Chapter 25

It was always dusk in The Coor’s office, a sort of refined gloom. Light was absorbed by the dark paneling, the dark rug, the thick draperies. Now the dusk inside matched that outside.

“We finally have a line on him,” said Addington. He took off his thick glasses, giving his face the appearance of a slab of red meat with two holes in the top and a wide slit in the bottom. “His wife was seen going into the Bu-Psych Building today.” Addington polished the glasses as he spoke, returned them to his face. Again he was the owl. “She was disguised, but one of our men—Curren—spotted her from seeing her out in the Roper Road Warren the day Movius was low-opped.”

“The day Movius was what?” asked Glass, staring down from his position leaning back against his desk.

“Let’s not play games among ourselves,” said Addington. He found a white lozenge in a pocket, popped it into his mouth, squirmed into a more comfortable position on the leather couch.

Glass pushed himself away from the desk, pointed a finger at Addington. “Nate O’Brien! He’s been talking crisis for years. Do you suppose he could be manufacturing a crisis of his own?”

“Pick him up and ask him,” said Addington.

The Coor shook his head. “I’m beginning to see it. O’Brien and Gerard together and Roper knows what other departments; but those two are doing the thinking. No wonder Gerard is so bold.”

“Where does Movius fit into this?” Addington swallowed the lozenge, fumbled in his pocket for another.

“I wish I knew. I’m tempted to raid his apartment.”

Addington paled. “That’d mean open war. Maybe that’s what they want.”

Glass showed his teeth in a superior smile. “You’re afraid I’d send you against that Army Gerard keeps on the building. Well, aren’t you, owl guts?”

Addington flushed. “Great Gallup! Don’t you start calling me that too.”

“Why didn’t you pick up the Movius woman when you’d spotted her?” demanded Glass.

“They took her home by copter, same way they’ve been moving Movius around.”

“How many men would we need to crack that apartment?” asked Glass.

Addington shook his head. “I don’t know. And anyway, I don’t think Movius and his wife are there anymore. Gerard threw two extra crews of guards around the building yesterday, hauled off half of them today. Bu-Trans copters made half a dozen trips from the apartment to the Bu-Psych Building. I think they’re holed up with O’Brien.”

“Then how many to crack Bu-Psych?”

“Helmut, don’t talk foolishness. We don’t know how many departments are in this. We don’t know how many guards.”

“Then find out!” bellowed Glass. “You be ready to move the night of the seventh. They’re planning something and I’ve a suspicion it will be aimed at the Fall poll. Well, we’re going to strike first. Bring in every man you can trust. Raid your sub-districts in other cities for men.”

“But that only gives me two days. I’ll need…”

“You’ve had two months! Great Gallup! You’ve had two years! Get moving!”

Addington hoisted himself to his feet with a grunt. He shook his head, waddled from the room.

Gerard went to another door, opened it. “Cecie, I’ve a job for you. You remember Daniel Movius? Well, he’s making trouble for the government and I want you to…”
