Chapter 4

That night was a nightmare to Paul. No matter how hard he tried, be was unable to concentrate on his calculations. By late afternoon he was almost out of his mind with guilt, confusion, and lust. He desperately wanted to forget all about Lisa-but even more he wanted to possess her.

At sundown Paul went out and ranged the lonely Los Angeles street, finally settling in a dark bar in Santa Monica, where he drank a number of straight scotches. But he still felt dead sober when he finally drove home and fell into bed.

Sleep was a long time coming, and it arrived in fits and starts, the early dreams filled with visions of lovely blond little girls. Paul awakened once with a bulging erection, but when he wrapped his hand around it, it collapsed into a cold limp broken thing. Finally, long after midnight, he drifted into a restless but continuous slumber.

He thought he was still dreaming when he awoke and found Lisa standing beside his bed, especially since she was wearing her nightgown.

"Oh, go away!" he moaned. "Leave me alone!"

He closed his eyes and then reopened them, but the vision of the lovely child refused to vanish from his bedside. A look of genuine concern clouded the child's lovely face, and she tenderly reached out a soft white little hand and stroked his sweat-streaked brow.

"Are you sick, Paul?" she asked. "What's the matter?"

Paul blinked his gritty eyes several times and sat up in bed, staring at the little girl.

"Lisa! Lisa, what are you doing here?"

He longed to take the child in his arms and press her small perfect body to his. She was wearing a different nightgown-a filmy white nylon gown that barely covered her little ass, which was encased in tight bikini panties. The gown was transparent and her girlishly immature breasts with their large nipples could clearly ‘be seen. She had a terrycloth bathrobe thrown over her shoulders for the walk across the courtyard, but it concealed nothing.

"I came to see you!" Lisa said. She sat down on the edge of the bed. "I was afraid when you ran away like that yesterday! I was afraid you didn't like me anymore! Did I do something wrong?"

"Lisa…" Paul began, but he couldn't find the words to tell this lovely child what was in his heart. "You didn't do anything wrong, Lisa! Nothing! If anybody did anything bad, it was me!"

Lisa frowned. "I don't understand! You didn't do anything I didn't want you to do!"

Lisa shivered and reached for the top of the blanket. "I'm cold! Let me get in bed with you!" The little girl grabbed the bedding arid threw it back, revealing Paul's naked body.

In spite of his confusion, Paul's body was reacting predictably to Lisa's nearness-he was starting to get an erection. Lisa stared fascinated for a moment, and then jumped in beside him, after dropping the bathrobe, and pulled up the covers.

"Don't you want to kiss me?" Lisa asked, putting her arms around Paul's neck.

Paul wanted to protest-he really did! He knew what his involvement with Lisa could lead to-prison, disgrace, the destruction of his whole life and career. He knew some people would say that he was surely destroying the little girl's life as well… or worse. But when Paul Evans felt that slim warm young body slide in next to his, his resolution melted, and he took her in his arms and searched for her little mouth with his lips.

She responded eagerly to his kiss, and soon lie felt her tongue burning in his mouth, caressing, licking. He seized the little tongue with his lips and caressed it with his own, until the young girl was squirming with passion.

Obviously her father's phone call interrupting their sex play the day before had had less effect on Lisa than on Paul. She clearly wanted to start right up where they left off! Taking his hand in hers, she pressed it to her breast.

"Please touch me, Paul!" she whined. "My nipples felt so good when you played with them yesterday! You made them get all hard! Remember?"

Paul felt like he was losing all control of his movements. His hand started to caress Lisa's breast, until he felt her nipple pucker under his fingers.

"Yes! Like that! Lisa moaned. "Pinch my nipples between your fingers, Paul!"

Embracing her slender body with one arm, Paul fondled the child's nipples with the other hand. Lisa kept squirming around in the bed, rubbing her legs against Paul's groin.

With a tremendous effort, Paul pulled himself away from the little girl. He disentangled his arms and then pushed her away, moving to the other side of the bed and sitting up, pulling the sheet quickly around his swollen cock.

"Please, Lisa!" he moaned.

Then, to his utter consternation, the little girl broke into tears. She looked at him with horror-filled eyes brimming with tears, and then buried her head in her arms and sobbed.

"Lisa!" Paul said. "Lisa, what's the matter?" Paul had pulled the covers off Lisa in his haste to cover himself, and now her body lay before him, shaking with sobs. Her sheer shorty gown was pulled up above her waist, and her lovely little ass-cheeks quivered under her thin panties.

