Maggie figured she jumped, oh, a good three feet in the air when Sir Rudy said from the doorway to the attic room: «Hullo, everyone! Find anything interesting?»
«Nothing yet, Sir Rudy,» Alex said, squeezing his fingers lightly around Maggie's upper arm. Like she needed the warning?
«What brings you climbing up to the attics, Sir Rudy?» Maggie asked, before Alex could—because she was positive that would have been his next line.
«Me? Oh, nothing. I was just nosing about as head of the household, making sure everything was right and tight, and saw the door open to the stairway. Made me remember the leaks. I'd forgot them, you see. Mrs. Wimbles and the girls usually take charge. We've got the other wing all fixed—cost the earth, roofs—but I had my worries about this wing. So. Why are you all up here?»
«Good question, Sir Rudy. We're investigating,» Evan said, lifting one corner of a dust sheet off a large chest, then dropping it just as quickly. «The murderer hung Sam out that window over there. Did you know that?»
Sir Rudy went up on tiptoe, sort of leaned in the direction of the window. He did not, however, step farther into the room. «That so? Interesting bit of happenstance, wouldn't you say? You see, I've been hacking about in the history of the family, you know, since the last of the brood cocked up her toes a year ago—ninety, they say she was, but she was ninety-five if she was a day—leaving this entire pile open for my purchase. I'll bet she's spinning in her casket out back in the mausoleum, poor old biddy, to think someone in trade is walking these halls now, sleeping in her bed, eating fish and chips off her fancy china. Still, I used to help my Da with the landscaping around here as a boy. Makes me very sentimental about the place, so maybe that's all right with her.»
«I'm convinced the dear lady is resting comfortably knowing that you are restoring her family home to its former glory. Although,» Alex added, «the change of name may ameliorate some of that joy.»
«Yes, well, I'm Sir Rudy now, and it's no wonder I wanted to put my stamp on the place. Besides, Medwine Manor has a certain… ring to it, don't you think? At any rate, it would be a shame to just heartlessly evict them, all those hatchet-faced portraits and such. Thought I'd sort of adopt them, take them as my own, seeing as how all the family I've got is m'brother, Henry, who emigrated to Australia to marry a bassoonist with the Sydney Opera, if you can believe that. Oh, and there's Byrd, of course. He'd gone off with Henry for some months, but that didn't work out, so now I've got him again, right down to his quarterly allowance.»
«You don't sound all that choked up about that, do you, Sir Rudy?» Maggie asked, remembering the not-exactly-warm greeting Byrd had received from his uncle. «You two don't get along?»
«Occasionally we do. Runs hot and cold, my nephew does. Sort of jumped-up, thinking how he'll one day have all my money. Bigger than his britches, as you Americans say. Doesn't even seem to remember I threw him out last time he was here, my heir or no, telling him he'd not be welcome anymore. At least, not until he owned up to the missing silver candlesticks in the dining room.»
«He stole from you?» Maggie asked. «I wouldn't have let him back in, either. Not unless he crawled here from London on his hands and knees. Maybe over broken glass.»
«Yes, yes, thank you, Maggie,» Alex cut in. «We are all aware of your more bloodthirsty inclinations, along with your tendency to believe a punishment should outstrip the crime by at least double.»
«Only when I'm feeling magnanimous,» Maggie corrected. «My favorite is more a three-to-one retribution. I'm not proud of that, but I'm not giving it up, either.»
«As we also all well know. But, if we may be allowed to get back to the point? We seem to have been drifting, haven't we? Sir Rudy, you appeared to be slightly amused to hear that Mr. Undercuffler was hanged in this room. Is there a reason for that?»
Sir Rudy nodded furiously. «Oh, right. Lost my train of thought there for a moment, didn't I? Very well. I've been reading all those dry histories in the study, getting to know my new relatives, as it were. Anyway, I'm certain that this is the very same room where they found Uncle Willis. Our resident ghost, although I've yet to hear him scream or make anything go bump in the night. This was his bedchamber, you understand. Banished, he was, to the attics, for a nasty thing he'd done. At least, that's the story. Hanged himself, too. Odd that, don't you think? I wonder if I'll have two ghosts now? That could be confusing.»
Everyone looked up. «He hanged himself here? Where?» Maggie asked. «There aren't any open beams or anything.»
