The following abbreviations are used for the Canonical Books: 1Ch 1 Chronicles 1Co 1 Corinthians 1Jn 1 John 1Ki 1 Kings 1Pe 1 Peter 1Sa 1 Samuel 1Th 1 Thessalonians 1Ti 1 Timothy 2Ch 2 Chronicles 2Co 2 Corinthians 2Jn 2 John 2Ki 2 Kings 2Pe 2 Peter 2Sa 2 Samuel 2Th 2 Thessalonians 2Ti 2 Timothy 3Jn 3 John Ac Acts Am Amos Col Colossians Da Daniel Dt Deuteronomy Ecc Ecclesiastes Eph Ephesians Est Esther Ex Exodus Eze Ezekiel Ezr Ezra Gal Galatians Ge Genesis Hab Habakkuk Hag Haggai Heb Hebrews Hos Hosea Isa Isaiah Jas James Jdg Judges Jer Jeremiah Jn John Jnh Jonah Job Job Joel Joel Jos Joshua Jude Jude La Lamentations Lev Leviticus Lk Luke Mal Malachi Mic Micah Mk Mark Mt Matthew Na Nahum Ne Nehemiah Nu Numbers Ob Obadiah Phm Philemon Php Philippians Pr Proverbs Ps Psalms Rev Revelation Ro Romans Ru Ruth SS Song of Solomon Tit Titus Zec Zechariah Zep Zephaniah
The following abbreviations are used for the Deuterocanonical Books:
Other abbreviations and special symbols used: S Shorter ending of Mark T Psalm titles Pr: Sirach Prologue † A Dagger distinguishes Lord and God from Lord and God in Hebrew Bible references → An arrow following an entry heading points to related words for additional study = An equals sign marks an alternate proper name for additional study (e.g., ISRAEL =JACOB) [[]] Contexts in double brackets are from passages that are similarly bracketed in the NRSV (e.g., John 7:53—8:11)
For further study consult The Concise Concordance to the New Revised Standard Version (Oxford University Press, 1993) and The NRSV Concordance Unabridged (Zondervan, 1991).
— John R. Kohlenberger III
ABANDON → ABANDONED Dt 4: 31 will neither a you nor destroy you; 2Ch 15: 2 but if you a him, he will a you. Ac 2: 27 For you will not a my soul to Hades
ABANDONED → ABANDON Dt 29: 25 they a the covenant of the LORD, Isa 54: 7 For a brief moment I a you, Sir 49: 4 for they a the law of the Most High;
ABBA Mk 14: 36 “A, Father, for you all things are possible; Ro 8: 15 When we cry, “A! Father!” Gal 4: 6 into our hearts, crying, “A! Father!”
ABIDE Ge 6: 3 My spirit shall not a in mortals forever, Ps 91: 1 a in the shadow of the Almighty, Jn 15: 4 A in me as I a in you. 1Co 13: 13 faith, hope, and love a, these three; 1Jn 2: 28 And now, little children, a in him, Wis 3: 9 the faithful will a with him in love,
ABILITY → ABLE Mt 25: 15 to each according to his a. Ac 2: 4 as the Spirit gave them a.
ABLE → ABILITY Da 3: 17 God whom we serve is a to deliver Mk 10: 38 you a to drink the cup that I drink, Ro 14: 4 the Lord is a to make them stand. 2Co 9: 8 God is a to provide you with every Eph 6: 11 a to stand against the wiles of the devil. Heb 2: 18 a to help those who are being tested. 7: 25 he is a for all time to save Jdt 11: 18 of them will be a to withstand you.
ABOLISH → ABOLISHED Da 11: 31 shall a the regular burnt offering Mt 5: 17 I have come not to a but to fulfill.
ABOLISHED → ABOLISH Eph 2: 15 a the law with its commandments 2Ti 1: 10 who a death and brought life
ABOMINABLE → ABOMINATION 2Ch 28: 3 the a practices of the nations Eze 7: 20 they made their a images, 1Mc 1: 48 to make themselves a by everything
ABOMINATION → ABOMINABLE Pr 6: 16 seven that are an a to him: Da 9: 27 shall be an a that desolates, Sir 1: 25 but godliness is an a to a sinner. 1Mc 6: 7 that they had torn down the a that
ABOUND → ABOUNDED, ABOUNDING Dt 28: 11 LORD will make you a in prosperity, Ro 6: 1 in sin in order that grace may a?
ABOUNDED → ABOUND Ro 5: 20 sin increased, grace a all the more,
ABOUNDING → ABOUND Ex 34: 6 a in steadfast love and faithfulness, Ps 86: 5 a in steadfast love to all who call Joel 2: 13 to anger, and a in steadfast love, Jnh 4: 2 to anger, and a in steadfast love,
ABUNDANCE → ABUNDANTLY Lk 12: 15 one’s life does not consist in the a 2Co 9: 8 provide you with every blessing in a
ABUNDANTLY → ABUNDANCE Jn 10: 10 that they may have life, and have it a.
ACCEPT → ACCEPTABLE Jn 1: 11 his own people did not a him.
ACCEPTABLE → ACCEPT Ps 19: 14 meditation of my heart be a to you, 51: 17 sacrifice a to God is a broken spirit; Ro 12: 1 a living sacrifice, holy and a to God,
ACCOUNT → ACCOUNTABLE Mt 12: 36 judgment you will have to give an a Heb 4: 13 to whom we must render an a.
ACCOUNTABLE → ACCOUNT Ro 14: 12 each of us will be a to God.
ACCURSED → CURSE Ro 9: 3 I could wish that I myself were a Rev 22: 3 Nothing a will be found there any
ACCUSATION → ACCUSE Lk 23: 4 no basis for an a against this man.”
ACCUSE → ACCUSATION, ACCUSER Ps 103: 9 He will not always a, Zec 3: 1 Satan standing at his right hand to a Mt 12: 10 so that they might a him.
ACCUSER → ACCUSE Rev 12: 10 the a of our comrades has been thrown
ACKNOWLEDGE Dt 4: 35 would a that the LORD is God; Pr 3: 6 In all your ways a him, Mt 10: 32 I also will a before my Father in
ACTIVE Heb 4: 12 the word of God is living and a,
ADD → ADDED Dt 4: 2 You must neither a anything Pr 30: 6 Do not a to his words, or else Lk 12: 25 by worrying a a single hour to your
ADDED → ADD Ecc 3: 14 nothing can be a to it, nor anything Sir 42: 21 Nothing can be a or taken away,
ADOPTION Ro 8: 23 groan inwardly while we wait for a, Gal 4: 5 that we might receive a as children.
ADORNMENT Pr 3: 22 for your soul and a for your neck. 1Pe 3: 4 let your a be the inner self with the
ADULTERERS → ADULTERY Jer 23: 10 For the land is full of a; 1Co 6: 9 idolaters, a, male prostitutes,
ADULTERESS → ADULTERY Lev 20: 10 the a shall be put to death. Pr 2: 16 from the a with her smooth words,
ADULTERY → ADULTERERS, ADULTERESS Ex 20: 14 You shall not commit a. Jer 3: 9 committing a with stone and tree. Mt 5: 28 committed a with her in his heart. Lk 16: 18 and marries another commits a, Jn 8: 3 áwoman who had been caught in a;â
ADVANTAGE Ecc 7: 12 a of knowledge is that wisdom gives 1Co 10: 24 Do not seek your own a, but that of
ADVERSARY 1Pe 5: 8 roaring lion your a the devil prowls
ADVICE Ps 1: 1 do not follow the a of the wicked, Pr 8: 14 I have good a and sound wisdom; Tob 4: 18 Seek a from every wise person Sir 37: 11 pay no attention to any a they give.
ADVOCATE Jn 14: 26 But the A, the Holy Spirit, 15: 26 the A comes, whom I will send 1Jn 2: 1 we have an a with the Father,
AFFLICT → AFFLICTED, AFFLICTION, AFFLICTIONS, AFFLICTS 2Sa 7: 10 evildoers shall a them no more, La 3: 33 for he does not willingly a 2Th 1: 6 repay with affliction those who a
AFFLICTED → AFFLICT Na 1: 12 Though I have a you, I will afflict 2Co 4: 8 are a in every way, but not crushed;
AFFLICTION → AFFLICT Ps 25: 18 Consider my a and my trouble, La 1: 9 “O LORD, look at my a, 2Co 4: 17 this slight momentary a is preparing
AFFLICTIONS → AFFLICT Ps 34: 19 Many are the a of the righteous,
AFFLICTS → AFFLICT Tob 13: 2 For he a, and he shows mercy;
AFRAID → FEAR Ex 3: 6 for he was a to look at God. Lev 26: 6 and no one shall make you a; Dt 20: 3 Do not lose heart, or be a, Ps 3: 6 I am not a of ten thousands 27: 1 of whom shall I be a? Isa 12: 2 I will trust, and will not be a, Mt 28: 10 Jesus said to them, “Do not be a; Lk 12: 32 “Do not be a, little flock, Heb 13: 6 Lord is my helper; I will not be a.
AGE → AGES Mt 28: 20 with you always, to the end of the a.” Gal 1: 4 to set us free from the present evil a,
AGES → AGE Col 1: 26 has been hidden throughout the a 1Ti 1: 17 To the King of the a, immortal,
AGREE Mt 18: 19 if two of you a on earth about Mk 14: 56 and their testimony did not a.
AIR Eph 2: 2 the ruler of the power of the a, 1Th 4: 17 to meet the Lord in the a;
ALERT Lk 12: 37 slaves whom the master finds a 1Co 16: 13 Keep a, stand firm in your faith, Eph 6: 18 keep a and always persevere 1Pe 5: 8 Discipline yourselves, keep a.
ALIEN → ALIENS Ex 2: 22 an a residing in a foreign land.” Lev 19: 34 you shall love the a as yourself, Dt 24: 17 You shall not deprive a resident a
ALIENS → ALIEN Eph 2: 19 you are no longer strangers and a, 1Pe 2: 11 I urge you as a and exiles to abstain 1Mc 2: 7 the sanctuary given over to a?
ALIVE → LIVE Ac 1: 3 suffering he presented himself a Ro 6: 11 dead to sin and a to God Eph 2: 5 made us a together with Christ— 1Th 4: 17 Then we who are a, who are left, Rev 1: 18 I am a forever and ever; 19: 20 were thrown a into the lake of fire
ALMIGHTY → MIGHT Ge 17: 1 “I am God A; walk before me, Ps 91: 1 who abide in the shadow of the A, Rev 1: 8 who was and who is to come, the A. 21: 22 its temple is the Lord God the A Bar 3: 1 O Lord A, God of Israel, Man 1: 1 O Lord A, God of our ancestors,
ALMS Mt 6: 2 “So whenever you give a, Tob 12: 8 better to give a than to lay up gold. Sir 7: 10 do not neglect to give a.
ALONE Ge 2: 18 not good that the man should be a; Dt 6: 4 The LORD is our God, the LORD a. Mk 2: 7 Who can forgive sins but God a?” 10: 18 No one is good but God a.
ALPHA Rev 1: 8 “I am the A and the Omega,” 22: 13 I am the A and the Omega,
ALTAR Ex 27: 1 shall make the a of acacia wood, 30: 1 an a on which to offer incense; Heb 13: 10 We have an a from which those Rev 6: 9 I saw under the a the souls of those 1Mc 1: 54 a desolating sacrilege on the a of 4: 47 built a new a like the former one.
ALWAYS Mt 28: 20 And remember, I am with you a, Php 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord a; again I will
AMAZED → AMAZING Mt 8: 27 a, saying, “What sort of man is this, Mk 6: 6 And he was a at their unbelief. Ac 2: 7 A and astonished, they asked,
AMAZING → AMAZED Mk 12: 11 and it is a in our eyes’?” Rev 15: 3 “Great and a are your deeds,
AMBASSADORS 2Co 5: 20 So we are a for Christ,
AMBITION Php 2: 3 Do nothing from selfish a or conceit Jas 3: 14 envy and selfish a in your hearts,
AMEN Dt 27: 15 people shall respond, saying, “A!” 2Co 1: 20 through him that we say the “A,” Rev 3: 14 The words of the A, the faithful and
ANCESTORS Ex 3: 13 ‘The God of your a has sent me to Dt 4: 31 not forget the covenant with your a La 5: 7 Our a sinned; they are no more, Ac 5: 30 The God of our a raised up Jesus, Heb 1: 1 Long ago God spoke to our a in
ANCHOR Heb 6: 19 a sure and steadfast a of the soul,
ANCIENT Da 7: 9 and an A One took his throne, Mic 5: 2 origin is from of old, from a days. Rev 20: 2 He seized the dragon, that a serpent,
ANGEL → ANGELS, ARCHANGEL, ARCHANGEL’S Ex 3: 2 the a of the LORD appeared to him 23: 20 going to send an a in front of you, Ps 34: 7 The a of the LORD encamps Isa 37: 36 the a of the LORD set out and Da 3: 28 who has sent his a and delivered 6: 22 God sent his a and shut the lions’ Mt 1: 20 an a of the Lord appeared to him in Lk 1: 26 In the sixth month the a Gabriel Ac 5: 19 during the night an a of the Lord 23: 8 say that there is no resurrection, or a, 2Co 11: 14 Satan disguises himself as an a of light. Tob 5: 4 the a Raphael standing in front of Sir 48: 21 and his a wiped them out. LtJ 6: 7 For my a is with you, Aza 1: 26 But the a of the Lord came down Sus 1: 59 a of God is waiting with his sword Bel 1: 34 the a of the Lord said to Habakkuk, 1Mc 7: 41 your a went out and struck 2Es 2: 44 Then I asked an a, “Who are these,
ANGELS → ANGEL Ge 28: 12 a of God were ascending and Ps 103: 20 Bless the LORD, O you his a, Mk 12: 25 but are like a in heaven. Jn 1: 51 and the a of God ascending and Ro 8: 38 that neither death, nor life, nor a, 1Co 6: 3 not know that we are to judge a— Heb 2: 7 for a little while lower than the a; 2Pe 2: 4 not spare the a when they sinned, Rev 1: 20 stars are the a of the seven churches, 21: 12 and at the gates twelve a, Tob 11: 14 and blessed be all his holy a.
ANGER → ANGRY Ex 34: 6 merciful and gracious, slow to a, Jdg 2: 12 they provoked the LORD to a. 1Ki 16: 13 God of Israel to a with their idols. Ps 30: 5 For his a is but for a moment; Pr 12: 16 Fools show their a at once, Joel 2: 13 slow to a, and abounding in Jnh 4: 2 slow to a, and abounding in Mk 3: 5 He looked around at them with a; Eph 4: 26 not let the sun go down on your a, Jas 1: 19 slow to speak, slow to a; Sir 5: 4 for the Lord is slow to a.
ANGRY → ANGER Jer 3: 12 I will not be a forever. Mt 5: 22 that if you are a with a brother
ANGUISH Isa 53: 11 Out of his a he shall see light; Da 12: 1 There shall be a time of a, Zep 1: 15 a day of distress and a,
ANIMAL → ANIMALS Ge 2: 19 God formed every a of the field
ANIMALS → ANIMAL Ge 3: 14 cursed are you among all a Ps 36: 6 save humans and a alike, O LORD.
ANOINT → ANOINTED, ANOINTING Ex 30: 30 You shall a Aaron and his sons, 1Sa 15: 1 “The LORD sent me to a you king Ps 23: 5 you a my head with oil; my cup Da 9: 24 and to a a most holy place.
ANOINTED → ANOINT 1Ch 16: 22 “Do not touch my a ones; Ps 2: 2 against the LORD and his a, Isa 61: 1 because the LORD has a me; Da 9: 26 an a one shall be cut off and Lk 4: 18 he has a me to bring good news to Jn 1: 41 Messiah” (which is translated A).
ANOINTING → ANOINT Ex 30: 25 it shall be a holy a oil. Jas 5: 14 a them with oil in the name of the Lord 1Jn 2: 27 as his a teaches you about all things,
ANOTHER Isa 48: 11 My glory I will not give to a. Jn 14: 16 and he will give you a Advocate, Gal 1: 7 not that there is a gospel,
ANSWER Pr 15: 1 A soft a turns away wrath, Isa 65: 24 Before they call I will a, Lk 23: 9 but Jesus gave him no a.
ANT Pr 6: 6 Go to the a, you lazybones;
ANTICHRIST 1Jn 2: 18 As you have heard that a is coming, 2: 22 the a, the one who denies the Father 4: 3 And this is the spirit of the a, 2Jn 1: 7 person is the deceiver and the a!
ANXIETIES → ANXIETY 1Co 7: 32 I want you to be free from a.
ANXIETY → ANXIETIES Ecc 11: 10 Banish a from your mind, 1Pe 5: 7 Cast all your a on him, because he
ANYTHING Ge 18: 14 Is a too wonderful for the LORD? Jer 32: 27 is a too hard for me? Mt 18: 19 if two of you agree on earth about a Jn 16: 23 if you ask a of the Father in my name,
APART Jn 15: 5 a from me you can do nothing. Jas 2: 20 that faith a from works is barren?
APOSTASIES → APOSTASY Jer 2: 19 and your a will convict you. Eze 37: 23 I will save them from all the a
APOSTASY → APOSTASIES 1Mc 2: 15 officers who were enforcing the a
APOSTLE → APOSTLES Ro 11: 13 as I am an a to the Gentiles, 1Co 9: 1 Am I not an a? 2Co 12: 12 signs of a true a were performed Heb 3: 1 a and high priest of our confession,
APOSTLES → APOSTLE Mt 10: 2 the names of the twelve a: Ac 2: 43 and signs were being done by the a. 1Co 12: 28 has appointed in the church first a, Eph 2: 20 foundation of the a and prophets, 4: 11 he gave were that some would be a, Rev 21: 14 are the twelve names of the twelve a
APPEAR → APPEARANCE, APPEARANCES, APPEARED, APPEARING Mt 24: 30 the sign of the Son of Man will a in Mk 13: 22 messiahs and false prophets will a
APPEARANCE → APPEAR 1Sa 16: 7 not look on his a or on the height 2Co 5: 12 those who boast in outward a Jdt 11: 23 You are not only beautiful in a, AdE 2: 7 The girl was beautiful in a.
APPEARANCES → APPEAR Jn 7: 24 not judge by a, but judge with right
APPEARED → APPEAR Jn 21: 14 that Jesus a to the disciples after he 1Co 15: 5 he a to Cephas, then to the twelve. Heb 9: 26 a once for all at the end of the age
APPEARING → APPEAR Ac 1: 3 a to them during forty days and 2Ti 4: 8 to all who have longed for his a.
APPETITES Ro 16: 18 our Lord Christ, but their own a, Sir 18: 30 base desires, but restrain your a.
APPOINTED → APPOINT Mk 3: 16 So he a the twelve: Simon (to whom Ac 3: 20 that he may send the Messiah a for Heb 1: 2 whom he a heir of all things, 9: 27 as it is a for mortals to die once,
APPROACH Heb 4: 16 a the throne of grace with boldness, 11: 6 whoever would a him must believe
APPROVAL → APPROVED Gal 1: 10 I now seeking human a, or God’s a? Heb 11: 2 by faith our ancestors received a.
APPROVED → APPROVAL 1Th 2: 4 but just as we have been a by God 2Ti 2: 15 to present yourself to God as one a
ARARAT Ge 8: 4 ark came to rest on the mountains of A.
ARCHANGEL → ANGEL Jude 1: 9 a Michael contended with the devil 2Es 4: 36 the a Jeremiel answered and said,
ARCHANGEL’S → ANGEL 1Th 4: 16 a call and with the sound of God’s
ARCHITECT Heb 11: 10 whose a and builder is God.
AREOPAGUS Ac 17: 22 Then Paul stood in front of the A
ARGUE → ARGUMENTS Isa 1: 18 let us a it out, says the LORD: Ac 18: 4 Every sabbath he would a in the Ro 9: 20 a human being, to a with God?
ARGUMENTS → ARGUE 2Co 10: 4 destroy strongholds. We destroy a Col 2: 4 may deceive you with plausible a.
ARISE → RISE Isa 60: 1 A, shine; for your light has come, Mt 24: 11 false prophets will a and lead many 1Mc 14: 41 until a trustworthy prophet should a,
ARK Ge 6: 14 Make yourself an a of cypress wood Ex 25: 10 shall make an a of acacia wood; 1Sa 4: 11 The a of God was captured; Rev 11: 19 the a of his covenant was seen 2Mc 2: 4 that the tent and the a should follow 2Es 10: 22 the a of our covenant has been
ARM → ARMOR, ARMS, ARMY Ex 6: 6 redeem you with an outstretched a Dt 7: 19 mighty hand and the outstretched a 2Ch 32: 8 With him is an a of flesh; Ps 98: 1 his holy a have gotten him victory. Isa 53: 1 the a of the LORD been revealed? Jn 12: 38 the a of the Lord been revealed?”
ARMOR → ARM Ro 13: 12 and put on the a of light; Eph 6: 11 Put on the whole a of God, Wis 5: 17 will take his zeal as his whole a,
ARMS → ARM Hos 11: 3 I took them up in my a; Mk 10: 16 And he took them up in his a,
ARMY → ARM Jos 5: 14 as commander of the a of the LORD Ps 27: 3 Though an a encamp against me, 33: 16 A king is not saved by his great a; Rev 19: 19 rider on the horse and against his a.
AROMA 2Co 2: 15 For we are the a of Christ to God
ARRESTED Mt 26: 50 and laid hands on Jesus and a him. Ac 5: 18 a the apostles and put them in the
ARROGANCE → ARROGANT Pr 8: 13 Pride and a and the way of evil Eze 7: 24 put an end to the a of the strong, Jdt 9: 10 their a by the hand of a woman. Sir 10: 7 A is hateful to the Lord and to 1Mc 1: 24 much blood, and spoke with great a.
ARROGANT → ARROGANCE Ps 73: 3 For I was envious of the a; 1Co 13: 4 love is not envious or boastful or a
ARROW Ps 64: 7 But God will shoot his a at them; Isa 49: 2 he made me a polished a,
ASCEND → ASCENDED Ps 139: 8 If I a to heaven, you are there; Isa 14: 13 in your heart, “I will a to heaven; Ro 10: 6 ‘Who will a into heaven?’” 2Es 4: 8 neither did I ever a into heaven.’
ASCENDED → ASCEND 2Ki 2: 11 Elijah a in a whirlwind into heaven. Jn 3: 13 No one has a into heaven except
ASHAMED → SHAME Ge 2: 25 were both naked, and were not a. Mk 8: 38 who are a of me and of my words Ro 1: 16 For I am not a of the gospel; 2Ti 2: 15 a worker who has no need to be a, Heb 2: 11 Jesus is not a to call them brothers 11: 16 God is not a to be called their God;
ASHES Ge 18: 27 I who am but dust and a. Est 4: 1 and put on sackcloth and a, Job 42: 6 and repent in dust and a.” Jnh 3: 6 himself with sackcloth, and sat in a. Mt 11: 21 long ago in sackcloth and a. Jdt 4: 11 the temple and put a on their heads Sir 17: 32 but all human beings are dust and a.
ASK Isa 65: 1 sought out by those who did not a, Mt 6: 8 knows what you need before you a 7: 7 “A, and it will be given you; Jn 16: 24 A and you will receive, Jas 4: 3 You a and do not receive, because 1Jn 5: 14 we a anything according to his will,
ASLEEP → SLEEP Jnh 1: 5 had lain down, and was fast a. Mt 8: 24 by the waves; but he was a. 1Th 5: 6 So then let us not fall a as others do,
ASSIGNED Ro 12: 3 the measure of faith that God has a. 1Co 3: 5 as the Lord a to each. 7: 17 lead the life that the Lord has a,
ASSURANCE Dt 28: 66 in dread, with no a of your life. Heb 6: 11 so as to realize the full a of hope 11: 1 faith is the a of things hoped for,
ASTONISHED Isa 52: 14 there were many who were a at him Lk 2: 48 his parents saw him they were a;
ASTRAY → STRAY Dt 30: 17 are led a to bow down to other gods Isa 53: 6 All we like sheep have gone a; Jer 50: 6 their shepherds have led them a, Mt 18: 12 go in search of the one that went a? 1Pe 2: 25 For you were going a like sheep,
ATE → EAT Ge 3: 6 she took of its fruit and a; Ex 16: 35 The Israelites a manna forty years, Ps 78: 25 Mortals a of the bread of angels; Mt 14: 20 And all a and were filled; 15: 37 And all of them a and were filled;
ATHLETE → ATHLETES 2Ti 2: 5 And in the case of an a,
ATHLETES → ATHLETE 1Co 9: 25 A exercise self-control in all
ATONE → ATONEMENT Da 9: 24 an end to sin, and to a for iniquity, Sir 3: 3 who honor their father a for sins,
ATONED → ATONEMENT Pr 16: 6 and faithfulness iniquity is a for,
ATONEMENT → ATONE, ATONED, ATONING Ex 29: 36 a bull as a sin offering for a. 30: 10 Aaron shall perform the rite of a 32: 30 perhaps I can make a for your sin.” Lev 23: 28 for it is a day of a, Ro 3: 25 God put forward as a sacrifice of a Heb 2: 17 to make a sacrifice of a for the sins
ATONING → ATONEMENT 1Jn 2: 2 and he is the a sacrifice for our sins, 4: 10 sent his Son to be the a sacrifice for Sir 28: 5 will make an a sacrifice for his sins?
ATTENTION Heb 2: 1 greater a to what we have heard,
AUTHOR Ac 3: 15 and you killed the A of life, Wis 13: 3 for the a of beauty created them.
AUTHORITIES → AUTHORITY Ro 13: 1 be subject to the governing a; Col 2: 15 He disarmed the rulers and a and
AUTHORITY → AUTHORITIES Pr 29: 2 When the righteous are in a, Mk 1: 27 A new teaching — with a! Lk 5: 24 Son of Man has a on earth to forgive Ac 5: 29 obey God rather than any human a. Ro 13: 1 for there is no a except from God, 1Co 11: 10 woman ought to have a symbol of a Col 2: 10 who is the head of every ruler and a. 1Ti 2: 12 no woman to teach or to have a over Rev 12: 10 and the a of his Messiah, 20: 4 on them were given a to judge.
AVENGE → VENGEANCE Dt 32: 43 he will a the blood of his children, Ro 12: 19 Beloved, never a yourselves, Rev 6: 10 and a our blood on the inhabitants 1Mc 2: 67 a the wrong done to your people.
AVENGER → VENGEANCE Nu 35: 12 shall be for you a refuge from the a, Ps 8: 2 to silence the enemy and the a. 1Th 4: 6 the Lord is an a in all these things,
AVENGING → VENGEANCE Na 1: 2 A jealous and a God is the LORD,
AWAKE Da 12: 2 in the dust of the earth shall a, Mk 14: 37 Could you not keep a one hour? Eph 5: 14 “Sleeper, a! Rise from the dead, 1Th 5: 6 but let us keep a and be sober; Rev 16: 15 Blessed is the one who stays a and
AWE → AWESOME Ps 119: 161 my heart stands in a of your words. Isa 29: 23 will stand in a of the God of Israel. Mt 9: 8 saw it, they were filled with a, Ac 2: 43 A came upon everyone, because Ro 11: 20 do not become proud, but stand in a.
AWESOME → AWE Ex 15: 11 majestic in holiness, a in splendor, Dt 10: 17 the great God, mighty and a, Ne 1: 5 and a God who keeps covenant Ps 47: 2 For the LORD, the Most High, is a, Da 9: 4 saying, “Ah, Lord, great and a God, Sir 43: 29 A is the Lord and very great,
BAAL Jdg 2: 13 and worshiped B and the Astartes. 1Ki 18: 25 Elijah said to the prophets of B, Jer 2: 8 the prophets prophesied by B, Ro 11: 4 not bowed the knee to B.”
BABEL → BABYLON Ge 11: 9 Therefore it was called B,
BABES Ps 8: 2 Out of the mouths of b and infants Isa 3: 4 and b shall rule over them.
BABYLON → BABEL 2Ki 24: 15 into captivity from Jerusalem to B. Ps 137: 1 By the rivers of B—there we sat Isa 14: 4 this taunt against the king of B: 21: 9 he responded, “Fallen, fallen is B; Jer 25: 11 serve the king of B seventy years. 1Pe 5: 13 Your sister church in B, chosen Rev 14: 8 “Fallen, fallen is B the great! Bel 1: 36 he set him down in B,
BACKSLIDING Jer 8: 5 people turned away in perpetual b?
BAD Mt 7: 17 but the b tree bears b fruit. 1Co 15: 33 “B company ruins good morals.”
BALM Jer 8: 22 Is there no b in Gilead?
BANISH Ecc 11: 10 B anxiety from your mind, Ro 11: 26 he will b ungodliness from Jacob.”
BANNER Ex 17: 15 and called it, The LORD is my b.
BAPTISM → BAPTIZE Mk 1: 4 proclaiming a b of repentance for 10: 38 be baptized with the b that I am Lk 20: 4 the b of John come from heaven, Ac 18: 25 though he knew only the b of John. 19: 3 They answered, “Into John’s b.” Ro 6: 4 buried with him by b into death, 1Co 15: 29 receive b on behalf of the dead? Eph 4: 5 one Lord, one faith, one b, Col 2: 12 when you were buried with him in b, 1Pe 3: 21 b, which this prefigured, now saves
BAPTISMS → BAPTIZE Heb 6: 2 about b, laying on of hands,
BAPTIST → BAPTIZE Mt 3: 1 In those days John the B appeared 11: 11 has arisen greater than John the B; 14: 8 the head of John the B here on a
BAPTIZE → BAPTISM, BAPTISMS, BAPTIST, BAPTIZED, BAPTIZING Mt 3: 11 “I b you with water for repentance, Lk 3: 16 He will b you with the Holy Spirit 1Co 1: 17 For Christ did not send me to b but
BAPTIZED → BAPTIZE Mt 3: 13 to John at the Jordan, to be b Ac 1: 5 John b with water, but you will be b with the Holy 2: 38 “Repent, and be b every one of you Ro 6: 3 b into Christ Jesus were b into his 1Co 10: 2 all were b into Moses in the cloud 12: 13 one Spirit we were all b into one
BAPTIZING → BAPTIZE Mt 28: 19 b them in the name of the Father Jn 4: 1 “Jesus is making and b more
BARN → BARNS Lk 12: 24 they have neither storehouse nor b,
BARNS → BARN Dt 28: 8 the blessing upon you in your b, Ps 144: 13 May our b be filled, with produce Lk 12: 18 pull down my b and build larger
BARREN Ge 11: 30 Now Sarai was b; she had no child. Ex 23: 26 No one shall miscarry or be b in 1Sa 2: 5 The b has borne seven, but she who Ps 113: 9 He gives the b woman a home, Isa 54: 1 Sing, O b one who did not bear; Lk 1: 7 because Elizabeth was b, Heb 11: 11 too old — and Sarah herself was b—
BASIN Ex 30: 18 You shall make a bronze b with a 1Ki 7: 30 four corners were supports for a b. Jn 13: 5 b and began to wash the disciples’
BASKET Mt 5: 15 a lamp puts it under the bushel b, Ac 9: 25 in the wall, lowering him in a b.
