping as each strained to release. Morgan pressed harder, forcing Kisho to spread his legs as he tried to angle for penetration. It barely dawned on him to lube up, that dry, he might hurt his lover. And then reason returned when Kisho whispered his name, a plea to end their torment.

The sudden slack under him broke through the hunger.

Kisho closed his eyes and turned his head, baring his throat. Another conscious gesture of submission.

“You're mine. Say it.” Morgan hurried to grab the lube, but as he straddled Kisho, the Circ surprised him by taking charge.

“Yours, hmm?” Kisho gripped Morgan's waist and pulled him closer. “Give me a taste to remind me.” He stared at Morgan's cock and licked his lips.

The bunch of muscle in his biceps enthralled Morgan. The lust in his eyes, in his voice, and scent, captivated him. “Yeah, a taste. But don't make me come. I want to do that inside you.” Kisho grunted and glanced to the table, then frowned. “No condoms.”

“You sure?” Morgan asked, trying to unscrew the tube of lube in his hands. But he couldn't stop shaking. He'd wanted this for so long. To finally have his fox, to join in perfect union with another.

“I said no condom. I want that seed inside me.” Kisho bared his fangs.

“God, I love it when you turn wild. I'm so close to coming,” Morgan groaned. “No condoms. Fuck, kitsu. I'm not going to last.”

And then Kisho yanked him the rest of the way closer, until Morgan's cock touched his lips. He swallowed Morgan's dick whole and sucked harder and harder, swirling his tongue around Morgan's shaft for that special surprise at the end.

Morgan thrust in and out, not able to let Kisho do all the work. He fucked his lover's mouth, watching himself disappear inside his lover. His mate.

“My kitsu, I've been waiting so long for this.” Morgan would be damned if he'd cry. He was no pussy, but he'd never seen anything more beautiful—more right—then Kisho accepting all of him. His climax pressed close, but he held on. “Let go. Let me come inside you.” Kisho sucked harder and cupped his balls.

Morgan gasped as Kisho licked his slit. He grabbed a fistful of Kisho's hair and pulled until Kisho let him go. But the extreme suction made him tremble with the need to come.

“Lubed you up some,” Kisho said and licked at his elongated fangs. “Now fuck me.” Morgan quickly slid a mass of lube over himself, needing to be slick, fast. He wouldn't chance hurting Kisho for the world. “You giving me orders? I don't think so. I'm in charge now.

You and your beast belong to me.” Morgan instinctively tamped down on Kisho's energy, cutting off Kisho's ability to change. The beast remained, but dormant.

Kisho's cock grew harder, and he bucked under Morgan. “Oh, fuck. That's hot. Get in me, now. Oh yeah. Gonna come all over you,” he rasped.

Morgan nudged Kisho's legs wider so he could position himself for penetration. Once seated at the entrance he sought, he grabbed Kisho's wrists and held him down.

Then he pushed slowly into that tight hole until he breached the snug passage.

Kisho moaned and stared into Morgan's eyes.

They didn't look away from each other as Morgan seated himself all the way inside his lover. “Kitsu, my little fox. Finally mine. All mine.” Kisho lifted his chin and gasped as Morgan began thrusting, long, deep pushes that touched the very deepest part of his Circ.

“Oh fuck. Yes, yes,” Kisho moaned and shuddered under him. A splash of wetness hit his belly, but Morgan didn't stop.

“That's it, kitsu. Mark me. Let everyone know I belong to you.” Kisho's beast let out a pleased growl. “Yeah, mine.” He continued to spend, his seed coating both their bodies.

As much as Morgan wanted to prolong this ecstasy, he couldn't hold on. He quickened his pace, ramming into his mate. The furious climax overtook him, showering sparks of pleasure all over his body, mind, and soul.

“Yes, baby, oh yeah. Take all of it,” he moaned as he climaxed, releasing inside Kisho.

Kisho's eyes blazed, full of life, full of pleasure. The remaining barriers holding them apart crashed around them, and a new, powerful sense of togetherness brought Morgan to such rapture, he had to blink away tears of profound relief.

When he regained his senses, Morgan lay on his back. He must have passed out, because Kisho lay next to him and washed him off with a damp, soapy cloth. His lover smelled like lemon soap, clean, tasty. And hard again, Morgan noted with sleepy satisfaction.

“You share my energy,” Kisho said.

“Your body, your cum. All of you. Fuck me, you are amazing. Your ass is perfect, the way I knew it'd be.”

Kisho's shy smile entranced him. “You're not so bad yourself.”

“Kitsu, I—”

Kisho blinked, and a guarded expression stopped Morgan from confessing his love. You're pushing too soon. Stop it. Ease him into it, or you'll lose him.

“Why do you call me that?”

“I want to answer you. I really do.” Morgan sucked in a breath when the cleansing rub over his cock turned into a sensual massage. “But, I…” He panted as Kisho teased him.

“You're really big. I mean, you're tall and built. But your dick is huge. Stretched me out real good, Morgan.” Kisho's soft voice mesmerized. “You like my mouth?”

“Oh yeah.” Morgan couldn't believe he was hard again. “You're incredible, you know that?”

Kisho ran his tongue over his lips. “What about my ass? You like my ass?”