Her round little shoulders heaved with her sobs, and she looked completely helpless, and totally desirable Paul felt himself moved in many directions at once. Loving feelings of warmth and tenderness went out to the little girl, but at the same time, his cock didn't get any softer.

Tentatively, Paul put a hand on Lisa's shoulder. "What's the matter, honey? Please tell me!"

"You don't like me anymore!" the child-like girl sobbed. She lifted head, fixed him with accusing red-rimmed eyes, and addressed him directly. "You pretended like you liked me a lot! But then you ran away, and now you don't want me anymore!"

She started sobbing again, and the tears flowed down her face as she cried out her words to him. "I let you kiss me and touch my body and everything, and now you don't want me! Well, it's not my fault if I don't have big tits and a lot of black hair on my pussy! I can't help it! You don't have to be mean to me!"

Paul closed his eyes for a moment as his brain reeled. Lisa thought he was rejecting her because she wasn't mature enough! He was exerting every ounce of willpower at his command to keep his hands off her body, and her heart was breaking because she thought he didn't want her!

It was too much for Paul. He stretched out full length next to her, and started petting her with his hands.

"Don't cry, baby!" he whispered. "I really do like you! I really do!"

He put his arm around her and pulled her to him. At first she resisted.

"Leave me alone!" she cried.

But Paul continued to caress her with his strong hands, all the time whispering in her ear.

"I wasn't playing a game with you, Lisa!" he pleaded. "And I really am attracted to you! I don't want you any older! When you're a full-grown woman, I'm sure you'll be beautiful, and I'll be just attracted to you as I am now! But right now, just as you are, you arouse me more than any female I've ever known!"

Softened by his assurances, Lisa slowly relaxed and allowed Paul to cuddle her into his arms. He embraced her tightly, and used one hand to caress her round thighs.

"You really do like me?" she whined.

"I really do, baby!"

Paul put his hand on her breast and started caressing her immature young tits again. They were eager for his caressed. The nipples stood right up again, and Lisa sighed as her sorrow was slowly replaced by sexual arousal.

As for himself, Paul knew he was beyond the point of no return. When he had relented and taken the sullen girl back in his arms, he knew he was surrendering his freedom of choice to a need much more powerful than his puny willpower.

Lisa's soft warm body provoked a reaction in Paul that was too strong to resist, and all of his resolution from the previous night evaporated in his lust. But what about the danger, the terrible risk involved?

"Don't you really think my breasts are too small?" Lisa asked.

"I think-they're just perfect!" Paul assured her. "I love them just the way they are!"

Paul pulled her sheer gown up almost to her shoulders. Her mature nipples were completely at attention, puckered with passion, and twitching as Paul teased them with his fingertips,

"I love your little breasts!" Paul said. The sight of those childish little tits topped by the adult, lustful nipples aroused a powerful response in Paul. "I want to kiss them… they're so lovely! I want to make love to them with my mouth!"

"Well, go ahead!" Lisa giggled.

Paul pressed his lips to the warm flesh between her two budding breasts. He kissed and licked the skin between her tits until she was squirming with nervous sexual excitement. Using both hands, he tenderly squeezed the erect nipples while kissing in between.

"You're teasin' me!" Lisa giggled. "Hurry up and kiss my nipples, Paul!"

He was teasing himself, too, he knew. Finally neither of them could resist any longer, and he reached for her tit with his mouth closed over her swollen nipple, felt her little writhe with joy, and they both sighed with passion as he started sucking her breasts.

Lisa was already learning how to enjoy sex. She lay back and closed her eyes, concentrating on the wonderful sensations.

"You really make my tits feel good, Paul!" she whispered. "I guess you must like them a little bit!"

"I love them!" Paul was relaxing and getting into the passion of the little girl's awakening sexuality. He licked her breasts, and then opened up his mouth and sucked her right breast completely inside, stroking the throbbing nipple with his tongue.

"Ooohhh! That's so good! Do the other one, too!"

Paul sucked both Lisa's little tits while she giggled and writhed with joy. His hands ached for her young pussy, but the memory of the previous day's horror prevented him from making this move.

But it turned out that Lisa was thinking about the same thing. "Paul, you remember what you told me yesterday! About how playing with my tits would make my pussy get juicy?"

"I remember," Paul said.

"Well, it sure is getting juicy now!" the little girl hinted.

Paul felt his last line of resistance melting away. Lisa was wiggling her ass around, rubbing her thighs together.

"Don't you wanna touch it?" Lisa cried.