BATTLE Ps 24: 8 and mighty, the LORD, mighty in b. Ecc 9: 11 nor the b to the strong, nor bread to Rev 16: 14 them for b on the great day of God 20: 8 Magog, in order to gather them for b; 1Mc 3: 19 the army that victory in b depends,
BEAR → BEARS, BIRTH, BIRTHRIGHT, BORE, BORN, CHILDBEARING, FIRSTBORN Ge 4: 13 punishment is greater than I can b! Isa 7: 14 is with child and shall b a son, Mt 1: 23 virgin shall conceive and b a son, 7: 18 A good tree cannot b bad fruit, Lk 11: 46 load people with burdens hard to b, Jn 15: 2 he prunes to make it b more fruit. Gal 6: 2 B one another’s burdens, Col 3: 13 B with one another and, Heb 9: 28 offered once to b the sins of many, Rev 12: 4 woman who was about to b a child,
BEARS → BEAR Ps 68: 19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily b us 1Co 13: 7 It b all things, believes all things,
BEAST → BEASTS Rev 11: 7 b that comes up from the bottomless pit 13: 18 calculate the number of the b, 16: 2 who had the mark of the b 19: 20 who had received the mark of the b
BEASTS → BEAST Da 7: 3 four great b came up out of the sea,
BEAT → BEATEN Isa 2: 4 shall b their swords into plowshares, Joel 3: 10 B your plowshares into swords, Lk 22: 63 began to mock him and b him;
BEATEN → BEAT 2Co 11: 25 Three times I was b with rods. 1Pe 2: 20 If you endure when you are b for
BEAUTIFUL → BEAUTY Ge 12: 11 you are a woman b in appearance; 1Sa 25: 3 The woman was clever and b, Est 2: 7 the girl was fair and b, Job 42: 15 no women so b as Job’s daughters; SS 1: 5 I am black and b, O daughters of Isa 4: 2 the branch of the LORD shall be b 52: 7 How b upon the mountains are the Ac 3: 2 the temple called the B Gate so that Ro 10: 15 b are the feet of those who bring Tob 6: 12 girl is sensible, brave, and very b, Jdt 8: 7 She was b in appearance, Wis 7: 29 She is more b than the sun, Sir 25: 1 and they are b in the sight of God Sus 1: 2 very b woman and one who feared
BEAUTY → BEAUTIFUL Ps 27: 4 to behold the b of the LORD, Pr 31: 3 °Charm is deceitful, and b is vain, 1Pe 3: 4 with the lasting b of a gentle Jdt 16: 9 her b captivated his mind, Wis 13: 3 for the author of b created them. Sir 9: 8 not gaze at b belonging to another; Sus 1: 56 b has beguiled you and lust has 1Mc 2: 12 And see, our holy place, our b,
BEGGAR → BEGS Mk 10: 46 son of Timaeus, a blind b, Jn 9: 8 who had seen him before as a b
BEGINNING Ge 1: 1 In the b when God created the Ps 111: 10 fear of the LORD is the b of wisdom; Pr 1: 7 The fear of the LORD is the b of 8: 22 The LORD created me at the b of his Isa 40: 21 Has it not been told you from the b? Mt 24: 8 this is but the b of the birth pangs. Jn 1: 1 In the b was the Word, 1Jn 1: 1 declare to you what was from the b, 2Jn 1: 6 as you have heard it from the b— Rev 21: 6 and the Omega, the b and the end. Sir 1: 14 To fear the Lord is the b of wisdom;
BEGOTTEN Ps 2: 7 You are my son; today I have b you. Ac 13: 33 are my Son; today I have b you.’ Heb 1: 5 are my Son; today I have b you”? 2Es 6: 58 have called your firstborn, only b,
BEGS → BEG Lk 6: 30 Give to everyone who b from you;
BEHEADED → HEAD Lk 9: 9 Herod said, “John I b; Rev 20: 4 the souls of those who had been b
BEHEMOTH Job 40: 15 “Look at B, which I made just as I 2Es 6: 49 the one you called B and the name
BELIEF → BELIEVE 2Th 2: 13 the Spirit and through b in the truth.
BELIEVE → BELIEF, BELIEVED, BELIEVER, BELIEVERS, BELIEVES Nu 14: 11 long will they refuse to b in me, 2Ki 17: 14 not b in the LORD their God. Ps 119: 66 for I b in your commandments. Mt 18: 6 one of these little ones who b in me, 24: 23 or ‘There he is!’—do not b it. Mk 1: 15 repent, and b in the good news.” 9: 24 “I b; help my unbelief!” Lk 24: 25 how slow of heart to b all that the Jn 1: 7 so that all might b through him. 3: 18 who b in him are not condemned; 5: 46 believed Moses, you would b me, 6: 29 you b in him whom he has sent.” 14: 1 B in God, b also in me. 17: 20 will b in me through their word, 20: 29 not seen and yet have come to b.” Ac 16: 31 answered, “B on the Lord Jesus, 28: 24 while others refused to b. Ro 3: 22 faith in Jesus Christ for all who b. 10: 9 b in your heart that God raised him Gal 3: 9 this reason, those who b are blessed 1Th 4: 14 For since we b that Jesus died and Heb 11: 6 would approach him must b Jas 2: 19 Even the demons b—and shudder. 1Pe 1: 8 you do not see him now, you b 1Jn 4: 1 Beloved, do not b every spirit, Jude 1: 5 destroyed those who did not b. Sir 19: 15 so do not b everything you hear.
BELIEVED → BELIEVE Ge 15: 6 And he b the LORD; Ex 14: 31 b in the LORD and in his Isa 53: 1 Who has b what we have heard? Jn 1: 12 received him, who b in his name, 12: 38 “Lord, who has b our message, Ac 2: 44 All who b were together and had Ro 4: 3 “Abraham b God, and it was 2Co 4: 13 “I b, and so I spoke”— Gal 3: 6 Just as Abraham “b God, 1Ti 3: 16 b in throughout the world, taken up Heb 4: 3 For we who have b enter that rest, Jas 2: 23 that says, “Abraham b God, Jdt 14: 10 had done, he b firmly in God. 1Mc 2: 59 b and were saved from the flame.
BELIEVER → BELIEVE 1Co 7: 12 b has a wife who is an unbeliever, 2Co 6: 15 Or what does a b share with an
BELIEVERS → BELIEVE Gal 2: 4 because of false b secretly brought 2Th 3: 6 keep away from b who are living in 1Pe 2: 17 Love the family of b.
BELIEVES → BELIEVE Jn 3: 15 whoever b in him may have eternal 11: 26 everyone who lives and b in me Ro 10: 10 b with the heart and so is justified, 1Co 13: 7 It bears all things, b all things,
BELLY Ge 3: 14 upon your b you shall go, Jnh 1: 17 and Jonah was in the b of the fish Mt 12: 40 three days and three nights in the b
BELOVED → LOVE SS 2: 16 My b is mine and I am his; Mt 3: 17 heaven said, “This is my Son, the B, 12: 18 my b, with whom my soul is well 17: 5 “This is my Son, the B; Col 3: 12 As God’s chosen ones, holy and b, Rev 20: 9 camp of the saints and the b city.
BEND → BENT Php 2: 10 name of Jesus every knee should b, Man 1: 11 And now I b the knee of my heart,
BENEFICIAL → BENEFIT 1Co 6: 12 but not all things are b. 10: 23 lawful,” but not all things are b.
BENEFIT → BENEFICIAL, BENEFITS Gal 5: 2 Christ will be of no b to you. Phm 1: 20 have this b from you in the Lord! Heb 4: 2 message they heard did not b them,
BENEFITS → BENEFIT Ps 103: 2 and do not forget all his b— 1Co 9: 11 if we reap your material b?
BENT → BEND Hos 11: 4 I b down to them and fed them. Jn 8: 6 áJesus b down and wrote with hisâ
BEST → GOOD Dt 33: 21 He chose the b for himself, Mk 12: 39 the b seats in the synagogues and 2Ti 2: 15 your b to present yourself to God
BETHANY Mt 26: 6 Jesus was at B in the house of Jn 11: 1 a certain man was ill, Lazarus of B,
BETHLEHEM 1Sa 17: 12 David was the son of an Ephrathite of B Mic 5: 2 But you, O B of Ephrathah, Mt 2: 1 after Jesus was born in B of Judea, Lk 2: 15 “Let us go now to B and see this
BETRAY → BETRAYED Mt 10: 21 Brother will b brother to death, Mk 14: 11 to look for an opportunity to b him. Jn 13: 11 For he knew who was to b him;
BETRAYED → BETRAY Lk 21: 16 You will be b even by parents and 1Co 11: 23 Jesus on the night when he was b
BETTER → GOOD 1Sa 15: 22 Surely, to obey is b than sacrifice, Ps 63: 3 your steadfast love is b than life, Pr 15: 16 B is a little with the fear of Ecc 2: 24 There is nothing b for mortals than SS 1: 2 For your love is b than wine, Mt 5: 29 it is b for you to lose one of your Mk 14: 21 It would have been b for that one Jn 11: 50 b for you to have one man die for Php 1: 23 be with Christ, for that is far b; 2: 3 in humility regard others as b than Heb 7: 22 the guarantee of a b covenant. 9: 23 need b sacrifices than these. Tob 12: 8 A little with righteousness is b than Sir 40: 26 the fear of the Lord is b than either.
BIND → BINDS Dt 6: 8 B them as a sign on your hand, Pr 6: 21 B them upon your heart always; Isa 61: 1 to b up the brokenhearted, Mt 16: 19 whatever you b on earth will be
BINDS → BIND Job 5: 18 For he wounds, but he b up; Col 3: 14 b everything together in perfect
BIRD → BIRDS Ge 1: 21 and every winged b of every kind. Lev 20: 25 the unclean b and the clean;
BIRDS → BIRD Ge 7: 3 and seven pairs of the b of the air Ps 50: 11 I know all the b of the air, Mt 6: 26 Look at the b of the air;
BIRTH → BEAR Dt 32: 18 you forgot the God who gave you b. Ps 22: 10 On you I was cast from my b, Mt 24: 8 is but the beginning of the b pangs. Jas 1: 18 he gave us b by the word of truth, 1Pe 1: 3 given us a new b into a living hope
BIRTHRIGHT → BEAR, RIGHT Ge 25: 34 Thus Esau despised his b. Heb 12: 16 who sold his b for a single meal.
BISHOP 1Ti 3: 1 whoever aspires to the office of b Tit 1: 7 For a b, as God’s steward, must be
BITE Gal 5: 15 If, however, you b and devour one Sir 21: 2 if you approach sin, it will b you.
BITTER → BITTERNESS Ex 1: 14 made their lives b with hard service 12: 8 with unleavened bread and b herbs. Rev 8: 11 the water, because it was made b.
BITTERNESS → BITTER Pr 14: 10 The heart knows its own b, Ro 3: 14 mouths are full of cursing and b.” Eph 4: 31 Put away from you all b and wrath
BLACK SS 1: 5 I am b and beautiful, O daughters Zec 6: 2 the second chariot b horses, Mt 5: 36 cannot make one hair white or b. Rev 6: 5 I looked, and there was a b horse!
BLAMELESS 2Sa 22: 26 with the b you show yourself b; Ps 37: 18 The LORD knows the days of the b, Pr 11: 20 but those of b ways are his delight. Eph 1: 4 holy and b before him in love. Php 2: 15 so that you may be b and innocent, 1Th 5: 23 and b at the coming of our Lord Tit 1: 7 bishop, as God’s steward, must be b Heb 7: 26 b, undefiled, separated from sinners, Rev 14: 5 mouth no lie was found; they are b. 1Mc 4: 42 chose b priests devoted to the law,
BLASPHEME → BLASPHEMED, BLASPHEMER, BLASPHEMES, BLASPHEMIES, BLASPHEMOUS Ac 26: 11 I tried to force them to b; 1Ti 1: 20 so that they may learn not to b.
BLASPHEMED → BLASPHEME Eze 20: 27 In this again your ancestors b me, Mt 26: 65 tore his clothes and said, “He has b!
BLASPHEMER → BLASPHEME 1Ti 1: 13 even though I was formerly a b, Sir 3: 16 forsakes a father is like a b,
BLASPHEMES → BLASPHEME Lev 24: 16 One who b the name of the LORD Lk 12: 10 whoever b against the Holy Spirit
BLASPHEMIES → BLASPHEME Mk 3: 28 their sins and whatever b they utter; Rev 13: 6 its mouth to utter b against God, 1Mc 2: 6 He saw the b being committed in
BLASPHEMOUS → BLASPHEME Ac 6: 11 “We have heard him speak b words Rev 13: 1 and on its heads were b names.
BLEMISH Ex 12: 5 Your lamb shall be without b, Lev 22: 20 not offer anything that has a b, Eph 5: 27 that she may be holy and without b. Heb 9: 14 offered himself without b to God, 1Pe 1: 19 that of a lamb without defect or b. Jude 1: 24 to make you stand without b in the
BLESS → BLESSED, BLESSING, BLESSINGS Ge 12: 2 I will b you, and make your name 22: 17 I will indeed b you, and I will make 26: 3 I will be with you, and will b you; Ex 20: 24 I will come to you and b you. Nu 6: 24 The LORD b you and keep you; 23: 20 See, I received a command to b; Dt 7: 13 he will love you, b you, 30: 16 the LORD your God will b you 1Ch 29: 20 “B the LORD your God.” Ps 5: 12 For you b the righteous, O LORD; 34: 1 I will b the LORD at all times; 103: 1 B the LORD, O my soul, Hag 2: 19 From this day on I will b you. Lk 6: 28 b those who curse you, pray Ro 12: 14 B those who persecute you; 1Co 4: 12 When reviled, we b; Jas 3: 9 With it we b the Lord and Father, Tob 4: 19 At all times b the Lord God, Sir 32: 13 But above all b your Maker,
BLESSED → BLESS Ge 1: 22 God b them, saying, “Be fruitful 2: 3 So God b the seventh day and 14: 19 He b him and said, “B be Abram Nu 24: 9 B is everyone who blesses you, Job 1: 21 b be the name of the LORD.” Ps 118: 26 B is the one who comes in the name Isa 30: 18 b are all those who wait for him. Jer 17: 7 B are those who trust in the LORD, Mt 5: 3 “B are the poor in spirit, Mk 10: 16 laid his hands on them, and b them. Lk 1: 42 “B are you among women, 6: 20 “B are you who are poor, Jn 12: 13 B is the one who comes in the name 20: 29 B are those who have not seen and Ac 20: 35 It is more b to give than to receive. Gal 3: 8 “All the Gentiles shall be b in you.” Eph 1: 3 who has b us in Christ 1Pe 3: 14 for doing what is right, you are b. Rev 22: 7 B is the one who keeps the words of Tob 3: 11 she prayed and said, “B are you, Jdt 13: 17 one accord, “B are you our God, Aza 1: 3 “B are you, O Lord, God of our Sus 1: 60 raised a great shout and b God,
BLESSING → BLESS Ge 12: 2 so that you will be a b. 22: 18 the nations of the earth gain b for Dt 11: 26 before you today a b and a curse: 23: 5 your God turned the curse into a b Ne 13: 2 our God turned the curse into a b. Eze 34: 26 they shall be showers of b. Mk 14: 22 bread, and after b it he broke it, Lk 24: 51 While he was b them, he withdrew 1Co 10: 16 The cup of b that we bless, Gal 3: 14 in Christ Jesus the b of Abraham Eph 1: 3 every spiritual b in the heavenly Rev 5: 12 might and honor and glory and b!” 7: 12 B and glory and wisdom and Tob 8: 15 you, O God, with every pure b; Sir 34: 20 he gives health and life and b.
BLESSINGS → BLESS Dt 28: 2 all these b shall come upon you Jos 8: 34 the words of the law, b and curses, Mal 2: 2 and I will curse your b; Ro 15: 27 come to share in their spiritual b,
BLIND → BLINDED, BLINDNESS Ex 4: 11 mute or deaf, seeing or b? Ps 146: 8 the LORD opens the eyes of the b. Isa 35: 5 the eyes of the b shall be opened, Mt 11: 5 b receive their sight, the lame walk, Lk 6: 39 “Can a b person guide a b person? Jn 9: 25 though I was b, now I see.” Ro 2: 19 sure that you are a guide to the b, Tob 2: 10 until I became completely b. LtJ 6: 37 They cannot restore sight to the b;
BLINDED → BLIND Jn 12: 40 “He has b their eyes and hardened 2Co 4: 4 has b the minds of the unbelievers,
BLINDNESS → BLIND Dt 28: 28 will afflict you with madness, b, 1Jn 2: 11 the darkness has brought on b.
BLOCK → BLOCKS Eze 14: 7 their iniquity as a stumbling b Mt 16: 23 You are a stumbling b to me; Ro 11: 9 a stumbling b and a retribution for 1Co 1: 23 stumbling b to Jews and foolishness Sir 31: 7 It is a stumbling b to those who are
BLOCKS → BLOCK Jer 6: 21 before this people stumbling b Mt 18: 7 the world because of stumbling b!
BLOOD → BLOODSHED Ge 9: 6 sheds the b of a human, by a human shall that person’s b be shed; Ex 7: 17 and it shall be turned to b. 12: 13 when I see the b, I will pass over 24: 8 the b of the covenant that the LORD Lev 17: 11 it is the b that makes atonement. Nu 35: 33 for b pollutes the land, Ps 72: 14 and precious is their b in his sight. Isa 1: 11 I do not delight in the b of bulls, Eze 33: 4 b shall be upon their own heads. Joel 2: 30 b and fire and columns of smoke. Mt 27: 8 field has been called the Field of B Mk 14: 24 “This is my b of the covenant, Lk 22: 44 ásweat became like great drops of bâ Jn 1: 13 who were born, not of b 6: 53 of the Son of Man and drink his b, 19: 34 and at once b and water came out. Ac 2: 20 to darkness and the moon to b, Ro 5: 9 that we have been justified by his b, 1Co 11: 25 cup is the new covenant in my b. Eph 1: 7 we have redemption through his b, Heb 9: 12 the b of goats and calves, but with his own b, 9: 22 without the shedding of b there is no 1Jn 5: 6 the one who came by water and b, Rev 6: 12 the full moon became like b, 8: 9 A third of the sea became b, 12: 11 conquered him by the b of the Lamb
BLOODSHED → BLOOD, SHED Isa 5: 7 he expected justice, but saw b; Eze 35: 6 you did not hate b, b shall pursue Hab 2: 8 because of human b, and violence
BLOT Ge 6: 7 “I will b out from the earth Ex 32: 32 b me out of the book that you have Ps 51: 1 mercy b out my transgressions. Rev 3: 5 not b your name out of the book of
BOAST → BOASTERS, BOASTING Ps 34: 2 My soul makes its b in the LORD; Pr 27: 1 Do not b about tomorrow, Jer 9: 24 but let those who b b in this, Ro 2: 23 You that b in the law, 1Co 1: 31 the one who boasts, b in the Lord.” 2Co 11: 30 If I must b, I will b of the things that Gal 6: 14 never b of anything except the cross Eph 2: 9 of works, so that no one may b. Sir 25: 6 and their b is the fear of the Lord.
BOASTERS → BOAST 2Co 11: 13 For such b are false apostles, 2Ti 3: 2 b, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to
BOASTING → BOAST 1Co 5: 6 Your b is not a good thing. 1Th 2: 19 or crown of b before our Lord Jesus
BODIES → BODY Ro 12: 1 present your b as a living sacrifice, 1Co 6: 15 that your b are members of Christ? Heb 10: 22 and our b washed with pure water.
BODILY → BODY Lk 3: 22 upon him in b form like a dove. Col 2: 9 the whole fullness of deity dwells b,
BODY → BODIES, BODILY Mic 6: 7 fruit of my b for the sin of my soul? Mt 6: 22 “The eye is the lamp of the b. Mk 14: 22 and said, “Take; this is my b.” Lk 12: 4 do not fear those who kill the b, Jn 2: 21 speaking of the temple of his b. 1Co 15: 44 It is sown a physical b, it is raised a spiritual b. 2Co 5: 8 from the b and at home with the Lord. Eph 4: 4 There is one b and one Spirit,
BOLD → BOLDNESS Dt 31: 6 Be strong and b; have no fear Pr 28: 1 the righteous are as b as a lion.
BOLDNESS → BOLD Eph 3: 12 whom we have access to God in b Heb 4: 16 approach the throne of grace with b, 1Jn 4: 17 may have b on the day of judgment,
BONE → BONES Ge 2: 23 “This at last is b of my bones and Eze 37: 7 came together, b to its b.
BONES → BONE Ex 12: 46 you shall not break any of its b. Ps 34: 20 He keeps all their b; not one of Jn 19: 36 “None of his b shall be broken.”
BOOK → BOOKS Ex 17: 14 “Write this as a reminder in a b and Dt 31: 24 writing down in a b the words of Jos 1: 8 This b of the law shall not depart Ps 69: 28 be blotted out of the b of the living; Rev 1: 11 “Write in a b what you see and 21: 27 who are written in the Lamb’s b 1Mc 1: 57 possessing the b of the covenant,
BOOKS → BOOK Ecc 12: 12 Of making many b there is no end, Da 7: 10 in judgment, and the b were opened. Jn 21: 25 world itself could not contain the b 1Mc 1: 56 The b of the law that they found 2Es 14: 44 ninety-four b were written.
BOOTHS Lev 23: 34 the festival of b to the LORD. Ezr 3: 4 kept the festival of b, as prescribed, Zec 14: 16 and to keep the festival of b.
BORE → BEAR Isa 53: 12 yet he b the sin of many, Mt 8: 17 our infirmities and b our diseases.” 1Pe 2: 24 He himself b our sins in his body
BORN → BEAR Ecc 3: 2 a time to be b, and a time to die; Isa 9: 6 For a child has been b for us, 66: 8 Shall a land be b in one day? Lk 2: 11 is b this day in the city of David Jn 3: 7 ‘You must be b from above.’ 1Pe 1: 23 You have been b anew, 1Jn 4: 7 everyone who loves is b of God
BORROW → BORROWER Dt 28: 12 to many nations, but you will not b. Ps 37: 21 The wicked b, and do not pay back, Mt 5: 42 anyone who wants to b from you.
BORROWER → BORROW Pr 22: 7 the b is the slave of the lender.
BOUGHT → BUY 1Co 6: 20 For you were b with a price; 2Pe 2: 1 even deny the Master who b them—
BOW → RAINBOW Ge 9: 13 I have set my b in the clouds, Ex 20: 5 You shall not b down to them or Ps 95: 6 O come, let us worship and b down, Isa 45: 23 “To me every knee shall b, Ro 14: 11 every knee shall b to me,
BOWLS Rev 16: 1 the seven b of the wrath of God.”
BRANCH → BRANCHES Isa 4: 2 On that day the b of the LORD shall 11: 1 and a b shall grow out of his roots. Jer 23: 5 raise up for David a righteous B, Zec 3: 8 going to bring my servant the B. Jn 15: 2 every b in me that bears no fruit.
BRANCHES → BRANCH Ro 11: 21 if God did not spare the natural b,
BREAD Ge 3: 19 sweat of your face you shall eat b Ex 12: 8 with unleavened b and bitter herbs. 25: 30 set the b of the Presence on the table Dt 8: 3 that one does not live by b alone, Ecc 11: 1 Send out your b upon the waters, Mt 6: 11 Give us this day our daily b. Lk 4: 4 ‘One does not live by b alone.’” Jn 6: 35 said to them, “I am the b of life. 1Co 11: 26 For as often as you eat this b and Wis 16: 20 from heaven with b ready to eat, Sir 15: 3 will feed him with the b of learning,
BREAK → BREAKING, BROKEN, BROKENHEARTED Mt 6: 19 where thieves b in and steal; Jn 19: 33 they did not b his legs.
BREASTPIECE → BREASTPLATE Ex 28: 15 You shall make a b of judgment,
BREASTPLATE → BREASTPIECE Isa 59: 17 He put on righteousness like a b, Eph 6: 14 and put on the b of righteousness. Wis 5: 18 he will put on righteousness as a b,
BREATH Ge 2: 7 into his nostrils the b of life; 6: 17 all flesh in which is the b of life; Job 7: 7 “Remember that my life is a b; Ecc 12: 7 the b returns to God who gave it. 2Th 2: 8 will destroy with the b of his mouth,
BRIBE Dt 16: 19 for a b blinds the eyes of the wise Pr 6: 35 and refuses a b no matter how great.
BRIDE → BRIDEGROOM Isa 62: 5 the bridegroom rejoices over the b, Rev 21: 9 the b, the wife of the Lamb.”
BRIDEGROOM → BRIDE Mt 9: 15 as long as the b is with them, Jn 3: 29 He who has the bride is the b.
BRIGHT Mt 17: 5 suddenly a b cloud overshadowed Rev 15: 6 robed in pure b linen, 22: 16 of David, the b morning star.”
BROKE → BREAK Ex 32: 19 tablets from his hands and b them 2Ch 36: 19 b down the wall of Jerusalem, Jer 31: 32 a covenant that they b, Mt 14: 19 and blessed and b the loaves, 1Co 11: 24 he b it and said, “This is my body 1Mc 3: 5 and pursued those who b the law;
BROKEN → BREAK Ne 1: 3 the wall of Jerusalem is b down, Ps 51: 17 acceptable to God is a b spirit; Mt 15: 37 they took up the b pieces left over, Lk 20: 18 who falls on that stone will be b Ro 11: 20 were b off because of their unbelief,
BROKENHEARTED → BREAK, HEART Ps 147: 3 He heals the b, and binds up their Isa 61: 1 the oppressed, to bind up the b,
BRONZE Nu 21: 9 look at the serpent of b and live. Dt 28: 23 The sky over your head shall be b, Da 10: 6 legs like the gleam of burnished b, Rev 1: 15 his feet were like burnished b,
BROTHER → BROTHER’S, BROTHERS Ge 4: 8 Cain rose up against his b Abel, Mt 5: 24 first be reconciled to your b or 10: 21 B will betray b to death,
BROTHER’S → BROTHER Dt 25: 7 has no desire to marry his b widow, Mk 6: 18 lawful for you to have your b wife.”
BROTHERS → BROTHER Ge 9: 25 lowest of slaves shall he be to his b. 37: 11 So his b were jealous of him, Mk 3: 33 “Who are my mother and my b?” Lk 22: 32 turned back, strengthen your b.” Heb 2: 11 not ashamed to call them b and
BUILD → BUILDER, BUILDERS, BUILDING, BUILDS, BUILT, REBUILD Ge 11: 4 “Come, let us b ourselves a city, Ps 127: 1 those who b it labor in vain. Mt 16: 18 and on this rock I will b my church, 27: 40 destroy the temple and b it in three 1Co 3: 10 must choose with care how to b 10: 23 are lawful,” but not all things b up.
BUILDER → BUILD Heb 3: 4 but the b of all things is God.) 11: 10 whose architect and b is God.
BUILDERS → BUILD Ps 118: 22 The stone that the b rejected has Mk 12: 10 ‘The stone that the b rejected has 1Pe 2: 7 “The stone that the b rejected has
BUILDING → BUILD 1Co 3: 9 you are God’s field, God’s b. 2Co 5: 1 we have a b from God, Eph 4: 12 for b up the body of Christ,
BUILDS → BUILD Ps 127: 1 Unless the LORD b the house, Pr 14: 1 The wise woman b her house, 1Co 8: 1 Knowledge puffs up, but love b up.
BUILT → BUILD 1Ki 6: 14 Solomon b the house, and finished Ne 7: 1 the wall had been b and I had set up Pr 9: 1 Wisdom has b her house, Da 9: 25 sixty-two weeks it shall be b again Eph 2: 20 b upon the foundation of the Tob 13: 16 Jerusalem will be b as his house for 1Mc 4: 47 b a new altar like the former one.
BULL → BULLS Ps 50: 9 will not accept a b from your house,
BULLS → BULL Ps 22: 12 b encircle me, strong b of Bashan Isa 1: 11 I do not delight in the blood of b, Heb 10: 4 it is impossible for the blood of b
BURDEN → BURDENS, BURDENSOME Ps 55: 22 Cast your b on the LORD, Mt 11: 30 my yoke is easy, and my b is light.”
BURDENS → BURDEN Ex 6: 6 free you from the b of the Egyptians Lk 11: 46 you load people with b hard to bear, Gal 6: 2 Bear one another’s b, and
BURDENSOME → BURDEN 1Jn 5: 3 And his commandments are not b,
BURIED → BURY Ro 6: 4 have been b with him by baptism 1Co 15: 4 he was b, and that he was raised on
BURN → BURNED, BURNT Ex 21: 25 b for b, wound for wound, Mal 4: 1 the day that comes shall b them up, Lk 3: 17 but the chaff he will b with
BURNED → BURN Ex 3: 3 and see why the bush is not b up.” Jn 15: 6 thrown into the fire, and b. 1Co 3: 15 If the work is b up, the builder
BURNT → BURN Ex 40: 6 You shall set the altar of b offering Lev 1: 3 If the offering is a b offering from 1Sa 15: 22 LORD as great delight in b offerings Ps 51: 16 if I were to give a b offering, Da 8: 11 it took the regular b offering away Hos 6: 6 the knowledge of God rather than b Mic 6: 6 Shall I come before him with b Mk 12: 33 more important than all whole b 1Mc 1: 45 to forbid b offerings and sacrifices 4: 56 and joyfully offered b offerings;
BURY → BURIED Lk 9: 60 “Let the dead b their own dead;
BUSH Ex 3: 2 he looked, and the b was blazing, Jnh 4: 6 The LORD God appointed a b,
CALAMITIES → CALAMITY 1Sa 10: 19 who saves you from all your c and 2Co 6: 4 in afflictions, hardships, c, 12: 10 and c for the sake of Christ;
CALAMITY → CALAMITIES Da 9: 13 all this c has come upon us. Hab 3: 16 wait quietly for the day of c to come
CALF Ex 32: 4 and cast an image of a c; Lk 15: 23 And get the fatted c and kill it,
CALL → CALLED, CALLING 1Ch 16: 8 to the LORD, c on his name, Ps 61: 2 From the end of the earth I c to you, Pr 8: 1 Does not wisdom c, and does Isa 65: 24 Before they c I will answer, Mt 9: 13 to c not the righteous but sinners.” Lk 6: 46 “Why do you c me ‘Lord, Lord,’ Jn 15: 15 I do not c you servants any longer, Php 3: 14 goal for the prize of the heavenly c
CALLED → CALL 2Sa 22: 7 In my distress I c upon the LORD; Isa 43: 1 I have c you by name, you are mine. 1Co 7: 15 It is to peace that God has c you. Eph 1: 18 the hope to which he has c you, 1Jn 3: 1 that we should be c children of God;
CALLING → CALL Ro 11: 29 and the c of God are irrevocable. Eph 4: 1 lead a life worthy of the c to which
CAMEL Mt 23: 24 strain out a gnat but swallow a c! Mk 10: 25 c to go through the eye of a needle
CANAAN Ge 9: 25 “Cursed be C; lowest of slaves Nu 13: 2 “Send men to spy out the land of C, 1Ch 16: 18 “To you I will give the land of C
CAPTIVE → CAPTIVITY 2Ki 15: 29 he carried the people c to Assyria. 24: 16 king of Babylon brought c to Ro 7: 23 making me c to the law of sin Eph 4: 8 he made captivity itself a c;
CAPTIVITY → CAPTIVE Dt 28: 41 for they shall go into c. Ezr 8: 35 those who had come from c,
CARE → CAREFUL, CARES, CARING Ps 8: 4 mortals that you c for them? Heb 2: 6 or mortals, that you c for them? Jas 1: 27 to c for orphans and widows in
CAREFUL → CARE Dt 4: 23 So be c not to forget the covenant Jos 1: 8 you may be c to act in accordance Eph 5: 15 Be c then how you live,
CARES → CARE 1Pe 5: 7 on him, because he c for you.
CARPENTER’S Mt 13: 55 Is not this the c son?
CASE Isa 41: 21 Set forth your c, says the LORD; Lk 12: 58 make an effort to settle the c, Jn 18: 38 “I find no c against him.
