Sheree could feel the ache in her jaw starting to subside a little bit as she got used to having her mouth opened far enough to accommodate the bulk of Harvey's pecker.
"Ohhhhhh, baby, you suck so good, you suck so hard."
Sheree Messmer could not respond to her new lover.
Her mouth was full.
The diminutive and passionate young woman began to pump up and down on the shaft of Harvey's cock even as she sucked him.
She was sucking off and jerking off Harvey's pecker simultaneously – much to the young man's delight.
She could tell by the sounds he was making that she was not going to have to suck him for very long to make him spill his seed inside her sucking mouth.
She could hear his cries of pleasure getting steadily louder and higher in pitch. Harvey Henderson was letting out an exclamation of pleasure with each and every one of his rapid exhales.
The dark-haired and dark-complexioned woman knew why Harvey's exclamations of pleasure were rising in pitch the way they were.
She understood that the muscles in his neck were tensed.
Those tensed muscles were squeezing at his voice box – altering the product of his vocal cords. He was no longer a baritone.
Sheree Messmer had turned Harvey into a terror with her anxiously sucking mouth and her sensuously pumping fist.
The brown-eyed and libidinous little female could tell that just about every muscle in Harvey's body was tensed with his pleasure. She knew that the end was near.
The super-horny and petite twenty year old woman could feel the head of Harvey's cock getting a little bit thicker as extra blood pumped up into the already bulbous glands.
Yes, Sheree could feel Harvey's cock head getting even larger. Even more blood pumped up into his glands and still the damn thing did not explode with the internal pressure he was experiencing down there.
Sheree would not have thought it was possible unless she had felt it for herself. She could feel her jaw being forced to open even further than before to accommodate the bulk of his pecker – and Sheree probably would not have thought this was possible either unless it had actually happened to her.
"I can feel you sucking the come right up out of my balls."
The little girl pumped his cock with her fist more anxiously than before. She was squeezing his cock hard.
"I can feel my come gathering at the base of my pecker."
Harvey could feel his facial features contorting with his pleasure. His eyes were closed so tightly that his eyelids were wrinkled. Harvey Henderson's back teeth were clenched together so hard that the muscles at the sides of his face were protruding. Roberta Jean Richardson's old boyfriend could feel his usually smooth forehead becoming deeply furrowed with the tension he was experiencing. The extremely handsome yet rather slight young man could feel his libido taking control of his willpower. The well-hung and sexually attractive young stud boy tried to think about other things so that he could delay his orgasm. Sheree Messmer's brand new lover tried to think about other things so that he could prolong his pleasure.
"You are going to make me come, you are going to make me come so fucking hard," he screamed. The masculine owner of the dark and cozy LTD's voice sounded hysterical. The good-looking and large-cocked lover boy sounded like a raving lunatic as he screamed these words at the tops of his lungs.
Then Sheree felt the head of Harvey's cock starting to spasm against her mouth, against her lips, against the coated part of her tongue against the mucous membranes at the insides of her deeply drawn-in cheeks.
Sheree Messmer could feel the shaft of Harvey Henderson's cock spasming against her right palirt, and against the insides of her tightly curled fingers.
"Coming! Coming! Ooooooh! Ohhhhhh! You are making me come, you are making me come so fucking hard! You are making me come! You are making me come so mother fucking hard!"
The little swollen lips on either side of Harvey Henderson's suddenly parting. Harvey's piss hole dilated.
His internal volcano erupted.
His molten lava began to flow.
The first spurt of rich, creamy fluid entered Sheree's mouth.
It did not take Sheree long to figure out that Harvey was going to shoot a hell of a lot more jism than she had been counting on.
The little girl had to puff out her cheeks in a desperate – and inevitably futile – attempt to keep all of Harvey's fuck juice inside her mouth. She began to swallow.
Sheree, as she puffed out her dark cheeks, made herself look as if she had suddenly contracted a severe case of the mumps.
Harvey let loose with a scream of pleasure that sounded to Sheree Messmer to be unadulteratedly animalistic. Why, there was nothing remotely human about the sound that Harvey Henderson made at that moment.
He howled.
Like a wolf.
Like a werewolf.
Sheree would not have been surprised if hair had come sprouting like a rug out of Harvey's forehead just then.
Harvey Henderson sounded as if he were howling at the full moon – the full moon that was still casting a blue light through the rear window of the young man's LTD.
Sheree Messmer quickly discovered that there was no way she could hold all of the man's come inside her mouth.
