
I gratefully acknowledge love and support of my family, without whom this book would not be possible. I am forever grateful to Jennifer Jackson, my tireless agent, who provided feedback throughout, and worked diligently on finding this book a home. I thank Paula Guran, my editor, for all her hard work in making this a much more coherent book; and of course I am thankful to Sean Wallace, who continues to believe in my work. Many thanks go to Marcin Jakubowski for his art, and to Stephen Segal for his always expert design ideas.

I am grateful to my first readers — Amy Lau, Beth Bernobich, John Glover, Justin Howe, Leah Bobet, Michael Curry — for their thoughtful feedback, and for helping make it a better book. I am especially grateful to Genevieve Valentine who was there to offer her friendship, advice and encouragement from the very beginning of this project.