«Oh?» Sir Rudy rubbed at his chin. «Probably some chandelier that's long gone. Couldn't have been jolly, being stuck up here. Not even a fireplace. Just some holes somewhere in the floor, some pipes that lead off one of the main chimneys, or so I was told. Pretty modern for the seventeen hundreds. Some little trick conjured up by the fellow who added this wing. He's the one who did most of the prettying up around the place. But nothing I'd like, as the heat couldn't have been that strong, although I imagine the smoke made up for that. Well, I believe I'll push off to the kitchens and find some pots to catch that rainwater in, or it'll be down to the next floor, putting paid to the plaster.»
Maggie waved weakly as Sir Rudy left the room, followed by Evan Pottinger, who said he'd had enough of attics, then turned on Alex. «Sir Rudy sure does like the sound of his own voice, doesn't he? But did you hear that? Two hanged men in the same room, even centuries apart? Well, Alex, I'm waiting. Tell me that's a coincidence.»
«Coincidence? Possibly. Or inspiration,» Alex said, bending over to right an overturned chair. «Would you call this a sign of a struggle?»
«Maybe. Or a messy attic.» Maggie held her own lantern high and turned in a circle. «This is pretty big for an attic room, although this whole place is fairly immense. And cold. And damp. No central heat back in those days. No fireplace in here. Uncle Willis must have been a very bad boy. I wonder what he did. Oh, look, wallpaper. What there is left of it.» She touched the wall. «I think it might have been red, once upon a time.»
«And from that you conclude?» Alex asked, poking about in one of the corners of the room.
«Not a lot, sorry. Just that, maybe, once upon a time, this room wasn't all that bad. Wallpaper. Maybe a chandelier. But still the attic. And did you notice the size of the lock on that door? Maybe Uncle Willis was off his trolley, and they stashed him up here. People used to do that with mentally ill relatives because the madhouses were pretty awful. Then there's Jane Eyre , and Mr. Rochester's wife— that was later, and fiction, but still? Do you think we should go read up on Uncle Willis?»
Alex straightened, began looking around the entire room again. «Not unless you and the Troy Toy wish to join forces on the theory Uncle Willis murdered Undercuffler.»
Maggie stuck her tongue out at him. «Thanks, but no thanks. I guess I was just curious. Doesn't the whole coincidence thing make you curious?»
Alex paused in his inspection of the large chest Evan had looked at earlier and turned to her. «Yes, yes, I thought I'd noticed that when Pottinger moved the dust sheet. Hmmm.»
«Noticed what? And you didn't answer my question.»
«Oh, very well. Indeed, people are curious about ghosts, black-sheep relatives, all that sort of thing, aren't they? And with Sir Rudy so proud of and eager to share his knowledge about his newly acquired heritage. And all those histories he talks about. Maggie? How long has everyone else been here?»
«I don't know. A couple of days? Maybe five? And it's been raining for, like, three or four of them. Definitely long enough to get bored enough to maybe pick up one of those histories, read about Uncle Willis. Okay, I give up. Where is this going?»
«Nowhere that I can think of at the moment, I'm afraid. In fact, all it does is enlarge the number of suspects. If only Sir Rudy and, possibly, his nephew knew about Uncle Willis, this room, the method of the man's demise. But we've just proven that it's possible everyone knew.»
«Gee, thanks. That helped. What are you looking for? What did you see?»
Alex dropped the dust sheet back over the chest, and wiped his hands together. «Dusty, dusty. Of course, we've all been tramping about in here, so there's no helpful trail of footprints to follow.»
«Yeah, yeah, yeah. What did you see?»
He lowered the lantern to the floor. «This.»
Maggie stepped closer, peered down at the floor. There were drag marks in front of the legs of the chest, for only an inch or two, in the dust. «Somebody tried to move this chest?»
«And gave it up as a bad job, yes. Lovely old piece, and quite heavy, I imagine. Would you care to give it a go?»
«Not in this lifetime. Besides, there's an easier way.» Maggie dropped to her knees, pushed her hair behind her ears, and leaned forward until her cheek touched the floor, then peered under the chest. «Move the lanterns a little closer… yeah, good. I can't see… wait a minute, I may see something.»
Still with her cheek against the floor—and convinced Saint Just was having himself a high old time watching as her backside stuck up in the air—she held out her arm, snapped her fingers. «Get me something I can slide under here. Where's your cane?»