"Oh Lisa!" Paul sighed. "Yes! Yes, I want to touch it! I want to caress it, to fondle it, and make it throb with good feelings! I want to make you feel all the wonderful sexual sensations your beautiful little body is capable of! I want…!!"

Confusion masked Lisa's lovely round face. "Well, why dontcha do it then?"

Pulling himself together with great effort, Paul made one last attempt to communicate his concern. "Lisa, listen to me! This is serious!"

"You don't really like my pussy, after all!" the tile girl pouted.

"Lisa! Damn it!" He put his hand under her little chin and forced her to meet his eyes. "Lisa, do you know how much trouble we would get into if anybody knew we were doing this?"

Lisa's beautiful face suddenly twisted with fear. "Oh, Paul! You didn't tell anybody, did you?"

"No! No, of course not!"

Her fear-strickened face surprised Paul, who had been expecting-what? Certainly not this!

"No, Lisa, I haven't told anybody! I swear!"

"Oh please, Paul! Please, please!" the little girl begged, her eyes bulging with pleading. "Please promise you'll never tell anybody! If mommy ever found out, she'd never let me out again by myself until I was an old lady! An' daddy'd punish me with his belt! They mustn't ever find out! Please promise you won't ever tell anybody, Paul!"

"Lisa, I promise! I give you my sacred word of honor that I will never tell anybody anything about the things you and I do together in private!" Paul said solemnly. He crossed his breast, making Lisa nod with approval.

"Thank you, Paul!" she said. Then her pretty face got serious, but not frightened. "Y'know, I worried about that a little after Daddy called yesterday! That's why I decided it was better if I came over here!"

Paul felt his last reservations washed away in a river of relief. He couldn't believe how this turned out! He didn't even bother asking Lisa to make a similar promise to him. Obviously she wasn't going to tell anybody what was going on!

Lisa sat up for a moment to pull off her gown, leaving her little body naked, except for the brief panties.

"Mommy and daddy still like to treat me like a little girl!" she complained, looking down at her body as stretched full length on the bed. "But I've been gettin' my period for almost a year now!" She looked up at him, both playful and serious. "Don't you think I should be treated like a woman, Paul?" Her little mouth stayed open at the end of the question, and her pink tongue slid out and licked her full lips.

His terrible fears relieved, Paul felt almost elated. He laughed at the little girl's studied attempts at adult sexiness, and reached out for her. "I'll show you how I think you should be treated!" he said.

When she slid into his arms again, all the tension between them had dissolved, and the emotional vacuum they left was quickly filled with sexual passions.

Paul put his hand on Lisa's ass-cheeks and caressed her through the thin panties.

"That feels good!" Lisa giggled.

"I just love your ass!" Paul said.

Lisa rolled over on her stomach so Paul could fondle her little round butt. He slowly ran the palm of his hand all over her smooth cheeks, and caressed the tops of her thighs.

Paul started running his fingers between the little girl's legs. Lisa giggled and spread her legs further. Paul explored the place where her panties stretched between her legs.

"Now turn over again! I want to admire you from the front!" Paul said.

Lisa complied, bending her knees and opening her thighs. Paul stared at her panty-clad crotch. For days he had been stealing glances at this arousing sight, and now it-was presented to him like a banquet.

Lisa giggled and squirmed under his gaze. "You like to look at my panties, don't you?" she asked.

"Yes," Paul admitted. "It turns me on!"

"I thought so! Well, I don't mind! Look all you want! You can even touch it!" she laughed.

Paul started stroking the soft flesh on the insides of Lisa's lovely slender thighs. He liked to watch the nylon strip between her legs ripple when she squirmed with pleasure.

"That feels good!" Lisa said. "You know, I think a lot of men like to look at my panties! When I go to the park or ride the city bus, I'm always catchin' ‘em tryin' to look up my dress!"

"I can't blame them!" Paul said. He let his fingers work up her leg until they were at the very tops of her thighs, within an inch of her little virgin pussy.

"Ya know what I do sometimes?" Lisa giggled. "Sometimes, if I'm feelin' naughty, I pretend like I don't notice! And then I even pull my dress up a little and spread my legs!"

"You teasing little bitch!" Paul laughed.

Lisa wiggled and spread her legs further. Paul got down between her legs and ogled her crotch. He started caressing the front of her panties, where her little pussy mound was just starting to develop.

Paul rubbed her immature pussy mound until Lisa was gasping with passion. Then he moved down and started stroking the thin cloth that covered her little crack.

Lisa laid back and sighed. She closed her eyes and relaxed, enjoying the exciting new sensations from her sex organs. Paul hadn't really even touched anything yet, but already her little clit was beginning to swell with passion, and she could tell she was getting wet inside her little slit.