There was too much come.
Her mouth was too little.
The diminutive and passionate young woman could feel Harvey Henderson's jism oozing hotly and thickly from the stretched corners of her mouth.
The dark-haired and dark-complexioned woman could feel that fuck juice rolling down onto her tiny chin, where it immediately began to cool and coagulate with its exposure to the fresh air.
The brown-eyed and libidinous little female could feel some of the come dripping right off the tip of her chin.
That come dripped onto the inside of her left wrist. She was clutching Harvey's balls with her left hand more tightly than ever – but still nowhere near tight enough to risk hurting the young man.
The super-horny and petite twenty year old woman managed to keep ninety-five percent of Harvey Henderson's come inside her mouth. Sheree and Harvey agreed that this was quite an accomplishment all by itself.
Roberta Jean Richardson's old boyfriend could feel his pleasure spreading outward from his cock and balls.
The extremely handsome yet rather slight young man could feel the pleasure rolling down his slender legs.
The well-hung and sexually attractive young stud boy could feel the pleasure ripping its way up his back.
Sheree Messmer's brand new lover could tell that he was going to be able to feel the pleasure spreading until he was enveloped by it, until each and every one of his nerve-endings were affected by its power.
The masculine owner of the dark and cozy LTD could feel himself injecting raw protein into the beautiful young woman's sucking mouth.
The good-looking and large-cocked lover boy could feel his physical pleasure exploding into his already reeling brain.
He could feel the pleasure all the way down to his toes.
He could feel the pleasure all the way to his fingertips.
He could feel his sense of time being elongated. He could tell that his brain was telling him that his body was about to explode.
He was going to come.
Yes, that's what he was about to do.
The pleasure that he was feeling as the mouth moved back and forth on his cock was mounting.
He was close to the point of no return.
Very close.
And moving closer with every stroke the pretty young woman gave his hard, throbbing cock.
Then it hit him.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Harvey Henderson screamed loudly.
Sheree found that he had to wait for Harvey Henderson's come to cool off a little bit inside her mouth before her taste buds could properly register the flavor.
Sheree found that it was worth the wait. Every second of it.
Sheree found that Harvey Henderson's come was delicious – even more delicious than she thought it was going to be, and that was saying something.
Sheree thought that Harvey Henderson's come tasted fishy.
She quickly discovered that she couldn't get enough of that stuff. She never stopped sucking and Sheree was determined to not stop sucking.
Not until Harvey Henderson's come was completely finished.
Sheree Messmer wanted each and every drop of that jism down inside her tummy – where she wholeheartedly believed it belonged.
The diminutive and passionate young woman figured that Harvey Henderson's come tasted better than anything else in the world. She figured that his come tasted better than the world's most expensive caviar. Not that Sheree had eaten the world's most expensive caviar or anything like that, but she was positive that Harvey Henderson's come had to taste better than any overpriced tuna roe.
Just as Sheree had hoped, she could feel herself getting healthier as she sucked down the raw protein that was shooting from the tip of Harvey Henderson's awesomely large tool of masculinity.
The diminutive and passionate young woman discovered that she loved the texture of Harvey Henderson's come every bit as much as she loved the taste.
The dark-haired and dark-complexioned woman thought that the come felt like so much raw egg white as it slithered its way down the entire length of her gullet heading for the spot of warmth and contentment that was forming at the pit of her tummy where the silver seed was accumulating.
The brown-eyed and libidinous little female really did feel as if she were being fed a hot meal from Harvey Henderson's spasming meat pole.
The super-horny and petite twenty year old woman correctly assumed that the raw egg white texture of Harvey Henderson's come would have grossed her out royally inside her throat in anything but the most prurient context.
This was a moot point.
Sheree could think of no context more prurient than this.
Harvey thought that Sheree had a magic mouth. Harvey Henderson could tell that Sheree sucked cock better than any other girl who had ever gone down on him – including Roberta Jean Richardson.
Roberta Jean Richardson's old boyfriend thought Sheree was so sweet and nice and sensuous that he wanted to keep her around for awhile.
The extremely handsome yet rather slight young man wanted to keep Sheree Messmer as his girlfriend for some time. Heck, this might even end up to be the girl he wanted to marry. A blow job like this was just the sort of thing that could make a young man like Harvey Henderson fall in love.
Sheree Messmer's brand new lover could feel Sheree's left middle finger continuing to caress ever so-lightly at the hypersensitive and super-erogenous patch of tissue between the base of his dangling scrotal sack and his asshole.
