He opened his eyes and found the guard looking down at him.

“Sir, you a patient here?”

He sat up too fast and found that while the efforts of escaping the fire had left him sore and bruised, sleeping these past five hours in the orange fiberglass chairs of the ER’s waiting room was what had really done him in. The crook in his neck was pure pain.

“I fell asleep.”

“You can’t sleep here.”

“I was a patient. They treated me last night. I fell asleep.”

“Yessir. You been treated, you can’t stay.”

His jeans were pocked with burn holes and he supposed he was filthy. The guard must’ve mistaken him for a bum.

“Okay,” he said. “Just give me a minute.”

Pellam moved his head in slow circles. Something deep in his neck popped. An ache like brain freeze from a frozen drink spread through his head. He winced, then looked around. He could understand why the hospital guard had rousted him. The room was completely filled with people awaiting treatment. Words rose and fell like surf, Spanish, English, Arabic. Everyone was frightened or resigned or irritated and to Pellam’s mind the resigned ones were the most unsettling. The man next to him sat forward, forearms resting on his knees. In his right hand dangled a single child’s shoe.

The guard had delivered his message and then lost interest in enforcing his edict. He wandered off toward two teenagers who were smoking a joint in the corner.

Pellam rose, stretched. He dug through his pockets and found the slip of paper he’d been given last night. He squinted and read what was written on it.

Pellam picked up the heavy video camera and started down a long corridor, following the signs toward the B wing.

The thin green line hardly moved at all.

A portly Indian doctor stood beside the bed, staring up, as if trying to decide if the Hewlett-Packard monitor was broken. He glanced down at the figure in the bed, covered with sheets and blankets, and hung the metal chart on a hook.

John Pellam stood in the doorway. His bleary eyes slid from the grim dawn landscape outside Manhattan Hospital back to the unmoving form of Ettie Washington.

“She’s in a coma?” he asked.

“No,” the doctor responded. “She’s asleep. Sedated.”

“Will she be all right?”

“She’s got a broken arm, sprained ankle. No internal injuries we could find. We’re going to run some scans. Brain scans. She hit on her head when she fell. You know, only family members can be in ICU.”

“Oh,” an exhausted Pellam responded. “I’m her son.”

The doctor’s eyes remained still for a moment. Then flicked toward Ettie Washington, whose skin was as dark as a mahogany banister.

“You… son?” The blank eyes stared up at him.

You’d think a doctor working on the rough-and-tumble West Side of Manhattan would’ve had a better sense of humor. “Tell you what,” Pellam said. “Let me sit with her for a few minutes. I won’t steal any bedpans. You can count ’ em before I leave.”

Still no smile. But the man said, “Five minutes.”

Pellam sat down heavily and rested his chin in his hands, sending jolts of pain through his neck. He sat up and held it cocked to the side.

Two hours later a nurse pushed briskly into the room and woke him up. When she glanced at Pellam it was more to survey his bandages and torn jeans than to question his presence.

“Who’all’s the patient here?” she asked in a throaty Dallas drawl. “An’ who’s visitin’?”

Pellam massaged his neck then nodded at the bed. “We take turns. How is she?”

“Oh, she’s one tough lady.”

“How come she isn’t awake?”

“Doped her up good.”

“The doctor was talking about some scans?”

“They always do that. Keep their butts covered. I think she’ll be okay. I was talking to her before.”

“You were? What’d she say?”

“I think it was, ‘Somebody burned down my apartment. What kinda blankety-blank’d do that?’ Only she didn’t say blankety-blank.”

“That’s Ettie.”

“Same fire?” the nurse asked, glancing at his burnt jeans and shirt.

Pellam nodded. He explained about Ettie’s jumping out the window. It wasn’t cobblestones she landed on, however, but two days’ worth of packed garbage bags, which broke her fall. Pellam had carried her to the EMS crews and then returned to the building to help get other tenants out. Finally, the smoke had gotten to him too and he’d passed out. He’d awakened in the same hospital.

“You know,” the nurse said, “you’re all… um, sooty. You look like one of those commandoes in a Schwarzenegger movie.”

Pellam wiped at his face and examined five dirty fingertips.