CAST Ex 34: 17 You shall not make c idols. Ps 22: 18 and for my clothing they c lots. 55: 22 C your burden on the LORD, Mk 3: 23 “How can Satan c out Satan? Jn 19: 24 and for my clothing they c lots.” 1Pe 5: 7 C all your anxiety on him,
CATTLE Ge 1: 25 and the c of every kind, Ps 50: 10 the c on a thousand hills.
CELEBRATE Lev 23: 37 shall c as times of holy convocation, 1Co 5: 8 Therefore, let us c the festival,
CENSER Lev 10: 1 Nadab and Abihu, each took his c, Eze 8: 11 Each had his c in his hand, Rev 8: 3 Another angel with a golden c came
CENTURION Mt 8: 5 he entered Capernaum, a c came to Lk 23: 47 the c saw what had taken place, Ac 10: 1 a man named Cornelius, a c
CERTIFICATE Dt 24: 1 so he writes her a c of divorce, Mt 5: 31 let him give her a c of divorce.’ Mk 10: 4 a man to write a c of dismissal
CHAFF Ps 1: 4 like c that the wind drives away. Lk 3: 17 c he will burn with unquenchable
CHAINS Eph 6: 20 for which I am an ambassador in c. Heb 11: 36 and even c and imprisonment. 2Pe 2: 4 them to c of deepest darkness
CHANGE → CHANGERS Ex 32: 12 c your mind and do not bring Nu 23: 19 a mortal, that he should c his mind. 1Sa 15: 29 will not recant or c his mind; Jer 18: 8 I will c my mind about the disaster Jas 1: 17 is no variation or shadow due to c.
CHANGERS → CHANGE Mk 11: 15 overturned the tables of the money c Jn 2: 15 poured out the coins of the money c
CHARGE Mt 25: 21 I will put you in c of many things; Mk 15: 26 The inscription of the c against him Ro 8: 33 will bring any c against God’s elect? 1Co 9: 18 I may make the gospel free of c,
CHARM Pr 31: 30 C is deceitful, and beauty is vain, Sir 7: 19 for her c is worth more than gold. 26: 15 A modest wife adds c to c,
CHASTISEMENT → CHASTISES La 4: 6 the c of my people has been greater Sir 16: 12 Great as his mercy, so also is his c;
CHASTISES → CHASTISEMENT Heb 12: 6 and c every child whom he accepts.
CHEEK Ps 3: 7 you strike all my enemies on the c; Mt 5: 39 if anyone strikes you on the right c,
CHEERFUL Pr 15: 13 A glad heart makes a c countenance, 17: 22 A c heart is a good medicine, 2Co 9: 7 for God loves a c giver. Jas 5: 13 Are any c? They should sing songs
CHERUB → CHERUBIM 2Ch 3: 11 touched the wing of the other c; Ps 18: 10 He rode on a c, and flew; Eze 10: 14 the first face was that of the c, 28: 14 an anointed c as guardian I placed
CHERUBIM → CHERUB Ge 3: 24 the garden of Eden he placed the c, Ex 25: 18 You shall make two c of gold; Ps 80: 1 You who are enthroned upon the c, Heb 9: 5 the c of glory overshadowing the
CHIEF Ps 118: 22 has become the c cornerstone. Mk 15: 3 the c priests accused him of many 1Pe 5: 4 And when the c shepherd appears,
CHILD → CHILDBEARING, CHILDREN Isa 11: 6 and a little c shall lead them. 49: 15 Can a woman forget her nursing c, Hos 11: 1 When Israel was a c, I loved him, Mt 1: 18 with c from the Holy Spirit. Mk 10: 15 the kingdom of God as a little c Lk 2: 12 you will find a c wrapped in bands 1Co 13: 11 When I was a c, I spoke like a c, Rev 12: 4 that he might devour her c as soon
CHILDBEARING → CHILD, BEAR Ge 3: 16 greatly increase your pangs in c; 1Ti 2: 15 Yet she will be saved through c,
CHILDREN → CHILD Pr 22: 6 Train c in the right way, and when Mt 3: 9 stones to raise up c to Abraham. Lk 18: 16 “Let the little c come to me, Jn 1: 12 he gave power to become c of God, Ro 8: 14 by the Spirit of God are c of God. Eph 6: 4 do not provoke your c to anger, Heb 12: 7 God is treating you as c; 1Jn 3: 10 The c of God and the c of the devil
CHOOSE → CHOOSES, CHOSE, CHOSEN Dt 30: 19 C life so that you and your Jos 24: 15 c this day whom you will serve, Jn 15: 16 You did not c me but I chose you.
CHOOSES → CHOOSE Ro 9: 18 he has mercy on whomever he c,
CHOSE → CHOOSE Mk 13: 20 for the sake of the elect, whom he c, 1Co 1: 27 God c what is foolish in the world
CHOSEN → CHOOSE Isa 42: 1 my servant, whom I uphold, my c, Mt 22: 14 For many are called, but few are c.” Ro 11: 5 there is a remnant, c by grace. 1Pe 2: 6 a cornerstone c and precious; 2: 9 are a c race, a royal priesthood,
CHRIST → CHRISTIAN, CHRISTIANS, JESUS, MESSIAH Jn 4: 25 Messiah is coming” (who is called C). Ro 5: 6 right time C died for the ungodly. 8: 35 will separate us from the love of C? 1Co 1: 23 but we proclaim C crucified, 3: 11 that foundation is Jesus C. 11: 1 Be imitators of me, as I am of C. Gal 5: 1 For freedom C has set us free. Eph 4: 15 into him who is the head, into C, Php 1: 21 to me, living is C and dying is gain. 2: 11 should confess that Jesus C is Lord, Col 1: 27 C in you, the hope of glory. Rev 20: 4 reigned with C a thousand years.
CHRISTIAN → CHRIST Ac 26: 28 persuading me to become a C?” 1Pe 4: 16 Yet if any of you suffers as a C,
CHRISTIANS → CHRIST Ac 11: 26 the disciples were first called “C.”
CHURCH Mt 16: 18 on this rock I will build my c, Ac 8: 1 persecution began against the c 1Co 12: 28 appointed in the c first apostles, 14: 4 those who prophesy build up the c. Col 1: 18 He is the head of the body, the c;
CIRCUMCISE → CIRCUMCISED, CIRCUMCISION Ge 17: 11 shall c the flesh of your foreskins, Dt 10: 16 C, then, the foreskin of your heart, Lk 1: 59 the eighth day they came to c the Jn 7: 22 and you c a man on the sabbath.
CIRCUMCISED → CIRCUMCISE Ge 17: 10 Every male among you shall be c. Gal 6: 13 c do not themselves obey the law, Col 2: 11 also you were c with a spiritual 1Mc 1: 60 the women who had their children c,
CIRCUMCISION → CIRCUMCISE Ro 2: 29 real c is a matter of the heart— Gal 5: 6 For in Christ Jesus neither c
CITIES → CITY Jos 20: 2 ‘Appoint the c of refuge, Rev 16: 19 and the c of the nations fell.
CITIZENSHIP Php 3: 20 But our c is in heaven,
CITY → CITIES 1Ch 11: 7 it was called the c of David. Ps 127: 1 Unless the LORD guards the c, Mt 5: 14 A c built on a hill cannot be hid. Heb 12: 22 Zion and to the c of the living God, Rev 21: 2 I saw the holy c, the new Jerusalem,
CLAY Isa 45: 9 Does the c say to the one who Jer 18: 6 Just like the c in the potter’s hand, Ro 9: 21 Has the potter no right over the c, 2Co 4: 7 But we have this treasure in c jars,
CLEAN → CLEANSE, CLEANSING Ge 7: 2 seven pairs of all c animals, Lev 10: 10 and between the unclean and the c; Ps 51: 7 with hyssop, and I shall be c; Mk 7: 19 (Thus he declared all foods c.) Heb 10: 22 with our hearts sprinkled c from
CLEANSE → CLEAN Ps 51: 2 and c me from my sin. 1Jn 1: 9 c us from all unrighteousness. Sir 38: 10 and c your heart from all sin.
CLEANSING → CLEAN Eph 5: 26 by c her with the washing of water 2Pe 1: 9 is forgetful of the c of past sins.
CLOTH Isa 64: 6 righteous deeds are like a filthy c. Lk 2: 7 and wrapped him in bands of c,
CLOTHE → CLOTHED, CLOTHING Col 3: 14 Above all, c yourselves with love, 1Pe 5: 5 you must c yourselves with humility
CLOTHED → CLOTHE 2Co 5: 2 longing to be c with our heavenly Gal 3: 27 have c yourselves with Christ. Rev 12: 1 a woman c with the sun,
CLOTHING → CLOTHE Ps 22: 18 and for my c they cast lots. Mt 25: 36 I was naked and you gave me c, Jn 19: 24 and for my c they cast lots.”
CLOUD → CLOUDS Ex 13: 21 went in front of them in a pillar of c Mk 9: 7 Then a c overshadowed them, Lk 21: 27 ‘the Son of Man coming in a c’ Heb 12: 1 by so great a c of witnesses, Rev 14: 14 on the c was one like the Son of Man,
CLOUDS → CLOUD Ge 9: 13 I have set my bow in the c, Da 7: 13 being coming with the c of heaven. Mt 24: 30 ‘the Son of Man coming on the c of 1Th 4: 17 be caught up in the c together with Rev 1: 7 He is coming with the c; 2Es 13: 3 this man flew with the c of heaven;
COIN Mt 17: 27 open its mouth, you will find a c; 22: 19 Show me the c used for the tax.” Lk 15: 9 I have found the c that I had lost.’
COLLECTOR → COLLECTORS Mt 10: 3 Thomas and Matthew the tax c; Lk 18: 10 one a Pharisee and the other a tax c. 19: 2 he was a chief tax c and was rich.
COLLECTORS → COLLECTOR Mt 5: 46 Do not even the tax c do the same? 11: 19 a friend of tax c and sinners!’
COLT Ge 49: 11 his donkey’s c to the choice vine, Zec 9: 9 and riding on a donkey, on a c, Jn 12: 15 coming, sitting on a donkey’s c!”
COME → COMES, COMING Mt 6: 10 Your kingdom c. Your will be done, Lk 7: 20 ‘Are you the one who is to c, 1Co 16: 22 Our Lord, c! Rev 1: 4 who is and who was and who is to c, 22: 20 Amen. C, Lord Jesus!
COMES → COME Ps 118: 26 who c in the name of the LORD. Lk 19: 38 “Blessed is the king who c in the Jn 14: 6 No one c to the Father except through
COMFORT → COMFORTED, COMFORTS Ps 23: 4 your rod and your staff — they c me. Isa 40: 1 C, O c my people, says your God.
COMFORTED → COMFORT Ps 86: 17 LORD, have helped me and c me. Isa 49: 13 For the LORD has c his people, Mt 5: 4 those who mourn, for they will be c.
COMFORTS → COMFORT Isa 66: 13 As a mother c her child, so I will
COMING → COME Mal 3: 2 But who can endure the day of his c, Heb 10: 37 is c will come and will not delay; 2Pe 3: 4 “Where is the promise of his c? Rev 22: 20 “Surely I am c soon.”
COMMAND → COMMANDED, COMMANDING, COMMANDMENT, COMMANDMENTS Ex 34: 11 Observe what I c you today. Jdg 2: 2 But you have not obeyed my c.
COMMANDED → COMMAND Mt 28: 20 to obey everything that I have c you. Jn 14: 31 but I do as the Father has c me,
COMMANDING → COMMAND Dt 4: 40 c you today for your own well-being 30: 11 c you today is not too hard for you,
COMMANDMENT → COMMAND Dt 6: 1 Now this is the c—the statutes Ps 19: 8 c of the LORD is clear, Mt 22: 38 This is the greatest and first c. Ro 7: 12 and the c is holy and just and good. Gal 5: 14 law is summed up in a single c, 1Jn 3: 23 this is his c, that we should believe
COMMANDMENTS → COMMAND Ex 20: 6 those who love me and keep my c. Dt 4: 13 to observe, that is, the ten c; Ps 119: 66 for I believe in your c. Pr 10: 8 The wise of heart will heed c, Ecc 12: 13 Fear God, and keep his c; Mt 22: 40 On these two c hang all the law and Jn 14: 15 If you love me, you will keep my c. 1Co 7: 19 obeying the c of God is everything. 1Jn 5: 3 And his c are not burdensome, Rev 14: 12 those who keep the c of God and Sir 1: 26 If you desire wisdom, keep the c, 1Mc 2: 19 and have chosen to obey his c,
COMMON Lev 10: 10 between the holy and the c, Eze 22: 26 between the holy and the c, Ac 2: 44 and had all things in c;
COMMUNION 2Co 13: 13 the c of the Holy Spirit be with
COMPANY 1Co 15: 33 “Bad c ruins good morals.”
COMPASSION → COMPASSIONATE Dt 32: 36 will vindicate his people, have c Ps 103: 13 As a father has c for his children, Hos 11: 8 my c grows warm and tender. Mt 14: 14 had c for them and cured their sick. Ro 9: 15 I will have c on whom I have c.” Col 3: 12 clothe yourselves with c, kindness, Sir 18: 13 the c of the Lord is for every living
COMPASSIONATE → COMPASSION Ex 22: 27 I will listen, for I am c. Jas 5: 11 how the Lord is c and merciful. Sir 2: 11 For the Lord is c and merciful;
COMPLAIN → COMPLAINING, COMPLAINT Nu 14: 27 shall this wicked congregation c Jer 2: 29 Why do you c against me? 1Co 10: 10 And do not c as some of them did,
COMPLAINING → COMPLAIN Ex 16: 7 heard your c against the LORD. 1Pe 4: 9 hospitable to one another without c.
COMPLAINT → COMPLAIN Ps 142: 2 I pour out my c before him; Hab 2: 1 he will answer concerning my c. Col 3: 13 if anyone has a c against another,
COMPLETE → COMPLETED Jn 4: 34 him who sent me and to c his work. Rev 6: 11 until the number would be c
COMPLETED → COMPLETE Jer 25: 12 Then after seventy years are c, Da 11: 36 until the period of wrath is c,
CONCEIT → CONCEITED Php 2: 3 nothing from selfish ambition or c, 1Ti 3: 6 he may be puffed up with c and fall Sir 3: 24 For their c has led many astray,
CONCEITED → CONCEIT Gal 5: 26 Let us not become c, competing 1Ti 6: 4 is c, understanding nothing,
CONCEIVE Mt 1: 23 the virgin shall c and bear a son, Lk 1: 31 you will c in your womb and bear
CONDEMN → CONDEMNATION, CONDEMNED Lk 11: 31 of this generation and c them, Jn 3: 17 not send the Son into the world to c Ro 8: 34 Who is to c? 1Jn 3: 21 Beloved, if our hearts do not c us,
CONDEMNATION → CONDEMN Mk 12: 40 They will receive the greater c.” Ro 5: 18 one man’s trespass led to c for all, 1Ti 3: 6 fall into the c of the devil. Jas 5: 12 so that you may not fall under c.
CONDEMNED → CONDEMN Mt 12: 37 and by your words you will be c.” Lk 24: 20 handed him over to be c to death Jn 3: 18 Those who believe in him are not c; 16: 11 the ruler of this world has been c. 1Co 11: 32 disciplined so that we may not be c
CONDUCT 1Pe 1: 15 be holy yourselves in all your c; Tob 4: 14 and discipline yourself in all your c. Sir 37: 17 The mind is the root of all c;
CONFESS → CONFESSES, CONFESSION Lev 5: 5 you shall c the sin that you have Ps 38: 18 c my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin. Php 2: 11 should c that Jesus Christ is Lord, 1Jn 1: 9 If we c our sins, he who is faithful Rev 3: 5 will c your name before my Father Sir 4: 26 Do not be ashamed to c your sins,
CONFESSES → CONFESS Ro 10: 10 c with the mouth and so is saved. 1Jn 2: 23 who c the Son has the Father also.
CONFESSION → CONFESS Da 9: 4 to the LORD my God and made c, 1Ti 6: 12 for which you made the good c in Heb 4: 14 let us hold fast to our c.
CONFIDENCE Ps 118: 8 LORD than to put c in mortals. Php 3: 3 and have no c in the flesh— Heb 10: 19 we have c to enter the sanctuary
CONFORMED Ro 8: 29 predestined to be c to the image of 12: 2 Do not be c to this world, Php 3: 21 may be c to the body of his glory, 1Pe 1: 14 do not be c to the desires that you
CONFUSE Ge 11: 7 go down, and c their language there,
CONGREGATION Ps 1: 5 nor sinners in the c of the righteous; Heb 2: 12 the midst of the c I will praise you.”
CONQUER → CONQUERED, CONQUERORS, CONQUERS Rev 17: 14 and the Lamb will c them, 21: 7 who c will inherit these things,
CONQUERED → CONQUER Jn 16: 33 take courage; I have c the world!” Heb 11: 33 who through faith c kingdoms, 1Jn 2: 13 because you have c the evil one. Rev 15: 2 who had c the beast and its image
CONQUERORS → CONQUER Ro 8: 37 all these things we are more than c
CONQUERS → CONQUER 1Jn 5: 4 victory that c the world, our faith. Rev 2: 7 To everyone who c, I will give
CONSCIENCE Ro 2: 15 their own c also bears witness; 1Co 8: 7 and their c, being weak, is defiled. 1Ti 1: 5 a good c, and sincere faith. Heb 9: 14 purify our c from dead works to 1Pe 3: 21 as an appeal to God for a good c,
CONSIDER 1Sa 12: 24 for c what great things he has done Ps 107: 43 and c the steadfast love of the LORD. Lk 12: 27 C the lilies, how they grow:
CONSOLATION Lk 2: 25 looking forward to the c of Israel, 2Co 1: 3 of mercies and the God of all c,
CONSPIRED Da 6: 6 So the presidents and satraps c Mt 26: 4 they c to arrest Jesus by stealth
CONSUME → CONSUMED, CONSUMING Ex 32: 12 c them from the face of the earth’? Nu 16: 21 so that I may c them in a moment. Mt 6: 19 where moth and rust c and where Jn 2: 17 “Zeal for your house will c me.”
CONSUMED → CONSUME Ex 3: 2 bush was blazing, yet it was not c. Ps 69: 9 zeal for your house that has c me; Zep 3: 8 all the earth shall be c. Gal 5: 15 that you are not c by one another.
CONSUMING → CONSUME Heb 12: 29 for indeed our God is a c fire.
CONTEMPT Da 12: 2 some to shame and everlasting c. Mk 9: 12 sufferings and be treated with c? Heb 6: 6 and are holding him up to c.
CONTENT → CONTENTMENT 2Co 12: 10 Therefore I am c with weaknesses, Php 4: 11 learned to be c with whatever I have Heb 13: 5 and be c with what you have; Sir 29: 23 Be c with little or much,
CONTENTMENT → CONTENT 1Ti 6: 6 gain in godliness combined with c;
CONTRITE Ps 51: 17 broken and c heart, O God, you Isa 57: 15 who are c and humble in spirit,
CONVERT Mt 23: 15 sea and land to make a single c, 1Ti 3: 6 He must not be a recent c,
CONVICT → CONVICTION Dt 19: 15 to c a person of any crime Jude 1: 15 to c everyone of all the deeds of
CONVICTION → CONVICT Heb 11: 1 the c of things not seen.
CONVINCE → CONVINCED, CONVINCING Ac 28: 23 and trying to c them about Jesus 2Ti 4: 2 c, rebuke, and encourage,
CONVINCED → CONVINCE Lk 16: 31 neither will they be c even if Ro 8: 38 For I am c that neither death, nor 2Co 5: 14 we are c that one has died for all;
CONVINCING → CONVINCE Ac 1: 3 to them by many c proofs,
COPPER Mk 12: 42 and put in two small c coins,
CORNERSTONE → STONE Ps 118: 22 rejected has become the chief c. Isa 28: 16 a tested stone, a precious c, a sure Zec 10: 4 Out of them shall come the c, Lk 20: 17 builders rejected has become the c’? Eph 2: 20 with Christ Jesus himself as the c. 1Pe 2: 6 laying in Zion a stone, a c chosen
CORRECT → CORRECTING, CORRECTION Ps 141: 5 let the faithful c me. Sir 42: 8 Do not be ashamed to c the stupid
CORRECTING → CORRECT 2Ti 2: 25 c opponents with gentleness.
CORRECTION → CORRECT Jer 5: 3 but they refused to take c. 2Ti 3: 16 c, and for training in righteousness,
CORRUPT → CORRUPTION Ge 6: 11 Now the earth was c in God’s sight, Ac 2: 40 yourselves from this c generation.” Eph 4: 22 your old self, c and deluded
CORRUPTION → CORRUPT Ac 2: 31 nor did his flesh experience c.’ 2Pe 1: 4 you may escape from the c
COST 1Ch 21: 24 burnt offerings that c me nothing.” Lk 14: 28 not first sit down and estimate the c,
COUNCIL → COUNCILS Jer 23: 18 who has stood in the c of the LORD Mt 26: 59 the whole c were looking for false
COUNCILS → COUNCIL Mk 13: 9 for they will hand you over to c;
COUNSEL → COUNSELOR, COUNSELORS Ps 2: 2 and the rulers take c together, 33: 11 The c of the LORD stands forever, Isa 28: 29 he is wonderful in c, and excellent
COUNSELOR → COUNSEL Isa 9: 6 and he is named Wonderful C, Ro 11: 34 Or who has been his c?” Sir 42: 21 and he needs no one to be his c.
COUNSELORS → COUNSEL Pr 11: 14 in an abundance of c there is safety. 24: 6 in abundance of c there is victory.
COUNTENANCE Nu 6: 26 the LORD lift up his c upon you, Ps 89: 15 O LORD, in the light of your c; Pr 15: 13 A glad heart makes a cheerful c,
COURAGE → COURAGEOUS 1Ch 22: 13 Be strong and of good c. Jn 16: 33 But take c; I have conquered
COURAGEOUS → COURAGE Jos 1: 6 Be strong and c; for you shall put Da 10: 19 Be strong and c!” 1Co 16: 13 stand firm in your faith, be c, 1Mc 2: 64 be c and grow strong in the law,
COURT → COURTS Ex 27: 9 shall make the c of the tabernacle. Pr 25: 8 do not hastily bring into c; Mt 5: 25 while you are on the way to c 1Co 6: 6 believer goes to c against a believer
COURTS → COURT Ps 84: 10 in your c is better than a thousand 96: 8 an offering, and come into his c.
COVENANT → COVENANTS Ge 6: 18 But I will establish my c with you; 9: 9 I am establishing my c with you 15: 18 the LORD made a c with Abram, Ex 19: 5 you obey my voice and keep my c, 24: 7 Then he took the book of the c, 40: 3 put in it the ark of the c, Jdg 2: 1 ‘I will never break my c with you. 1Ki 8: 23 keeping c and steadfast love Ps 105: 8 He is mindful of his c forever, Isa 61: 8 I will make an everlasting c with Jer 31: 31 when I will make a new c with Eze 16: 60 establish with you an everlasting c. Mal 3: 1 The messenger of the c in whom Lk 22: 20 is the new c in my blood. 1Co 11: 25 “This cup is the new c in my blood. 2Co 3: 6 be ministers of a new c, not of letter Heb 7: 22 become the guarantee of a better c. 12: 24 the mediator of a new c, Rev 11: 19 the ark of his c was seen within his Jdt 9: 13 planned cruel things against your c, Sir 28: 7 remember the c of the Most High, 1Mc 1: 15 and abandoned the holy c. 2Es 3: 15 You made an everlasting c with
COVENANTS → COVENANT Ro 9: 4 the adoption, the glory, the c, Gal 4: 24 an allegory: these women are two c.
COVET Ex 20: 17 shall not c your neighbor’s house; Ro 7: 7 had not said, “You shall not c.” Jas 4: 2 you c something and cannot obtain
CRAFTINESS → CRAFTY Ro 1: 29 of envy, murder, strife, deceit, c, 1Co 3: 19 “He catches the wise in their c,”
CRAFTY → CRAFTINESS Ge 3: 1 serpent was more c than any other
CRAVING Nu 11: 4 rabble among them had a strong c; Ps 78: 30 But before they had satisfied their c,
CREATE → CREATED, CREATION, CREATOR Ps 51: 10 C in me a clean heart, O God, Isa 65: 17 to c new heavens and a new earth; Eph 2: 15 c in himself one new humanity
CREATED → CREATE Ge 1: 1 In the beginning when God c the 1: 27 So God c humankind in his image, Dt 32: 6 Is not he your father, who c you, Pr 8: 22 The LORD c me at the beginning Mal 2: 10 Has not one God c us? 1Co 11: 9 Neither was man c for the sake of Eph 2: 10 c in Christ Jesus for good works, Col 1: 16 all things have been c through him 1Ti 4: 4 For everything c by God is good, Rev 4: 11 you c all things, and by your will Jdt 13: 18 who c the heavens and the earth, Wis 2: 23 for God c us for incorruption, Sir 1: 4 Wisdom was c before all other
CREATION → CREATE Ge 2: 3 all the work that he had done in c. Mk 10: 6 But from the beginning of c, Ro 8: 19 the c waits with eager longing for 2Co 5: 17 anyone is in Christ, there is a new c: Col 1: 15 invisible God, the firstborn of all c;
CREATOR → CREATE Ecc 12: 1 Remember your c in the days of Ro 1: 25 served the creature rather than the C 1Pe 4: 19 to a faithful C,
CREATURE → CREATURES Ge 2: 19 the man called every living c,
CREATURES → CREATURE Lev 11: 2 these are the c that you may eat. Ps 104: 24 the earth is full of your c.
CRIED → CRY Ps 22: 5 To you they c, and were saved; Mt 27: 46 Jesus c with a loud voice,
CRIMINAL → CRIMINALS Jn 18: 30 “If this man were not a c, 2Ti 2: 9 the point of being chained like a c. 1Pe 4: 15 suffer as a murderer, a thief, a c,
CRIMINALS → CRIMINAL Lk 23: 32 Two others also, who were c,
CROOKED Dt 32: 5 a perverse and c generation. Ps 18: 26 the c you show yourself perverse. Ecc 1: 15 What is c cannot be made straight, Lk 3: 5 and the c shall be made straight,
CROSS Dt 31: 3 your God himself will c over before Mk 15: 30 and come down from the c!” Lk 14: 27 the c and follow me cannot be my 1Co 1: 18 the c is foolishness to those who are Gal 6: 14 never boast of anything except the c Php 2: 8 of death — even death on a c. Col 1: 20 peace through the blood of his c. Heb 12: 2 was set before him endured the c,
CROW Lk 22: 34 the cock will not c this day,
CROWD → CROWDS Mk 8: 2 “I have compassion for the c, 14: 43 a c with swords and clubs,
CROWDS → CROWD Mt 7: 28 c were astounded at his teaching,
CROWN → CROWNED, CROWNS Lev 8: 9 the golden ornament, the holy c, Jn 19: 2 soldiers wove a c of thorns and put Php 4: 1 my joy and c, stand firm in the Lord 2Ti 4: 8 there is reserved for me the c 1Pe 5: 4 the c of glory that never fades away. Rev 6: 2 Its rider had a bow; a c was given 14: 14 with a golden c on his head,
CROWNED → CROWN Ps 8: 5 and c them with glory and honor. 2Ti 2: 5 no one is c without competing Heb 2: 9 now c with glory and honor
CROWNS → CROWN Rev 4: 10 they cast their c before the throne,
CRUCIFIED → CRUCIFY Mt 27: 22 All of them said, “Let him be c!” Lk 24: 7 c, and on the third day rise again.” Ac 4: 10 whom you c, whom God raised Ro 6: 6 We know that our old self was c 1Co 1: 23 but we proclaim Christ c, Gal 2: 19 I have been c with Christ;
CRUCIFY → CRUCIFIED, CRUCIFYING Lk 23: 21 they kept shouting, “C, c him!” Jn 19: 15 asked them, “Shall I c your King?”
CRUCIFYING → CRUCIFY Heb 6: 6 they are c again the Son of God
CRUSH Mt 21: 44 it will c anyone on whom it falls.” Ro 16: 20 will shortly c Satan under your feet.
CRY → CRIED, CRYING Pr 130: 1 Out of the depths I c to you, Hab 1: 2 how long shall I c for help, Mk 15: 37 Then Jesus gave a loud c
CRYING → CRY Mk 1: 3 the voice of one c out in the Rev 21: 4 c and pain will be no more,
CUP Ps 23: 5 my head with oil; my c overflows. Mt 26: 39 if it is possible, let this c pass Mk 10: 38 you able to drink the c that I drink, Lk 22: 17 he took a c, and after giving thanks 1Co 11: 25 c is the new covenant in my blood. Rev 14: 10 unmixed into the c of his anger,
CURED Mt 8: 16 and c all who were sick. Ac 5: 16 and they were all c.
CURSE → ACCURSED, CURSED, CURSES Ge 8: 21 “I will never again c the ground 12: 3 the one who curses you I will c; Job 2: 9 C God, and die.” Ps 109: 28 Let them c, but you will bless. Mal 4: 6 come and strike the land with a c. Mk 14: 71 he began to c, and he swore an oath, Lk 6: 28 bless those who c you, pray Ro 12: 14 bless and do not c them. Gal 3: 13 redeemed us from the c of the law by becoming a c for us— Sir 4: 5 and give no one reason to c you;
CURSED → CURSE Ge 3: 17 c is the ground because of you; 27: 29 C be everyone who curses you, Nu 23: 8 can I curse whom God has not c? Mk 11: 21 fig tree that you c has withered.” Gal 3: 10 “C is everyone who does not Rev 16: 9 but they c the name of God,
CURSES → CURSE Lev 24: 15 who c God shall bear the sin.
CURTAIN Ex 26: 31 You shall make a c of blue, purple, 2Ch 3: 14 And Solomon made the c of blue Lk 23: 45 the c of the temple was torn in two. Heb 10: 20 that he opened for us through the c
CUT Ge 9: 11 never again shall all flesh be c off Ps 37: 9 For the wicked shall be c off, Isa 53: 8 c off from the land of the living, Mt 3: 10 does not bear good fruit is c down Mk 9: 43 hand causes you to stumble, c it off; Ro 11: 22 otherwise you also will be c off.
DAILY → DAY Mt 6: 11 Give us this day our d bread. Lk 9: 23 take up their cross d and follow me.