Paul pressed harder, until he could feel the flesh under the thin strip of nylon. He pressed gently and moved his fingertips around, gradually making out the outlines of her genitals underneath.

"Oookkkkhhhhhh! Hhhmmmmm!" Lisa moaned. Her young ass squirmed on the bed while Paul slowly stimulated her little crotch.

Paul determined the length of her crack from the top, at her clit, to the bottom, where it disappeared into her little asshole.

He caressed the length of this crack, making Lisa twitch with joy.

As she got more excited, he could make out the outline of her slit-lips inside her crack. He started pressing down on her clit and her slit.

Little Lisa was awakening into a whole new universe of physical sensations. Her newly discovered clitoris was thrilling with delight every time Paul's finger pressed it. Her virgin slit tingled with joy and already the wetness was starting to ooze.

Before long, Paul felt the soppiness starting to seep through the panties, and he knew the little girl was really getting aroused. The wetness made the panties stick to her body like a second skin, and now Paul could even see the shape of her crack where the nylon clung to her crotch slit.

Lisa was starting to gasp from the intensity of the new sensations. The overwhelming power of the feelings was almost beginning to frighten the child. Paul probed inside her cuntal opening with fingertip, pushing her panties inside too, and the resulting sensations were taking her breath away. She felt like she was losing control, and she wasn't sure she liked it.

"Paul!" she moaned. "Paul!"

Hearing the urgency in her voice, Paul stopped his caresses. "What's the matter, baby?"

"Paul… Paul, I need a hug, and a kiss!"

Paul immediately got up from between the child's legs and laid down beside her, taking her in his arms. The little girl snuggled into his arms, and then their lips met for a passionate and reassuring kiss.

Once she was back in his arms, Lisa's growing Inst returned to her. Now she was sorry Paul had stopped rubbing her pussy, and she wanted him to start again. She opened her legs and took his.hand and put it between her thighs.

"I'm kinda scared, ya know!" she whispered. "Like, I was losin' control!"

Paul chuckled and kissed her shoulder, his hands once again caressing between her legs. "There's nothing wrong with losing control" Paul said. "Once you get used to it, it's the greatest thing in the world, but it's always scary when you've never done it before!"

Paul kissed Lisa passionately, probing deep into her soft wet mouth with his stiff tongue. She sucked tenderly on his tongue, licking it with her own.

At the same time, he slipped his hand under the elastic band around the top of her panties. He felt soft moist pubic hair under his fingers, and felt Lisa's belly quiver at his naked caress.

"Oh. Paul!" she gasped. "You're inside my panties! I can feel you stroking my pussy hair! It feels really nice!"

The tickling sensations around her crotch were so good that Lisa couldn't lie still. She squirmed and twitched, while Paul's hand worked closer to her pink wet slit.

Once again Lisa started feeling herself slipping into the flowing stream of her passions. But with Paul's arms around her, his lips on her face, neck, and shoulders, she was less afraid, and she allowed herself to be carried along the thrilling sensations.

"You have such a nice little pussy!" Paul whispered. "Your downy cunt hair is so soft!"

Paul just barely touched her little clitoris with his fingertip, and she sobbed out loud at the feathery touch.

"Oh, my clit! My clit!" she sobbed. "Oh, Paul, I've never felt anything like that before!"

He continued tickling the little girl's love-button until she was shuddering with sexual pleasure. Spasms of joy twitched through her young crotch.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" she gasped.

Still maintaining only a feather-weight contact, Paul moved his fingertips down to her virgin slit. Her little pussy lips were beginning to swell with passion, and the vaginal juices were now flowing freely. He caressed her slit a couple of times, causing her to groan with pleasure, and then returned to her clit with his finger coated with her slippery fluids.

Now he applied a little more pressure to his clitoral massage. Slick with pussy juices, her little clit twitched and shivered when he rolled it under his fingers.

Before long Lisa was feeling more sensations run through her body than she'd ever thought possible. The center of it all was her clitoris, but the thrills raced through every inch of her, like an electric current.

And at the-center of it all was her little clit, as erect as a little nipple, broadcasting messages of intense sexual pleasure to every cell in her body. It was very intense, but Lisa wasn't afraid of it anymore. She flowed with it, and after a while she could feel a certain tension building up in the muscles of her crotch and lower belly.

"Oh, it feels so good!" she moaned. She tried to think of words to describe her sensations. "It's… like being on a roller-coaster, and you have to pee so bad you can't stand it, but at the same time you are peein' and it feels so strange and tickly!"