“Here.” The nurse disappeared into the hall and returned a moment later with a wet cloth. She paused – debating, he guessed, whether or not to clean him herself – and chose to hand off to the patient. Pellam took the cloth and wiped away until the washcloth was black.

“You, uh, want some coffee?” she asked.

Pellam’s stomach churned. He guessed he’d swallowed a pound of ash. “No, thanks. How’s my face?”

“Now you just look dirty. That is to say, it’s an improvement. Got pans to change. Bah now.” She vanished.

Pellam stretched his long legs out in front of him and examined the holes in his Levi’s. A total waste. He then spent a few minutes examining the Betacam, which some kind soul had given to the paramedics and had been admitted with him to the emergency room. He gave it his standard diagnostic check – he shook it. Nothing rattled. The Ampex recording deck was dented but it rolled fine and the tape inside – the one that contained what was apparently the last interview that would ever be conducted in 458 West Thirty-sixth Street – was unhurt.

“Now, John, what’re we gonna talk about today? You want to hear more about Billy Doyle? My first husband. That old son of a bitch. See, that man was what Hell’s Kitchen was all about. He was big here, but little everywhere else. He was nothing anywhere else. It was like this place, it’s its own world. Hmm, I got a good story to tell you ’bout him. I think you might like this story…”

He couldn’t remember much else of what Ettie had told him at their last interview couple of days ago. He’d set the camera up in her small apartment, filled with the mementos of a seven-decade life, hundred pictures, baskets, knickknacks, furniture bought at Goodwill, food protected from roaches in Tupperware she could barely afford. He’d set the camera up, turned it on and just let her talk.

“See, people live in Hell’s Kitchen get these ideas. They get schemes, you know. Billy, he wanted land. He had his eye on a couple of lots over near where the Javits Center is today. I tell you, he’da brought that off he’da been one rich mick. I can say ‘mick’ ’cause he said that ’bout himself.”

Then, motion from the bed interrupted these thoughts.

The elderly woman, eyes still closed, picked at the hem of the blanket, two dark thumbs, two fingers lifting invisible pearls.

This concerned Pellam. He remembered, month ago, the last living gestures of Otis Balm as the 102-year-old man had glanced toward the lilac bush outside the window of his West Side nursing home and began picking at his sheet. The old man had been a resident of Ettie’s building for years and, though hospitalized, had been pleased to talk about his life in the Kitchen. Suddenly the man had fallen silent and started picking at his blanket – as Ettie was doing now. Then he stopped moving. Pellam called for help. The doctor confirmed the death. They always did that, he explained. At the end they pick at the bedclothes.

Pellam leaned closer to Ettie Washington. A sudden moaning filled the air. It became a voice. “Who’s that?” The woman’s hands grew still and she opened her eyes, but still apparently couldn’t see too well. “Who’s there? Where am I?”

“Ettie.” Pellam spoke casually. “It’s John. Pellam.”

Squinting, Ettie stared at him. “I can’t see too good. Where am I?”


She coughed for a minute and asked for a glass of water. “I’m so glad you came. You got out okay?”

“I did, yep,” he told her. Pellam poured a glass for her; Ettie emptied it without pausing.

“I kind of remember jumping. Oh, I was scared. The doctor said I was in surprisingly good shape. He said that. ‘Surprisingly good.’ Didn’t understand him at first.” She grumbled, “He’s Indian. Like, you know, an overseas Indian. Curry an’ elephants. Haven’t seen a single American doctor here.”

“Does it hurt much?”

“I’ll say.” She examined her arm closely. “Don’t I look the mess?” Ettie’s tongue clicked, looking over the imposing bandages.

“Naw, you’re a cover girl, all things considered.”

“You’re a mess too, John. I’m so glad you got out. My last thought as I was falling toward the alley was: ‘no, John’s going to die too!’ What a thought that was.”

“I took the easy way down. The stairs.”

“What the hell happened?” she muttered.

“I don’t know. One minute nothing, the next the whole place was gone. Like a matchbox.”

“I was shopping. I was on my way to my apartment-”

“I heard you. You must have gotten back just before I got there. I didn’t see you on the street.”

