
Our missiles have lost velocity. No damage has been caused to their hull.

Their shields were fully charged; they were ready for us.

Of course they were. This is a game to them.

Again, missiles fly!

And so we fight.

We, this computer brain and I, have been preparing for this battle for so many years. And yet now it’s happening, I feel totally un prepared. Panic consumes me. Each small setback disheartens me. I am convinced in my soul that we will lose, and all will be for naught.

Explorer, fortunately, is not so temperamental; she fights with a savagery and a guile that awes me.

And so, once again, our missiles fire and rift through space and then strike the forceshields of the Death Ship; and instantly lose momentum and drift aimlessly. But this time, before they can be destroyed, we trigger the detonators and all the missiles erupt as one, creating a halo of energy the size of a star around the black-sailed ship. Nothing can survive this.

But a moment later we realise the black-sailed ship is behind us. It has rifted to safety. And our forceshields are overheating, as it bathes us in sheets of energy and then

We, too, rift to safety.
