Stephanie came into Elizabeth's office, smiling.

"You look like the cat that got into the cream," Elizabeth said. "What's up?"

"Freddie thinks he's found out who sent the drone."

Elizabeth still wasn't used to the idea that Stephanie's computer thought about anything.

"He thinks he has? What does that mean?"

Freddie's electronic voice boomed through the room.

I have identified the manufacturer of the common technology used in the drone and in the video alleging a conspiracy to attack China.

"Freddie, please lower the volume."

Sorry, Director. The electronic voice returned to a normal level.

"Yes?" Elizabeth said.

I have analyzed the guidance system used in the drone. It is similar to those used in the guidance packages for American missile systems. The technology is proprietary and classified as top secret. The drone was a long distance prototype, developed by a private manufacturer. It is remotely controlled via satellite and currently under consideration for purchase by the Department of Defense.

"Who made it?"

The manufacturer is a company located in Northern California. The company is wholly owned and controlled by a man named Gregory Haltman. The electronic signature of the drone camera and the video are identical to that used in the missile guidance systems. Therefore it is logical to assume this man is responsible for sending the drone and for creating the false video. It is also logical to assume he is responsible for hiring the men who attempted to kill Nick and Selena.

"Identifying the manufacturer is good work, Freddie, but that doesn't mean Haltman is responsible."

The probability that Haltman is responsible is ninety-seven point four percent. He is noted for his innovative designs and obsessive secrecy. His psychological profile indicates a narcissistic personality type, controlling and introverted. It is unlikely that anyone else in his company would have access to the prototype. It could not be controlled without his knowledge.

"Why would this man want to attack us?"

There are two logical motives. Would you like to hear them?

Elizabeth drummed her fingers on her desktop. "Yes, Freddie, I would."

The first motive is that the Project is perceived as a threat to what is being planned. Eliminating Project operatives reduces the threat and the risk of possible failure.

"Nothing new about that," Stephanie said under her breath.

"And the second motive?"

The second motive is personal. Haltman blames the Project for something and seeks revenge.

"If that's the case, what does he blame us for?"

I have insufficient data to make that determination.

"You are certain Haltman sent the drone and produced the video?"

Probability is ninety-seven point four percent.

Stephanie played from habit with a half dozen gold bracelets she wore on her left arm. It was something she often did without thinking about it.

"What do you want to do, Elizabeth?"

"At the moment, nothing. I'm more concerned with what's happening in Korea. Haltman can wait."

"I can try to bring them up on the comm link," Stephanie said, "but Nick wanted me to stay off-line unless it was something critical."

"Do we have a satellite over the target?"

"Yes. For about the next half hour."


Yes, Director?

"Locate the team, and show us where they are."

The wall monitor lit with a map of North Korea, then zoomed in on the Musudan-Ri launching site. Green dots in two groups of two indicated the GPS locators for each of the team. The satellite couldn't get a direct visual through the cloud cover, but the map indicated they were all on site at the target.

Stephanie said, "You know Nick. He'll check in when he has something to say."

"I hate not being able to see what's happening," Elizabeth said.

The satellite over the target is equipped with new infrared scanning technology. Would you like me to access and scan?

"Better than nothing," Stephanie said. "Go ahead, Freddie."


Thirty seconds later the infrared scan was visible on the monitor, superimposed over the GPS markers for her team. It showed sources of heat in varying degrees of color. Some were stationary sources, structures scattered about the site. Others were mobile, indicating people. But it wasn't the stationary sources that made Elizabeth draw in her breath.

Elizabeth and Stephanie looked at each other. Two of the GPS markers were in the midst of more than a dozen people.

"There are too many," Stephanie said.