DANCE → DANCED Ps 150: 4 Praise him with tambourine and d; Ecc 3: 4 a time to mourn, and a time to d; Lk 7: 32 the flute for you, and you did not d;
DANCED → DANCE 2Sa 6: 14 David d before the LORD with all Mt 14: 6 the daughter of Herodias d before
DARK → DARKEST, DARKNESS Ps 139: 12 even the darkness is not d to you; Lk 12: 3 whatever you have said in the d will 2Pe 1: 19 as to a lamp shining in a d place,
DARKEST → DARK Ps 23: 4 though I walk through the d valley,
DARKNESS → DARK Ge 1: 2 the earth was a formless void and d Ex 10: 22 was dense d in all the land of Egypt Isa 9: 2 walked in d have seen a great light; Joel 2: 31 The sun shall be turned to d, Mt 4: 16 who sat in d have seen a great light, Jn 1: 5 light shines in the d, and the d did not Col 1: 13 from the power of d and transferred 1Jn 1: 5 God is light and in him there is no d
DAUGHTER → DAUGHTERS Mic 7: 6 the d rises up against her mother, Lk 12: 53 against d and d against mother,
DAUGHTERS → DAUGHTER Ge 6: 4 of God went in to the d of humans, Joel 2: 28 sons and your d shall prophesy, Ac 2: 17 sons and your d shall prophesy, 2Co 6: 18 and you shall be my sons and d,
DAWN → DAWNS Isa 14: 12 from heaven, O Day Star, son of D! Hos 6: 3 his appearing is as sure as the d;
DAWNS → DAWN Ps 97: 11 Light d for the righteous, 2Pe 1: 19 until the day d and the morning star
DAY → DAILY, DAYS Ge 1: 5 God called the light D, and Ex 13: 21 of them in a pillar of cloud by d, 20: 8 Remember the sabbath d, and keep Ps 1: 2 his law they meditate d and night. 118: 24 is the d that the LORD has made; Joel 1: 15 For the d of the LORD is near, Zec 14: 1 See, a d is coming for the LORD, Mal 3: 2 who can endure the d of his coming, Mt 25: 13 you know neither the d nor the hour. Lk 11: 3 Give us each d our daily bread. 24: 46 to rise from the dead on the third d, Jn 6: 40 I will raise them up on the last d.” Ro 14: 5 Some judge one d to be better than 1Th 5: 2 very well that the d of the Lord 2Pe 3: 8 one d is like a thousand years, 3: 10 d of the Lord will come like a thief, 1Jn 4: 17 have boldness on the d of judgment, Rev 16: 14 for battle on the great d of God
DAYS → DAY Ge 1: 14 and for seasons and for d and years, Ex 24: 18 on the mountain for forty d and 1Ki 19: 8 that food forty d and forty nights Ps 90: 10 The d of our life are seventy years, Eph 5: 16 of the time, because the d are evil. 2Ti 3: 1 in the last d distressing times will 1Mc 4: 56 dedication of the altar for eight d, 2Es 14: 42 They sat forty d; they wrote
DEACON → DEACONS Ro 16: 1 a d of the church at Cenchreae,
DEACONS → DEACON 1Ti 3: 8 D likewise must be serious, not
DEAD → DEATH, DIE, DIED, DYING Mt 8: 22 and let the d bury their own d.” Mk 12: 27 God not of the d, but of the living; Lk 24: 5 look for the living among the d? Ro 6: 11 must consider yourselves d to sin Eph 2: 1 You were d through the trespasses Rev 1: 5 witness, the firstborn of the d, 20: 12 And the d were judged according to
DEAF Ex 4: 11 Who makes them mute or d, Isa 29: 18 On that day the d shall hear the Lk 7: 22 the lepers are cleansed, the d hear,
DEATH → DEAD Dt 30: 19 that I have set before you life and d, Isa 25: 7 he will swallow up d forever. Hos 13: 14 O D, where are your plagues? Lk 1: 79 in darkness and in the shadow of d, Jn 5: 24 but has passed from d to life. Ro 6: 23 For the wages of sin is d, 1Co 15: 55 “Where, O d, is your victory? Heb 2: 14 through d he might destroy the one who has the power of d, 1Jn 3: 14 that we have passed from d to life Rev 1: 18 I have the keys of D and of Hades. 20: 14 D and Hades were thrown into the lake 21: 4 D will be no more; Sir 15: 17 Before each person are life and d,
DEBTS Mt 6: 12 And forgive us our d, as we
DECEIT → DECEITFUL, DECEIVE Dt 32: 4 A faithful God, without d, Isa 53: 9 and there was no d in his mouth. Ro 1: 29 Full of envy, murder, strife, d, 1Pe 2: 22 and no d was found in his mouth.”
DECEITFUL → DECEIT 1Ti 4: 1 by paying attention to d spirits
DECEIVE → DECEIT Eph 5: 6 Let no one d you with empty words, 1Jn 1: 8 that we have no sin, we d ourselves, Rev 20: 8 to d the nations at the four corners
DECREES Dt 6: 2 and keep all his d and his Ps 19: 7 the d of the LORD are sure, 119: 2 Happy are those who keep his d,
DEDICATION 2Ch 7: 9 the d of the altar seven days and Ezr 6: 16 the d of this house of God with joy. 1Mc 4: 56 the d of the altar for eight days,
DEED → DEEDS Ecc 12: 14 will bring every d into judgment, Mt 19: 16 good d must I do to have eternal life Col 3: 17 And whatever you do, in word or d,
DEEDS → DEED Jer 50: 29 Repay her according to her d; Lk 23: 41 getting what we deserve for our d, Ro 2: 6 repay according to each one’s d: Rev 15: 3 “Great and amazing are your d, 19: 8 the righteous d of the saints.
DEEP → DEPTH, DEPTHS Ge 1: 2 darkness covered the face of the d, 7: 11 the fountains of the great d burst Ro 8: 26 with sighs too d for words.
DEFEND Ps 72: 4 May he d the cause of the poor of Pr 31: 9 d the rights of the poor and needy. Jdt 5: 21 for their Lord and God will d them,
DEFILE Lev 11: 43 you shall not d yourselves Nu 35: 34 You shall not d the land Mk 7: 15 things that come out are what d.”
DEITY Col 2: 9 whole fullness of d dwells bodily,
DELAY Dt 7: 10 He does not d but repays Ps 70: 5 my deliverer; O LORD, do not d! Heb 10: 37 will come and will not d;
DELIGHT 1Sa 15: 22 “Has the LORD as great d in burnt Ps 1: 2 their d is in the law of the LORD, 40: 8 I d to do your will, O my God; Pr 8: 30 I was daily his d, rejoicing before Ro 7: 22 For I d in the law of God in my Sir 1: 27 fidelity and humility are his d.
DELIVER → DELIVERANCE, DELIVERER, DELIVERS Ex 3: 8 to d them from the Egyptians, Da 3: 17 able to d us from the furnace 6: 20 able to d you from the lions?” Mt 27: 43 let God d him now,
DELIVERANCE → DELIVER Ex 14: 13 and see the d that the LORD will Ps 3: 8 D belongs to the LORD; Php 1: 19 this will turn out for my d. Jdt 8: 17 while we wait for his d,
DELIVERER → DELIVER Ps 140: 7 O LORD, my Lord, my strong d, Ro 11: 26 “Out of Zion will come the D;
DEMON → DEMONIACS, DEMONIC, DEMONS Mt 11: 18 and they say, ‘He has a d’; 17: 18 Jesus rebuked the d, and it came out Jn 8: 48 you are a Samaritan and have a d?” 10: 21 not the words of one who has a d. Tob 3: 8 the wicked d Asmodeus had killed 6: 8 of a man or woman afflicted by a d
DEMONIACS → DEMON Mt 4: 24 d, epileptics, and paralytics, and he 8: 28 two d coming out of the tombs met
DEMONIC → DEMON Rev 16: 14 These are d spirits, performing signs
DEMONS → DEMON Dt 32: 17 They sacrificed to d, not God, Lk 11: 18 that I cast out the d by Beelzebul. 1Co 10: 20 not want you to be partners with d. 1Ti 4: 1 deceitful spirits and teachings of d, Jas 2: 19 Even the d believe — and shudder. Rev 9: 20 their hands or give up worshiping d Bar 4: 7 by sacrificing to d and not
DEN Jer 7: 11 a d of robbers in your sight? Da 6: 7 shall be thrown into a d of lions. Mk 11: 17 you have made it a d of robbers.”
DENARIUS Mk 12: 15 Bring me a d and let me see it.”
DENIED → DENY Mt 26: 70 But he d it before all of them, 1Ti 5: 8 has d the faith and is worse than Rev 3: 8 my word and have not d my name.
DENIES → DENY Lk 12: 9 but whoever d me before others 1Jn 2: 22 liar but the one who d that Jesus
DENY → DENIED, DENIES Mt 16: 24 let them d themselves and take up 2Ti 2: 12 if we d him, he will also d us; 2Pe 2: 1 d the Master who bought them—
DEPRAVED → DEPRAVITY 1Ti 6: 5 among those who are d in mind 2Pe 2: 10 who indulge their flesh in d lust,
DEPRAVITY → DEPRAVED Lev 20: 14 that there may be no d among you.
DEPTH → DEEP Mt 13: 5 since they had no d of soil. Ro 11: 33 O the d of the riches and wisdom Eph 3: 18 and length and height and d,
DEPTHS → DEEP Ps 130: 1 Out of the d I cry to you, 1Co 2: 10 even the d of God.
DESCENDANTS Ge 15: 18 saying, “To your d I give this land, Dt 4: 37 he chose their d after them. Isa 44: 3 I will pour my spirit upon your d, Ro 9: 7 Abraham’s children are his true d; Gal 3: 7 who believe are the d of Abraham.
DESERT Ps 106: 14 and put God to the test in the d; Isa 40: 3 make straight in the d a highway Mk 8: 4 with bread here in the d?”
DESERVE Pr 14: 14 and the good, what their deeds d. Lk 23: 15 he has done nothing to d death. Ac 26: 31 man is doing nothing to d death Rev 2: 23 give to each of you as your works d.
DESIRE → DESIRES Ge 3: 16 your d shall be for your husband, Ps 20: 4 May he grant you your heart’s d, Hos 6: 6 I d steadfast love and not sacrifice, Mt 9: 13 learn what this means, ‘I d mercy, 1Jn 2: 16 the d of the flesh, the d of the eyes,
DESIRES → DESIRE 1Ti 2: 4 who d everyone to be saved 2Ti 4: 3 teachers to suit their own d, Sir 18: 30 Do not follow your base d,
DESOLATE → DESOLATES Da 11: 31 the abomination that makes d. 1Mc 1: 39 sanctuary became d like a desert;
DESOLATES → DESOLATE Da 9: 27 shall be an abomination that d,
DESPISE → DESPISED Job 5: 17 not d the discipline of the Almighty. Pr 1: 7 fools d wisdom and instruction. Lk 16: 13 devoted to the one and d the other.
DESPISED → DESPISE Isa 53: 3 He was d and rejected by others; 1Co 1: 28 God chose what is low and d in the
DESTINED Eph 1: 5 He d us for adoption as his children 1Th 5: 9 For God has d us not for wrath but 1Pe 1: 11 to the sufferings d for Christ
DESTROY → DESTROYED, DESTRUCTION Ge 6: 13 to d them along with the earth. Mt 10: 28 rather fear him who can d both soul Jn 10: 10 comes only to steal and kill and d. Jas 4: 12 who is able to save and to d. 1Jn 3: 8 to d the works of the devil.
DESTROYED → DESTROY Da 6: 26 His kingdom shall never be d, 1Co 15: 26 The last enemy to be d is death.
DESTRUCTION → DESTROY Pr 16: 18 Pride goes before d, and a haughty Mt 7: 13 and the road is easy that leads to d,
DEVIL Mt 4: 1 wilderness to be tempted by the d. Lk 8: 12 d comes and takes away the word Jn 8: 44 You are from your father the d, Eph 4: 27 and do not make room for the d. 6: 11 to stand against the wiles of the d. 1Ti 3: 6 fall into the condemnation of the d. Heb 2: 14 the power of death, that is, the d, Jas 4: 7 Resist the d, and he will flee from 1Pe 5: 8 lion your adversary the d prowls 1Jn 3: 8 to destroy the works of the d. Jude 1: 9 Michael contended with the d Rev 12: 9 who is called the D and Satan, 20: 2 that ancient serpent, who is the D
DIE → DEAD Ge 2: 17 eat of it you shall d.” 3: 4 to the woman, “You will not d; Ru 1: 17 Where you d, I will d— Ecc 3: 2 a time to be born, and a time to d; Isa 22: 13 eat and drink, for tomorrow we d.” Jer 31: 30 But all shall d for their own sins; Mt 26: 35 “Even though I must d with you, Jn 11: 26 and believes in me will never d. Ro 14: 8 if we d, we d to the Lord; 1Co 15: 32 eat and drink, for tomorrow we d.” Heb 9: 27 appointed for mortals to d once,
DIED → DEAD Ro 5: 6 right time Christ d for the ungodly. 1Co 15: 3 Christ d for our sins in accordance Gal 2: 19 the law I d to the law,
DIFFERENT 2Co 11: 4 or a d gospel from the one you Gal 1: 6 and are turning to a d gospel—
DISAPPOINT Ro 5: 5 and hope does not d us,
DISCIPLE → DISCIPLES Mt 10: 24 “A d is not above the teacher, Lk 14: 26 even life itself, cannot be my d.
DISCIPLES → DISCIPLE Mt 26: 56 all the d deserted him and fled. 28: 19 therefore and make d of all nations, Lk 6: 13 he called his d and chose twelve of Jn 8: 31 in my word, you are truly my d; Ac 11: 26 the d were first called “Christians.”
DISCIPLINE → DISCIPLINED Job 5: 17 not despise the d of the Almighty. Ps 94: 12 Happy are those whom you d, Eph 6: 4 in the d and instruction of the Lord. Heb 12: 5 not regard lightly the d of the Lord, Sir 1: 27 fear of the Lord is wisdom and d,
DISCIPLINED → DISCIPLINE 1Co 11: 32 d so that we may not be condemned Wis 3: 5 Having been d a little, they will
DISEASE → DISEASES Mt 4: 23 of the kingdom and curing every d 9: 35 curing every d and every sickness.
DISEASES → DISEASE Ex 15: 26 d that I brought upon the Egyptians; Ps 103: 3 your iniquity, who heals all your d, Isa 53: 4 our infirmities and carried our d; Mt 8: 17 took our infirmities and bore our d.”
DISMAYED Dt 1: 21 do not fear or be d.” Jos 1: 9 do not be frightened or d,
DISOBEDIENT → DISOBEY Ne 9: 26 they were d and rebelled Ro 10: 21 I have held out my hands to a d Tit 3: 3 ourselves were once foolish, d,
DISOBEY → DISOBEDIENT Lev 26: 27 But if, despite this, you d me, 1Pe 2: 8 stumble because they d the word, Sir 1: 28 Do not d the fear of the Lord;
DISTINCTION → DISTINCTIONS Ex 8: 23 I will make a d between my people Lev 11: 47 make a d between the unclean and Eze 22: 26 have made no d between the holy
DISTINCTIONS → DISTINCTION Jas 2: 4 you not made d among yourselves,
DISTRESS → DISTRESSED 2Sa 22: 7 In my d I called upon the LORD; Ps 81: 7 In d you called, and I rescued you; Lk 21: 23 For there will be great d on the earth Ro 8: 35 Will hardship, or d, or persecution, Sir 2: 11 and saves in time of d.
DISTRESSED → DISTRESS La 1: 20 See, O LORD, how d I am;
DISTRIBUTED Ac 4: 35 it was d to each as any had need. Heb 2: 4 gifts of the Holy Spirit, d according
DIVIDED Lev 11: 3 Any animal that has d hoofs Ps 136: 13 who d the Red Sea in two, Lk 11: 18 If Satan also is d against himself,
DIVINE Ro 1: 20 his eternal power and d nature, 2Pe 1: 4 become participants of the d nature.
DIVORCE → DIVORCED Dt 24: 1 so he writes her a certificate of d, Isa 50: 1 Where is your mother’s bill of d Jer 3: 8 sent her away with a decree of d; Mal 2: 16 For I hate d, says the LORD, Mt 5: 31 let him give her a certificate of d.’ 19: 3 a man to d his wife for any cause?” 1Co 7: 11 the husband should not d his wife. Sir 7: 26 Do not d her;
DIVORCED → DIVORCE Lev 21: 7 neither shall they marry a woman d Mt 5: 32 whoever marries a d woman
DOCTOR Lk 4: 23 this proverb, ‘D, cure yourself!’
DOCTRINE → DOCTRINES Eph 4: 14 blown about by every wind of d, 1Ti 1: 3 not to teach any different d, 2Ti 4: 3 people will not put up with sound d, Tit 1: 9 able both to preach with sound d
DOCTRINES → DOCTRINE Mk 7: 7 teaching human precepts as d.’
DOERS Jas 1: 22 But be d of the word,
DOGS Mt 7: 6 “Do not give what is holy to d;
DOMINION Ge 1: 26 and let them have d over Ps 22: 28 For d belongs to the LORD, Da 7: 14 His d is an everlasting d Rev 1: 6 to him be glory and d forever
DONKEY Zec 9: 9 humble and riding on a d, Mt 21: 5 humble, and mounted on a d,
DOOR → DOORPOSTS Mt 7: 7 knock, and the d will be opened Lk 13: 24 Strive to enter through the narrow d Rev 3: 20 I am standing at the d, knocking;
DOORPOSTS → DOOR Ex 12: 7 the blood and put it on the two d
DOUBT → DOUBTED, DOUBTING Mt 14: 31 of little faith, why did you d?” Jn 20: 27 Do not d but believe.”
DOUBTED → DOUBT Mt 28: 17 they worshiped him; but some d.
DOUBTING → DOUBT Jas 1: 6 But ask in faith, never d,
DOVE Ge 8: 8 Then he sent out the d from him, Mk 1: 10 Spirit descending like a d on him.
DRAGON Isa 27: 1 and he will kill the d that Rev 12: 3 a great red d, with seven heads and 20: 2 seized the d, that ancient serpent, Bel 1: 23 in that place there was a great d,
DRANK → DRINK Ex 24: 11 beheld God, and they ate and d. Mk 14: 23 and all of them d from it. 1Co 10: 4 all d the same spiritual drink.
DRAW Jas 4: 8 D near to God, and he will d near
DREAM → DREAMS Joel 2: 28 your old men shall d dreams, Ac 2: 17 and your old men shall d dreams.
DREAMS → DREAM Nu 12: 6 I speak to them in d. Sir 34: 7 For d have deceived many,
DRIED → DRY Ge 8: 13 the waters were d up from the earth; Jos 5: 1 had d up the waters of the Jordan Isa 51: 10 Was it not you who d up the sea,
DRINK → DRANK, DRUNK, DRUNKARD, DRUNKENNESS Ex 32: 6 the people sat down to eat and d, Ecc 9: 7 and d your wine with a merry heart; Isa 22: 13 eat and d, for tomorrow we die.” Mt 20: 22 to d the cup that I am about to d?” Jn 18: 11 not to d the cup that the Father has Ro 14: 17 kingdom of God is not food and d 1Co 12: 13 we were all made to d of one Spirit. Rev 14: 10 also d the wine of God’s wrath,
DRUNK → DRINK Jn 2: 10 after the guests have become d. Ac 2: 15 these are not d, as you suppose, Eph 5: 18 Do not get d with wine, Jdt 13: 2 on his bed, for he was dead d.
DRUNKARD → DRINK Mt 11: 19 they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a d, 1Co 5: 11 is an idolater, reviler, d, or robber. 1Ti 3: 3 not a d, not violent but gentle,
DRUNKENNESS → DRINK Gal 5: 21 d, carousing, and things like these. Tob 4: 15 to excess or let d go with you
DRY → DRIED Ge 1: 9 and let the d land appear.” Ex 14: 16 may go into the sea on d ground. Eze 37: 4 d bones, hear the word of the LORD.
DUST Ge 2: 7 LORD God formed man from the d 1Sa 2: 8 He raises up the poor from the d; Ps 103: 14 he remembers that we are d. Ecc 3: 20 from the d, and all turn to d again. Mt 10: 14 shake off the d from your feet 1Co 15: 47 man was from the earth, a man of d;
DWELL → DWELLING, DWELLS Ex 25: 8 so that I may d among them. 1Ki 8: 27 But will God indeed d on the earth? Ps 23: 6 and I shall d in the house of Eph 3: 17 that Christ may d in your hearts Col 1: 19 fullness of God was pleased to d, Rev 21: 3 He will d with them as their God;
DWELLING → DWELL Ps 90: 1 our d place in all generations. Jn 14: 2 my Father’s house there are many d 2Co 5: 2 to be clothed with our heavenly d— Eph 2: 22 spiritually into a d place for God.
DWELLS → DWELL Jn 14: 10 but the Father who d in me Ro 7: 17 but sin that d within me. 1Co 3: 16 and that God’s Spirit d in you? Col 2: 9 whole fullness of deity d bodily,
EAGLES Isa 40: 31 shall mount up with wings like e,
EAR Isa 64: 4 has heard, no e has perceived, Lk 22: 51 he touched his e and healed him. 1Co 2: 9 “What no eye has seen, nor e heard,
EARTH Ge 1: 1 God created the heavens and the e, 6: 11 the e was corrupt in God’s sight, Isa 6: 3 the whole e is full of his glory.” 65: 17 to create new heavens and a new e; Mt 5: 5 meek, for they will inherit the e. 24: 35 Heaven and e will pass away, 2Pe 3: 13 wait for new heavens and a new e, Rev 21: 1 I saw a new heaven and a new e; Sir 40: 11 All that is of e returns to e,
EAST Ge 2: 8 planted a garden in Eden, in the e; Ps 103: 12 as far as the e is from the west, Mt 2: 1 wise men from the E came to
EASY Mt 11: 30 For my yoke is e, and my burden is
EAT → ATE, EATS Ge 2: 16 freely e of every tree of the garden; Lev 11: 4 you shall not e the following: Mt 26: 26 to the disciples, and said, “Take, e; Ac 10: 13 “Get up, Peter; kill and e.” 1Co 10: 31 whether you e or drink, or whatever Rev 3: 20 I will come in to you and e with you
EATS → EAT Jn 6: 51 e of this bread will live forever; 1Co 11: 27 e the bread or drinks the cup of the
EDEN Ge 2: 8 a garden in E, in the east;
EGYPT Ge 47: 27 Israel settled in the land of E, Hos 11: 1 and out of E I called my son. Mt 2: 15 “Out of E I have called my son.” Rev 11: 8 prophetically called Sodom and E,
ELDER → ELDERS 1Ti 5: 19 any accusation against an e except 1Pe 5: 1 as an e myself and a witness of the
ELDERS → ELDER Ex 24: 1 and seventy of the e of Israel, Mt 27: 12 accused by the chief priests and e, Mk 7: 3 thus observing the tradition of the e; 1Ti 5: 17 the e who rule well be considered Jas 5: 14 e of the church and have them pray 1Pe 5: 5 must accept the authority of the e. Rev 4: 4 on the thrones are twenty-four e, Sus 1: 61 they took action against the two e,
ELECT → ELECTION Mt 24: 22 sake of the e those days will be cut Mk 13: 22 to lead astray, if possible, the e. Wis 4: 15 grace and mercy are with his e, 2Es 16: 73 Then the tested quality of my e
ELECTION → ELECT Ro 9: 11 God’s purpose of e might continue, 2Pe 1: 10 eager to confirm your call and e,
ELEVEN Mt 28: 16 Now the e disciples went to Galilee, Ac 1: 26 and he was added to the e apostles.
EMMANUEL → IMMANUEL Mt 1: 23 and they shall name him E,”
ENCOURAGE → ENCOURAGEMENT 1Th 4: 18 e one another with these words. 1Pe 5: 12 written this short letter to e you
ENCOURAGEMENT → ENCOURAGE Ro 15: 5 God of steadfastness and e grant Php 2: 1 If then there is any e in Christ,
END Ge 6: 13 determined to make an e of all flesh, Pr 14: 12 but its e is the way to death. Ecc 12: 12 making many books there is no e, Mt 24: 13 But the one who endures to the e 28: 20 always, to the e of the age.” Ro 10: 4 For Christ is the e of the law so Rev 22: 13 the beginning and the e.”
ENDURANCE → ENDURE Ro 5: 3 knowing that suffering produces e, 1Ti 6: 11 godliness, faith, love, e, Heb 10: 36 For you need e, so that when you Jas 1: 3 the testing of your faith produces e; 2Pe 1: 6 and self-control with e,
ENDURE → ENDURANCE, ENDURED, ENDURES Mal 3: 2 who can e the day of his coming, 1Co 10: 13 so that you may be able to e it. 2Ti 2: 12 if we e, we will also reign with him;
ENDURED → ENDURE Heb 12: 2 that was set before him e the cross,
ENDURES → ENDURE 1Co 13: 7 hopes all things, e all things. 1Pe 1: 25 but the word of the Lord e forever.” Sir 40: 17 and almsgiving e forever. Bar 4: 1 the law that e forever.
ENEMIES → ENEMY Mt 5: 44 But I say to you, Love your e and Ro 5: 10 For if while we were e,
ENEMY → ENEMIES, ENMITY Mt 13: 39 the e who sowed them is the devil; 1Co 15: 26 The last e to be destroyed is death.
ENGAGED Mt 1: 18 mother Mary had been e to Joseph,
ENJOYMENT Ecc 8: 15 So I commend e, for there is nothing 1Ti 6: 17 with everything for our e.
ENLIGHTENED → LIGHT Ro 10: 2 a zeal for God, but it is not e. Eph 1: 18 with the eyes of your heart e, Heb 6: 4 those who have once been e,
ENLIGHTENS → LIGHT Jn 1: 9 The true light, which e everyone,
ENMITY → ENEMY Ge 3: 15 put e between you and the woman, Jas 4: 4 with the world is e with God?
ENTER → ENTRY Mt 7: 13 “E through the narrow gate; Mk 10: 15 as a little child will never e it.” Jn 3: 5 no one can e the kingdom of God Rev 21: 27 But nothing unclean will e it,
ENTRUSTED → TRUST Lk 12: 48 the one to whom much has been e, 2Ti 1: 12 guard until that day what I have e Jude 1: 3 the faith that was once for all e
ENVY Pr 23: 17 Do not let your heart e sinners, Mk 7: 22 deceit, licentiousness, e, slander, Ro 1: 29 Full of e, murder, strife, deceit,
EPHOD Ex 28: 6 They shall make the e of gold,
EQUAL → EQUALITY Isa 40: 25 you compare me, or who is my e? 46: 5 will you liken me and make me e, Jn 5: 18 thereby making himself e to God.
EQUALITY → EQUAL Php 2: 6 not regard e with God as something
ERROR Lev 5: 18 for the e that you committed Ro 1: 27 the due penalty for their e. 1Jn 4: 6 of truth and the spirit of e.
ESTABLISH → ESTABLISHED Eze 16: 60 e with you an everlasting covenant. Heb 8: 8 when I will e a new covenant with
ESTABLISHED → ESTABLISH 2Sa 7: 16 your throne shall be e forever. Ps 89: 2 your steadfast love is e forever; 103: 19 The LORD has e his throne in the
ETERNAL → ETERNITY Mt 25: 46 but the righteous into e life.” Mk 10: 17 what must I do to inherit e life?” Jn 3: 16 may not perish but may have e life. Ro 5: 21 e life through Jesus Christ our Lord. 2Co 4: 17 an e weight of glory beyond all Heb 5: 9 the source of e salvation for all who 1Jn 5: 13 may know that you have e life.
ETERNITY → ETERNAL Isa 57: 15 high and lofty one who inhabits e, 2Pe 3: 18 glory both now and to the day of e. Wis 2: 23 made us in the image of his own e, Sir 42: 21 he is from all e one and the same.
EUNUCH Ac 8: 27 Now there was an Ethiopian e,
EVANGELIST → EVANGELISTS 2Ti 4: 5 do the work of an e, carry out your
EVANGELISTS → EVANGELIST Eph 4: 11 some e, some pastors and teachers,
EVERLASTING → LAST Ge 9: 16 remember the e covenant between Ps 90: 2 from e to e you are God. Isa 9: 6 E Father, Prince of Peace. Jer 31: 3 I have loved you with an e love; Da 4: 3 His kingdom is an e kingdom,
EVIL Ge 2: 9 tree of the knowledge of good and e. Jdg 2: 11 Then the Israelites did what was e Ps 23: 4 the darkest valley, I fear no e; Pr 8: 13 fear of the LORD is hatred of e. Mt 6: 13 but rescue us from the e one. 12: 35 e person brings e things out of an e Lk 11: 13 who are e, know how to give good Jn 17: 15 to protect them from the e one. Ro 12: 17 Do not repay anyone e for e, Eph 5: 16 of the time, because the days are e. 1Ti 6: 10 of money is a root of all kinds of e, 1Jn 5: 18 and the e one does not touch them. 2Jn 1: 11 to welcome is to participate in the e 3Jn 1: 11 do not imitate what is e but imitate Tob 12: 7 Do good and e will not overtake
EXALT → EXALTED Lk 14: 11 who e themselves will be humbled, Jas 4: 10 before the Lord, and he will e you.
EXALTED → EXALT Ps 57: 5 Be e, O God, above the heavens. Php 2: 9 highly e him and gave him the name
EXAMPLES 1Co 10: 6 these things occurred as e for us, 1Pe 5: 3 but be e to the flock.
EXCELLENCE → EXCELLENT Php 4: 8 if there is any e and if there is
EXCELLENT → EXCELLENCE Isa 28: 29 in counsel, and e in wisdom. 1Co 12: 31 I will show you a still more e way. Heb 1: 4 the name he has inherited is more e
EXCUSE Jn 15: 22 they have no e for their sin. Ro 1: 20 So they are without e;
EXHORT Tit 2: 15 e and reprove with all authority. Heb 3: 13 But e one another every day,
EXILE 2Ki 25: 11 carried into e the rest of the people Ezr 6: 21 of Israel who had returned from e,
EYE → EYES, EYEWITNESSES Ex 21: 24 e for e, tooth for tooth, Ps 17: 8 Guard me as the apple of the e; Mt 5: 29 If your right e causes you to sin, 5: 38 An e for an e and a tooth for 7: 3 see the speck in your neighbor’s e, Mk 10: 25 to go through the e of a needle 1Co 15: 52 in the twinkling of an e, at the last Rev 1: 7 the clouds; every e will see him,
EYES → EYE Ge 3: 7 Then the e of both were opened, Ps 121: 1 I lift up my e to the hills— Pr 3: 7 Do not be wise in your own e; Mt 9: 30 And their e were opened. Eph 1: 18 with the e of your heart enlightened, 1Pe 3: 12 e of the Lord are on the righteous, 1Jn 2: 16 of the flesh, the desire of the e, Rev 21: 4 he will wipe every tear from their e.
EYEWITNESSES → EYE, WITNESS Lk 1: 2 who from the beginning were e 2Pe 1: 16 but we had been e of his majesty.
FACE Ge 32: 30 “For I have seen God f to f, Nu 6: 25 LORD make his f to shine upon 12: 8 With him I speak f to f— Ps 4: 6 Let the light of your f shine on us, Isa 54: 8 wrath for a moment I hid my f Eze 39: 29 I will never again hide my f from Lk 9: 29 the appearance of his f changed,
FADE → FADES Ps 37: 2 for they will soon f like the grass, Isa 64: 6 We all f like a leaf,
FADES → FADE Isa 40: 7 The grass withers, the flower f, 1Pe 5: 4 crown of glory that never f away.
FAINT Ps 142: 3 When my spirit is f, you know Isa 40: 31 they shall walk and not f.
FAITH → FAITHFUL, FAITHFULNESS Isa 7: 9 If you do not stand firm in f, Hab 2: 4 but the righteous live by their f. Mt 17: 20 have f the size of a mustard seed, Ac 3: 16 and the f that is through Jesus Ro 3: 28 that a person is justified by f apart 1Co 13: 13 And now f, hope, and love abide, Eph 4: 5 one Lord, one f, one baptism, Heb 11: 1 f is the assurance of things hoped Jas 2: 17 f by itself, if it has no works, 1Jn 5: 4 that conquers the world, our f. Rev 2: 13 and you did not deny your f in me
FAITHFUL → FAITH Dt 32: 4 A f God, without deceit, just and Ps 4: 3 LORD has set apart the f for Mt 24: 45 “Who then is the f and wise slave, 1Th 5: 24 The one who calls you is f, Heb 10: 23 for he who has promised is f. 1Jn 1: 9 f and just will forgive us our sins Rev 19: 11 Its rider is called F and True, Wis 3: 9 the f will abide with him in love, Sir 4: 16 If they remain f, they will inherit
FAITHFULNESS → FAITH Ex 34: 6 abounding in steadfast love and f, Jos 24: 14 and serve him in sincerity and in f; Isa 11: 5 and f the belt around his loins. La 3: 23 new every morning; great is your f. Gal 5: 22 patience, kindness, generosity, f,
FALL → FELL Pr 16: 18 and a haughty spirit before a f. Ro 9: 33 a rock that will make them f, 1Co 10: 12 watch out that you do not f. Sir 28: 23 Those who forsake the Lord will f
FALSE Dt 5: 20 Neither shall you bear f witness Mk 13: 22 F messiahs and f prophets will Heb 6: 18 impossible that God would prove f, 2Pe 2: 1 there will be f teachers among you, Rev 20: 10 where the beast and the f prophet LtJ 6: 8 but they are f and cannot speak.