«Interesting question. But we'll leave that for the moment, even as I tell you that the cane is downstairs, in the main saloon. How about this?»
Maggie felt something against her palm and closed her hand over it. «What's this? What did you give me?»
«I can't be sure, but it could be the handle of what was once a bedwarmer. Is that important to the exercise?»
«I'm cold, I'm getting filthy down here, and you're being sarcastic. Typical,» Maggie said as she maneuvered the handle under the chest. «I'm close to whatever it is now. I'm going to sweep it to the left, okay? Here goes!»
By the time she'd gotten to her feet, brushing herself down in case a pregnant spider had decided to nest in her hair, Alex was standing at his ease, Joanne Pertuccelli's stopwatch swinging from the thin, black lanyard he gingerly held between two fingers.
«Bingo! Our murder weapon,» Maggie said, grinning. «And shame on me for having so much fun, but—damn, we're good!»
«We are that, as far as this goes, yes,» Alex agreed. «Shall I recap? Undercuffler was murdered here, Joanne Pertuccelli's stopwatch the murder weapon, which was probably flung aside when the deed was done, only to be searched for, in vain, by our killer, and therefore left here for us to discover. Our murderer, perhaps thinking—correctly—that the now missing stopwatch would easily be seen as the murder weapon once Undercuffler's body was found, tippytoed back to the attics some hours later, searched once more for the stopwatch, once more fruitlessly, then— remembering the story of the late, unlamented, and possibly not-yet-gone-from-the-premises Uncle Willis—improvised by hanging Undercuffler outside from the scaffold, thus hopefully covering the tracks of the true mode and cause of death. How am I doing so far?»
«Well, the sentences were a little long—Bernie would have broken them up on line edit—but, basically, that's really good. Really, really good. Now tell me how Sam and the murderer got here, leaving no footprints in the dust from the steps all the way to here.»
Alex sighed as he tucked the stopwatch into his pocket. «Always the nitpicker. And no footprints in the dust beyond this room, in case you belatedly might have considered the possibility of yet another staircase closer to the center wing of the mansion. Shall we go join the others and think about that particular question in the warmth and light, preferably over a glass of wine?»
«That's got my vote,» Maggie said, heading for the door.
«Oh,» she said, turning to face him for a moment, «a hidden passageway! Alex—there's a hidden passageway somewhere in this room. Why didn't you think of that one?»
«I did, my dear, but a cursory search showed nothing of interest. I'm also having trouble believing Undercuffler would have casually stumbled onto a secret passageway as he wandered about the manor, hunting up shooting locations, as I believe they're called. Sir Rudy certainly doesn't know about any secret passage. If he did, dear man, the whole world would know by now. He might have given tours. As I said, this will take more thought.»
He pulled his pocket watch free and held up the lantern. «Eight o'clock. My, how time keeps ticking away. What say we briefly adjourn downstairs to your bedchamber and I'll stand guard while you freshen up. I loathe saying it, but you do look rather as if you've been dragged through a hedge backwards.»
«Oh yeah, right. We're on the trail of a murderer, who probably knows by now that we are on his or her trail, by the way, but hey, let's keep up appearances.»
«Always, my dear,» Alex agreed, flicking a finger at her cheek, probably because she was all dusty and smudged. «Shall we go?»
Maggie turned on her heels and led the way back to the stairs, grumbling under her breath as she went.
Saint Just had just finished rapping on the wall around the fireplace when Maggie came back into her bedchamber dressed in yet another pair of blue jeans, another rather lovely sweater, red this time. She slammed the door behind her.
«Do you know what's worse than trying to wash with cold water? I'll tell you. Nothing . I don't know how permanent-press clothes stand it.»
«I'm sure that means something,» he said, striking a casual pose as she tossed a damp towel onto the bed, then appeared to think better of that particular resting place and picked up the towel again, threw it on the carpet instead. «But don't you look… bright and shiny, my dear.»
«Funny. Real funny,» Maggie said, rubbing at her cheeks. «But if you think I'm going to put on makeup because of that crack, you are so wrong.» She rummaged in her suitcase and came out with a gray hooded sweatshirt with «New York Mets» emblazoned on the front in large, fuzzy letters (he'd bought the thing for her, as a gift, from the nicest street vendor, who swore to its authenticity), and struggled into it as she mumbled something.
«I beg your pardon?»
