Chapter Fifteen

Katie nervously studied her reflection in the mirror. She hoped Joe wouldn’t mind this was the same dress she wore when she married Paul. She’d awoken with her stomach feeling nervous and urpy again, but she imagined it was just leftover stress from the previous day’s events. After a cup of ginger tea for breakfast, she felt a little better.

With misty eyes, she sat on the bed and held Paul’s picture. “I miss you so much, but they make me happy. They’re good men. I hope you don’t think wrong of me for doing this, but I love them both, and they love me.” She stroked the frame before lovingly setting it back on the shelf. She wound the clock next, taking a moment to dust it. Then she looked at the wedding ring on her left hand and carefully removed it, placing it on her right hand.

It felt strange, but she knew in less than a few hours, Joe would be placing his own ring there.

She heard a soft knock on her bedroom door. “Yes?”

Mason stepped inside and closed the door behind her. At least he would give her away and hand her over to Joe. “You ready, sweetheart?”

She nervously nodded. “How do I look?”

He gathered her into his arms and thoroughly kissed her, taking a long moment to explore her mouth with his tongue. “Does that answer your question?” he hoarsely asked.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

He smiled. “Absolutely. And by the way, Ben Ainsley told me the story about us has already made the rounds of town, and we’ve still got people coming to the wedding. They’re just happy to see the Dorchesters out of everyone’s hair for good.”

“Did they catch them?”

He shook his head. “Not yet, but it’s just a matter of time. Everyone’s looking for them. They can’t hide for long.”

She hugged him. “Do you think women will still chase you?”

“I’m sure there will still be a few tenacious ladies dedicated to getting a ring on my finger, but I imagine most of them will get pitying looks for chasing a lost cause.”

His expression turned serious. “But you listen to me. Even if someone were to talk about us, you let me and Joe handle them. You just ignore them if they’re nasty. I don’t give a whit, and neither does Joe, what people say. They’re going to say what they want to say regardless of what the truth is. The only truth that matters is that the three of us love each other.” He kissed her again. “Understand?”

She nodded. “Absolutely.”

Ben Ainsley and two other deputies waited outside with the buggy. Joe had already ridden into town and was waiting for them there. Reverend Anderson had agreed to perform the ceremony at the church even though he now knew the truth about the three of them.

As Mason helped her up into the buggy, the three deputies took up position behind it, on guard for any sign of the Dorchesters or their men. Joe had arranged for two of their ranch hands to guard the house while they were gone.

Katie suspected the Dorchesters would never make trial. Not because of their money or influence, but because they were pretty well despised in the area. No one would shed a tear over them if they disappeared or ended up dead in a gunfight.

She voted for disappeared. There was a lot of thick piney woods in the area. A body could be hidden and never found.

Even someone as fat as Senior.

Katie clung to Mason for the entire ride. She was startled to see nearly a hundred people gathered at the church to witness the wedding. Fear set in. Would they call her a whore and berate her and her men for this?

Judging from the smiles on people’s faces, which well outweighed the occasional disapproving frown, they wouldn’t.

Katie felt like she was living a dream as Mason walked her down the aisle, handing her over to Joe, who stood waiting for her with a big smile on his face.

When the reverend launched into the vows, Katie could barely focus on what she was supposed to say. Her entire focus was on Joe’s blue eyes.

“Do you, Katherine, take Joseph to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

Unable to pull her gaze away from Joe, she nodded. “I do.”

He smiled as the preacher repeated the vows for him.

Joe nodded. “I do.”

“Do you have a ring?”

Mason, who was also Joe’s best man, handed it to him. Katie fought back a fresh round of tears as she watched Joe slip it on her finger.

“By the power invested in me by God, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Joe took her into his arms and laid one on her that set the whole church applauding and nearly took her breath away. Then he whispered something to Mason, who stepped in and also kissed her. She felt her face turn beet red, but didn’t miss the second round of applause that followed.

Joe and Mason both smiled at her. “There, see? The secret is out.”