FAMILY Pr 6: 19 and one who sows discord in a f. Gal 6: 10 especially for those of the f of faith. Eph 3: 15 from whom every f in heaven and 1Pe 2: 17 Love the f of believers.
FAST Isa 58: 5 Is such the f that I choose, Mt 6: 16 “And whenever you f,
FATHER → FATHER’S Ge 2: 24 a man leaves his f and his mother Ex 20: 12 Honor your f and your mother, Ps 89: 26 cry to me, ‘You are my F, my God, Isa 9: 6 Mighty God, Everlasting F, Prince Mt 6: 9 Our F in heaven, hallowed be your 28: 19 the name of the F and of the Son and Jn 5: 18 but was also calling God his own F, 14: 6 comes to the F except through me. Gal 4: 6 into our hearts, crying, “Abba! F!” Rev 3: 5 confess your name before my F Wis 2: 16 and boasts that God is his f. Sir 3: 3 who honor their f atone for sins,
FATHER’S → FATHER Lk 2: 49 that I must be in my F house?” Jn 1: 14 the glory as of a f only son, 14: 2 F house there are many dwelling
FAVOR Ps 30: 5 his f is for a lifetime. Isa 49: 8 In a time of f I have answered you, Lk 4: 19 proclaim the year of the Lord’s f.”
FEAR → AFRAID Dt 6: 13 The LORD your God you shall f; Ps 19: 9 the f of the LORD is pure, 23: 4 the darkest valley, I f no evil; Pr 1: 7 f of the LORD is the beginning Ecc 12: 13 F God, and keep his commandments Mt 10: 28 rather f him who can destroy both Mk 5: 36 “Do not f, only believe.” 1Pe 3: 14 Do not f what they f, 1Jn 4: 18 but perfect love casts out f; Rev 14: 7 “F God and give him glory, Sir 1: 11 The f of the Lord is glory
FEET Ps 119: 105 Your word is a lamp to my f Lk 24: 39 Look at my hands and my f; Jn 13: 5 and began to wash the disciples’ f 1Co 15: 25 put all his enemies under his f.
FELLOWSHIP Ac 2: 42 to the apostles’ teaching and f, 2Co 6: 14 Or what f is there between light and 1Jn 1: 3 and truly our f is with the Father
FEMALE Ge 1: 27 male and f he created them. Mk 10: 6 ‘God made them male and f.’ Gal 3: 28 there is no longer male and f;
FESTIVAL → FESTIVALS Ex 23: 14 in the year you shall hold a f for me. 1Co 5: 8 Therefore, let us celebrate the f,
FESTIVALS → FESTIVAL Lev 23: 2 the appointed f of the LORD Ne 10: 33 the new moons, the appointed f, Col 2: 16 of food and drink or of observing f,
FEW Mt 22: 14 many are called, but f are chosen.” Lk 13: 23 “Lord, will only a f be saved?”
FIG Ge 3: 7 and they sewed f leaves together Hab 3: 17 Though the f tree does not blossom, Mt 24: 32 “From the f tree learn its lesson:
FILL → FILLED, FULL, FULLNESS Ge 1: 28 and f the earth and subdue it; Jer 23: 24 Do I not f heaven and earth? Eph 4: 10 so that he might f all things.)
FILLED → FILL Lk 1: 15 will be f with the Holy Spirit. Ac 2: 4 were f with the Holy Spirit and Eph 5: 18 but be f with the Spirit,
FIND Dt 4: 29 you will f him if you search after Jer 29: 13 you search for me, you will f me; Mt 16: 25 lose their life for my sake will f it.
FINISHED Ge 2: 2 on the seventh day God f the work Jn 19: 30 the wine, he said, “It is f.” Sir 38: 8 God’s works will never be f;
FIRE → FIERY Ex 13: 21 and in a pillar of f by night, Da 3: 25 walking in the middle of the f, Mal 3: 2 For he is like a refiner’s f and like Mt 3: 11 baptize you with the Holy Spirit and f. Mk 9: 43 to go to hell, to the unquenchable f. Ac 2: 3 Divided tongues, as of f, appeared Heb 12: 29 indeed our God is a consuming f. Rev 20: 14 the second death, the lake of f; Sir 7: 17 punishment of the ungodly is f
FIRST → FIRSTBORN Ge 1: 5 and there was morning, the f day. Pr 8: 22 the f of his acts of long ago. Isa 41: 4 I, the LORD, am f, Mt 6: 33 But strive f for the kingdom of God Mk 10: 31 But many who are f will be last, and the last will be f.” 1Th 4: 16 the dead in Christ will rise f. 1Jn 4: 19 We love because he f loved us. Rev 1: 17 I am the f and the last, 20: 5 This is the f resurrection. 21: 1 the f heaven and the f earth
FIRSTBORN → BEAR, FIRST Ex 4: 22 ‘Thus says the LORD: Israel is my f Ps 78: 51 He struck all the f in Egypt, Zec 12: 10 as one weeps over a f. Lk 2: 7 And she gave birth to her f son and Col 1: 15 invisible God, the f of all creation; Rev 1: 5 faithful witness, the f of the dead, Sir 36: 17 whom you have named your f, 2Es 6: 58 whom you have called your f,
FISH Jnh 2: 1 his God from the belly of the f, Jn 6: 9 has five barley loaves and two f.
FLESH Ge 2: 23 of my bones and f of my f; 2: 24 and they become one f. Eze 36: 26 of stone and give you a heart of f. Mt 16: 17 For f and blood has not revealed this 26: 41 but the f is weak.” Jn 1: 14 the Word became f and lived among 3: 6 What is born of the f is f, Ro 8: 4 to the f but according to the Spirit. 2Co 12: 7 a thorn was given me in the f, Gal 5: 19 Now the works of the f are obvious: 1Pe 1: 24 “All f is like grass and all its glory 1Jn 4: 2 that Jesus Christ has come in the f
FLOOD Ge 7: 7 the ark to escape the waters of the f. 2Pe 2: 5 a f on a world of the ungodly; Sir 40: 10 and on their account the f came.
FLOWING Ex 3: 8 a land f with milk and honey, Jos 5: 6 a land f with milk and honey.
FOLLOW → FOLLOWED 1Ki 18: 21 If the LORD is God, f him; Lk 9: 23 take up their cross daily and f me.
FOLLOWED → FOLLOW Mk 1: 18 they left their nets and f him. Rev 13: 3 the whole earth f the beast.
FOOD Ge 1: 30 I have given every green plant for f. Ps 136: 25 who gives f to all flesh, Jn 6: 55 for my flesh is true f and my blood 1Co 8: 8 “F will not bring us close to God.” 1Mc 1: 63 to die rather than to be defiled by f
FOOL → FOOLISH, FOOLISHNESS, FOOLS Pr 15: 5 A f despises a parent’s instruction,
FOOLISH → FOOL Mt 7: 26 like a f man who built his house 1Co 1: 20 Has not God made f the wisdom of Tit 3: 3 For we ourselves were once f,
FOOLISHNESS → FOOL 1Co 1: 18 cross is f to those who are perishing, 3: 19 wisdom of this world is f with God.
FOOLS → FOOL Ps 14: 1 F say in their hearts, “There is no God.” Pr 1: 7 f despise wisdom and instruction. Ro 1: 22 Claiming to be wise, they became f; 1Co 4: 10 We are f for the sake of Christ,
FOREHEADS Eze 9: 4 and put a mark on the f of those Rev 7: 3 of our God with a seal on their f.” 20: 4 not received its mark on their f
FOREKNEW → KNOW Ro 8: 29 whom he f he also predestined to 11: 2 not rejected his people whom he f.
FOREVER Ge 3: 22 the tree of life, and eat, and live f” 6: 3 spirit shall not abide in mortals f, Ex 3: 15 This is my name f, and this my title Ps 110: 4 “You are a priest f according to the Ecc 3: 14 that whatever God does endures f; Isa 40: 8 the word of our God will stand f. Jn 6: 51 eats of this bread will live f; 14: 16 another Advocate, to be with you f. Heb 13: 8 the same yesterday and today and f. Rev 11: 15 and he will reign f and ever.” Wis 5: 15 But the righteous live f,
FORGET Dt 4: 23 So be careful not to f the covenant Isa 49: 15 these may f, yet I will not f you.
FORGIVE → FORGAVE, FORGIVEN, FORGIVENESS, FORGIVING Ne 9: 17 But you are a God ready to f, Mt 6: 12 And f us our debts, as we Lk 5: 24 has authority on earth to f sins”— 1Jn 1: 9 is faithful and just will f us our sins Sir 5: 6 he will f the multitude of my sins,” Man 1: 13 f me, O Lord, f me!
FORGIVEN → FORGIVE Ps 32: 1 are those whose transgression is f, Mt 6: 12 as we also have f our debtors. 12: 31 against the Spirit will not be f. Ro 4: 7 are those whose iniquities are f, Eph 4: 32 as God in Christ has f you.
FORGIVENESS → FORGIVE Mk 1: 4 a baptism of repentance for the f Col 1: 14 we have redemption, the f of sins.
FORGIVING → FORGIVE Ex 34: 7 f iniquity and transgression and sin, Eph 4: 32 f one another, as God in Christ has
FORMED → FORMLESS Ge 2: 7 LORD God f man from the dust Ps 139: 13 you who f my inward parts;
FORMLESS → FORMED Ge 1: 2 the earth was a f void and darkness Wis 11: 17 created the world out of f matter,
FORSAKE → FORSAKEN Dt 31: 6 he will not fail you or f you.” Jos 1: 5 I will not fail you or f you. Heb 13: 5 “I will never leave you or f you.”
FORSAKEN → FORSAKE Ps 22: 1 my God, why have you f me? Mt 27: 46 my God, why have you f me?” 2Co 4: 9 persecuted, but not f;
FORTRESS 2Sa 22: 2 The LORD is my rock, my f, Ps 71: 3 for you are my rock and my f.
FORTY Ge 7: 4 rain on the earth for f days and f Nu 14: 34 f days, for every day a year, 1Ki 19: 8 f days and f nights to Horeb Jnh 3: 4 And he cried out, “F days more, Mt 4: 2 He fasted f days and f nights, Heb 3: 17 with whom was he angry f years? 2Es 14: 42 They sat f days; they wrote
FOUNDATION → FOUNDATIONS Isa 28: 16 See, I am laying in Zion a f stone, 1Co 3: 11 that f is Jesus Christ. Eph 2: 20 built upon the f of the apostles
FOUNDATIONS → FOUNDATION Heb 11: 10 looked forward to the city that has f, Rev 21: 14 the wall of the city has twelve f,
FRANKINCENSE → INCENSE Isa 60: 6 They shall bring gold and f, Mt 2: 11 gifts of gold, f, and myrrh.
FREE Jn 8: 32 and the truth will make you f.” Ro 6: 23 the f gift of God is eternal life Gal 3: 28 there is no longer slave or f,
FRIEND → FRIENDS Pr 18: 24 but a true f sticks closer than Mt 11: 19 a f of tax collectors and sinners!’ Jas 2: 23 and he was called the f of God. Sir 7: 18 Do not exchange a f for money,
FRIENDS → FRIEND Jn 15: 13 to lay down one’s life for one’s f.
FRUIT → FRUITFUL, FRUITLESS, FRUITS Ge 3: 6 she took of its f and ate; Lk 6: 44 each tree is known by its own f. Jn 15: 2 branch that bears f he prunes to make it bear more f. Rev 22: 2 tree of life with its twelve kinds of f,
FRUITFUL → FRUIT Ge 9: 1 said to them, “Be f and multiply,
FRUITS → FRUIT Ro 8: 23 who have the first f of the Spirit, 1Co 15: 23 in his own order: Christ the first f, Rev 14: 4 as first f for God and the Lamb,
FULFILL → FULFILLED, FULFILLING Mt 5: 17 I have come not to abolish but to f.
FULFILLED → FULFILL Mk 1: 15 “The time is f, and the kingdom Lk 24: 44 prophets, and the psalms must be f.” Ro 8: 4 requirement of the law might be f
FULFILLING → FULFILL Ro 13: 10 love is the f of the law.
FULL → FILL Isa 6: 3 the whole earth is f of his glory.” Jn 1: 14 f of grace and truth. Sir 42: 16 work of the Lord is f of his glory.
FULLNESS → FILL Jn 1: 16 From his f we have all received, 1Co 10: 26 “the earth and its f are the Lord’s.” Gal 4: 4 But when the f of time had come, Eph 3: 19 may be filled with all the f of God. Col 1: 19 in him all the f of God was pleased
FURNACE Da 3: 6 be thrown into a f of blazing fire.” Aza 1: 26 of the Lord came down into the f
FUTURE Pr 24: 20 for the evil have no f; Jer 31: 17 hope for your f, says the LORD: 1Co 3: 22 or death or the present or the f—
GAIN Lk 9: 25 if they g the whole world, Php 1: 21 living is Christ and dying is g.
GALILEE Isa 9: 1 beyond the Jordan, G of the nations. Mt 4: 15 across the Jordan, G of the Gentiles Jn 7: 41 the Messiah does not come from G,
GARDEN Ge 2: 8 LORD God planted a g in Eden, Jn 19: 41 and in the g there was a new tomb
GATE → GATES Mt 7: 13 “Enter through the narrow g; Jn 10: 7 I am the g for the sheep.
GATES → GATE Mt 16: 18 and the g of Hades will not prevail Rev 21: 21 And the twelve g are twelve pearls,
GATHERED Mt 18: 20 two or three are g in my name,
GENERATION Ex 20: 6 steadfast love to the thousandth g Da 4: 34 his kingdom endures from g to g. Mt 12: 39 evil and adulterous g asks for a sign, Lk 21: 32 this g will not pass away
GENEROSITY Gal 5: 22 joy, peace, patience, kindness, g,
GENTILE → GENTILES Mt 18: 17 as a G and a tax collector. Gal 2: 14 live like a G and not like a Jew, 1Mc 1: 14 according to G custom,
GENTILES → GENTILE Ro 3: 29 Is he not the God of G also? Tob 1: 11 from eating the food of the G. 1Mc 1: 11 and make a covenant with the G 2Es 4: 23 Israel has been given over to the G
GENTLENESS Gal 5: 23 g, and self-control. Php 4: 5 Let your g be known to everyone. 1Ti 6: 11 godliness, faith, love, endurance, g.
GETHSEMANE Mk 14: 32 They went to a place called G;
GHOST Mt 14: 26 were terrified, saying, “It is a g!” Lk 24: 39 for a g does not have flesh and
GIFT → GIFTS Ecc 5: 19 this is the g of God. Jn 4: 10 “If you knew the g of God, Ac 2: 38 will receive the g of the Holy Spirit. Ro 6: 23 but the free g of God is eternal life 1Co 7: 7 each has a particular g from God, Jas 1: 17 with every perfect g, is from above, Rev 21: 6 the thirsty I will give water as a g
GIFTS → GIFT Mt 2: 11 offered him g of gold, frankincense, 1Co 12: 1 Now concerning spiritual g,
GIVE → GIVEN, GIVER Mt 6: 11 G us this day our daily bread. Mk 10: 45 to g his life a ransom for many.” Jn 10: 28 I g them eternal life, and they will Ac 20: 35 more blessed to g than to receive.’”
GIVEN → GIVE Mt 7: 7 “Ask, and it will be g you; Lk 22: 19 “This is my body, which is g for Ro 5: 5 Holy Spirit that has been g to us. Sir 35: 12 Give to the Most High as he has g
GIVER → GIVE 2Co 9: 7 for God loves a cheerful g.
GLADNESS Ps 100: 2 Worship the LORD with g; Pr 10: 28 The hope of the righteous ends in g, Isa 16: 10 Joy and g are taken away from the Zep 3: 17 he will rejoice over you with g, Heb 1: 9 has anointed you with the oil of g
GLORIFIED → GLORY Jn 13: 31 “Now the Son of Man has been g, Ac 3: 13 has g his servant Jesus, Ro 8: 30 those whom he justified he also g.
GLORIFY → GLORY Ps 86: 12 and I will g your name forever. Jn 17: 1 g your Son so that the Son may g you, 1Co 6: 20 therefore g God in your body. Sir 43: 30 G the Lord and exalt him as much
GLORY → GLORIFIED, GLORIFY Ex 33: 18 Moses said, “Show me your g, 1Sa 4: 21 “The g has departed from Israel,” Ps 8: 5 crowned them with g and honor. Isa 6: 3 the whole earth is full of his g.” Mt 25: 31 the Son of Man comes in his g, Lk 2: 14 “G to God in the highest heaven, Jn 1: 14 and we have seen his g, Ro 3: 23 sinned and fall short of the g of God; 1Co 10: 31 do everything for the g of God. 2Co 4: 17 for an eternal weight of g beyond Heb 1: 3 reflection of God’s g and the exact Rev 4: 11 to receive g and honor and power, 21: 23 for the g of God is its light, Sir 1: 11 The fear of the Lord is g and Bar 5: 4 “Righteous Peace, Godly G.” 1Mc 1: 40 dishonor now grew as great as her g
GNASHING Mt 8: 12 will be weeping and g of teeth.” 25: 30 will be weeping and g of teeth.’
GOAT → GOATS Lev 16: 9 Aaron shall present the g on which
GOATS → GOAT Mt 25: 32 separates the sheep from the g,
GOD → GOD’S, GODLINESS, GODLY, GODS Ge 1: 1 In the beginning when G created 1: 27 So G created humankind in his image, 6: 2 sons of G saw that they were fair; Ex 34: 6 a G merciful and gracious, slow to Nu 23: 19 G is not a human being, Dt 6: 5 love the LORD your G with all 1Ki 8: 27 will G indeed dwell on the earth? 2Ch 2: 5 for our G is greater than other gods. Ps 19: 1 heavens are telling the glory of G; 22: 1 My G, my G, why have you forsaken 46: 10 “Be still, and know that I am G! 53: 1 Fools say in their hearts, “There is no G.” Ecc 12: 13 Fear G, and keep his Isa 9: 6 Wonderful Counselor, Mighty G, 44: 6 besides me there is no g. Jer 10: 10 But the LORD is the true G; Mt 1: 23 which means, “G is with us.” 6: 24 You cannot serve G and wealth. Mk 1: 1 news of Jesus Christ, the Son of G. 2: 7 Who can forgive sins but G alone?” Lk 2: 14 “Glory to G in the highest heaven, 18: 19 No one is good but G alone. 22: 70 “Are you, then, the Son of G?” Jn 1: 1 was with G, and the Word was G. 1: 18 It is G the only Son, 3: 16 G so loved the world that he gave his 5: 18 calling G his own Father, thereby making himself equal to G. Ac 5: 29 “We must obey G rather than any Ro 6: 23 gift of G is eternal life in Christ 2Co 4: 4 Christ, who is the image of G. Eph 4: 6 one G and Father of all, Php 2: 6 though he was in the form of G, Col 1: 19 fullness of G was pleased to dwell, 1Jn 4: 16 G is love, and those who abide Rev 4: 8 “Holy, holy, holy, the Lord G Tob 4: 19 At all times bless the Lord G, Sir 32: 14 seeks G will accept his discipline, Bar 4: 8 You forgot the everlasting G, Bel 1: 4 But Daniel worshiped his own G. Man 1: 1 Lord Almighty, G of our ancestors, 2Es 16: 67 Indeed, G is the judge; fear him!
GOD’S → GOD Mt 27: 43 for he said, ‘I am G Son.’” 27: 54 “Truly this man was G Son!”
GODLINESS → GOD 1Ti 4: 7 Train yourself in g, 2Pe 1: 3 everything needed for life and g, Wis 10: 12 g is more powerful than anything
GODLY → GOD 2Co 7: 10 For g grief produces a repentance 2Pe 2: 9 how to rescue the g from trial, Sir 37: 12 But associate with a g person Bar 5: 4 “Righteous Peace, G Glory.”
GODS → GOD Ex 20: 3 you shall have no other g before me. 1Co 8: 5 so-called g in heaven or on earth—
GOLD Ps 119: 127 love your commandments more than g, 1Pe 1: 7 being more precious than g that, Rev 21: 21 and the street of the city is pure g, Tob 12: 8 better to give alms than to lay up g. Sir 31: 5 who loves g will not be justified;
GOLGOTHA Mt 27: 33 G (which means Place of a Skull),
GOMORRAH Ge 19: 24 LORD rained on Sodom and G sulfur Jude 1: 7 Sodom and G and the surrounding
GOOD → BEST, BETTER, GOODNESS Ge 1: 31 and indeed, it was very g. 2: 9 tree of the knowledge of g and evil. 2Ch 7: 3 “For he is g, for his steadfast love Ps 34: 8 taste and see that the LORD is g; Isa 52: 7 who brings g news, who announces Mt 5: 45 his sun rise on the evil and on the g, Mk 10: 18 No one is g but God alone. Jn 10: 11 “I am the g shepherd. Ro 12: 21 but overcome evil with g. Eph 2: 10 created in Christ Jesus for g works, Tob 4: 9 laying up a g treasure for yourself Aza 1: 67 to the Lord, for he is g,
GOODNESS → GOOD Ps 23: 6 Surely g and mercy shall follow me Heb 6: 5 tasted the g of the word of God and 2Pe 1: 5 support your faith with g,
GOSPEL Mk 8: 35 and for the sake of the g, Ro 1: 16 For I am not ashamed of the g; Gal 1: 6 and are turning to a different g— Php 1: 27 life in a manner worthy of the g Rev 14: 6 an eternal g to proclaim to those
GRACE → GRACIOUS Jn 1: 14 father’s only son, full of g and truth. 1: 16 we have all received, g upon g. Ac 15: 11 that we will be saved through the g Ro 3: 24 are now justified by his g as a gift, 11: 6 otherwise g would no longer be g. 2Co 12: 9 “My g is sufficient for you, Eph 2: 5 by g you have been saved— Heb 4: 16 approach the throne of g with Jas 4: 6 But he gives all the more g; Wis 3: 9 g and mercy are upon his holy ones, 2Es 2: 32 and my g will not fail.”
GRACIOUS → GRACE Ex 34: 6 the LORD, a God merciful and g, Nu 6: 25 to shine upon you, and be g to you; Ps 116: 5 G is the LORD, and righteous;
GREAT → GREATER, GREATEST Ge 1: 16 God made the two g lights— 12: 2 I will make of you a g nation, Dt 10: 17 the g God, mighty and awesome, La 3: 23 g is your faithfulness. Mt 4: 16 sat in darkness have seen a g light, 20: 26 whoever wishes to be g among you Heb 2: 3 if we neglect so g a salvation? 13: 20 the g shepherd of the sheep, Rev 12: 9 The g dragon was thrown down, 20: 11 I saw a g white throne and the one Jdt 16: 13 O Lord, you are g and glorious, Sir 17: 29 How g is the mercy of the Lord,
GREATER → GREAT Ex 18: 11 that the LORD is g than all gods, Mk 12: 31 no other commandment g than these Jn 14: 12 in fact, will do g works than these, 15: 13 No one has g love than this,
GREATEST → GREAT Mt 22: 38 the g and first commandment. Lk 9: 48 the least among all of you is the g.” 1Co 13: 13 and the g of these is love.
GREEK Jn 19: 20 in Hebrew, in Latin, and in G. Ro 1: 16 to the Jew first and also to the G. Gal 3: 28 There is no longer Jew or G,
GRIEF → GRIEVE, GRIEVED 2Co 7: 9 your g led to repentance;
GRIEVE → GRIEF Eph 4: 30 do not g the Holy Spirit of God, 1Th 4: 13 not g as others do who have no hope
GRIEVED → GRIEF Isa 63: 10 they rebelled and g his holy spirit;
GROUND Ge 2: 7 formed man from the dust of the g, Isa 53: 2 and like a root out of dry g; Mt 13: 5 Other seeds fell on rocky g, Sir 33: 10 All human beings come from the g,
GROW Col 1: 10 as you g in the knowledge of God. 2Pe 3: 18 But g in the grace and knowledge of
GUARANTEE → GUARANTEED 2Co 5: 5 who has given us the Spirit as a g. Heb 7: 22 Jesus has also become the g of a
GUARANTEED → GUARANTEE Ro 4: 16 promise may rest on grace and be g Heb 6: 17 he g it by an oath,
GUIDE Ps 48: 14 He will be our g forever. Isa 58: 11 The LORD will g you continually, Lk 6: 39 Can a blind person g a blind person? Jn 16: 13 he will g you into all the truth;
GUILT → GUILTY Ps 32: 5 and you forgave the g of my sin. Hos 14: 2 say to him, “Take away all g; Zec 3: 9 I will remove the g of this land
GUILTY → GUILT Ex 23: 7 for I will not acquit the g. Nu 14: 18 but by no means clearing the g, Mk 3: 29 but is g of an eternal sin”— Sus 1: 53 the innocent and acquitting the g,
HADES Mt 16: 18 and the gates of H will not prevail Ac 2: 27 not abandon my soul to H, Rev 1: 18 I have the keys of Death and of H. 20: 14 H were thrown into the lake of fire. Sir 21: 10 but at its end is the pit of H.
HALLOWED Ge 2: 3 blessed the seventh day and h it, Mt 6: 9 Father in heaven, h be your name.
HAND → HANDS Ex 15: 6 Your right h, O LORD, glorious Dt 19: 21 tooth for tooth, h for h, Ps 110: 1 says to my lord, “Sit at my right h Mk 9: 43 If your h causes you to stumble, cut Lk 20: 42 said to my Lord, “Sit at my right h, Heb 10: 12 “he sat down at the right h of God,” Rev 5: 1 saw in the right h of the one seated
HANDS → HAND Ps 24: 4 who have clean h and pure hearts, Lk 23: 46 into your h I commend my spirit.” 24: 40 he showed them his h and his feet. Jn 3: 35 has placed all things in his h. Ac 8: 18 the laying on of the apostles’ h, Heb 6: 2 laying on of h, resurrection of the
HARD → HARDENED Jer 32: 17 Nothing is too h for you. Mt 7: 14 the road is h that leads to life, 19: 23 h for a rich person to enter the
HARDENED → HARD Ex 10: 20 But the LORD h Pharaoh’s heart, Mk 8: 17 Are your hearts h? 2Co 3: 14 But their minds were h.
HARVEST → HARVESTING Ge 8: 22 the earth endures, seedtime and h, Mt 13: 39 h is the end of the age, and the Rev 14: 15 the h of the earth is fully ripe.”
HARVESTING → HARVEST Jn 4: 35 see how the fields are ripe for h.
HATE → HATES, HATING Ps 97: 10 The LORD loves those who h evil; Ecc 3: 8 a time to love, and a time to h; Am 5: 15 H evil and love good, and establish Mt 5: 43 your neighbor and h your enemy.’ Lk 6: 27 do good to those who h you,
HATES → HATE Pr 6: 16 six things that the LORD h, Sir 15: 13 The Lord h all abominations;
HEAD Mt 8: 20 of Man has nowhere to lay his h.” Mk 6: 28 brought his h on a platter, Eph 1: 22 has made him the h over all things
HEAL → HEALED, HEALING, HEALS, HEALTH Dt 32: 39 and I make alive; I wound and I h; Ecc 3: 3 a time to kill, and a time to h; Jn 12: 40 and turn — and I would h them.”
HEALED → HEAL Isa 53: 5 and by his bruises we are h. Jas 5: 16 one another, so that you may be h. 1Pe 2: 24 by his wounds you have been h.
HEALING → HEAL Eze 47: 12 for food, and their leaves for h.” Mal 4: 2 shall rise, with h in its wings. 1Co 12: 9 another gifts of h by the one Spirit, Rev 22: 2 leaves of the tree are for the h of
HEALS → HEAL Ex 15: 26 for I am the LORD who h you.” Ps 103: 3 iniquity, who h all your diseases, Wis 16: 12 your word, O Lord, that h all people
HEALTH → HEAL 3Jn 1: 2 and that you may be in good h,
HEAR → HEARERS, HEARS Dt 6: 4 H, O Israel: The LORD is our God, Mk 12: 29 answered, “The first is, ‘H, O Israel: Lk 7: 22 the lepers are cleansed, the deaf h, Heb 3: 7 says, “Today, if you h his voice, Sir 5: 11 Be quick to h, but deliberate in
HEARERS → HEAR Ro 2: 13 For it is not the h of the law who Jas 1: 22 merely h who deceive themselves.
HEARS → HEAR Ps 69: 33 For the LORD h the needy, Pr 15: 29 but he h the prayer of the righteous. Mt 7: 24 then who h these words of mine 1Jn 5: 14 according to his will, he h us.
HEART → BROKENHEARTED, HEARTS Dt 6: 5 the LORD your God with all your h, 30: 14 in your mouth and in your h for you Jos 22: 5 all your h and with all your soul.” 1Sa 16: 7 but the LORD looks on the h.” Ps 51: 1 °Create in me a clean h, O God, Pr 3: 5 Trust in the LORD with all your h, Jer 9: 26 of Israel is uncircumcised in h. Eze 36: 26 A new h I will give you, Mt 5: 8 “Blessed are the pure in h, for they Mk 12: 30 the Lord your God with all your h, Ro 2: 29 circumcision is a matter of the h— Sir 1: 12 The fear of the Lord delights the h, Aza 1: 16 Yet with a contrite h and Man 1: 11 And now I bend the knee of my h,
HEARTS → HEART Jer 31: 33 and I will write it on their h; Jn 14: 1 “Do not let your h be troubled. Ro 2: 15 law requires is written on their h, Eph 3: 17 Christ may dwell in your h through Col 3: 15 the peace of Christ rule in your h, Heb 10: 16 I will put my laws in their h, 1Jn 3: 20 for God is greater than our h, Rev 2: 23 the one who searches minds and h,
HEAVEN → HEAVENLY, HEAVENS Dt 30: 12 “Who will go up to h for us, Ecc 3: 1 and a time for every matter under h: Mt 6: 9 Father in h, hallowed be your name. 24: 35 H and earth will pass away, 26: 64 and coming on the clouds of h.” Mk 10: 21 and you will have treasure in h; Lk 24: 51 and was carried up into h. Ro 10: 6 ‘Who will ascend into h?’” Php 3: 20 But our citizenship is in h, 1Th 1: 10 to wait for his Son from h, Heb 9: 24 but he entered into h itself, Rev 21: 1 I saw a new h and a new earth;
HEAVENLY → HEAVEN Mt 5: 48 as your h Father is perfect. Eph 1: 3 spiritual blessing in the h places, Heb 3: 1 holy partners in a h calling,
HEAVENS → HEAVEN Ge 1: 1 when God created the h and Isa 65: 17 to create new h and a new earth; Heb 4: 14 priest who has passed through the h, 2Pe 3: 10 the h will pass away with a loud
HEIR → HEIRS Gal 4: 7 then also an h, through God. Heb 1: 2 whom he appointed h of all things,
HEIRS → HEIR Ro 8: 17 h of God and joint h with Christ— Eph 3: 6 the Gentiles have become fellow h, 1Pe 3: 7 also h of the gracious gift of life—
HELL Mt 10: 28 both soul and body in h. Mk 9: 43 to have two hands and to go to h, 2Pe 2: 4 cast them into h and committed
HELP → HELPER, HELPS Ps 46: 1 a very present h in trouble. Mk 9: 24 “I believe; h my unbelief!” Heb 2: 18 able to h those who are being tested. Sir 2: 6 Trust in him, and he will h you;
HELPER → HELP Ge 2: 18 will make him a h as his partner.” Ps 30: 10 O LORD, be my h!” Heb 13: 6 Lord is my h; I will not be afraid. Tob 8: 6 Eve as a h and support.