With one last tug on the bottom of the sweatshirt, Maggie popped her head out of the neck and said, as she ruffled her hair with her fingers, «Never mind. I shouldn't have said that word anyway. You ready to go downstairs?»
Saint Just walked over to her and dropped a kiss on the tip of her shiny nose. «You're a quite adorable hoyden at times, you know.»
«Yeah. That's me. Adorable tomboy. And just when I was feeling so frail and feminine. Thanks. Now come on, it's cold as a tomb in here. I can't believe anyone lived in this pile and didn't die of hypothermia.»
«Ah, but the architecture is beautiful, you must admit,» Saint Just said as they returned to the main saloon.
«I've seen some pretty good-looking mausoleums, too,» Maggie told him as she trailed one hand down the stone banister, then hesitated once they were looking at the closed doors to the main saloon. «Okay, once more into the breech, my friends, once more—and all that crap.»
Chuckling at her determined belligerence, Saint Just opened the doors, then bowed as he indicated that Maggie should precede him into the large chamber.
«Oh, dear,» he said as everyone ignored their entrance. «There may be candles in their holders and a roaring fire in the grate, but I believe it may be colder in here than in the attics. Not precisely a cheery group, wouldn't you say?»
«What did you expect? They'd all be playing charades and laughing their heads off? Come on, let's get some wine. I'm freezing. Maybe it will warm me up.»
Saint Just followed her to the drinks table, where Bernie quickly joined them.
Bernie pressed her hands together in front of herself, as if in prayer. «One. Just one short Scotch. Please? Just to take the chill off. Come on, quick. Tabby's not looking.»
«Bernie, you know you can't,» Maggie told her as Saint Just poured two glasses of wine, then filled a third glass from the carafe of water.
«I can too,» Bernie said, taking the glass Saint Just offered her, and throwing back a look that told him that he was not, at this moment, her favorite person in the universe. «I had a Scotch last week while I was out to dinner with Sid. My accountant. Sid. You remember him? I had a Scotch with him, and nothing happened. One Scotch, Maggie. I'm not an alcoholic. Now that I'm over the hump, understand I can't drink to excess, I can go back to enjoying an occasional drink. I'm a… I'm a—well, there's a name for what was wrong with me, but I don't remember it.»
«Try liar,» Maggie said, and for a moment it looked as if the two women might square off.
«Now, ladies,» Saint Just said, stepping between them. «Bernie? You really had a drink last week?»
Bernie nodded furiously. «I did. One. And it was nice. I enjoyed it. But I didn't have another one. And it wasn't a double, Maggie Kelly, before you open that mouth of yours again.»
«Maggie?» Saint Just asked, looking at her, as he was quite out of his depth here. Drinking during the Regency Era had been more or less the accepted thing, no matter that one might stagger home blindly every night or be able to brag of not being sober in thirty years.
Maggie frowned, shrugged, then sighed, all in short order. «Okay.» She spread her arms, shrugged again. «Okay, okay. You want a Scotch, have a Scotch. Maybe you can drink occasionally instead of constantly. Who am I to judge? Besides, I'm not your keeper.»
«Exactly! Quick, Alex, get a pen and paper, and write down the date. We've got a major breakthrough here. Maggie is not my keeper.»
Saint Just sighed as Maggie, her lips pressed together firmly, turned and walked across the room, to sit down between Sterling and Perry, who probably felt a new, distinct chill as she did so. «Bernie? I know you're not happy. None of us is happy at the moment. And I know you're feeling poorly, under the weather as it were. But that was rather cruel of you, as you know Maggie well enough to be sure exactly where to place your darts.»
Bernie put down her glass and stabbed the fingers of both hands through her stylishly messed mop of red hair. «I know. Maggie's my best friend, and I'm a bitch. But I feel like hell, Alex. My nose burns, my throat burns, my eyes burn. Tabby's having a good time, damn it. Tabby ! If anybody should have been in bed with Dennis, it should have been me. It's always me. Not Tabby, with her rotten husband and her ungrateful kids and her scarves.''
Saint Just gave her a sympathetic hug. «So? Did you really have a Scotch last week?»
Bernie shook her head as she leaned against his chest. «Shirley Temple. Four cherries. That's ginger ale and no booze, for you English. It was pathetic. I'm pathetic. I don't know what to do with myself, you know? I can't even smoke right now, my throat's so sore.»