Lisa squirmed and writhed, carried away with her first real sexual passion. Paul sensed her mounting sexual tension, and he used all his tender expertise to bring her slowly up the ladder of pleasure.

"Let me get your panties out of the way!" Paul urged. He stopped tickling her clit and she lifted her ass up so he could roll her panties down the round cheeks of her beautiful butt. He left her rolled-up panties at the tops of her thighs, with her little pussy lewdly exposed.

Resuming his caresses, he started including her little slit too. He rubbed tenderly from her clit to her vaginal lips, carrying slippery fluids back and forth, and also stimulating the little girl's piss-hole, hidden in the fold between her clitoris and her vagina.

This added yet another dimension to Lisa's pleasure. Now her little slit was getting as much stimulation as her love-button, and young crotch was throbbing with passionate sexual sensations.

"Oh, Paul! Your touching my cunt!" she sighed. "Oh, it feels so great! It makes my pussy twitch! Am I really wet down there, Paul?"

"Baby, your little pussy is really juicy!" Paul said.

"Do you like to play with it?"

"Oh, Lisa, I love it!" he assured her. "Touching your soft wet little slit gives me thrills! It squirms with pleasure when I touch it, add it's starting to swell open!"

"You can try to put your finger in it if you want!" she giggled.

Paul wiggled his finger gingerly into Lisa's tight little twat, while the excited little girl's round ass squirmed and shifted around on the bed.

"I can only get it in about an inch before I run into your maidenhead!" Paul whispered.

"But that inch feels so good!" Lisa gasped. "Wiggle your finger around some more!"

Paul flexed the tip of his finger inside the entranceway to Lisa's virgin cunt. The little girl was overwhelmed with sensations. Warm thrills of pleasure rushed through her belly, until she was panting for breath.

"Ooohh! Aaaahhh! Ooohhhhh! Paul! Paul! What are you doing to me? I'm gonna swoon with pleasure!"

Lisa was dizzy with pleasure. Her blue eyes glazed and drifted half closed, while her lovely little body shivered with spasms of sexual joy. Her belly started to ache with passionate tension, and her crack was beginning to convulse with pleasure.

As Paul's finger stirred Lisa's slit, the sensations felt so good that Lisa's vagina would involuntarily contract. The contraction would intensify the sensations almost to the point of pain, and then would relax with a spasmodic release of pleasure through the whole belly. Then, relaxed, the finger-stimulated little pussy would be ready to start all over again!

Each little spasm left behind a residue of sexual tension that gradually tightened all the muscles in Lisa's belly, crotch, and ass.

Paul could read this tension and he tenderly brought the little girl to an orgasm, slowly and gently.

Lisa was losing contact with any realty except the growing stimulation of her virgin sex organs. She knew she was losing control, but she was no longer afraid. She trusted Paul, and she knew intuitively that only an orgasm would release the tension of pleasure in her young body.

"Oh, Paul, make me come!" she groaned. "Play with my cunt and make me have an orgasm! I want to have my first orgasm now, Paul! Make me come!"

The pink inner lips of Lisa's pussy were swollen open with lust, Slippery with juice, and Paul's finger slid easily in and out, making her shudder with joy. He smeared her whole crack with pussy fluids until it was all as slippery as the inside of her slit. Her slit rolled like it was oiled.

To give her the best orgasm he could, Paul used one finger to stimulate her slit, and caressed her clit with his thumb. He moved his hand gently but quickly, and his knowledge of female sexual anatomy paid off immediately for Lisa.

"Oh! Ooohh! Oooohhhhh! Clit and cunt! Clit and cunt!" the child babbled. "Feels so good! Tickles so hard! Cunt and clit!"

Lisa closed her eyes and abandoned herself to her lust. She wrapped her arms around Paul's neck and clung to him, whimpering and sobbing in his ear. His left arm held the shuddering child in a warm embrace, while his right hand expertly stimulated her throbbing young cunt.

Paul could feel the child's warm breath on his shoulder. Her lovely little body squirmed against his, and her naked, hip rubbed against his hard-cock. Manipulating this little girl to the point of orgasm was the most arousing thing Paul had ever done, and his huge hard-on twitched with desire.

Lisa panted and whimpered, her belly boiling with passion. Her little cunt leaked rivers of slick gravy. She desperately wanted to come, but she wasn't sure how. Her lithe body was jerking with convulsions of sexual tension.

"Wanna come! Make me come! Make my pussy come!" Lisa whined.