HELPS → HELP Ps 37: 40 The LORD h them and rescues Ro 8: 26 the Spirit h us in our weakness;
HIDDEN → HIDE Mt 13: 44 is like treasure h in a field, Mk 4: 22 nothing h, except to be disclosed; Col 3: 3 your life is h with Christ in God. Rev 2: 17 the h manna, and I will give a white
HIDE → HIDDEN Dt 31: 17 I will forsake them and h my face Ps 13: 1 How long will you h your face 17: 8 h me in the shadow of your wings,
HIGH → HIGHEST Ps 91: 1 live in the shelter of the Most H, Mk 5: 7 Jesus, Son of the Most H God? Eph 4: 8 “When he ascended on h he made Heb 2: 17 a merciful and faithful h priest 7: 26 that we should have such a h priest,
HIGHEST → HIGH 1Ki 8: 27 the h heaven cannot contain you, Mt 21: 9 Hosanna in the h heaven!” Lk 2: 14 “Glory to God in the h heaven,
HOLINESS → HOLY Ro 1: 4 according to the spirit of h by 2Co 6: 6 h of spirit, genuine love, 1Ti 2: 15 continue in faith and love and h, Heb 12: 14 h without which no one will see
HOLY → HOLINESS Ex 20: 8 the sabbath day, and keep it h. 26: 33 the h place from the most h. Lev 11: 44 and be h, for I am h. 1Sa 2: 2 “There is no H One like the LORD, Isa 6: 3 “H, h, h is the LORD of hosts; Mt 1: 18 to be with child from the H Spirit. 3: 11 baptize you with the H Spirit and Mk 1: 24 who you are, the H One of God.” 3: 29 against the H Spirit can never have Lk 3: 22 the H Spirit descended upon him in Jn 14: 26 But the Advocate, the H Spirit, Ac 2: 4 were filled with the H Spirit and Ro 12: 1 living sacrifice, h and acceptable Eph 4: 30 do not grieve the H Spirit of God, Heb 6: 4 and have shared in the H Spirit, 1Pe 1: 16 “You shall be h, for I am h.” 1Jn 2: 20 have been anointed by the H One, Jude 1: 14 with ten thousands of his h ones, Rev 4: 8 H, h, h, the Lord God the Almighty 21: 2 I saw the h city, the new Jerusalem, Wis 4: 15 he watches over his h ones. 1Mc 1: 15 and abandoned the h covenant. 2Es 14: 22 send the h spirit into me,
HOMETOWN Mk 6: 4 not without honor, except in their h,
HONEY Ex 3: 8 a land flowing with milk and h, Mt 3: 4 and his food was locusts and wild h.
HONOR Dt 5: 16 H your father and your mother, Ps 8: 5 and crowned them with glory and h. Mt 15: 4 For God said, ‘H your father and Ro 13: 7 h to whom h is due. Eph 6: 2 “H your father and mother”— Rev 4: 11 to receive glory and h and power,
HOPE → HOPES La 3: 21 and therefore I have h: 1Co 13: 13 And now faith, h, and love abide, Col 1: 27 Christ in you, the h of glory. 1Jn 3: 3 all who have this h in him purify Sir 34: 15 their h is in him who saves them. Sus 1: 60 who saves those who h in him.
HOPES → HOPE 1Co 13: 7 believes all things, h all things,
HOSANNA Mk 11: 10 H in the highest heaven!” Jn 12: 13 went out to meet him, shouting, “H!
HOSPITABLE → HOSPITALITY 1Ti 3: 2 temperate, sensible, respectable, h, Tit 1: 8 but he must be h, a lover 1Pe 4: 9 Be h to one another without
HOSPITALITY → HOSPITABLE Ro 12: 13 of the saints; extend h to strangers. 1Ti 5: 10 has brought up children, shown h, Heb 13: 2 not neglect to show h to strangers,
HOSTS Ps 46: 7 The LORD of h is with us; Isa 48: 2 the LORD of h is his name.
HOUR Mt 24: 36 about that day and h no one knows, Jn 2: 4 My h has not yet come.” 17: 1 “Father, the h has come; Rev 3: 10 I will keep you from the h of trial 14: 7 for the h of his judgment has come;
HOUSE → HOUSEHOLD, STOREHOUSE Ex 20: 17 shall not covet your neighbor’s h; 1Ch 22: 1 “Here shall be the h of the LORD Ezr 1: 5 rebuild the h of the LORD in Ps 69: 9 zeal for your h that has consumed Mt 7: 24 like a wise man who built his h Jn 2: 17 “Zeal for your h will consume me.” 14: 2 In my Father’s h there are many 1Pe 2: 5 be built into a spiritual h,
HOUSEHOLD → HOUSE Jos 24: 15 my h, we will serve the LORD.”
HUMAN → HUMANKIND Ps 8: 4 are h beings that you are mindful Mt 15: 9 teaching h precepts as doctrines.’” Ac 5: 29 obey God rather than any h Php 2: 7 being born in h likeness. Jdt 8: 16 for God is not like a h being,
HUMANKIND → HUMAN Ge 1: 26 “Let us make h in our image, 1Ti 2: 5 one mediator between God and h,
HUMBLE → HUMBLED, HUMBLY, HUMILITY Ps 25: 9 He leads the h in what is right, Isa 57: 15 to revive the spirit of the h, Mt 11: 29 for I am gentle and h in heart, Jas 4: 10 H yourselves before the Lord, Sir 3: 20 but by the h he is glorified.
HUMBLED → HUMBLE Lk 14: 11 all who exalt themselves will be h, Php 2: 8 he h himself and became obedient
HUMBLY → HUMBLE Mic 6: 8 and to walk h with your God?
HUMILITY → HUMBLE Pr 15: 33 and h goes before honor. Zep 2: 3 seek righteousness, seek h; Php 2: 3 in h regard others as better than Sir 1: 27 fidelity and h are his delight.
HUNGER → HUNGRY Mt 5: 6 “Blessed are those who h and thirst Rev 7: 16 will h no more, and thirst no more;
HUNGRY → HUNGER Ps 146: 7 who gives food to the h. Jn 6: 35 comes to me will never be h, Ro 12: 20 “if your enemies are h, feed them;
HUSBAND → HUSBANDS Isa 54: 5 For your Maker is your h, Eph 5: 23 h is the head of the wife just as Rev 21: 2 as a bride adorned for her h. Sir 26: 1 Happy is the h of a good wife;
HUSBANDS → HUSBAND Eph 5: 25 H, love your wives, just as Christ Col 3: 18 Wives, be subject to your h, 1Pe 3: 7 H, in the same way, show
IDOL → IDOLS Ex 20: 4 shall not make for yourself an i, Isa 40: 19 An i? — A workman casts it, 1Co 10: 19 or that an i is anything?
IDOLS → IDOL Ex 34: 17 You shall not make cast i. 1Co 8: 1 concerning food sacrificed to i: 1Mc 1: 43 they sacrificed to i and profaned the
IMAGE Ge 1: 26 “Let us make humankind in our i, 1Co 15: 49 the i of the man of heaven. Col 1: 15 He is the i of the invisible God, Rev 20: 4 not worshiped the beast or its i Sir 17: 3 and made them in his own i.
IMMANUEL → EMMANUEL Isa 7: 14 bear a son, and shall name him I.
IMMORAL → IMMORALITY 1Co 5: 9 not to associate with sexually i Heb 12: 16 an i and godless person,
IMMORALITY → IMMORAL 2Co 12: 21 sexual i, and licentiousness Jude 1: 7 indulged in sexual i and pursued Sir 41: 17 Be ashamed of sexual i,
IMMORTAL → IMMORTALITY Ro 1: 23 the glory of the i God for images 1Ti 1: 17 the King of the ages, i, invisible,
IMMORTALITY → IMMORTAL 1Co 15: 53 and this mortal body must put on i. 1Ti 6: 16 It is he alone who has i and dwells
IMPOSSIBLE Mt 17: 20 and nothing will be i for you.” Mk 10: 27 “For mortals it is i, but not for God; Heb 11: 6 without faith it is i to please God,
INCENSE → FRANKINCENSE Ex 25: 6 anointing oil and for the fragrant i,
INFANTS Ps 8: 2 Out of the mouths of babes and i Mt 21: 16 ‘Out of the mouths of i and nursing 1Co 14: 20 i in evil, but in thinking be adults.
INHERIT → INHERITANCE Ps 37: 11 But the meek shall i the land, Lk 10: 25 “what must I do to i eternal life?” 1Co 6: 9 wrongdoers will not i the kingdom Heb 1: 14 sake of those who are to i salvation?
INHERITANCE → INHERIT Eph 1: 11 In Christ we have also obtained an i, Heb 9: 15 the promised eternal i,
INIQUITY Ex 34: 7 forgiving i and transgression and Ps 103: 3 who forgives all your i, Isa 53: 6 has laid on him the i of us all. Tit 2: 14 that he might redeem us from all i
INN Lk 2: 7 no place for them in the i.
INNOCENT Pr 6: 17 and hands that shed i blood, Mt 27: 24 “I am i of this man’s blood;
INSPIRED Ex 35: 34 And he has i him to teach, 2Ti 3: 16 All scripture is i by God and is
INSTRUCT → INSTRUCTED, INSTRUCTION, INSTRUCTOR Dt 17: 10 observing everything they i you. Ne 9: 20 You gave your good spirit to i them,
INSTRUCTED → INSTRUCT Isa 40: 13 or as his counselor has i him? Jn 8: 28 these things as the Father i me.
INSTRUCTION → INSTRUCT Pr 8: 10 Take my i instead of silver, Ro 15: 4 in former days was written for our i, 1Ti 1: 5 But the aim of such i is love Sir 51: 26 and let your souls receive i;
INSTRUCTOR → INSTRUCT Mt 23: 10 for you have one i, the Messiah.
INTERCEDES → INTERCESSION Ro 8: 26 Spirit i with sighs too deep for
INTERCESSION → INTERCEDES 1Sa 2: 25 against the LORD, who can make i?” Isa 53: 12 and made i for the transgressors. Heb 7: 25 he always lives to make i for them.
INTERPRET → INTERPRETATION, INTERPRETATIONS Mt 16: 3 cannot i the signs of the times. 1Co 12: 30 Do all speak in tongues? Do all i?
INTERPRETATION → INTERPRET 1Co 12: 10 to another the i of tongues.
INTERPRETATIONS → INTERPRET Ge 40: 8 to them, “Do not i belong to God?
INVISIBLE Col 1: 15 He is the image of the i God, 1Ti 1: 17 To the King of the ages, immortal, i,
ISRAEL → JACOB Ge 49: 28 All these are the twelve tribes of I, Ex 28: 11 with the names of the sons of I; Nu 24: 17 and a scepter shall rise out of I; Dt 6: 4 Hear, O I: The LORD is our God, Jer 31: 31 a new covenant with the house of I Mt 2: 6 who is to shepherd my people I.’” Mk 12: 29 answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O I: Ac 1: 6 you will restore the kingdom to I?” Heb 8: 8 a new covenant with the house of I Rev 7: 4 out of every tribe of the people of I: Sir 17: 17 but I is the Lord’s own portion.
JACOB → ISRAEL Ps 135: 4 the LORD has chosen J for himself, Mic 7: 20 You will show faithfulness to J Ro 9: 13 “I have loved J, 1Mc 1: 28 house of J was clothed with shame.
JARS 2Co 4: 7 But we have this treasure in clay j,
JEALOUS Ex 34: 14 whose name is J, is a j God). Dt 4: 24 God is a devouring fire, a j God. Ro 10: 19 “I will make you j of those
JERUSALEM 2Sa 5: 5 and at J he reigned over all Israel 2Ki 25: 10 broke down the walls around J. Ezr 2: 1 they returned to J and Judah, Ne 2: 17 Come, let us rebuild the wall of J, Isa 40: 2 Speak tenderly to J, La 1: 8 J sinned grievously, so she has Da 9: 25 went out to restore and rebuild J Mt 23: 37 “J, J, the city that kills the prophets Gal 4: 25 corresponds to the present J, Heb 12: 22 of the living God, the heavenly J, Rev 21: 2 And I saw the holy city, the new J, 1Mc 1: 29 and he came to J with a large force.
LIFE: Genealogy (Mt 1:1–17; Lk 3:21–37). Birth announced (Mt 1:18–25; Lk 1:26–45). Birth (Mt 2:1–12; Lk 2:1–40). Escape to Egypt (Mt 2:13–23). As a boy in the temple (Lk 2:41–52). Baptism (Mt 3:13–17; Mk 1:9–11; Lk 3:21–22; Jn 1:32–34). Temptation (Mt 4:1–11; Mk 1:12–13; Lk 4:1–13). Ministry in Galilee (Mt 4:12–18:35; Mk 1:14–9:50; Lk 4:14–13:9; Jn 1:35–2:11; 4; 6), Transfiguration (Mt 17:1–8; Mk 9:2–8; Lk 9:28–36), on the way to Jerusalem (Mt 19–20; Mk 10; Lk 13:10–19:27), in Jerusalem (Mt 21–25; Mk 11–13; Lk 19:28–21:38; Jn 2:12–3:36; 5; 7–12). Last supper (Mt 26:17–35; Mk 14:12–31; Lk 22:1–38; Jn 13–17). Arrest and trial (Mt 26:36–27:31; Mk 14:43–15:20; Lk 22:39–23:25; Jn 18:1–19:16). Crucifixion (Mt 27:32–66; Mk 15:21–47; Lk 23:26–55; Jn 19:28–42). Resurrection and appearances (Mt 28; Mk 16; Lk 24; Jn 20–21; Ac 1:1–11; 7:56; 9:3–6; 1Co 15:1–8; Rev 1:1–20).
MIRACLES. Healings: official’s son (Jn 4:43–54), demoniac in Capernaum (Mk 1:23–26; Lk 4:33–35), Peter’s mother-in-law (Mt 8:14–17; Mk 1:29–31; Lk 4:38–39), leper (Mt 8:2–4; Mk 1:40–45; Lk 5:12–16), paralytic (Mt 9:1–8; Mk 2:1–12; Lk 5:17–26), cripple (Jn 5:1–9), shriveled hand (Mt 12:10–13; Mk 3:1–5; Lk 6:6–11), centurion’s servant (Mt 8:5–13; Lk 7:1–10), widow’s son raised (Lk 7:11–17), demoniac (Mt 12:22–23; Lk 11:14), Gadarene demoniacs (Mt 8:28–34; Mk 5:1–20; Lk 8:26–39), woman’s bleeding and Jairus’ daughter (Mt 9:18–26; Mk 5:21–43; Lk 8:40–56), blind man (Mt 9:27–31), mute man (Mt 9:32–33), Canaanite woman’s daughter (Mt 15:21–28; Mk 7:24–30), deaf man (Mk 7:31–37), blind man (Mk 8:22–26), demoniac boy (Mt 17:14–18; Mk 9:14–29; Lk 9:37–43), ten lepers (Lk 17:11–19), man born blind (Jn 9:1–7), Lazarus raised (Jn 11), crippled woman (Lk 13:11–17), man with dropsy (Lk 14:1–6), two blind men (Mt 20:29–34; Mk 10:46–52; Lk 18:35–43), Malchus’ ear (Lk 22:50–51). Other Miracles: water to wine (Jn 2:1–11), catch of fish (Lk 5:1–11), storm stilled (Mt 8:23–27; Mk 4:37–41; Lk 8:22–25), 5,000 fed (Mt 14:15–21; Mk 6:35–44; Lk 9:10–17; Jn 6:1–14), walking on water (Mt 14:25–33; Mk 6:48–52; Jn 6:15–21), 4,000 fed (Mt 15:32–39; Mk 8:1–9), money from fish (Mt 17:24–27), fig tree cursed (Mt 21:18–22; Mk 11:12–14), catch of fish (Jn 21:1–14).
MAJOR TEACHING: Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5–7; Lk 6:17–49), to Nicodemus (Jn 3), to Samaritan woman (Jn 4), Bread of Life (Jn 6:22–59), at Feast of Tabernacles (Jn 7–8), woes to Pharisees (Mt 23; Lk 11:37–54), Good Shepherd (Jn 10:1–18), Olivet Discourse (Mt 24–25; Mk 13; Lk 21:5–36), Upper Room Discourse (Jn 13–16).
PARABLES: Sower (Mt 13:3–23; Mk 4:3–25; Lk 8:5–18), seed’s growth (Mk 4:26–29), wheat and weeds (Mt 13:24–30, 36–43), mustard seed (Mt 13:31–32; Mk 4:30–32), yeast (Mt 13:33; Lk 13:20–21), hidden treasure (Mt 13:44), valuable pearl (Mt 13:45–46), net (Mt 13:47–51), house owner (Mt 13:52), good Samaritan (Lk 10:25–37), unmerciful servant (Mt 18:15–35), lost sheep (Mt 18:10–14; Lk 15:4–7), lost coin (Lk 15:8–10), prodigal son (Lk 15:11–32), dishonest manager (Lk 16:1–13), rich man and Lazarus (Lk 16:19–31), persistent widow (Lk 18:1–8), Pharisee and tax collector (Lk 18:9–14), payment of workers (Mt 20:1–16), tenants and the vineyard (Mt 21:28–46; Mt 12:1–12; Lk 20:9–19), wedding banquet (Mt 22:1–14), faithful servant (Mt 24:45–51), ten virgins (Mt 25:1–13), talents (Mt 25:1–30; Lk 19:12–27).
DISCIPLES see APOSTLES. Call (Jn 1:35–51; Mt 4:18–22; 9:9; Mk 1:16–20; 2:13–14; Lk 5:1–11, 27–28). Named Apostles (Mk 3:13–19; Lk 6:12–16). Twelve sent out (Mt 10; Mk 6:7–11; Lk 9:1–5). Seventy sent out (Lk 10:1–24). Defection of (Jn 6:60–71; Mt 26:56; Mk 14:50–52). Final commission (Mt 28:16–20; Jn 21:15–23; Ac 1:3–8). Ac 9: 5 “I am J, whom you are persecuting. 1Co 8: 6 and one Lord, J Christ, Php 2: 10 name of J every knee should bend, 2Th 2: 1 the coming of our Lord J Christ 1Ti 1: 15 J came into the world to save Heb 12: 2 to J the pioneer and perfecter of our 13: 8 J Christ is the same yesterday and 1Jn 1: 7 the blood of J his Son cleanses us Rev 1: 1 The revelation of J Christ, 22: 20 Amen. Come, Lord J!
JEW → JEWS Ro 1: 16 to the J first and also to the Greek. 2: 29 a person is a J who is one inwardly, Col 3: 11 there is no longer Greek and J,
JEWEL → JEWELS Rev 21: 19 of the city are adorned with every j;
JEWELS → JEWEL Pr 3: 15 She is more precious than j, Isa 54: 12 your gates of j, and all your wall Rev 17: 4 adorned with gold and j and pearls,
JEWS → JEW Est 3: 13 to kill, and to annihilate all J, Mt 2: 2 who has been born king of the J? 27: 11 “Are you the King of the J?” Ro 3: 29 Or is God the God of J only?
JOINED Mt 19: 6 what God has j together, let no one Eph 2: 21 the whole structure is j together
JORDAN Ge 13: 10 the plain of the J was well watered Nu 34: 12 the boundary shall go down to the J, Mt 3: 6 were baptized by him in the river J,
JOY Ne 8: 10 the j of the LORD is your strength.” Job 20: 5 j of the godless is but for a moment? Ps 51: 12 Restore to me the j of your salvation Pr 21: 15 When justice is done, it is a j to the Isa 35: 10 everlasting j shall be upon their La 2: 15 of beauty, the j of all the earth?” Lk 1: 44 the child in my womb leaped for j. 2: 10 bringing you good news of great j Ro 14: 17 but righteousness and peace and j in Gal 5: 22 the fruit of the Spirit is love, j, Heb 12: 2 j that was set before him endured Jas 1: 2 consider it nothing but j, Tob 13: 17 Jerusalem will sing hymns of j, Bar 5: 9 For God will lead Israel with j,
JUBILEE Lev 25: 10 It shall be a j for you: Nu 36: 4 when the j of the Israelites comes,
JUDEA Mt 2: 1 Jesus was born in Bethlehem of J, Lk 3: 1 Pontius Pilate was governor of J, Ac 1: 8 my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all J
JUDGE → JUDGED, JUDGES, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENTS 1Sa 2: 10 LORD will j the ends of the earth; Ps 96: 13 for he is coming to j the earth. Eze 34: 17 I shall j between sheep and sheep, Lk 6: 37 not j, and you will not be judged; Jn 7: 24 Do not j by appearances, Ro 3: 6 then how could God j the world? 1Co 6: 2 that the saints will j the world? 2Ti 4: 1 who is to j the living and the dead, Rev 20: 4 on them were given authority to j. Sir 35: 15 for the Lord is the j,
JUDGED → JUDGE 1Co 11: 31 if we j ourselves, we would not be j. Rev 20: 12 dead were j according to their works
JUDGES → JUDGE Jdg 2: 16 Then the LORD raised up j, Lk 11: 19 Therefore they will be your j. Sir 16: 12 j a person according to one’s deeds.
JUDGMENT → JUDGE Ex 6: 6 arm and with mighty acts of j. Ps 1: 5 wicked will not stand in the j, Ecc 12: 14 God will bring every deed into j, Jer 25: 31 he is entering into j with all flesh, Da 7: 22 j was given for the holy ones of the Ro 14: 10 we will all stand before the j seat of 2Co 5: 10 all of us must appear before the j Heb 9: 27 to die once, and after that the j, Jas 2: 13 mercy triumphs over j. 1Jn 4: 17 may have boldness on the day of j, Rev 18: 10 For in one hour your j has come.” Wis 12: 12 Or will resist your j? Sir 18: 20 Before j comes, examine yourself; 2Es 7: 70 the things that pertain to the j.
JUDGMENTS → JUDGE Ps 119: 75 LORD, that your j are right, Ro 11: 33 How unsearchable are his j and Rev 19: 2 for his j are true and just;
JUST → JUSTICE, JUSTIFICATION, JUSTIFIED, JUSTIFY Ge 18: 25 Judge of all the earth do what is j?” 1Jn 1: 9 he who is faithful and j will forgive Rev 15: 3 J and true are your ways, King of Tob 3: 2 O Lord, and all your deeds are j; Sir 18: 2 the Lord alone is j.
JUSTICE → JUST Ex 23: 6 not pervert the j due to your poor Ps 33: 5 He loves righteousness and j; Isa 30: 18 For the LORD is a God of j; Jer 9: 24 I act with steadfast love, j, Hos 12: 6 to your God, hold fast to love and j, Am 5: 24 But let j roll down like waters, Lk 11: 42 and neglect j and the love of God;
JUSTIFICATION → JUST Ro 4: 25 trespasses and was raised for our j. 2Co 3: 9 more does the ministry of j abound Gal 2: 21 for if j comes through the law,
JUSTIFIED → JUST Mt 12: 37 for by your words you will be j, Ro 5: 1 Therefore, since we are j by faith, 10: 10 believes with the heart and so is j, Gal 2: 16 that we might be j by faith in Christ, Jas 2: 24 is j by works and not by faith alone.
KEEP → KEEPER Ge 17: 9 for you, you shall k my covenant, Ex 19: 5 obey my voice and k my covenant, Nu 6: 24 The LORD bless you and k you; Dt 5: 10 love me and k my commandments. Ne 1: 5 love him and k his commandments; Pr 7: 2 k my commandments and live, Ecc 3: 6 time to k, and a time to throw away; 12: 13 Fear God, and k his commandments Lk 17: 33 those who lose their life will k it.
KEEPER → KEEP Ge 4: 9 am I my brother’s k?” Ps 121: 5 The LORD is your k;
KEY → KEYS Rev 3: 7 true one, who has the k of David,
KEYS → KEY Mt 16: 19 you the k of the kingdom of heaven, Rev 1: 18 I have the k of Death and of Hades.
KILL → KILLED, KILLS Ecc 3: 3 a time to k, and a time to heal; Mt 10: 28 not fear those who k the body but cannot k the soul; Mk 14: 1 to arrest Jesus by stealth and k him;
KILLED → KILL Mk 9: 31 after being k, he will rise again.” Ac 3: 15 and you k the Author of life,
KILLS → KILL 2Co 3: 6 the letter k, but the Spirit gives life.
KIND → KINDNESS 1Co 13: 4 Love is patient; love is k; Eph 4: 32 and be k to one another,
KINDNESS → KIND Pr 31: 26 teaching of k is on her tongue. Ro 2: 4 k is meant to lead you to repentance Gal 5: 22 joy, peace, patience, k, generosity,
KING → KINGDOM, KINGS 2Sa 2: 4 there they anointed David k over Ps 2: 6 set my k on Zion, my holy hill.” 10: 16 The LORD is k forever and ever; Isa 6: 5 have seen the K, the LORD of hosts! Mt 2: 2 who has been born k of the Jews? 27: 37 “This is Jesus, the K of the Jews.” 1Ti 1: 17 To the K of the ages, immortal, Rev 19: 16 “K of kings and Lord of lords.” Tob 10: 13 Lord of heaven and earth, K over all Jdt 9: 12 K of all your creation,
KINGDOM → KING Ex 19: 6 you shall be for me a priestly k and 2Sa 7: 12 and I will establish his k. Ps 145: 13 Your k is an everlasting k, Mt 4: 17 “Repent, for the k of heaven has 5: 3 for theirs is the k of heaven. 6: 10 Your k come. Your will be done, Mk 10: 24 how hard it is to enter the k of God! Lk 17: 21 in fact, the k of God is among you.” Jn 18: 36 “My k is not from this world. Ro 14: 17 the k of God is not food and drink 1Co 6: 9 wrongdoers will not inherit the k 1Th 2: 12 calls you into his own k and glory. Heb 12: 28 receiving a k that cannot be shaken, Rev 11: 15 world has become the k of our Lord Wis 10: 10 she showed him the k of God,
KINGS → KING Ps 2: 2 The k of the earth set themselves, Isa 52: 15 k shall shut their mouths because of Ac 4: 26 The k of the earth took their stand, 1Ti 6: 15 the King of k and Lord of lords. Rev 19: 16 “King of k and Lord of lords.”
KISS Ps 2: 12 k his feet, or he will be angry, SS 1: 2 Let him k me with the kisses of his Mt 26: 48 “The one I will k is the man; arrest 2Co 13: 12 Greet one another with a holy k.
KNEE → KNEES Isa 45: 23 “To me every k shall bow, Ro 14: 11 says the Lord, every k shall bow to Php 2: 10 at the name of Jesus every k should
KNEES → KNEE 1Ki 19: 18 the k that have not bowed to Baal, Eph 3: 14 I bow my k before the Father,
KNOCK → KNOCKING Lk 11: 9 k, and the door will be opened for
KNOCKING → KNOCK Rev 3: 20 I am standing at the door, k;
KNOW → FOREKNEW, KNOWLEDGE, KNOWN, KNOWS Job 19: 25 For I k that my Redeemer lives, Ps 46: 10 “Be still, and k that I am God! Jer 31: 34 “K the LORD,” for they shall all k Mt 6: 3 left hand k what your right hand is 22: 34 denied three times that you k me.” Jn 10: 14 I k my own and my own k me, 1Co 13: 12 I k only in part; then I will k fully, Heb 8: 11 ‘K the Lord,’ for they shall all k me, 1Jn 2: 4 Whoever says, “I have come to k Rev 3: 3 not k at what hour I will come to
KNOWLEDGE → KNOW Ge 2: 9 the tree of the k of good and evil. Pr 1: 7 of the LORD is the beginning of k; 1Co 8: 1 K puffs up, but love builds up. Eph 3: 19 the love of Christ that surpasses k, Col 2: 3 the treasures of wisdom and k. 1Jn 2: 20 and all of you have k. Sir 3: 25 without k there is no wisdom.
KNOWN → KNOW Ps 139: 1 you have searched me and k me. Lk 6: 44 for each tree is k by its own fruit.
KNOWS → KNOW Ps 94: 11 The LORD k our thoughts, Mt 6: 8 your Father k what you need before 24: 36 about that day and hour no one k, Sir 42: 18 Most High k all that may be known;
LABOR Ex 20: 9 Six days you shall l and do all your
LADDER Ge 28: 12 there was a l set up on the earth,
LAID → LAY Isa 53: 6 the LORD has l on him the iniquity Mk 16: 6 Look, there is the place they l him. 1Jn 3: 16 that he l down his life for us—
LAKE Rev 19: 20 were thrown alive into the l of fire 20: 14 This is the second death, the l of fire
LAMB Ge 22: 8 “God himself will provide the l for Ex 12: 21 and slaughter the passover l. Isa 53: 7 like a l that is led to the slaughter, Mk 14: 12 when the Passover l is sacrificed, Jn 1: 29 L of God who takes away the sin of 1Co 5: 7 For our paschal l, Christ, has been 1Pe 1: 19 like that of a l without defect or Rev 5: 12 the L that was slaughtered to 21: 23 and its lamp is the L.
LAME Isa 35: 6 then the l shall leap like a deer, Zep 3: 19 And I will save the l and gather the Mt 11: 5 the l walk, the lepers are cleansed,
LAMP → LAMPS, LAMPSTAND, LAMPSTANDS Ps 119: 105 Your word is a l to my feet and a Mt 5: 15 lighting a l puts it under the bushel
LAMPS → LAMP Ex 25: 37 You shall make the seven l for it;
LAMPSTAND → LAMP Ex 25: 31 You shall make a l of pure gold. 1Mc 4: 50 and lit the lamps on the l,
LAMPSTANDS → LAMP Rev 1: 20 the seven l are the seven churches.
LAND Ge 1: 10 God called the dry l Earth, Ex 3: 8 a l flowing with milk and honey, Nu 13: 2 to spy out the l of Canaan, Jos 11: 23 So Joshua took the whole l, 2Ki 17: 5 the king of Assyria invaded all the l 25: 21 So Judah went into exile out of its l. 2Ch 7: 14 will forgive their sin and heal their l. Ps 37: 11 But the meek shall inherit the l,
LANGUAGE Ge 11: 9 LORD confused the l of all the earth;
LAST → EVERLASTING Isa 44: 6 I am the first and I am the l; Mt 19: 30 first will be l, and the l will be first. Heb 1: 2 l days he has spoken to us by a Son, Rev 1: 17 I am the first and the l,
LAUGH Ecc 3: 4 a time to weep, and a time to l; Lk 6: 21 you who weep now, for you will l.
LAW → LAWFUL Dt 1: 5 Moses undertook to expound this l 31: 9 Then Moses wrote down this l, Jos 1: 8 book of the l shall not depart out of Ps 1: 2 their delight is in the l of the LORD, 119: 97 Oh, how I love your l! Jer 31: 33 I will put my l within them, Mt 5: 17 come to abolish the l or the prophets Lk 24: 44 written about me in the l of Moses, Ro 6: 14 you are not under l but under grace. 10: 4 For Christ is the end of the l so that Heb 10: 1 Since the l has only a shadow of the Jas 2: 10 For whoever keeps the whole l but 1Mc 2: 48 They rescued the l out of the hands
LAWFUL → LAW 1Co 6: 12 “All things are l for me,” 10: 23 “All things are l,” but
LAY → LAID Mt 28: 6 Come, see the place where he l. Jn 10: 15 I l down my life for the sheep.
