Copyright © 1991 by Edith Pattou
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Chapter One from Fire Arrow copyright © 1998 by Edith Pattou
First Magic Carpet Books edition 1998
First Published 1991
Magic Carpet Books is a trademark of Harcourt, Inc.,
registered in the United States of America and/or other jurisdictions.
The Library of Congress has cataloged an earlier edition as follows:
Pattou, Edith.
Hero's song: the first song of Eirren/by Edith Pattou.
p. cm.—(The songs of Eirren)
"Magic Carpet Books."
Summary: On a quest to rescue his kidnapped sister, Collun discovers
that he is a key figure in the struggle to save the kingdom of Eirren
from conquest by Medb, the Queen of Ghosts.
[1. Fantasy.] I. Title. II. Series: Pattou, Edith. Songs of Eirren.
PZ7.P278325Hg 1998
[Fic]—dc21 97-30181
ISBN: 978-0-15-205542-4
Text set in Granjon
Designed by Kaelin Chappell
Map by Barry Age
Printed in the United States of America