«Perhaps I can be of some assistance. Would you like to help solve a murder?»
Bernie looked up at him for some moments before a small smile played around her wide, currently unpainted mouth. Poor thing, she did feel bad, didn't she? He couldn't remember ever seeing her without full paint. «You think you know who did it?»
«No, unfortunately. But I know you didn't. So? Would you like to help?»
«Hey, good thought. For once, I'm not a suspect.» Bernie's smile turned into a grin. «Yeah. Yeah, I would like to help. What've you got so far? You got anything?»
«How about I call Maggie over here, and she can fill you in?»
Bernie's smile evaporated. «Right after I apologize for being an ass, right? Oh, you're sneaky, Alex. But effective. Okay. Call her back over here.»
Once Bernie and Maggie had hugged, and sniffled a time or two, and gone off into a corner to talk, Saint Just, feeling rather proud of himself, dared attempt to extend his winning streak by having another converstion with the Troy Toy.
The actor was sitting near the fireplace, sucking on the knob of the sword cane, and looking depressingly like a spoiled child about to explode into a tantrum.
«Hello there, Troy. Any luck with narrowing down the list of suspects?»
Troy looked up at Saint Just, then got to his feet, nearly coming to grief over the sword cane until Saint Just relieved him of it, careful not to touch the gold knob on top. He hefted the thing a time or two, not so much that anyone would notice, then offered it to the man once more. «Here you go. Be careful not to injure yourself.»
Troy grabbed the cane at the middle. «I know how to handle props. And, no, I haven't been lucky. I can't be, not when nobody will even talk to me. It would have been so great if I could have solved Sam's murder, you know? Now it's like he died for nothing, you know?»
He narrowed his eyelids, an action that, for some, made a person appear more intense. For Troy, alas, the resultant expression made him seem only like a confused cocker spaniel. «Do you think it could be Arnie?»
«I beg your pardon? Who?»
«Arnie. Arnaud Peppin,» Troy whispered as he took hold of Saint Just's arm, pulling him closer. «Only he used to be Arnie Peeps. Porno flicks. Not many people know that, but I do. Second-rate porn, too, in Toledo, of all places. Sam might have known. Arnie would want that kept quiet, don't you think?»
«Very possibly,» Saint Just agreed. «Although, if we are considering Arnaud's sadly checkered past as motive— wouldn't you be the person we found hanging outside on the scaffolding?»
«Oh. Right.» Troy waved a hand in front of him, as if erasing Arnaud's name from some blackboard visible only to him. «Scratch Arnie, huh?»
«That isn't something I'd wish to do, but please feel free to indulge yourself if you must,» Saint Just said, as enjoying this idiot definitely held less stress than attempting to reason with him.
Troy blinked vacantly, and Saint Just could have sworn he'd seen his small sarcastic indulgence actually wing— pfffpft !—straight over the actor's head and disappear.
«Well, anyway,» Troy went on, «nobody's rehearsing. Joanne's nuts if she thinks we'll rehearse with a stiff in the house.»
«I beg your pardon?»
«A stiff. A body. Sam ,» Troy explained. «Sorry. I keep forgetting you English don't know the language all that well.»
«Indeed,» Saint Just said, gifting the man with a small inclination of his head, as if acknowledging the fellow's superior grasp of the language. «But if we can push on? I do think we should inquire once more as to everyone's whereabouts earlier today. Say, from breakfast on?»
Troy grinned. «So you think that's a good idea? Terrific! I knew it was a good idea. I got it from the script. First, we ask where they all were, then we tell them they all had motives—and then the killer makes some sort of mistake, and bam , we've got him. Let's do it.»
«I can hardly wait,» Saint Just said as Troy once more took up what he obviously believed to be center stage in the large room and clapped his hands, asking for everyone's attention.
«It's show time? Oh, goodie, I missed the first show,» Maggie said from behind him.
«He's harmless enough, Maggie. I think we should help him out, volunteer our whereabouts for the day.»
«You just want me to have to say you and I—you and me—that we were together in my bedroom. And you'd just love to volunteer that I had my portable CD player turned full blast, and the two of us were dancing while Sam hung around outside my window, and we didn't hear anything anyway because we were otherwise occupied . I'd rather be a suspect again.»