Sensing exactly where the child was at, Paul gently increased the speed and pressure of his clitoral manipulation. The extra stimulation on her come-button was just what Lisa needed to drop over the edge. She started sobbing loudly.

"Aaaahhh! Ooohhhhh! Ooohh! Oh! Aaaaa hhhh! Ooo hhh!"

The intensified sensations in her clit were like a blasting cap setting off a load of dynamite. The length of her slender body shuddered-with convulsions.

"Let go, baby!" Paul urged. "Just let go and come!"

Actually, Lisa didn't have any choice! Once it was set into motion, her orgasm was as unstoppable as an avalanche. Her climax quickly included her slit along with her alit, and her whole crotch was filled with spasms of release.

"Ooooohhhh, God! Oolilth, Paul! Ooohh! Aaahhhhhhhh!"

All Lisa's sexual tensions exploded with joy, and sexual pleasure poured through her young body. Her slender legs kicked-twitched. Her arms tightened around Paul's neck. Her back arched and her sexy little ass jerked up and down on the bed.

In spite of all her squirming, Paul kept Lisa enclosed in his embrace, and he kept his lingers pressed to the little girl's spasming sex organs. He was delighted and aroused by the intensity of the girl's first climax.

Lisa's body shivered and twitched until all the tension drained out through her orgasm. She had never dreamed that her body was capable of such sensations! The stimulation Paul had given her in the past couple of days was nothing compared to this!

"Oh, fuck, Shit, cock, cunt, pussy, peter, piss!" Lisa babbled, giggling with pleasure. As her orgasm slowly passed, Paul held her tightly and caressed her tenderly. Finally she sighed and at last lay still.

"Oh, Paul, Paul!" Her voice was quavering, and he could feel her hot tears on his shoulder.

"What's wrong, baby? Did I hurt you?"

"Oh, no! Not at all! I'm crying because it felt so good! Thank you, PAUL! Thank you so much!"

He slipped his hand out of her hot wet crotch and held her close in a two armed embrace. He was really impressed by the intensity of the little girl's passion. He was also powerfully aroused, and he could feel his stiff cock rubbing against her naked loins.

"If you really want to thank me…!" Paul said, taking one of Lisa's hands and guiding it to his groin.

Lisa gasped when she felt the length and girth of Paul's cock. "Oh! You're so big! Does it feel good when I rub it?"

"It sure does, Let me show you how!"

"Oh, please do!"

Paul wrapped her slim fingers around his cook right below the swollen knob. Putting his hand over hers, he showed her how to slide the skin up and down.

"Is that right?" she asked.

"Great!" He took his hands away and relaxed and stroked the little girl on the ass while she jacked him off.

"Kiss me!" she whispered.

Their lips met and then opened, and their tongues met. Paul extended his tongue and caressed the inside of the young girl's mouth while she manipulated his hard cock.

"You make my dick feel real good!" he told her.

"It's fun to play with it!" she giggled. "Did it make you horny to play with my pussy until I had an orgasm?"

"It sure did!" Paul admitted. "That's why my cock got so big and hard!"

Lisa was jacking very sweetly and tenderly, and Paul's penis was twitching with good sensations. His balls were tightening up with pleasure, and he decided they could use some stimulation, too.

"Use your other band to tickle my balls!" he suggested.

The little girl willingly complied. She put her soft hand around his quivering nut-sack, fondling and rolling his balls. She kept rubbing his cock at the same, and Paul was soon squirming with delight "So you liked your first orgasm, huh?" Paul whispered.

"Oh, yes!" Lisa reflected for a moment, her eyes thoughtful, her hands busy on Paul's sex organs. "If somebody had told me before what it was gonna be like, I wouldn't have wanted to do it! But now I can hardly wait for the next one!"

If Lisa's cock play lacked experience, she made up for it with sweetness and enthusiasm, and soon Paul was feeling his belly churn with excited tension.

Paul soon realized Lisa had a natural talent for sex play. She paid attention to his responses, and concentrated on those movements that seemed to give him the greatest pleasure.

He showed her bow to fill her palm with saliva from her mouth, to lubricate her strokes. He taught her to refine her technique by giving a little squeeze to his swollen knob at the top of her stroke. He showed her the place on the bottom of the knob where all the nerves meet.

"You mean right there?"

"Oh, yes, yes! That's it, baby! Right there, rub it hard! Oh, you make my cock feel so big!"

Paul's nuts were throbbing with pleasure, and little spasms were lurching through his long dick. A clear liquid started leaking from the piss-slit at the very tip.

"That's not come, is it?" Lisa asked.