“Shit yeah. Kitsu, please. I want you with me this time. Together. But if you keep doing that— fuck.” Morgan arched up when Kisho tugged hard on his balls.

The bite of pain shocked the hell out of him because it felt so damned good.

“I want to see you in clamps,” Kisho whispered and kissed his chest. He continued to fondle Morgan, no longer cupping his sac but now stroking his shaft. “Such pretty nipples, Morgan. Ever had them pinched? Bit? Ever had someone bite you while you come?” Morgan shook his head, unable to speak as Kisho yanked his dick up and down, harder and harder. His precum made a decent lube, but the jerky motions of Kisho's large fist started to hurt, and once again his desire increased.

“What are you doing to me?” he breathed.

“I want answers. But I find I don't want them as much as I want to see you hurting while you come. It's the most amazing thing.”

“Shit. You're a pain junkie? My gentle kitsu?” Morgan gasped as Kisho licked his nipple, then pierced it with his fang. Kisho's hand tightened around his cock at the same time, and the added pressure seized him with white, scorching pleasure. “Kitsu, yes, yes.” A stream of cum jetted into the air. Morgan moaned and spewed, then came harder when Kisho swallowed the remainder of his orgasm.

Grinding into his lover's face, Morgan shook until he was bone-dry. But he didn't have time to relax because Kisho rose above him and shoved his hot, pulsing cock between Morgan's lips.

“I'm in charge now, aren't I, mate?” Kisho's beast stared out at him through slit pupils. A partial change, and one that made Morgan hungry to taste the beast.

He answered by taking Kisho to the back of his throat. Squeezing Kisho's balls, the way Kisho had just done to him, Morgan gave his mate back the painful pleasure he seemed to need.

Kisho fucked his mouth with short, sharp bursts, his uneven, raspy breaths growing shorter as he neared his own climax.

“Yes, swallow me, mate. Take my cum. Eat me.” He moaned and slammed once more into Morgan's mouth before climaxing.

Morgan swallowed a mouthful and more of Kisho, not wanting their bliss to end. Each pulse, each taste of his mate, sated another hunger, one he hadn't realized he'd had. On some level, Morgan was changing. He knew it, could feel it, and didn't care. Nothing mattered but his fox. And now that the hunt was over, he intended to indulge for as long as he could.

Kisho pulled out and slithered back down Morgan's body, lying on top. “I'm going to fuck you, too. Until there's not one part of your body that doesn't belong to me,” he growled, sounding and looking more inhuman with each passing second.

“Let me see all of you.”

Kisho stared at him with eyes that glowed. The pupils subtly elongated, now slit like those of a cat, a giant predator too sated to kill, but one who no doubt intended to play with his prey.

“You sure?”

“Trust me. I want to see what's mine.” Morgan threw a hint of mean into his voice, needing Kisho's beast to recognize that just because Kisho was bigger, he wasn't necessarily badder.

Kisho moved off Morgan and lay down next to him. Morgan turned on his side to watch, intrigued and excited as the beast rose to take command.

Using the energy swirling between the two of them, and feeling high on the sweet scent of orange and cinnamon that filled the room, Morgan unconsciously pulled a tendril of energy from Kisho and wrapped it around himself, more than content with the feeling of belonging.

Kisho trembled. “I don't know what you did, but my beast loved it. Do it again.” As Kisho's skin darkened, his body elongated, and his muscle mass grew. Morgan stole another band of energy and hugged it tight.

A loud purr vibrated next to him, and Morgan stared into the face of the inhuman creature he'd fallen in love with.

“Fuck, you're so hot when you're raw. I love your beast, kitsu.” I love you. Morgan kissed Kisho's larger mouth and licked at his fangs. Then he leaned closer and shoved his throat at Kisho's mouth. “Come on. Taste. You know you want to.” The purring grew louder. Kisho opened his mouth and nuzzled Morgan's throat. The danger of having the beast so close, so near to doing him harm if he barely tried, turned Morgan on yet again.

“Hmm, tasty,” Kisho rasped. He nipped at Morgan's throat, but Morgan barely felt the sting, his attention once again drawn to his unbelievable recuperative powers.

“I'm hard again,” he said in amazement. Even for him, this was unusual.

“Like a Circ.” Kisho sucked at his throat and lapped the small wound closed with his tongue. “God, you taste so good. You're mine now. And that should be bad. But I can't think of why at the moment.”

Kisho suddenly sat up and pulled Morgan with him, caging him in his hold from front to back. He forced Morgan's legs wide and lifted him higher, positioning Morgan's ass against the tip of something hard. A large erection prodded Morgan's puckered hole. “You like pain. I can smell it. And I can see it.” Kisho kissed his neck and leaned over his shoulder, fixating on his cock. “How fast do you heal?” Kisho shifted his hips, and Morgan felt something hot and wide tease his anus.

“Hell. I knew this was coming.”

“Oh yeah. Coming. I like the sound of that. Open up, lover. Because it's time my beast had some fun too.”

Morgan wanted to protest, but he instinctively knew Kisho, though seemingly too large to accommodate, would fit. He had to accept all of his mate. And he would.

What he hadn't counted on was how he'd make it happen.