Her stomach felt a little nervous again, but she returned their smile. The men both escorted her to the Fellowship Hall, where their friends had prepared a small reception, complete with cake. Katie managed to eat a little, eager to be away from everyone despite receiving nothing but congratulations and well-wishes from those in attendance.

Finally, in a shower of rice, they made their way to the buggy. With Mason’s horse tied to the back, the three of them climbed on and left for home with two deputies following them. Only once they were safely back at the ranch did the deputies leave.

At the front door, the men stood, their heads bent in quiet discussion.

“What’s wrong?” Katie asked.

They turned. “We’re trying to figure out who gets to carry you across the threshold first,” Mason said. “Joe says it should be me, I say it should be him.”

She rolled her eyes. “How about you both do it?” She held up her arms and the men caught on. Standing on either side of her, she draped her arms over their shoulders while they locked hands underneath her, supporting her butt.

Laughing, the three of them squeezed through the door. “There, was that so hard?” she quipped when they set her back on her feet.

“No,” Mason said from in front of her, “but I am.”

Joe pressed his body along the back of hers. “Me, too.”

She felt their hard cocks. Finally, her stomach had settled enough she knew she could enjoy their attentions. “Then let’s take care of that.” Taking their hands, she led them to her bedroom where the men slowly undressed her.

Lying down on the bed, she watched their nearly identical passionate expressions as they undressed. Both of their gorgeous cocks stood at rigid attention as they climbed into bed on either side of her.

They were hers for life.

How did I get so lucky?

They both smiled at her. “Well, Mrs. Lansing,” Joe said, “what would you like to do first?”

She couldn’t help but smile at their playful grins. “I want the two of you to fuck me silly, that’s what.”

Mason reached for the jar of lotion. “Ooh, a woman who knows what she wants. I’m in love.”

Joe pulled her on top of him. He buried a hand in her tresses, pulling her down to him and kissing her, teasing her with his tongue and making her squirm against him. She wanted his cock inside her, and he wouldn’t let her mount him.

Mason laughed. “Aw, Joe, you’re being mean to your new wife. Give her what she wants.”

Joe released her hair and, without breaking their kiss, unerringly put his hands on her hips and let her get into position. With a happy sigh, she felt his thick member sink home, slowly stretching her pussy and filling her to her very womb.

Mason wasted no time kneeling behind her, slicking her ass with the lotion and pressing his cock against the tight ring of muscle.

“Breathe, baby,” he said with a grunt as he slowly pushed home.

First the slightly uncomfortable pinching burn as her body struggled to stretch and accept him, then the pleasantly full feeling as he pressed onward until his entire cock was completely buried inside her ass.

“Oh, yes!” she gasped. “Fuck me hard, boys!”

“Your wish is our command, baby,” Mason said as he grabbed her by the waist and started fucking her hard and fast.

Beneath her, Joe held her hips as he fucked his cock up into her. She enjoyed this, literally having them both own her body at the same time, belonging totally to them, with no control over them or even herself as pleasure assaulted her. Rough and hard and raw, with the sweet, musky scent of all three of them and the squeak of the bed and the slap of flesh against flesh.

Yes, this is what she loved, and she’d be damned if she’d ever give them up again.

Her nipples rubbed against Joe’s chest, adding erotic friction to every thrust. With both cocks churning inside her, her body couldn’t help but respond, until she finally succumbed to a shattering orgasm that left her sobbing from the force of it.

“That’s our girl,” Joe said as he dug his fingers into her hips and thrust harder. Soon, he was crying out as his own release hit. Mason joined him, burying himself deep inside her as he pumped hot cum into her very depths.

Limp and exhausted, Katie collapsed, eyes closed, on top of Joe while Mason did his best not to crush her.

“Are you okay, Katie?” She heard the concern in Joe’s voice and blindly groped for both men’s hands.

“I’m perfect,” she sleepily whispered. “Don’t wake me if I’m dreaming.”

Mason chuckled and planted a kiss on her sweaty brow. She felt him get up and heard him leave the room, presumably to clean up. She didn’t move despite Joe’s cock softening and eventually sliding out of her, leaving a warm, sticky trail along her thigh. When Mason returned a moment later, he wiped her down with a wet cloth before crawling back into bed with them.