The masculine owner of the dark and cozy LTD could feel stars flashing back and forth across the insides of his tightly closed eyelids. He could feel the earth moving.
He could feel the bombs bursting in air.
The good-looking and large-cocked lover boy could feel his ability to think rationally leaving him. He was in a dream-world – a dream-world created by Sheree Messmer's anxiously sucking mouth and anxiously clutching little hands on his cock and balls.
Sheree was determined to keep sucking at Harvey Henderson's cock until his scrotal sack was completely emptied of its jism.
She was determined to keep sucking until his balls were as dry as a pair of bones that had been left out in the hot summertime sunshine to bleach white.
The little girl could feel her come filling with come. She was pleased to find that after the first squirt of come she had no trouble keeping all of Harvey Henderson's silver seed inside her mouth. Sheree found that the quantity of come in each of Harvey Henderson's squirts diminished rapidly after that first humongous blast.
Then it was over.
As it turned out Sheree had no trouble figuring out when Harvey Henderson's come had been completed. Not only did the jism stop spurting from the puffy little hole at the tip of his pole of masculinity, but all of his muscles relaxed at the same time as well.
Harvey Henderson was pleased to find that he could once again completely fill his lungs with air. This was quite a relief to him because he had hardly been able to breathe at all during the course of his orgasm, or during the last part of his sexual arousal's rise toward the saturation point for that matter. Because of this the young man's bloodstream found that its supply of fresh oxygen had been severely depleted.
Roberta Jean Richardson's old boyfriend anxiously went about the task of replenishing that supply.
The extremely handsome yet rather slight young man continued to pant, but now his panting breaths were getting steadily longer and further apart rather than shorter and closer together as had been the case when his libido was still on the rise.
The extremely handsome yet rather slight young man could feel the steamy perspiration that had covered his body starting to cool off. He shivered a little because of this and he could feel the entire surface are of his body becoming covered with a thick layer of gooseflesh.
The well-hung and sexually attractive young stud boy could feel his racing heartbeat starting to slow.
It was slowing toward a normal rate. The masculine owner of the dark and cozy LTD could feel Sheree continuing to suck on his cock even after his come was through. The good-looking and large cocked lover boy could feel Sheree continuing to squeeze at his cock and balls in spite of the fact that his lust had been completely yet temporarily appeased.
The good-looking and large-cocked lover boy, however, noticed that Sheree had loosened her grip with both of her hands considerably out of respect for his sexual satisfaction.
Harvey could feel the ecstasy of his orgasm being replaced by the warmth and contentment of his afterglow.
Sheree left her mouth on the head of his dick. She never wanted to take his purple glands out of her gaping mouth.
It felt at home in there.
Sheree Messmer could feel his pecker losing some of its urgent rigidity the second his come was through.
Sheree could feel his cock head shrinking also. This offered her jaw a chance to relax for the first time in what seemed like – to her, anyway – like ages.
When Sheree finally did remove her mouth from the head of Harvey Henderson's dick, she did not pull it off very far.
The diminutive and passionate young woman stopped pulling upward with her head and shoulders when her upper lip was still only a fraction of an inch – a millimeter or two – away from the still swollen lips on either side of Harvey Henderson's piss hole.
The dark-haired and dark-complexioned woman crossed her dark brown eyes and looked down past her nose at the tip of Harvey Henderson's pecker flesh.
The girl could see that Harvey's piss hole and her upper lip were being bridged by a string of come.
The brown-eyed and libidinous little female pulled upward with her preciously cute face about three more inches.
The string of come stretched.
Half of the string of come fell onto the sloping side of Harvey Henderson's steadily diminishing cock head. Half of the string of silver seed ended up on Sheree Messmer's right front upper tooth. The super-horny and petite twenty year old woman could feel Harvey Henderson's cock starting to soften against her palm. She could tell that Harvey's cock had lost its ability to defy the law of gravity. She could tell that Harvey Henderson's cock was going to tumble and curl down onto the inside of his thigh the very instant she released her grip on it.
Sheree pumped at the shaft of Harvey Henderson's softening cock three times to make sure there was no jism trapped uncomfortably inside.
Sure enough, several droplets of post-orgasmic dew oozed from between the swollen lips on either side of his urethra.
Sheree Messmer saw to it that those watery droplets were not allowed to stay there for very long!
Sheree thought that the little droplets of fluid at the tip of Harvey Henderson's cock looked like pearl drops.