LEAD → LEADS Isa 11: 6 and a little child shall l them.
LEADS → LEAD Ps 23: 2 he l me beside still waters;
LEAST Mt 2: 6 are by no means l among the rulers 5: 19 called l in the kingdom of heaven; Lk 9: 48 l among all of you is the greatest.”
LEAVE → LEFT Mk 10: 7 this reason a man shall l his father Heb 13: 5 said, “I will never l you or forsake
LEAVEN Ex 12: 15 on the first day you shall remove l
LEAVES Ge 3: 7 and they sewed fig l together Eze 47: 12 and their l for healing.” Rev 22: 2 l of the tree are for the healing of
LEFT → LEAVE Mt 6: 3 your l hand know what your right Lk 17: 34 one will be taken and the other l.
LEGS Jn 19: 33 they did not break his l.
LEPER → LEPROUS Mt 8: 2 and there was a l who came to him 26: 6 in the house of Simon the l,
LEPERS → LEPROUS Lk 7: 22 the lame walk, the l are cleansed,
LEPROUS → LEPER, LEPERS Ex 4: 6 he took it out, his hand was l, Nu 12: 10 Miriam had become l,
LETTER Mt 5: 18 not one l, not one stroke of a l, 2Co 3: 6 the l kills, but the Spirit gives life.
LEVIATHAN Job 41: 1 you draw out L with a fishhook, Ps 74: 14 You crushed the heads of L; 2Es 6: 49 and the name of the other L.
LEVITES → LEVITICAL Nu 1: 53 L shall camp around the tabernacle Jos 14: 4 no portion was given to the L in the Ne 8: 9 L who taught the people said to all
LEVITICAL → LEVITES Heb 7: 11 attainable through the l priesthood
LIAR → LIE Pr 19: 22 and it is better to be poor than a l. Jn 8: 44 for he is a l and the father of lies.
LIE → LIAR, LYING Nu 23: 19 that he should l, or a mortal, Ps 23: 2 makes me l down in green pastures; 1Jn 2: 21 know that no l comes from the truth.
LIFE → LIVE Ge 2: 7 into his nostrils the breath of l; 2: 9 the tree of l also in the midst of the 9: 5 require a reckoning for human l. Ex 21: 23 then you shall give l for l, Dt 30: 19 Choose l so that you and your Isa 53: 10 you make his l an offering for sin, Da 12: 2 shall awake, some to everlasting l, Mt 7: 14 and the road is hard that leads to l, 10: 39 Those who find their l will lose it, 20: 28 to give his l a ransom for many.” Jn 1: 4 in him was l, and the l was the light 3: 15 believes in him may have eternal l. 6: 35 said to them, “I am the bread of l. 11: 25 “I am the resurrection and the l. 14: 6 “I am the way, and the truth, and the l. Ac 3: 15 and you killed the Author of l, Ro 5: 21 eternal l through Jesus Christ our 2Co 3: 6 the letter kills, but the Spirit gives l. Php 4: 3 whose names are in the book of l. 1Jn 5: 20 He is the true God and eternal l. Rev 2: 8 who was dead and came to l: 20: 4 came to l and reigned with Christ 20: 12 book was opened, the book of l. 22: 2 the tree of l with its twelve kinds Sir 4: 12 Whoever loves her loves l, 2Es 8: 52 the tree of l is planted,
LIGHT → ENLIGHTENED, ENLIGHTENS, LIGHTS Ge 1: 3 “Let there be l”; and there was l. Isa 9: 2 in darkness have seen a great l; 60: 1 Arise, shine; for your l has come, Mt 4: 16 in darkness have seen a great l, 5: 14 “You are the l of the world. Jn 1: 9 true l, which enlightens everyone, 8: 12 saying, “I am the l of the world. Ro 13: 12 and put on the armor of l; 2Co 11: 14 Satan disguises himself as an angel of l. Rev 22: 5 for the Lord God will be their l,
LIGHTS → LIGHT Ge 1: 16 God made the two great l— Jas 1: 17 coming down from the Father of l,
LIKENESS Ge 1: 26 in our image, according to our l; Ro 8: 3 his own Son in the l of sinful flesh, Php 2: 7 of a slave, being born in human l.
LION → LIONS Isa 11: 7 the l shall eat straw like the ox. Rev 5: 5 See, the L of the tribe of Judah,
LIONS → LION Da 6: 20 able to deliver you from the l?”
LISTEN Ex 23: 22 But if you l attentively to his voice 2Ki 17: 40 They would not l, however, Mk 9: 7 my Son, the Beloved; l to him!” Lk 16: 31 ‘If they do not l to Moses and the Jas 1: 19 be quick to l, slow to speak, Sir 11: 8 Do not answer before you l,
LIVE → ALIVE, LIFE, LIVES, LIVING Ge 3: 22 and eat, and l forever”— Ex 33: 20 for no one shall see me and l.” Lev 18: 5 by doing so one shall l: Dt 8: 3 one does not l by bread alone, Hab 2: 4 but the righteous l by their faith. Mt 4: 4 ‘One does not l by bread alone, Jn 11: 25 even though they die, will l, Ro 14: 8 If we l, we l to the Lord, 2Co 5: 15 those who l might l no longer for Wis 5: 15 But the righteous l forever, Sir 34: 14 those who fear the Lord will l,
LIVES → LIVE Job 19: 25 For I know that my Redeemer l, Ro 6: 10 but the life he l, he l to God. Rev 15: 7 of God, who l forever and ever; Tob 13: 1 “Blessed be God who l forever,
LIVING → LIVE Ge 2: 7 and the man became a l being. Dt 5: 26 the voice of the l God speaking out Jer 2: 13 forsaken me, the fountain of l water, Zec 14: 8 that day l waters shall flow out from Mt 16: 16 the Messiah, the Son of the l God.” Jn 4: 10 he would have given you l water.” 6: 51 I am the l bread that came down Ro 12: 1 present your bodies as a l sacrifice, Heb 4: 12 the word of God is l and active,
LOAVES Mk 6: 41 Taking the five l and the two fish, 8: 6 and he took the seven l,
LOCUSTS Ex 10: 4 I will bring l into your country. Mt 3: 4 and his food was l and wild honey. Rev 9: 3 from the smoke came l on the earth,
LONG Ex 20: 12 that your days may be l in the land Ps 13: 1 How l, O LORD? Rev 6: 10 how l will it be before you judge
LORD → LORD’S, LORDS Dt 10: 17 God is God of gods and L of lords, Ps 110: 1 The LORD says to my l, Mt 7: 22 many will say to me, ‘L, L, Mk 1: 3 ‘Prepare the way of the L, 12: 29 the L our God, the L is one; Lk 2: 11 who is the Messiah, the L. Jn 13: 13 You call me Teacher and L— 20: 28 “My L and my God!” Ac 2: 34 ‘The L said to my L, “Sit at my Ro 4: 24 in him who raised Jesus our L 10: 12 the same L is L of all and 1Co 8: 6 and one L, Jesus Christ, 2Co 3: 17 Now the L is the Spirit, Eph 4: 5 one L, one faith, one baptism, Php 2: 11 that Jesus Christ is L, to the glory 1Pe 3: 15 in your hearts sanctify Christ as L. Rev 4: 8 “Holy, holy, holy, the L God 19: 16 “King of kings and L of lords.” 22: 20 Amen. Come, L Jesus! Jdt 6: 19 L God of heaven, see their Wis 8: 3 and the L of all loves her. Sir 1: 1 All wisdom is from the L, Aza 1: 35 Bless the L, all you works of the L; Sus 1: 2 and one who feared the L.
†LORD → †LORD’S Ge 2: 7 L God formed man from the dust of 13: 4 Abram called on the name of the L. 18: 14 Is anything too wonderful for the L? Ex 15: 3 The L is a warrior; the L is his name. 34: 6 and proclaimed, “The L, the L, Lev 19: 2 for I the L your God am holy. Nu 6: 24 The L bless you and keep you; Dt 6: 4 The L is our God, the L alone. Jos 24: 15 my household, we will serve the L.” 1Sa 2: 2 “There is no Holy One like the L, Ne 8: 10 the joy of the L is your strength.” Job 1: 21 the L gave, and the L has taken Ps 1: 2 their delight is in the law of the L, 10: 16 The L is king forever and ever; 23: 1 The L is my shepherd, I shall not 33: 12 Happy is the nation whose God is the L 110: 1 The L says to my lord, 150: 6 that breathes praise the L! Pr 1: 7 fear of the L is the beginning of 3: 5 Trust in the L with all your heart, Isa 6: 3 “Holy, holy, holy is the L of hosts; 53: 6 the L has laid on him the iniquity Jer 31: 34 “Know the L,” for they shall all La 3: 25 The L is good to those who wait for Eze 37: 4 O dry bones, hear the word of the L. 48: 35 time on shall be, The L is There. Hos 14: 1 Return, O Israel, to the L your God, Joel 1: 15 For the day of the L is near, Am 5: 6 Seek the L and live, Ob 1: 15 the day of the L is near against all Na 1: 3 The L is slow to anger but great in Zep 1: 14 The great day of the L is near, Zec 14: 9 the L will be one and his name one. Mal 4: 5 and terrible day of the L comes.
LORD’S → LORD Mk 12: 11 was the L doing, and it is amazing Lk 4: 19 to proclaim the year of the L favor.” Ro 14: 8 or whether we die, we are the L. 1Co 10: 26 the earth and its fullness are the L.”
†LORD’S → †LORD Dt 32: 9 the L own portion was his people, Isa 59: 1 the L hand is not too short to save, Ob 1: 21 and the kingdom shall be the L.
LORDS → LORD Dt 10: 17 God is God of gods and Lord of l, Rev 19: 16 “King of kings and Lord of l.”
LOSS → LOST Php 3: 8 I regard everything as l because of Sir 32: 24 who trusts the Lord will not suffer l.
LOST → LOSS Ps 119: 176 I have gone astray like a l sheep; Lk 15: 6 I have found my sheep that was l.’ 19: 10 came to seek out and to save the l.”
LOTS Ps 22: 18 and for my clothing they cast l. Mt 27: 35 among themselves by casting l;
LOVE → BELOVED, LOVED, LOVES Ex 20: 6 but showing steadfast l to the 34: 6 and abounding in steadfast l and Lev 19: 18 shall l your neighbor as yourself: Dt 6: 5 You shall l the LORD your God 2Ch 6: 42 Remember your steadfast l Ne 1: 5 steadfast l with those who l him Ps 18: 1 I l you, O LORD, my strength. 86: 5 abounding in steadfast l to all who 119: 97 Oh, how I l your law! 136: 1 for his steadfast l endures forever. Pr 8: 17 I l those who l me, Ecc 3: 8 a time to l, and a time to hate; SS 1: 2 For your l is better than wine, Isa 54: 8 but with everlasting l I will have La 3: 22 steadfast l of the LORD never ceases, Hos 11: 4 of human kindness, with bands of l. Joel 2: 13 and abounding in steadfast l, Jnh 4: 2 and abounding in steadfast l, Mt 5: 44 L your enemies and pray 6: 24 either hate the one and l the other, Mk 12: 31 shall l your neighbor as yourself.’ Lk 6: 32 For even sinners l those who l them. 10: 27 “You shall l the Lord your God Jn 12: 25 Those who l their life lose it, 13: 34 new commandment, that you l one 14: 15 “If you l me, you will keep my 15: 13 No one has greater l than this, Ro 5: 8 But God proves his l for us in that 12: 9 Let l be genuine; hate what is evil, 1Co 8: 1 Knowledge puffs up, but l builds up. 13: 4 L is patient; l is kind; 13: 13 and the greatest of these is l. Gal 5: 22 the fruit of the Spirit is l, joy, Eph 3: 19 l of Christ that surpasses knowledge 5: 25 Husbands, l your wives, 1Ti 6: 10 For the l of money is a root of all Heb 10: 24 provoke one another to l and good 13: 5 your lives free from the l of money, 2Pe 1: 7 and mutual affection with l. 1Jn 2: 15 not l the world or the things in the 3: 1 See what l the Father has given us, 5: 3 For the l of God is this, 2Jn 1: 6 And this is l, that we walk according Jude 1: 21 keep yourselves in the l of God; Rev 2: 4 abandoned the l you had at first. Sir 2: 15 and those who l him keep his ways. 7: 30 With all your might l your Maker, Bel 1: 38 have not forsaken those who l you.” 1Mc 4: 33 with the sword of those who l you,
LOVED → LOVE Jer 31: 3 have l you with an everlasting love; Jn 3: 16 God so l the world that he gave his 15: 9 the Father has l me, so I have l you; 15: 12 love one another as I have l you. 1Jn 4: 19 We love because he first l us.
LOVES → LOVE Pr 3: 12 the LORD reproves the one he l, 17: 17 A friend l at all times, Lk 7: 47 to whom little is forgiven, l little.” Ro 13: 8 who l another has fulfilled the law. Eph 5: 28 He who l his wife l himself. Heb 12: 6 Lord disciplines those whom he l, Rev 1: 5 who l us and freed us from our sins Wis 8: 3 and the Lord of all l her. Sir 4: 12 Whoever l her l life,
LOWER → LOWLY Ps 8: 5 have made them a little l than God, Heb 2: 7 made them for a little while l than
LOWLY → LOWER Pr 16: 19 It is better to be of a l spirit Ro 12: 16 but associate with the l; Jdt 9: 11 But you are the God of the l,
LOYALTY Dt 7: 9 God who maintains covenant l Ru 3: 10 this last instance of your l Ps 101: 1 I will sing of l and of justice; Hos 4: 1 There is no faithfulness or l,
LUKEWARM Rev 3: 16 because you are l, and neither cold
LUST → LUSTS Mt 5: 28 looks at a woman with l has already 2Pe 1: 4 that is in the world because of l,
LUSTS → LUST Ro 1: 24 gave them up in the l of their hearts
LYING → LIE Pr 6: 17 a l tongue, and hands that shed Wis 1: 11 and a l mouth destroys the soul.
MADE → MAKE Ge 1: 31 God saw everything that he had m, 2: 22 he m into a woman and brought her 6: 6 was sorry that he had m humankind 15: 18 the LORD m a covenant with Abram, Ex 20: 11 For in six days the LORD m heaven Ps 8: 5 have m them a little lower than God 118: 24 This is the day that the LORD has m; 139: 14 I am fearfully and wonderfully m. Ac 2: 36 that God has m him both Lord and Eph 2: 5 m us alive together with Christ— Sir 43: 33 For the Lord has m all things,
MAGDALENE Mt 27: 56 Among them were Mary M,
MAJESTIC → MAJESTY Ex 15: 11 Who is like you, m in holiness, Ps 8: 1 how m is your name in all the earth!
MAJESTY → MAJESTIC 1Ch 29: 11 the glory, the victory, and the m; Ps 93: 1 The LORD is king, he is robed in m; 2Pe 1: 16 we had been eyewitnesses of his m.
MAKE → MADE, MAKER Ge 1: 26 “Let us m humankind in our image, 2: 18 will m him a helper as his partner.” Ex 20: 4 You shall not m for yourself an idol, Nu 6: 25 LORD m his face to shine upon you, Mt 28: 19 and m disciples of all nations,
MAKER → MAKE Ge 14: 19 God Most High, m of heaven and Ps 95: 6 kneel before the LORD, our M! Isa 54: 5 For your M is your husband, Sir 7: 30 With all your might love your M,
MALE Ge 1: 27 m and female he created them. Lev 20: 13 If a man lies with a m as with a Rev 12: 5 she gave birth to a son, a m child,
MAN Ge 2: 7 LORD God formed m from the dust 2: 18 not good that the m should be alone; Mt 9: 6 Son of M has authority on earth to Lk 6: 5 The Son of M is lord of the sabbath. Jn 9: 35 “Do you believe in the Son of M?” 1Co 11: 3 that Christ is the head of every m, Rev 1: 13 I saw one like the Son of M,
MANGER Lk 2: 12 in bands of cloth and lying in a m.”
MANNA Ex 16: 31 The house of Israel called it m; Jn 6: 49 ate the m in the wilderness, Rev 2: 17 I will give some of the hidden m,
MANY Mt 22: 14 m are called, but few are chosen.” Mk 10: 45 and to give his life a ransom for m.” Ro 12: 5 who are m, are one body in Christ,
MARK Ge 4: 15 And the LORD put a m on Cain, Eze 9: 6 but touch no one who has the m. Rev 19: 20 who had received the m of the beast
MARRIAGE → MARRIED, MARRIES Mt 22: 30 are given in m, but are like angels Heb 13: 4 Let m be held in honor by all, Rev 19: 7 for the m of the Lamb has come,
MARRIED → MARRIAGE 1Ti 3: 2 be above reproach, m only once, Tit 1: 6 m only once, whose children are
MARRIES → MARRIAGE Mk 10: 11 and m another commits adultery Ro 7: 3 if she m another man, she is not an 1Co 7: 28 and if a virgin m, she does not sin.
MASTER → MASTERS, TASKMASTERS Mal 1: 6 if I am a m, where is the respect due Jn 15: 20 Servants are not greater than their m 2Pe 2: 1 deny the M who bought them—
MASTERS → MASTER Mt 6: 24 “No one can serve two m;
MEDIATOR Gal 3: 19 ordained through angels by a m. 1Ti 2: 5 m between God and humankind, Heb 8: 6 he is the m of a better covenant,
MEDITATE → MEDITATION Jos 1: 8 you shall m on it day and night, Ps 1: 2 on his law they m day and night. Wis 12: 22 we may m upon your goodness, Sir 6: 37 and m at all times on his
MEDITATION → MEDITATE Ps 19: 14 of my mouth and the m of my heart 119: 97 It is my m all day long.
MEEK → MEEKNESS Ps 37: 11 But the m shall inherit the land, Mt 5: 5 “Blessed are the m, for they will
MEEKNESS → MEEK Col 3: 12 kindness, humility, m, and patience. Jas 1: 21 with m the implanted word
MEETING Ex 27: 21 In the tent of m, outside the curtain 40: 34 the cloud covered the tent of m,
MELCHIZEDEK Ge 14: 18 King M of Salem brought out bread Ps 110: 4 forever according to the order of M.” Heb 7: 1 This “King M of Salem, priest of
MEMBERS Ro 7: 23 I see in my m another law at war 1Co 6: 15 that your bodies are m of Christ? 12: 18 God arranged the m in the body,
MERCIES → MERCY La 3: 22 his m never come to an end; 2Co 1: 3 the Father of m and the God of all
MERCIFUL → MERCY Dt 4: 31 the LORD your God is a m God, Ps 111: 4 the LORD is gracious and m. Jer 3: 12 not look on you in anger, for I am m Mt 5: 7 “Blessed are the m, for they will Lk 6: 36 Be m, just as your Father is m. Sir 2: 11 the Lord is compassionate and m;
MERCY → MERCIES, MERCIFUL Ex 25: 17 make a m seat of pure gold; 1Ch 21: 13 of the LORD, for his m is very great; Hab 3: 2 in wrath may you remember m. Mt 9: 13 learn what this means, ‘I desire m, 23: 23 of the law: justice and m and faith. Ro 9: 15 “I will have m on whom I have m, Eph 2: 4 But God, who is rich in m, Jas 2: 13 m triumphs over judgment. Sir 2: 17 for equal to his majesty is his m,
MESSENGER → MESSAGE Mt 11: 10 I am sending my m ahead of you, 2Co 12: 7 a m of Satan to torment me,
MESSIAH → CHRIST, MESSIAHS Mt 16: 16 Peter answered, “You are the M, Lk 2: 11 a Savior, who is the M, the Lord. Ac 2: 36 God has made him both Lord and M Ro 9: 5 according to the flesh, comes the M, Rev 11: 15 kingdom of our Lord and of his M, 2Es 7: 28 For my son the M shall be revealed
MESSIAHS → MESSIAH Mk 13: 22 False m and false prophets will
MIDWIVES Ex 1: 17 But the m feared God; they did not
MIGHT → ALMIGHTY, MIGHTY 2Ch 20: 6 In your hand are power and m, Zec 4: 6 m, nor by power, but by my spirit, Sir 7: 30 With all your m love your Maker,
MIGHTY → MIGHT Ge 49: 24 by the hands of the M One of Jacob, Ex 6: 1 by a m hand he will let them go; Ps 99: 4 M King, lover of justice, you have Isa 9: 6 Wonderful Counselor, M God, Rev 18: 8 for m is the Lord God who judges
MILE Mt 5: 41 one m, go also the second m.
MILK Ex 3: 8 a land flowing with m and honey, Heb 5: 12 You need m, not solid food;
MILLSTONE → STONE Lk 17: 2 better for you if a m were hung
MIND → MINDFUL Nu 23: 19 mortal, that he should change his m. Jnh 3: 9 God may relent and change his m; Mt 22: 37 all your soul, and with all your m.’ 1Co 2: 16 who has known the m of the Lord Php 2: 5 same m be in you that was in Christ Heb 7: 21 sworn and will not change his m, Sir 37: 17 The m is the root of all conduct;
MINDFUL → MIND Ps 8: 4 beings that you are m of them, Heb 2: 6 beings that you are m of them,
MINISTERS → MINISTRY 2Co 3: 6 to be m of a new covenant, 11: 15 if his m also disguise themselves as m
MINISTRY → MINISTERS 2Co 5: 18 has given us the m of reconciliation; Eph 4: 12 equip the saints for the work of m, Heb 8: 6 now obtained a more excellent m,
MIRACLES → See also JESUS: MIRACLES Ps 78: 11 and the m that he had shown them. Ac 19: 11 did extraordinary m through Paul, 1Co 12: 29 Are all teachers? Do all work m? Heb 2: 4 signs and wonders and various m,
MOCKED → MOCK Gal 6: 7 God is not m, for you reap
MOMENT → MOMENTARY Ps 30: 5 For his anger is but for a m; Isa 54: 7 For a brief m I abandoned you, 1Co 15: 52 in a m, in the twinkling of an eye,
MOMENTARY → MOMENT 2Co 4: 17 this slight m affliction is preparing
MONEY Mk 11: 15 the tables of the m changers 1Ti 6: 10 love of m is a root of all kinds Heb 13: 5 your lives free from the love of m,
MOON → MOONS Joel 2: 31 to darkness, and the m to blood, Ac 2: 20 to darkness and the m to blood, Rev 6: 12 the full m became like blood, 21: 23 no need of sun or m to shine on it,
MOONS → MOON 2Ch 8: 13 the new m, and the three annual Col 2: 16 or of observing festivals, new m,
MORALS 1Co 15: 33 “Bad company ruins good m.”
MORNING Ge 1: 5 and there was m, the first day. Ps 30: 5 but joy comes with the m. La 3: 23 every m; great is your faithfulness. Lk 24: 22 They were at the tomb early this m, 2Pe 1: 19 the day dawns and the m star rises Rev 22: 16 of David, the bright m star.”
MOST Ge 14: 18 he was priest of God M High. Ex 26: 33 the holy place from the m holy. Ps 91: 1 live in the shelter of the M High, Mk 5: 7 Jesus, Son of the M High God?
MOTH Ps 39: 11 consuming like a m what is dear to Mt 6: 19 where m and rust consume and
MOTHER Ge 2: 24 a man leaves his father and his m 3: 20 because she was the m of all living. Ex 20: 12 Honor your father and your m, Isa 66: 13 As a m comforts her child, so I will Mt 10: 37 loves father or m more than me is Jn 19: 27 to the disciple, “Here is your m.” Eph 5: 31 a man will leave his father and m Rev 17: 5 m of whores and of earth’s Tob 4: 3 Honor your m and do not abandon Sir 3: 6 who honor their m obey the Lord;
MOUNT → MOUNTAIN, MOUNTAINS Ex 19: 20 the LORD descended upon M Sinai, Ps 78: 68 M Zion, which he loves. Mk 13: 3 he was sitting on the M of Olives Rev 14: 1 the Lamb, standing on M Zion!
MOUNTAIN → MOUNT Isa 2: 2 the m of the LORD’s house shall Mt 4: 8 a very high m and showed him all 17: 20 you will say to this m, ‘Move from
MOUNTAINS → MOUNT 1Co 13: 2 have all faith, so as to remove m,
MOURN → MOURNFUL, MOURNING Ecc 3: 4 a time to m, and a time to dance; Mt 5: 4 “Blessed are those who m, Sir 7: 34 but m with those who m.
MOURNING → MOURN Rev 21: 4 m and crying and pain will be no
MOUTH Dt 8: 3 that comes from the m of the LORD. Ps 19: 14 Let the words of my m and Mt 4: 4 every word that comes from the m Rev 19: 15 From his m comes a sharp sword Sir 28: 25 and a bolt for your m.
MULTIPLY Ge 1: 28 to them, “Be fruitful and m, Ge 9: 7 And you, be fruitful and m, Dt 6: 3 that you may m greatly in a land
MULTITUDE Jas 5: 20 and will cover a m of sins. 1Pe 4: 8 for love covers a m of sins.
MURDER → MURDERER Ex 20: 13 You shall not m. Hos 4: 2 lying, and m, and stealing and Mt 5: 21 of ancient times, ‘You shall not m’;
MURDERER → MURDER Nu 35: 16 the m shall be put to death. Jn 8: 44 He was a m from the beginning
MUSTARD Mt 17: 20 have faith the size of a m seed, Mk 4: 31 It is like a m seed, which,
MYRRH Mt 2: 11 gifts of gold, frankincense, and m. Mk 15: 23 offered him wine mixed with m;
MYSTERY Da 2: 19 m was revealed to Daniel in a vision Ro 11: 25 I want you to understand this m: 1Co 15: 51 Listen, I will tell you a m! Eph 3: 4 my understanding of the m of Christ 1Ti 3: 9 must hold fast to the m of the faith Rev 17: 5 a name, a m: “Babylon the great,
NAILING → NAILS Col 2: 14 He set this aside, n it to the cross.
NAILS → NAILING Jn 20: 25 put my finger in the mark of the n
NAKED Ge 2: 25 the man and his wife were both n, Job 1: 21 “N I came from my mother’s womb, and n shall
NAME → NAMES Ge 2: 19 every living creature, that was its n. 4: 26 people began to invoke the n of Ex 3: 15 my n forever, and this my title 20: 7 wrongful use of the n of the LORD Ps 9: 10 know your n put their trust in you, Pr 18: 10 The n of the LORD is a strong tower; Isa 42: 8 I am the LORD, that is my n; Eze 20: 9 But I acted for the sake of my n, Joel 2: 32 on the n of the LORD shall be saved; Mt 1: 21 a son, and you are to n him Jesus, 6: 9 Father in heaven, hallowed be your n. 28: 19 baptizing them in the n of the Father Jn 1: 12 received him, who believed in his n, 20: 31 believing you may have life in his n. Ac 4: 12 for there is no other n under heaven Php 2: 9 gave him the n that is above every n Rev 13: 17 n of the beast or the number of its n. 19: 13 his n is called The Word of God. Sir 2: 17 and equal to his n are his works.
NAMES → NAME Mt 10: 2 are the n of the twelve apostles: Rev 21: 14 the twelve n of the twelve apostles
NARROW Lk 13: 24 “Strive to enter through the n door;
NATION → NATIONS Ge 12: 2 I will make of you a great n, and Ex 32: 10 and of you I will make a great n.” Isa 66: 8 a n be delivered in one moment? 1Pe 2: 9 a holy n, God’s own people,
NATIONS → NATION Ge 18: 18 the n of the earth shall be blessed in Am 9: 12 and all the n who are called Mt 28: 19 and make disciples of all n, Mk 11: 17 a house of prayer for all the n’? Ro 4: 18 become “the father of many n,” Rev 22: 2 the tree are for the healing of the n.
NAZARETH Mt 2: 23 made his home in a town called N, Jn 1: 46 Can anything good come out of N? 19: 19 “Jesus of N, the King of the Jews.”
NAZIRITE Nu 6: 2 make a special vow, the vow of a n, Jdg 13: 5 boy shall be a n to God from birth.
NEAR Dt 30: 14 No, the word is very n to you; Isa 55: 6 call upon him while he is n; Lk 10: 9 ‘The kingdom of God has come n Jas 4: 8 Draw n to God, and he will draw n to
NEED → NEEDY Mt 6: 8 for your Father knows what you n Heb 4: 16 and find grace to help in time of n.
NEEDLE Lk 18: 25 a camel to go through the eye of a n
NEEDY → NEED 1Sa 2: 8 he lifts the n from the ash heap, Ps 113: 7 and lifts the n from the ash heap,
NEIGHBOR Lev 19: 18 shall love your n as yourself: Dt 5: 20 bear false witness against your n. Mt 19: 19 You shall love your n as yourself.”
NEVER La 3: 22 steadfast love of the LORD n ceases, 1Co 13: 8 Love n ends. But as for prophecies, Heb 13: 5 he has said, “I will n leave you or
NEW Ecc 1: 9 there is nothing n under the sun. Isa 65: 17 create n heavens and a n earth; Jer 31: 31 I will make a n covenant with the La 3: 23 they are n every morning; Eze 36: 26 A n heart I will give you, Mt 9: 17 is n wine put into old wineskins; Lk 22: 20 is the n covenant in my blood. Jn 13: 34 I give you a n commandment, 2Co 3: 6 to be ministers of a n covenant, Heb 8: 8 when I will establish a n covenant 2Pe 3: 13 we wait for n heavens and a n earth, Rev 21: 1 I saw a n heaven and a n earth; 21: 5 “See, I am making all things n.”
NEWS Isa 52: 7 who brings good n, who announces Mt 11: 5 the poor have good n brought to Mk 1: 15 repent, and believe in the good n.”
NIGHT → NIGHTS Ge 1: 5 and the darkness he called N. 1Th 5: 2 Lord will come like a thief in the n. Rev 22: 5 And there will be no more n;
NIGHTS → NIGHT Ge 7: 12 on the earth forty days and forty n. Jnh 1: 17 of the fish three days and three n. Mt 4: 2 He fasted forty days and forty n, 12: 40 for three days and three n the Son
NOISE Ps 66: 1 Make a joyful n to God, all the earth 2Pe 3: 10 will pass away with a loud n,
NOTHING Ecc 1: 9 there is n new under the sun. Jer 32: 17 N is too hard for you. Mt 17: 20 and n will be impossible for you.” Jn 15: 5 apart from me you can do n.
NUMBER Rev 13: 18 Its n is six hundred sixty-six.
OATH Dt 7: 8 and kept the o that he swore to your Heb 7: 20 This was confirmed with an o;
OBEDIENCE → OBEY Ro 5: 19 so by the one man’s o the many will Heb 5: 8 learned o through what he suffered;
OBEDIENT → OBEY Php 2: 8 and became o to the point of death
OBEY → OBEDIENCE, OBEDIENT Ex 19: 5 if you o my voice and keep my Dt 12: 28 Be careful to o all these words that Mt 28: 20 o everything that I have commanded Ac 5: 29 “We must o God rather than any Eph 6: 1 Children, o your parents in the Lord, 1Jn 5: 3 love of God is this, that we o his
OFFENSE Mk 6: 3 And they took o at him. Gal 5: 11 o of the cross has been removed.