“You know,” Joe said, “I think we need a bigger bed.”

Mason slipped an arm around Katie’s waist. “I think you’re right, cuz.”

They were starting to banter back and forth when they realized she was falling asleep. Joe, then Mason kissed her cheek.

“Good night, wife,” Joe whispered.

“Good night, wife,” Mason echoed.

She managed a smile. “Good night, husbands.” With that, she crashed into a wonderfully deep and dreamless sleep.

* * *

The next morning, Katie awoke alone in bed to the smell of bacon cooking. She found a house coat and pulled it on before making her way out to the kitchen. Joe and Mason were playfully arguing over who got to make the hotcakes.

“We want her to be able to eat them, don’t we?” Joe teased.

“She’ll be able to eat them,” Mason shot back. “After the first six or seven are done.”

When they spotted her, their smiles warmed her heart as they swooped around her, both kissing her good morning. “Did you sleep well?” Joe asked.

She nodded despite letting out another yawn. “You two are going to flat wear me out at this rate.”

Mason laughed. “Did you ever consider that was our plan? To keep you so tired and satisfied you didn’t have the energy to ever want to leave us?”

“That figures. I believe it. When are you two heading out?”

“We’re not,” Joe said. “We’re both taking a few days off to spend with you.” He gathered her into his arms. “And, we’re taking you out for a picnic today.”

“Picnic? Don’t you mean skinny-dipping and fucking me silly on a blanket in the great outdoors?” She wasn’t sure she wanted to go back there after knowing Senior’s men had spied on them.

Mason pressed in behind her. “That’s just a bonus.” He nuzzled her ear. “That place is our special place,” he insisted, as if reading her thoughts. “We’re going to go back there and make new memories as a family. We refuse to give an inch of ground to Senior in any part of our lives.”

* * *

After breakfast, they loaded supplies for their picnic, got in the buggy, and headed away from the house. Both men were armed, and for extra measure they brought Katie’s shotgun along.

It took her a while to relax. Finally, with an unusually cool breeze blowing, and the comforting shade of trees lining their way, she was able to enjoy herself.

Mrs. Joseph Lansing. Part of her would miss being known as Paul’s wife. He would always hold a place in her heart. But now, these two men were her life, and her future, even if she could only bear one of their names.

They finally arrived at their picnic spot. Instead of getting playful with her immediately, like she thought they might, they coaxed her into the water for a swim. Floating in the cool, blue, spring-fed swimming hole was a luxury, a welcomed distraction from the past few days. She relaxed and chatted with her men.

After a few minutes, Mason got out. “Where are you going?” she asked with a laugh, noting the tight set of his jaw.

“Need a little privacy,” he said as he pointed to the woods.

“Oh.” She laughed. “We need to build an outhouse here.”

He nodded and disappeared into the woods.

She turned back to Joe, surprised to see stress on his face, too. “What’s the matter with you?”

He shook his head. “Nothing, sweetheart.” He caught her hand and started coaxing her farther from shore. “Let’s swim.”

Her instincts nagged at her. “What is going on?” She tried to pull her hand free, but he wouldn’t let go. Instead, he pulled her to him and put his arms around her.

“Listen to me, wife,” he whispered in her ear.

His serious tone, as well as what he said, silenced her. She let him lead her into the river, where the gentle current caught them and began to carry them down river.

“What’s going on?” she finally asked when they’d drifted past the swimming hole.

He put a finger to his lips to silence her then led her to the opposite bank, to a sandy place where they could easily climb out. He caught her by the hand and led her a short ways inland, where they couldn’t see the river from where they sat.

“You stay here,” he whispered, then started to turn.

“Joseph Lansing! You can’t leave me here naked!” She felt on the verge of hysteria.

He clapped his hand over her mouth and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “We were followed by someone. Stay here.”

Before she could argue, he slipped back into the river, swimming directly across it and disappearing into the woods just south of where their swimming hole was located.