She continued, “I never saw fire move like that. Was like Aurora’s. That club I told you ’bout? On Forty-ninth Street. Where I sang a time or two. Burned down in forty-seven. March thirteenth. Buncha people died. You remember me telling you that story?”

Pellam didn’t remember. He supposed the account could be found somewhere in the hours and hours of tapes of Ettie Washington back in his apartment.

She blew her nose and coughed for a moment. “That smoke. That’s the worst. Did everybody get out?”

“Nobody was killed,” Pellam answered. “Juan Torres’s in critical condition. He’s upstairs in the kids’ ICU.”

Ettie’s face went still. Pellam had seen this expression on her face only once before – when she’d talked about her youngest son, who’d been killed in Times Square years before. “Juan?” she whispered. She didn’t speak for a moment. “I thought he was at his grandma’s for a few days. In the Bronx. He was home?”

She looked heartsick and Pellam was at a loss to comfort her. Ettie’s eyes returned to the blanket she’d been picking at. An ashen tone flooded her face. “How ’bout I sign that cast?” Pellam asked.

“Why, of course.”

Pellam took out a marking pen. “Anywhere? How ’bout here?” He signed with a round scrawl.

In the busy hall outside a placid electronic bell rang four times.

“I was thinking,” Pellam said, “you want me to call your daughter?”

“No,” the old woman responded. “I talked to her already. Called her this morning when I was awake. She was worried sick but I said I’m not in the great by-and-by yet. She oughta wait ’bout coming and let’s see what happens with those tests. If they’re gonna cut I’d rather her come then. Maybe hook her up with one of those handsome doctors. Like on ER. ’Lisbeth’d like a rich doctor. She has that side to her. Like I was telling you.”

A knock sounded on the half-open door. Four men in business suits walked into the room. They were large, somber men and their presence suddenly made the hospital room, even with the other three empty beds, seem very small.

Pellam glanced at them, knew they were cops. So, arson was suspected. That would explain the speed of the fire.

Ettie nodded uneasily at the men.

“Mrs. Washington?” the oldest of the men asked. He was in his mid-forties. Thin shoulders and a belly that could use a little shrinking. He wore jeans and wind-breaker and Pellam noticed a very large revolver on his hip.

“I’m Fire Marshal Lomax. This is my assistant-” He nodded at a huge young man, bodybuilder. “And these are detectives with the New York City Police Department.”

One of the cops turned to Pellam and asked him to leave.

“No, no,” Ettie protested, “he’s my friend. It’s okay.”

The officer looked at Pellam, the glance repeating the request.

“It’s okay,” Pellam said to Ettie. “They’ll want to talk to me too. I’ll come back when they’re through.”

“You’re a friend’a hers?” Lomax asked. “Yeah, we’ll want to talk to you. But you aren’t coming back in here. Give your name and address to the officer there and take off.”

“I’m sorry?” Pellam smiled, confused.

“Name and address to him,” Lomax nodded to the assistant. Then he snapped, “Then get the hell out.”

“I don’t think so.”

The marshal put his large hands on his large hips.

We can play it this way, we can play it that way. Pellam crossed his arms, spread his feet slightly. “I’m not leaving her.”

“John, no, it’s okay.”

Lomax: “This room’s sealed off from visitors. Uh, uh, uh, don’t ask why. It’s none of your business.”

“I don’t believe my business is any of yours,” Pellam replied. The line came from an unproduced movie he’d written years ago. He’d been dying for a chance to use it.

“Fuck it,” said one of the detectives. “We don’t have time for this. Get him out.”

The assistant curled his vice-grip hands around Pellam’s arm and walked him toward the door. The gesture shot a jolt of icy pain through his stiff neck. Pellam pulled away abruptly and when he did this the cop decided that Pellam might like to rest up against the wall for a few minutes. He pinned him there until his arms went numb from the lack of circulation, his boots almost off the floor.

Pellam shouted at Lomax, “Get this guy off me. What the hell is going on?”

But the fire marshal was busy.

He was concentrating hard on the little white card in his hand as he recited the Miranda warning to Ettie, then arrested her for reckless endangerment, assault and arson.

“Yo, don’t forget attempted murder,” one of the detectives called.

“Oh, yeah,” Lomax muttered. He glanced at Ettie and added with a shrug, “Well, you heard him.”