She flicked outward with the tip of her tongue, looking for all the world as if she were doing an imitation of a bullfrog capturing a horsefly in midair.
Sheree Messmer laved away the droplets of post climactic goo from the tip of Harvey's dick with a single swipe of her pointy and slightly curled tongue tip.
The diminutive and passionate young woman could see that there was a thin film of come covering the entire head of Harvey Henderson's tool. She used the flat part of her tongue to lick him clean.
The dark-haired and dark-complexioned woman did not stop licking until all of the come had been laved away, until his cock head was as clean as a whistle – until the only thing making Harvey Henderson's purple cock head wet and shiny was the sweet and slippery spittle that came from Sheree's tingling mouth.
The brown-eyed and libidinous little female then released her grip on the shaft of Harvey's cock and on his balls at the same time.
The super-horny and petite twenty year old woman could see, just as she had expected, Harvey Henderson's cock curl and collapse, slump and slouch, onto the inside of Harvey Henderson's thigh.
"Wow," Harvey said, closing his eyes and leaning back so that the back of his head was pressed against the back of the seat.
Sheree smacked her lips a couple of times, making sexy little sounds with her puffy, little girl lips.
"Whew!" Harvey Henderson said. He shook his handsome head from side to side slowly, then shivering as a post-orgasmic spasm rippled up and down the entire length of his spine.
"Was that okay, Harvey?" Sheree Messmer inquired sweetly.
"It was more than just okay," Harvey Henderson said.
"What was it?" the diminutive brunette queried in a voice no louder than a whisper. Sheree sensed a compliment coming.
"It was fantastic!" Harvey Henderson said, his eyes opening wide.
"Come on, you are pulling my leg," Sheree exclaimed.
"Not at all. I've never felt anything like it," he said.
"I guess that's what happens when you get a lot of practice."
"I don't want to hear about your past. I never want to hear about your past," Harvey Henderson said.
"I want to pretend that this was your first blow job."
"Does it go both ways? Are we going to pretend that you have no past too?" Sheree Messmer inquired quickly.
"Definitely! I have nothing in my past that I care to think about – that I care to talk about," he said.
"I have a feeling that this is going to be tough," she said.
"I think your past is going to come back to haunt you."
"I know what you mean!" Harvey Henderson said with a sigh.
"It's scary."
"Let's not talk about it," Harvey Henderson said. "I can stop talking about it, Harvey, but I can't stop thinking about it. I'm scared. Of her!" she said.
Then Harvey Henderson looked down at Sheree Messmer's face, which was lit more brightly than ever in the illumination provided through the rear window of the LTD by the full moon.
He laughed.
"What's so funny?" the pretty little girl asked quickly.
His laugh was not mocking – so she did not act annoyed. Still, she wanted to share in her lover's joke.
"It's your face," Harvey Henderson said, calming himself. He was still smiling widely however – baring his teeth.
"What about my face?" Now Sheree Messmer did sound annoyed.
"It has my come all over its chin," Harvey exclaimed.
"And who's fault is that, I might ask?" Sheree Messmer said.
"I will take full responsibility," Harvey said quickly.
"You had better," Sheree Messmer said, tilting her head to one side.
Harvey Henderson leaned forward a little bit so he could get a better look at Sheree Messmer's precious kisser.
"Would you like me to wipe my face clean?" she asked.
"Nope," Harvey Henderson said, leaning closer still. He could see that the diminutive brunette had one eyebrow raised into a high arch. The other eyebrow had stayed where it was, the young man could see.
"You want it to stay on there and just get crusty?"
"What do you want?" Sheree Messmer inquired softly.
"I want to lick your face clean, Sheree," he said.
"Oooooooooh, you are such a kinky fellow," she said.
"Not usually. I guess you bring out the kinkiness in me."
"You like the flavor of your own jism?" she asked.
"I don't know."
"I've never tasted my own come before, Sheree," he said.
"Wow, I guess I do bring out the kinkiness in you."
"Do you think I will like the flavor of the jism?"
"Are you kidding? Your come is delicious!" she said.
"Good, then I am looking forward to the experience."
Sheree Messmer straightened her back and tilted her preciously cute face upward so that Harvey Henderson could more easily get to it with her tongue.
The diminutive and passionate young woman could feel his hot breath on her chin and lips. She closed her eyes.
Harvey Henderson lapped up the coagulated man-come off of his new loves chin with an eager motion.
She sighed.
This cleansing process, naturally enough, turned into a passionate kiss.