As there was no real answer for Maggie's accusation other than the truth, which would damn him, or a lie, which would similarly damn him, Saint Just lightly pressed a finger to her lips to shush her as Troy began to speak.
«Time for alibis. Oh, yes, we're going to do this again, people,» Troy was saying. «Again and again and again, until we get it right.»
«Oh, you mean the way you always have to do it, Troy, if you need to say more than three words during a scene?» Evan asked, showing that, no, it wasn't that much of a stretch for the man to «method act» Lord Hervey, in or out of costume.
Nikki giggled, then turned another page in the magazine she'd been reading. «That's why he's always in bed with some bimbo on his soap—no dialogue, just pecs and abs. One of these days, Troy, they're going to want to see your ass, and it's good-bye career time. Hey! Hey, look at this.»
Saint Just, who was standing behind the couch Nikki seemed to have established as her own, leaned forward slightly on the balls of his feet, looking at the magazine as she held it up for the company.
«That's you, isn't it?» she asked, pivoting sideways in her seat as she looked at Saint Just through the lenses of the small glasses she hadn't been wearing at any other time. «You're the Pierre guy. I didn't notice that before. Oh, that's it. I've got to get new contacts.»
«She's resting her eyes, wearing glasses instead of contacts,» Maggie told Saint Just quietly. «Colored contacts. I should have noticed. Her eyes aren't half as blue now, are they? Fake boobs, fake eye color. Do you think those are all her own teeth? I don't. She's probably bald, too.»
«Thank you for that explanation, along with the unnecessary editorial comments. I had wondered,» Saint Just said, then bowed to Nikki. «Guilty as charged, Miss Campion. For my sins, I am the public face of Fragrances by Pierre, yes.»
Marylou, who had been wandering about the room carrying a tray she was loading up with dirty glasses and plates, stopped in front of Saint Just. «Dang, I couldn't hear that. I missed something, didn't I? What did I miss? Who are you? Are you somebody?»
Saint Just smiled at the young woman, who really should have been kept under her parents' wing a lot longer, perhaps decades longer. «My dear, we are all somebody.»
Marylou wrinkled her nose. «Yeah, but not so as it counts, you know? But I'm getting there. Sir Rudy has a title, you know.»
Maggie laughed shortly as Marylou moved on, picking up another glass. «Lucky Marylou,» she said. «I guess Sir Rudy gives her another entry in her 'Celebrities I Have Banged' Diary —Overseas Division . And you like her, even feel a little sorry for her, so you're going to pretend I didn't say that, right?»
«Exactly,» Saint Just said as Troy, who had been looking at the advertisement, called himself back to attention.
«This isn't getting us anywhere, so I'll start, okay?» Troy suggested, tucking the sword cane beneath his arm. «I got up around seven, dressed, came down here, and ate breakfast. I saw you, Evan, and you, Nikki—and Sam.»
«Then Arnaud, you came in, right? I left everybody to go run the stairs a couple of times, then do my ab crunches. But I remember that Sam was really getting hot about the writer, how she was driving him nuts,» Nikki added. «I remember that.»
«Hey,» Maggie cut in when everyone turned to look at her. «I don't kill people.»
«You write about killing people,» Troy said, except his tone made the words an accusation, one that faltered badly as he added, «It's almost the same thing.»
«Right. You run up and down the stairs with that one a few times. Jerk,» Maggie said in disgust, so that Saint Just knew he had to step in, yet again. No wonder he'd decided to pop into Maggie's world. Somebody had to protect the dear girl from herself.
«Maggie, if you'd tell us, please, about your last encounter with Sam Undercuffler?» he asked smoothly.
She was still glaring at Troy, her lower jaw thrust out, her green eyes sparkling. «The last time I saw him was this morning, out there, on the landing. Alive .» She turned to
Saint Just. «Then I was with you for a while, on the stairs, remember? Then I fell asleep in Sir Rudy's study. Then I heard some—»
«Yes?» Saint Just prompted when Maggie suddenly closed her mouth with the sort of quick finality that told him she didn't plan on opening it again any time soon. Perhaps never.
«Nothing. I didn't hear—that is, nothing happened. I heard the storm, that's all. Thunder. I fell asleep, I woke up, I grabbed some sandwiches in the kitchens, and I visited with Bernie for a long time. I went back to my room, you came in, Alex, we talked, I pulled back the drapery— well, we all know that part.»