"Not yet!" Paul gasped "But it means I'm getting close!"

"I can't wait you to have a really nice orgasm!" Lisa said. "Is there anything special I should do?"

"Oh, yes!" Paul said. "There's a special place, right at the base of my cock, between my balls. When I start to come, you can tickle firmly right there. That'll really make me come hard!"

Lisa was really enjoying jacking Paul off.

She threw the sheet back so she could watch. She was amazed at how big and red his swollen dick was.

"I can't believe you put this huge cock inside girl's pussies!" Lisa said. It's so long, and so big around! Doesn't it hurt them terribly?"

Paul laughed. "Not really! In fact, just the opposite! I've never had one yet that didn't tell me she thought it was wonderful!"

Lisa leaned over Paul's groin and let a big drop of spittle fall from her lips to the twitching red knob of Paul's cock. Her hands looked very small, wrapped around the thick shaft! Paul moaned and squirmed as the little girl's loving manipulations brought him closer and closer to coming in her hand.

"Paul, what if you and I wanted to fuck! How could you get this giant peter inside my little slit?"

Paul had not even allowed himself to consider the possibility of actually copulating with Lisa. As soon as he even started thinking about it, he knew it was a powerful idea, because his cock swelled up even harder, and his balls started twitching with passion.

"Well, baby, I don't really know!" he moaned. "Haven't you never fucked a virgin before?" she wanted to know.

"I've fucked a couple that said they were! But they were… they were both about nineteen. Or at least seventeen. They were older than you."

"Oh!" Lisa jacked his cock for a moment in silence, and Paul was afraid he had made her feel bad about being young again. "Well, wouldn't you like to fuck me?" she finally asked.

"Oh, Lisa!" Paul moaned. "Yea, I guess I would! In fact, to be strictly honest, I guess I'd have to admit I'd probably like to fuck you almost more than anything else in the world!" he confessed, to both of them.

"But, we couldn't, huh! Cause I'm not old enough!" she persisted.

"Oh, I don't know, baby! If we were very patient, and very gentle, we could probably do it!" Paul closed his eyes and tried to imagine slipping his hard organ into Lisa's tight twelve-year-old pussy. Surprisingly, it wasn't very hard to imagine at all, and the more he thought about it, the easier it got!

Squirming with sexual pleasure, Paul opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful little girl who was jacking him off, about to make his semen erupt. She was so lovely, with her straight long blond hair, her round childish face, her perfect slender little body, with round full buttocks and long slender legs.

Lisa's immature little breasts jiggled as she whipping her hand up and down on Paul's throbbing red hard-on. Her nipples were erect with general sexual excitement. She had not bothered to pull her little panties back up, and they were still rolled at the tops of her lovely thighs.

Paul stretched out one hand and lazily petted the little girl's naked buttocks while she masturbated him. Re loved the soft smooth feel of the skin on her perfect ass. He loved the way her soft hand whipped his swollen shaft into a frenzy of joy, making it twitch and leak. His balls bounced and rolled sensuously in the palm of her other hand.

"Oh, baby, that's fine!" Paul gasped. "Your hands on my cock are so great! You're gonna make me squirt my jism pretty soon!"

Lisa giggled and increased her speed. "Shall I tickle you between the balls now."

Without bothering to wait for an answer, Lisa pushed between his testicles with her gentle finger, sending chills shivering through Paul's crotch.

Paul's hips started jerking up and down with involuntary spasms. His ass and balls tightened, and the base of his cock vibrated with intense sexual sensations.

Lisa read Paul's signals perfectly! She allowed more saliva to drip from her mouth onto Paul's cock-knob, and jacked even faster. Something made her try squeezing a little harder too, and she was instantly rewarded for her efforts when Paul's cock convulsed in her hand, and started leaking still more fluids.

"Aaahh aahhh aaahhh! Oooooohhhhhmmmmmm!" Paul groaned.

Probing gently between his shivering testicles, Lisa's finger finally located Paul's prostate, his prime pleasure point. As soon as her fingertip contacted the kernel-sized pleasure node, Paul's whole body started jerking and twitching. Lisa giggled and massaged it tenderly with her finger, at the same time gently squeezing the slippery knob of his cock.

"Fuck!! Here it comes!" Paul screamed.

His pleasure-stricken sex organs convulsed violently, and a huge stream of creamy thick liquid spurted out the red piss-slit.

"Jack my cock!! Jack my cock!!" he screamed and writhed.

Lisa whipped her hand up and down the slippery length of his spewing prick. She could feel it jerk under her fingers as another huge load of semen squirted into the air.