She nervously looked around, crossing her arms over her, finding a small patch of ant-free grass to sit on while she waited.

After what felt like forever, she heard the sound of men yelling, followed immediately by several gunshots, then silence.

* * *

Mason had been well aware of the men following them. In fact, he’d counted on it. It was a risky chance to take, but if he didn’t draw the Dorchesters out, it was only a matter of time before they tried to hurt Katie, or any one of them, again. He’d caught sight of them a few times during the ride out to their favorite spot.

He’d considered asking the sheriff for a few deputies to follow them, but he wanted to finish this himself.

For good, if that’s the way the Dorchesters planned on playing it.

Before they went swimming, while Katie was spreading the blanket, Mason whispered into Joe’s ear. They’d planned for this contingency. Joe would take Katie to safety and return to help.

It was up to the Dorchesters how this would end.

When Mason undressed, he was careful to keep his gun close to the shore, so he could easily reach it.

And he watched their horse. When it suddenly lifted its head, a tuft of grass hanging from its mouth, nostrils flaring as it sniffed and its ears swiveled, Mason knew.

He tipped his head to Joe to take Katie away as he headed for shore under the guise of needing to relieve himself.

Once he knew Katie couldn’t see him, he grabbed his trousers, Joe’s trousers, his and Joe’s guns, and waited.

Joe returned before the Dorchesters made their appearance. Joe and Mason lay in wait, hiding in the thick underbrush as they watched Senior, Junior, and two other men creep into the clearing with their guns drawn.

“Drop it!” Mason yelled.

The other men took cover. “I want that deed!” Senior yelled. “I’m not leaving here until I get it, or you three perverts are dead!”

“This is your last chance, Dorchester!” Mason yelled. “Surrender now.”

“Like hell I will!” He fired in their direction while Joe snuck around behind them. Mason returned fire, distracting them from Joe’s approach.

Joe shot and wounded one of Dorchester’s men. “Drop your guns, now!”

“Never!” Junior growled. “I’m gonna kill you two bastards and that whore of a wife of yours just like I killed that stuck-up fiancée you had!”

Mason heard Joe’s roar of anger and a new burst of gunfire. Then, all went still.

“Dorchester!” Mason yelled.


“You okay, Joe?” Mason hollered.

“Yeah,” Joe replied, stepping out from his hiding spot behind a huge, fallen oak.

Mason emerged from the woods and joined a grim-looking Joe. With a bare foot, Mason kicked Junior’s shoulder, rolling him over.

Half his face was missing from where Joe’s shot had caught him in the back of the head.

Mason shook his head. “I wish it hadn’t come to this,” he said as he checked the other three men and found them dead, too. “But I can’t say I’ll lose any sleep over it.”

Joe nodded. “That makes two of us.”

Mason reached out and touched Joe’s bare shoulder. “You okay?”

“Yeah. I always knew in my heart that son of a bitch killed her.” He looked at Mason with tears in his eyes. “I couldn’t protect her. I should have protected her from him.”

“It’s not your fault.” He pointed at the four bodies before them. “And we kept Katie safe. That’s what’s important.”

* * *

Katie stood and made her way back down to the river, debating on whether or not to swim for their picnic spot when she spotted Joe swimming back down the river toward her.

Crying with relief, she embraced him when he climbed out of the river. This time, he wore a shirt and trousers.

“What happened?”

He looked grim. “It was Senior, Junior, and two of their men.” He unbuttoned his shirt and handed it to her to put on. Despite being wet, it hung down past her hips and gave her a little cover.

“How’s Mason?” She was almost afraid to ask.

“He’s fine.”

“And…” She couldn’t finish.

He shook his head.

She hugged him tightly, afraid to let go. He finally coaxed her back into the river, where they swam to the picnic spot. She charged out of the water and over to Mason, who also wore trousers. Throwing her arms around him, she sobbed with relief to see him fine with her own eyes.

Then she noticed where he was looking.

On the ground in front of him, laid out, were Senior, Junior, and two men, including the man who’d kidnapped her.

Her knees gave out as she collapsed to the ground and cried.