«And yet there remains a part , some sequence of events, we clearly don't know,» Saint Just whispered as Troy turned to Evan Pottinger to query him about his whereabouts during the time in question.
«I was going to tell you,» Maggie whispered back while Troy and Evan argued, which wasn't really a fair fight. «I woke up in the study and heard two people arguing, but I couldn't understand what they said, or even what sex they were. Just a couple of words, and I've forgotten most of those, damn it. Maybe the same argument Evan heard parts of too. Something about having something, looking for something. Friendship, maybe? Anyway, it's probably noth-ing.»
«Saint Just?»
Both Troy and Saint Just turned around to look at Sterling. «Yes?» they said in unison.
Sterling's eyes went wide behind his gold-rimmed spectacles. «I… I mean this one,» he said, pointing at Saint Just.
«Him?» Troy exclaimed, then threw back his head and laughed. «Har. Har. Har.» A really bad attempt at an amused, sarcastic laugh. «Look at me, you knavish, dizzy-eyed varlot. What do you think this costume is all about? Does be look like Saint Just?»
«Well, um… yes . He does,» Sterling said. «He's always looked like Saint Just. Haven't you, Saint Just?»
«My turn,» Maggie said, stepping in front of her creation. «I modeled the fictional Saint Just after my distant cousin here, remember, folks? And Sterling Balder after Alex's friend, Sterling Balder. Alex Blakely became Alexandre Blake, then I tacked on the Viscount part. I didn't even change Sterling's name, and now Sterling calls Alex Saint Just as a sort of joke. See? Simple explanation.»
Arnaud Peppin pushed himself out of the chair he'd been sitting in, his legs drawn up on the seat in rather a fetal position. «Good casting, sweetheart. Now, if your cousin could only act, I might be talked into giving this movie another shot. Troy, you're pathetic.»
«Oh, yeah? And… and you're Arnie Peeps,» Troy shot back.
«Why, you—»
And they were off, the two men standing a good fifteen paces apart, screaming at each other, Arnaud's high-pitched voice particularly grating on the ears.
«Alex? Aren't you going to stop this? Alex?»
Saint Just snapped himself back to attention. «Pardon me? I'm afraid I was once again considering myself in the role of… well, of myself. Still a tantalizing prospect, wouldn't you agree?»
«Only you could think that. The fictional-hero-turned-real Saint Just would play the fictional Saint Just. Talk about not being able to tell the players without a score-card. Hey, where's everybody going? Alex? Everybody's leaving the room. Stop them.»
But it was already too late. Arnaud's screaming obviously had chased them away. As if Noah had just announced last call, off everyone went, two by two.
Tabby with Dennis/Clarence.
Bernie with the hot-water bottle Marylou had filled from the kettle on the gas stove in the kitchens.
Marylou herself with a widely grinning, all-but-preening Sir Rudy.
Sterling and Sterling… Sterling and Perry, Saint Just corrected mentally.
Joanne, dragging along a suddenly panicky-looking Evan Pottinger.
Byrd Stockwell with Nikki Campion, who was already opening the buttons on her blouse.
And, belatedly bringing up the rear, Arnaud Peppin with his beret (rather damp on one side) and both a glass and the decanter of Scotch.
Which left, oh joy of joys, Maggie, the Troy Toy, and himself.
«No, no,» Saint Just said, taking Maggie's arm. «I vote we leave our master sleuth here by the fire. You?»
«Nobody really should be alone, Alex,» Maggie said, looking at Troy, who had dropped into one of the chairs, his expression—well, blank. He may have meant it to be something else, but blank was about all he seemed to manage. «And we haven't even asked Joanne why she isn't wearing her stopwatch, remember?»
«In good time, in good time,» Saint Just said, then gave in to his lamentable soft heart and said, «Troy? If you don't want to be alone, may I suggest you toddle off after Arnaud? I believe he's heading toward the study.»
«Alone? No, I don't want to be left alone. But where are you two going?»
«Bathroom,» Maggie said quickly, then winced. «I
mean, I'm going to the bathroom. Alex is going to stand guard outside.»
«Oh, well, I don't want to do that,» Troy said. «Guess I'll go kiss up to Arnaud. Never burn a bridge, right?»
«Absolutely,» Saint Just agreed, then took Maggie's hand and headed for the landing, where he turned to the right and led her down to the ground floor of the large mansion.