Dick Morris served as Bill Clinton’s political consultant for twenty years. A regular political commentator on Fox News, he is the author of eleven New York Times bestsellers (all with Eileen McGann) and one Washington Post bestseller.
Eileen McGann is an attorney who, with her husband, Dick, writes columns for the New York Post and for their website, dickmorris.com. She has written extensively about the abuses of Congress and the need for reform.
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About the Authors
Dick Morris served as Bill Clinton’s political consultant for twenty years. A regular political commentator on Fox News, he is the author of ten *New York Times* bestsellers (all with Eileen McGann) and one Washington Post bestseller.
Eileen McGann is an attorney who, with her husband, Dick, writes columns for the *New York Post* and for their website, dickmorris.com. She has written extensively about the abuses of Congress and the need for reform.