"My God!! My cock is coming in your hand!" Paul wailed. "Lisa, MY cock's coming in your hand!!"

"I know!" the little girl giggled. "I'm makin' you have an orgasm!" she said proudly.

Lisa rolled her little fingers over his prostate gland, and he couldn't stop coming, even when his shivering nut-sack tightened up like a fist. She jacked her fingers tightly up and down his slippery cock, milking huge hot jets of creamy come out of his convulsing cock.

Powerful spasms of pleasure convulsed Paul's crotch and belly while his jerking hard-on squirted his semen between Lisa's wiggling pink fingers.

The little girl was really delighted with herself! The hot cream coming out of Paul's red, piss-slit was proof to her that he really was attracted to her, and that she was capable of bringing a man to climax of passion.

It excited her to watch the white semen spurting, out, and she giggled and gave the red knob a fondling squeeze. Paul jerked his hips a lot while he was coming, and his sperm got scattered all over the place. One big passionate ejaculation splattered on her right breast and slowly trickled down her pink nipple.

This was the best orgasm Paul had experienced since he was a boy, just starting to ejaculate! None of his adult girl friends made him come this good. Not even fucking their cunts, to say nothing of a hand-job!

Thinking about fucking made Paul think about tucking Lisa. He looked down at the lovely white body of the little girl who was milking the semen out of his twitching cock.

Just the mere thought of ejaculating inside her tight pink little twat sent a whole new thrill through him, and his cock, almost exhausted, gave one last tremendous spurt of jism.

Almost in a trance, lovely little Lisa leaned over until her lips quivered only inches above Paul's spewing prick. Her eyelids fluttered, her mouth hung open, and that last huge jet of come covered the child's lips, tongue, and teeth.

Paul watched Lisa drink his last ejaculation, and then sank back on the bed, moaning, shivering as his last spasms quivered away in his belly.

Lisa straightened up slowly, her eyes half closed and unfocused. Slowly, as if in a dream, she licked the creamy semen off her lips.

Paul held his arms out to her, and she cuddled up next to him. They snuggled in each other's arms, purring and shivering in the after glow of their shared pleasure.

As if by mutual unspoken agreement, Paul put his hands between her thighs, one over her little pussy and one between the cheeks of her perfect little ass, and Lisa put her little hand over his spent cock, and they petted each other in the places they had recently had so much pleasure.

They stayed that way for many minutes, whispering.

"Did I do it right for you?" Lisa asked.

"Oh, God! Did you ever!" Paul sighed. "You were really wonderful! I mean it, Lisa! The best I've had in years!"

Lisa's little breast stirred with pride, and she gave his tired cock a tender squeeze.

"I'm so glad!" she purred. "Paul, I.really like what you did to me, too! Thank you for making me have my first orgasm!"

"I loved it, baby!" Paul chuckled.

After a while Lisa stirred and said she had to go home. Paul watched as she got up. She was so beautiful! She had pulled her little panties back up over her round buttocks, covering the small blond mound of her little pussy. She wiggled back into the gown and shrugged into the bathrobe. Then she came back to the bed and kissed Paul on the mouth. "Shall I come back tomorrow?" she asked.

"Oh, please do!"

And then she was gone, Paul laid on the bed for a few minutes more, feeling very relaxed and satisfied. He still couldn't quite believe all this was real.

The phone started ringing. Paul decided to ignore it, then abruptly changed his mind and snatched up the receiver after the fifth ring.

"Hello?" He knew it would be Angela even before he heard the voice.

"Well, so you're still alive. I'd never know, since you're always too busy to call me!"

Paul sighed and moaned inwardly. "Hello, Angela," he said. "How have you been?" he asked mechanically.

"As if you really cared!" she whined. "No doubt you're spending night and day sticking numbers into your precious computer programs!"

Paul grinned maliciously into the telephone. "What makes you think that! As a matter of fact, just before you called, I was masturbated to ejaculation by an exceptionally lovely twelve year old girl! I played with her little pussy until she came for me, and then she jacked me off until I shot jism into her little white hands!"

Angela sounded as if she were gagging. "Oh, Paul Evans, you are the most disgusting, foul-mouthed bastard I have ever known! Your sense of humor is just as sick and warped as the rest…"

Paul returned the instrument to its cradle, severing the connection while her hysterical voice was still quacking out to the speaker.

"Good-by, Angela!" Paul said to the silent telephone. There was smudged wet fingerprint on the receiver. Paul's fingers were damp. He put them to his nose, and smelled again the musty scent of Lisa's little slit.