OFFERING → OFFERINGS Ge 4: 4 LORD had regard for Abel and his o, Ps 40: 6 Sacrifice and o you do not desire, Da 11: 31 shall abolish the regular burnt o Eph 5: 2 a fragrant o and sacrifice to God. Heb 10: 14 For by a single o he has perfected 1Mc 4: 44 what to do about the altar of burnt o,
OFFERINGS → OFFERING Hos 6: 6 of God rather than burnt o. Mk 12: 33 important than all whole burnt o 1Mc 1: 45 to forbid burnt o and sacrifices
OIL Ex 25: 6 o for the lamps, spices for the anointing o Ps 23: 5 you anoint my head with o; Jas 5: 14 anointing them with o in the name
OLD Mk 2: 22 puts new wine into o wineskins; Eph 4: 22 your o self, corrupt and deluded by
OLIVE → OLIVES Zec 4: 3 And by it there are two o trees, Ro 11: 17 and you, a wild o shoot, Rev 11: 4 two o trees and the two lampstands
OLIVES → OLIVE Zec 14: 4 Mount of O shall be split in two Mt 24: 3 he was sitting on the Mount of O,
OMEGA Rev 1: 8 “I am the Alpha and the O,”
ONCE → ONE Ro 6: 10 he died, he died to sin, o for all; Heb 7: 27 this he did o for all when he offered 9: 27 it is appointed for mortals to die o,
ONE → FIRST, ONCE Ge 2: 24 and they become o flesh. Zec 14: 9 the LORD will be o and his name o. Mk 12: 29 the Lord our God, the Lord is o; Jn 10: 30 The Father and I are o.” 1Co 12: 13 For in the o Spirit we were all baptized Eph 4: 5 o Lord, o faith, o baptism,
ONLY Jn 1: 14 the glory as of a father’s o son, 3: 16 that he gave his o Son, 1Ti 1: 17 the o God, be honor and glory 1Jn 4: 9 God sent his o Son into the world so
OPPRESSED Ps 146: 7 who executes justice for the o; Isa 53: 7 He was o, and he was afflicted, Jdt 9: 11 God of the lowly, helper of the o,
ORACLES Ro 3: 2 entrusted with the o of God.
ORDAIN Ex 29: 9 shall then o Aaron and his sons. 1Ti 5: 22 Do not o anyone hastily,
ORPHAN → ORPHANED, ORPHANS Ex 22: 22 You shall not abuse any widow or o. Hos 14: 3 In you the o finds mercy.”
ORPHANED → ORPHAN Jn 14: 18 will not leave you o; I am coming
ORPHANS → ORPHAN Jas 1: 27 to care for o and widows in their Sir 4: 10 Be a father to o, and be like a
OUTSTRETCHED Ex 6: 6 I will redeem you with an o arm Ps 136: 12 an o arm, for his steadfast love Jer 27: 5 by my great power and my o arm
OVERCOME Jn 1: 5 and the darkness did not o it. Ro 12: 21 Do not be o by evil, but o evil with 1Jn 2: 14 and you have o the evil one.
OVERSHADOW → OVERSHADOWED Lk 1: 35 power of the Most High will o you;
OVERSHADOWED → OVERSHADOW Lk 9: 34 a cloud came and o them;
OWE Mt 18: 28 he said, ‘Pay what you o.’ Ro 13: 8 O no one anything, except to love
PAIN Ge 3: 16 in p you shall bring forth children, Rev 21: 4 and crying and p will be no more,
PALM Jn 12: 13 So they took branches of p trees Rev 7: 9 robed in white, with p branches in
PARABLE → PARABLES Ps 78: 2 I will open my mouth in a p;
PARABLES → PARABLE; See also JESUS: PARABLES Mt 13: 35 I will open my mouth to speak in p; Sir 39: 2 penetrates the subtleties of p;
PARADISE Lk 23: 43 today you will be with me in P.” 2Co 12: 4 was caught up into P and heard Rev 2: 7 tree of life that is in the p of God. 2Es 8: 52 for you that p is opened,
PARALYTIC → PARALYZED Mt 9: 2 saw their faith, he said to the p,
PARALYZED → PARALYTIC Jn 5: 3 many invalids — blind, lame, and p. Ac 8: 7 who were p or lame were cured.
PARCHMENTS 2Ti 4: 13 also the books, and above all the p.
PARDON Ex 34: 9 p our iniquity and our sin, Isa 55: 7 our God, for he will abundantly p.
PARENTS Eph 6: 1 Children, obey your p in the Lord,
PARTIALITY Dt 16: 19 distort justice; you must not show p; Pr 24: 23 P in judging is not good. Ro 2: 11 For God shows no p. Jas 3: 17 without a trace of p or hypocrisy. Sir 35: 15 and with him there is no p.
PARTNERS 1Co 10: 20 not want you to be p with demons. Heb 3: 1 holy p in a heavenly calling,
PASS → PASSED, PASSING Ex 12: 13 when I see the blood, I will p over 33: 19 make all my goodness p before you, Am 5: 17 I will p through the midst of you, Mt 24: 35 Heaven and earth will p away, but my words will not p 2Pe 3: 10 then the heavens will p away
PASSED → PASS Ex 12: 27 he p over the houses of the Israelites 2Co 5: 17 everything old has p away; Rev 21: 4 for the first things have p away.”
PASSING → PASS 1Co 7: 31 present form of this world is p away 1Jn 2: 17 the world and its desire are p away,
PASSIONS Gal 5: 24 have crucified the flesh with its p 2Ti 2: 22 Shun youthful p and pursue
PASSOVER Ex 12: 11 It is the p of the LORD. Dt 16: 1 the month of Abib by keeping the p Mk 14: 12 when the P lamb is sacrificed,
PASTORS Eph 4: 11 evangelists, some p and teachers,
PASTURES Ps 23: 2 He makes me lie down in green p;
PATH → PATHS Ps 119: 105 lamp to my feet and a light to my p.
PATHS → PATH Mt 3: 3 of the Lord, make his p straight.’” Heb 12: 13 and make straight p for your feet,
PATIENCE → PATIENT Mic 2: 7 Is the LORD’s p exhausted? Ro 2: 4 his kindness and forbearance and p? Gal 5: 22 fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, p, 2Pe 3: 15 regard the p of our Lord as salvation
PATIENT → PATIENCE 1Co 13: 4 Love is p; love is kind;
PEACE → PEACEMAKERS Ps 122: 6 Pray for the p of Jerusalem: Isa 57: 19 P, p, to the far and the near, Jer 6: 14 saying, “P, p,” when there is no p. Mic 5: 5 and he shall be the one of p. Lk 2: 14 on earth p among those whom he Jn 14: 27 P I leave with you; my p I give 1Co 14: 33 is a God not of disorder but of p. Gal 5: 22 the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, p, Php 4: 7 the p of God, which surpasses all
PEACEMAKERS → PEACE Mt 5: 9 “Blessed are the p, for they will be
PEARLS Mt 7: 6 do not throw your p before swine,
PENTECOST Ac 2: 1 When the day of P had come,
PEOPLE Ex 5: 1 the God of Israel, ‘Let my p go, Dt 4: 20 a p of his very own possession, Ru 1: 16 your p shall be my p, Ps 29: 11 the LORD bless his p with peace! Isa 40: 1 Comfort, O comfort my p, says Mt 1: 21 he will save his p from their sins.” Heb 8: 10 their God, and they shall be my p. 1Pe 2: 9 a holy nation, God’s own p,
PERFECT → PERFECTER, PERFECTION 2Sa 22: 31 This God — his way is p; Ps 19: 7 The law of the LORD is p, reviving Mt 5: 48 Be p, therefore, as your heavenly Father is p. Ro 12: 2 what is good and acceptable and p. Heb 7: 19 (for the law made nothing p); 1Jn 4: 18 in love, but p love casts out fear;
PERFECTER → PERFECT Heb 12: 2 Jesus the pioneer and p of our faith,
PERFECTION → PERFECT Heb 6: 1 Therefore let us go on toward p, 1Jn 2: 5 the love of God has reached p.
PERISH → PERISHABLE Est 4: 16 and if I p, I p.” Ps 1: 6 but the way of the wicked will p. Jn 3: 16 who believes in him may not p 2Pe 3: 9 with you, not wanting any to p,
PERISHABLE → PERISH 1Co 9: 25 they do it to receive a p wreath, 15: 42 What is sown is p, what is raised is 1Pe 1: 23 not of p but of imperishable seed,
PERSECUTE → PERSECUTED, PERSECUTION Mt 5: 44 and pray for those who p you, Ac 9: 4 “Saul, Saul, why do you p me?” Ro 12: 14 Bless those who p you; bless
PERSECUTED → PERSECUTE 2Co 4: 9 p, but not forsaken; struck down, 2Ti 3: 12 godly life in Christ Jesus will be p.
PERSECUTION → PERSECUTE Mt 13: 21 or p arises on account of the word, Ro 8: 35 Will hardship, or distress, or p, or Heb 10: 33 publicly exposed to abuse and p,
PERSEVERANCE → PERSEVERE Heb 12: 1 let us run with p the race that is set
PERSEVERE → PERSEVERANCE Da 12: 12 Happy are those who p Ro 12: 12 be patient in suffering, p in prayer.
PHARAOH → PHARAOH’S Ex 14: 17 I will gain glory for myself over P
PHARAOH’S → PHARAOH Ex 7: 3 But I will harden P heart, Heb 11: 24 refused to be called a son of P
PHARISEE → PHARISEES Lk 11: 37 a P invited him to dine with him; Jn 3: 1 a P named Nicodemus, Ac 5: 34 a P in the council named Gamaliel, Php 3: 5 as to the law, a P;
PHARISEES → PHARISEE Mt 5: 20 that of the scribes and P, 16: 6 beware of the yeast of the P and 23: 13 “But woe to you, scribes and P,
PHILISTINE → PHILISTINES 1Sa 17: 37 save me from the hand of this P.” Pm 151: 6 I went out to meet the P,
PHILISTINES → PHILISTINE 1Sa 5: 1 the P captured the ark of God, Am 1: 8 the remnant of the P shall perish,
PIERCED Zec 12: 10 look on the one whom they have p, Jn 19: 37 look on the one whom they have p.” Rev 1: 7 even those who p him;
PIG Dt 14: 8 the p, because it divides the hoof
PILLAR Ge 19: 26 and she became a p of salt. Ex 13: 21 and in a p of fire by night,
PIONEER Heb 2: 10 make the p of their salvation perfect 12: 2 Jesus the p and perfecter of our faith
PIT Rev 20: 3 into the p, and locked and sealed it Sir 21: 10 but at its end is the p of Hades.
PLACE Jn 14: 3 And if I go and prepare a p for you,
PLAGUE → PLAGUES Zec 14: 12 the p with which the LORD will Rev 11: 6 strike the earth with every kind of p,
PLAGUES → PLAGUE Hos 13: 14 O Death, where are your p? Rev 15: 1 seven angels with seven p, which
PLANT Ge 1: 29 I have given you every p yielding Ecc 3: 2 time to p, and a time to pluck up
PLEASE → PLEASED, PLEASES, PLEASING Ro 8: 8 who are in the flesh cannot p God. 15: 3 For Christ did not p himself; Heb 11: 6 without faith it is impossible to p God, Sir 2: 16 Those who fear the Lord seek to p
PLEASED → PLEASE Mic 6: 7 Will the LORD be p with thousands Mt 3: 17 Beloved, with whom I am well p.” Col 1: 19 the fullness of God was p to dwell,
PLEASES → PLEASE 1Jn 3: 22 commandments and do what p him.
PLEASING → PLEASE Ps 104: 34 May my meditation be p to him, Eph 5: 10 to find out what is p to the Lord. Php 4: 18 a sacrifice acceptable and p to God.
PLOT Ps 2: 1 and the peoples p in vain? Na 1: 9 Why do you p against the LORD?
PLOWSHARES Isa 2: 4 they shall beat their swords into p, Joel 3: 10 Beat your p into swords, and your
POLLUTED → POLLUTES Ac 15: 20 from things p by idols and from Rev 21: 8 the cowardly, the faithless, the p,
POLLUTES → POLLUTED Nu 35: 33 blood p the land, and no expiation
POOR → POVERTY Ex 23: 6 not pervert the justice due to your p 1Sa 2: 8 He raises up the p from the dust; Ps 113: 7 He raises the p from the dust, Mt 5: 3 “Blessed are the p in spirit, Mk 10: 21 own, and give the money to the p, 12: 42 p widow came and put in two small 2Co 6: 10 as p, yet making many rich; 8: 9 yet for your sakes he became p, Jas 2: 5 Has not God chosen the p in the
PORTION Dt 32: 9 the LORD’s own p was his people, La 3: 24 “The LORD is my p,” says my soul, Sir 17: 17 Israel is the Lord’s own p.
POSSESSED → POSSESSION Mt 8: 16 many who were p with demons;
POSSESSION → POSSESSED, POSSESSIONS Ex 19: 5 treasured p out of all the peoples. Ps 2: 8 and the ends of the earth your p.
POSSESSIONS → POSSESSION Lk 12: 15 not consist in the abundance of p.” 1Co 13: 3 If I give away all my p,
POSSIBLE Mt 19: 26 but for God all things are p.” 26: 39 if it is p, let this cup pass from me;
POTTER Isa 64: 8 we are the clay, and you are our p; Ro 9: 21 Has the p no right over the clay, Sir 33: 13 Like clay in the hand of the p,
POUR → POURED Isa 44: 3 I will p my spirit upon your Eze 39: 29 I p out my spirit upon the house of Joel 2: 28 I will p out my spirit on all flesh; Ac 2: 17 I will p out my Spirit upon all flesh,
POURED → POUR Mt 26: 28 is p out for many for the forgiveness Ac 2: 33 he has p out this that you both see Tit 3: 6 This Spirit he p out on us richly
POVERTY → POOR Mk 12: 44 out of her p has put in everything 2Co 8: 9 by his p you might become rich.
POWER → POWERFUL, POWERS 1Ch 29: 11 O LORD, are the greatness, the p, Isa 40: 29 He gives p to the faint, Zec 4: 6 by might, nor by p, but by my spirit, Mt 22: 29 the scriptures nor the p of God. Mk 13: 26 coming in clouds’ with great p and 1Co 1: 17 might not be emptied of its p. Eph 1: 19 the immeasurable greatness of his p Php 3: 1 °Christ and the p of his resurrection 2Pe 1: 3 divine p has given us everything Rev 19: 1 and glory and p to our God, 20: 6 these the second death has no p, Jdt 9: 14 the God of all p and might, Sir 39: 18 and none can limit his saving p.
POWERFUL → POWER Mk 1: 7 one who is more p than I is coming
POWERS → POWER Ro 8: 38 present, nor things to come, nor p, Eph 6: 12 against the cosmic p of this present
PRACTICE → PRACTICES Mt 23: 3 for they do not p what they teach. Sir 50: 29 For if they put them into p,
PRACTICES → PRACTICE Ex 23: 24 or worship them, or follow their p, Col 3: 9 stripped off the old self with its p
PRAISE Ex 15: 2 this is my God, and I will p him, Dt 10: 21 He is your p; he is your God, Ps 150: 6 that breathes p the LORD! Pr 27: 2 Let another p you, and not your own 31: 31 let her works p her in the city gates. Mt 21: 16 nursing babies you have prepared p Rev 19: 5 “P our God, all you his servants, Tob 12: 6 Bless and sing p to his name.
PRAY → PRAYED, PRAYER, PRAYERS 2Ch 7: 14 humble themselves, p, seek my face Ps 122: 6 P for the peace of Jerusalem: Mt 5: 44 and p for those who persecute you, 6: 5 you p, do not be like the hypocrites; Lk 11: 1 teach us to p, as John taught his Ro 8: 26 do not know how to p as we ought, 1Th 5: 17 p without ceasing, Sir 37: 15 But above all p to the Most High
PRAYED → PRAY Mk 1: 35 to a deserted place, and there he p. 14: 35 threw himself on the ground and p
PRAYER → PRAY Pr 15: 29 but he hears the p of the righteous. Isa 56: 7 house shall be called a house of p Mt 21: 13 house shall be called a house of p’; Mk 11: 24 I tell you, whatever you ask for in p, Ro 12: 12 patient in suffering, persevere in p. Jas 5: 16 The p of the righteous is powerful
PRAYERS → PRAY Heb 5: 7 Jesus offered up p and supplications Rev 5: 8 which are the p of the saints.
PREACH → PREACHING Tit 1: 9 able both to p with sound doctrine
PREACHING → PREACH 1Ti 5: 17 those who labor in p and teaching;
PRECEPTS → PRECEPT Ps 19: 8 the p of the LORD are right, Mt 15: 9 teaching human p as doctrines.’”
PRECIOUS Ps 72: 14 and p is their blood in his sight. Pr 3: 15 She is more p than jewels, Isa 28: 16 a tested stone, a p cornerstone, 1Pe 1: 19 but with the p blood of Christ, 2: 6 a cornerstone chosen and p; 2Pe 1: 1 received a faith as p as ours
PREDESTINED Ro 8: 30 those whom he p he also called;
PREDICTION → PREDICTIONS Isa 44: 26 and fulfills the p of his messengers;
PREDICTIONS → PREDICT Jude 1: 17 the p of the apostles of our Lord
PREPARE Ps 23: 5 You p a table before me in the Mt 3: 3 ‘P the way of the Lord, make his Jn 14: 2 I have told you that I go to p a place
PRESENCE → PRESENT Ex 25: 30 the bread of the P on the table Ps 51: 11 Do not cast me away from your p, 139: 7 Or where can I flee from your p? Jn 17: 5 with the glory that I had in your p
PRESENT → PRESENCE Ro 6: 13 but p yourselves to God as 1Co 3: 22 or death or the p or the future— Eph 5: 27 p the church to himself in splendor, 2Ti 2: 15 p yourself to God as one approved
PRICE Mt 27: 9 the one on whom a p had been set, 1Co 6: 20 For you were bought with a p;
PRIDE → PROUD Ps 20: 7 our p is in the name of the LORD Pr 16: 18 P goes before destruction, Mk 7: 22 licentiousness, envy, slander, p, 1Jn 2: 16 the desire of the eyes, the p in riches Sir 10: 13 For the beginning of p is sin,
PRIEST → PRIESTHOOD, PRIESTS Ge 14: 18 he was p of God Most High. Ps 110: 4 “You are a p forever according to Mk 14: 63 Then the high p tore his clothes and Heb 3: 1 apostle and high p of our confession 7: 3 the Son of God, he remains a p
PRIESTHOOD → PRIEST Ex 29: 9 the p shall be theirs by a perpetual Heb 7: 24 but he holds his p permanently, 1Pe 2: 5 a holy p, to offer spiritual sacrifices
PRIESTS → PRIEST Ex 28: 1 the Israelites, to serve me as p— Mk 15: 3 the chief p accused him of many Heb 7: 27 Unlike the other high p, he has no Rev 20: 6 they will be p of God and of Christ,
PRINCE → PRINCES Isa 9: 6 Everlasting Father, P of Peace. Eze 37: 25 David shall be their p forever.
PRINCES → PRINCE 1Sa 2: 8 to make them sit with p and inherit Da 8: 25 even rise up against the Prince of p.
PRISONER → PRISONERS Mk 15: 6 at the festival he used to release a p Eph 3: 1 that I Paul am a p for Christ Jesus
PRISONERS → PRISONER Ps 146: 7 The LORD sets the p free; Isa 61: 1 to the captives, and release to the p;
PRIZE 1Co 9: 24 but only one receives the p? Php 3: 14 the p of the heavenly call of God in
PROMISE → PROMISED, PROMISES Ps 105: 42 For he remembered his holy p, Eph 2: 12 and strangers to the covenants of p, 2Pe 3: 9 The Lord is not slow about his p,
PROMISED → PROMISE Dt 1: 11 and bless you, as he has p you! Ac 13: 23 to Israel a Savior, Jesus, as he p; Eph 1: 13 with the seal of the p Holy Spirit; Heb 10: 23 for he who has p is faithful.
PROMISES → PROMISE Jos 21: 45 the good p that the LORD had made 2Co 1: 20 every one of God’s p is a “Yes.”
PROOFS → PROVE Ac 1: 3 to them by many convincing p,
PROPHECIES → PROPHESY 1Co 13: 8 as for p, they will come to an end;
PROPHECY → PROPHESY Ac 21: 9 daughters who had the gift of p. 1Co 12: 10 to another p, to another 2Pe 1: 20 that no p of scripture is a matter
PROPHESY → PROPHECIES, PROPHECY, PROPHET, PROPHETS Joel 2: 28 sons and your daughters shall p, Mt 7: 22 Lord, did we not p in your name, 1Co 13: 9 only in part, and we p only in part; Rev 11: 3 my two witnesses authority to p
PROPHET → PROPHESY Dt 18: 18 a p like you from among their own Mal 4: 5 the p Elijah before the great and Lk 4: 24 no p is accepted in the prophet’s Rev 16: 13 and from the mouth of the false p. 1Mc 4: 46 until a p should come to tell what
PROPHETS → PROPHESY Nu 11: 29 that all the LORD’s people were p, Mt 5: 17 come to abolish the law or the p; 22: 40 hang all the law and the p.” 1Co 12: 28 the church first apostles, second p, Eph 2: 20 the foundation of the apostles and p, 4: 11 some p, some evangelists, Rev 11: 10 these two p had been a torment to 18: 20 you saints and apostles and p! 1Mc 9: 27 that p ceased to appear among them.
PROSPER → PROSPERITY Ps 1: 3 In all that they do, they p. Isa 53: 10 the will of the LORD shall p.
PROSPERITY → PROSPER Dt 30: 15 have set before you today life and p,
PROSTITUTE → PROSTITUTES Jos 2: 1 a p whose name was Rahab, 1Co 6: 15 and make them members of a p? Heb 11: 31 By faith Rahab the p did not perish
PROSTITUTES → PROSTITUTE Mt 21: 31 the p are going into the kingdom of Sir 9: 6 Do not give yourself to p,
PROUD → PRIDE Ps 94: 2 give to the p what they deserve! Pr 21: 4 Haughty eyes and a p heart— Jas 4: 6 God opposes the p, but gives grace
PROVERBS Pr 1: 1 The p of Solomon son of David, Ecc 12: 9 and studying and arranging many p. Sir 39: 3 seeks out the hidden meanings of p
PROVOKE → PROVOKED Jer 25: 6 not p me to anger with the work of Heb 10: 24 how to p one another to love
PROVOKED → PROVOKE Ps 78: 41 and p the Holy One of Israel.
PRUNES Jn 15: 2 he p to make it bear more fruit.
PSALMS Lk 24: 44 and the p must be fulfilled.” Eph 5: 19 you sing p and hymns and spiritual
PUFFS 1Co 8: 1 Knowledge p up, but love builds up.
PUNISH → PUNISHING, PUNISHMENT Ex 32: 34 I will p them for their sin.” 1Pe 2: 14 by him to p those who do wrong
PUNISHING → PUNISH Dt 5: 9 p children for the iniquity of parents Joel 2: 13 in steadfast love, and relents from p.
PUNISHMENT → PUNISH Isa 53: 5 was the p that made us whole, Mt 25: 46 these will go away into eternal p, 1Jn 4: 18 for fear has to do with p,
PURE → PURIFICATION, PURIFIED 2Sa 22: 27 with the p you show yourself p, Ps 19: 9 the fear of the LORD is p, enduring Hab 1: 13 Your eyes are too p to behold evil, Mt 5: 8 “Blessed are the p in heart, for they Php 4: 8 whatever is p, whatever is pleasing, Tit 1: 15 To the p all things are p, 1Jn 3: 3 purify themselves, just as he is p.
PURIFICATION → PURE Heb 1: 3 When he had made p for sins,
PURIFIED → PURE 1Pe 1: 22 p your souls by your obedience to
PURPLE Ex 25: 4 p, and crimson yarns and fine linen, Mk 15: 17 And they clothed him in a p cloak;
PURPOSE Isa 46: 10 saying, “My p shall stand, Ro 8: 28 who are called according to his p. 2Ti 1: 9 works but according to his own p
QUAILS Ex 16: 13 In the evening q came up Nu 11: 31 and it brought q from the sea and
QUARRELED Ex 17: 7 the Israelites q and tested the LORD, Nu 20: 3 The people q with Moses and said,
QUEEN 1Ki 10: 1 the q of Sheba heard of the fame of Rev 18: 7 in her heart she says, ‘I rule as a q;
QUIET 1Ti 2: 2 q and peaceable life in all godliness 1Pe 3: 4 beauty of a gentle and q spirit,
RABBI Jn 1: 38 “R” (which translated means Teacher),
RACE Ecc 9: 11 the sun the r is not to the swift, 1Co 9: 24 that in a r the runners all compete, Heb 12: 1 let us run with perseverance the r 1Pe 2: 9 But you are a chosen r, a royal
RAIN → RAINBOW Ge 7: 4 For in seven days I will send r on Isa 45: 8 let the skies r down righteousness; Mt 5: 45 sends r on the righteous and on the Rev 11: 6 so that no r may fall during the days
RAINBOW → BOW Rev 4: 3 the throne is a r that looks like an
RAISE → RISE Jn 2: 19 and in three days I will r it up.” 2Co 4: 14 who raised the Lord Jesus will r us
RAISED → RISE Mt 17: 23 and on the third day he will be r.” Ac 2: 24 God r him up, having freed him Ro 4: 25 and was r for our justification. 1Co 15: 4 r on the third day in accordance
RANSOM Ps 49: 8 For the r of life is costly, and can Mt 20: 28 and to give his life a r for many.” 1Ti 2: 6 who gave himself a r for all
REAP Gal 6: 7 for you r whatever you sow. Rev 14: 15 for the hour to r has come,
REBUILD → BUILD Ezr 1: 3 and r the house of the LORD, Ne 2: 17 let us r the wall of Jerusalem, Da 9: 25 went out to restore and r Jerusalem Ac 15: 16 and I will r the dwelling of David,
REBUKE Pr 27: 5 Better is open r than hidden love. Zec 3: 2 said to Satan, “The LORD r you, Mk 8: 32 Peter took him aside and began to r 2Ti 4: 2 convince, r, and encourage,
RECEIVE Jn 16: 24 Ask and you will r, so that your joy Ac 2: 38 you will r the gift of the Holy Spirit. 20: 35 ‘It is more blessed to give than to r.’ Rev 4: 11 to r glory and honor and power,
RECKONED Ge 15: 6 LORD r it to him as righteousness. Ro 4: 3 it was r to him as righteousness.”
RECONCILIATION Ro 5: 11 whom we have now received r. 2Co 5: 18 and has given us the ministry of r;
REDEEM → REDEEMER, REDEMPTION Ex 6: 6 I will r you with an outstretched Gal 4: 5 to r those who were under the law,
REDEEMER → REDEEM Job 19: 25 For I know that my R lives, Ps 19: 14 O LORD, my rock and my r.
REDEMPTION → REDEEM Lk 21: 28 because your r is drawing near.” Eph 1: 7 In him we have r through his blood, Heb 9: 12 own blood, thus obtaining eternal r.
REFINE Jer 9: 7 I will now r and test them, Zec 13: 9 r them as one refines silver,
REFLECTED → REFLECTION 2Co 3: 18 though r in a mirror,
REFLECTION → REFLECTED 1Co 11: 7 since he is the image and r of God; Heb 1: 3 He is the r of God’s glory
REFUGE Nu 35: 11 select cities to be cities of r for you, Ps 2: 12 Happy are all who take r in him.
REGULATIONS Col 2: 20 Why do you submit to r, Heb 9: 10 r for the body imposed until the
REIGN Ex 15: 18 The LORD will r forever and ever.” Ps 146: 10 The LORD will r forever, 1Co 15: 25 r until he has put all his enemies 2Ti 2: 12 we will also r with him; Rev 11: 15 and he will r forever and ever.” 22: 5 and they will r forever and ever.
REJECTED Ps 118: 22 The stone that the builders r Isa 53: 3 He was despised and r by others; Mt 21: 42 ‘The stone that the builders r
REJOICE Ps 118: 24 let us r and be glad in it. Zep 3: 17 he will r over you with gladness, Php 4: 4 R in the Lord always; again I will say, R.
RELENT → RELENTED Eze 24: 14 I will not spare, I will not r. Joel 2: 14 whether he will not turn and r, Jnh 3: 9 God may r and change his mind;
RELENTED → RELENT 1Ch 21: 15 LORD took note and r concerning Jer 4: 28 I have not r nor will I turn back.
REMEMBER → REMEMBRANCE Ge 9: 15 I will r my covenant that is between Ex 20: 8 R the sabbath day, and keep it holy. Dt 8: 18 But r the LORD your God, 2Ti 2: 8 R Jesus Christ, raised from the dead Heb 8: 12 and I will r their sins no more.” Sir 23: 18 The Most High will not r sins.”
REMEMBRANCE → REMEMBER Lk 22: 19 Do this in r of me.”
REMNANT Isa 10: 21 A r will return, the r of Jacob, Jer 50: 20 will pardon the r that I have spared. Ro 9: 27 only a r of them will be saved;
RENEW → RENEWAL, RENEWED, RENEWING Isa 40: 31 the LORD shall r their strength, La 5: 21 r our days as of old—
RENEWAL → RENEW Mt 19: 28 I tell you, at the r of all things,
RENEWED → RENEW 2Co 4: 16 inner nature is being r day by day. Eph 4: 23 to be r in the spirit of your minds,
RENEWING → RENEW Ro 12: 2 transformed by the r of your minds,
REPENT → REPENTANCE Mt 3: 2 “R, for the kingdom of heaven has Ac 2: 38 “R, and be baptized every one of Sir 18: 21 and when you have sinned, r.
REPENTANCE → REPENT Mk 1: 4 a baptism of r for the forgiveness Lk 3: 8 Bear fruits worthy of r. Ro 2: 4 kindness is meant to lead you to r? 2Co 7: 10 r that leads to salvation and brings 2Pe 3: 9 any to perish, but all to come to r.
REPROVE Pr 19: 25 r the intelligent, and they will gain Tit 2: 15 exhort and r with all authority. Rev 3: 19 r and discipline those whom I love.
REQUIRE Dt 10: 12 does the LORD your God r of you? Mic 6: 8 the LORD r of you but to do justice,
RESCUE → RESCUED Mt 6: 13 but r us from the evil one. 2Pe 2: 9 the Lord knows how to r the godly
RESCUED → RESCUE Col 1: 13 has r us from the power of darkness Sir 51: 12 and r me in time of trouble.
RESIST Mt 5: 39 I say to you, Do not r an evildoer. Ro 9: 19 For who can r his will?” Jas 4: 7 R the devil, and he will flee from
REST → RESTED Ex 31: 15 seventh day is a sabbath of solemn r Ps 95: 11 swore, “They shall not enter my r.” Mt 11: 28 and I will give you r. Heb 4: 10 those who enter God’s r also cease
RESTED → REST Ge 2: 2 he r on the seventh day from all the Ex 20: 11 all that is in them, but r the seventh
RESURRECTION Mt 22: 30 For in the r they neither marry nor Mk 12: 18 Sadducees, who say there is no r, Jn 11: 25 said to her, “I am the r and the life. 1Co 15: 12 you say there is no r of the dead? Php 3: 10 know Christ and the power of his r Rev 20: 5 This is the first r. 2Es 2: 23 will give you the first place in my r.
RETURN Ge 3: 19 you are dust, and to dust you shall r. Mal 3: 7 R to me, and I will r to you,
REVEAL → REVEALED, REVELATION Mt 11: 27 to whom the Son chooses to r him.
REVEALED → REVEAL Isa 40: 5 the glory of the LORD shall be r, Mt 16: 17 flesh and blood has not r this to you Lk 17: 30 on the day that the Son of Man is r. Ro 1: 17 in it the righteousness of God is r
REVELATION → REVEAL 1Co 14: 6 some r or knowledge or prophecy Eph 3: 3 was made known to me by r,
REVERE → REVERENCE Jos 24: 14 “Now therefore r the LORD, Mal 4: 2 But for you who r my name the sun Tob 4: 5 “R the Lord all your days,
REVERENCE → REVERE Eph 5: 21 subject to one another out of r for
REVILE → REVILED Ex 22: 28 You shall not r God, or curse Mt 5: 11 people r you and persecute you
REVILED → REVILE 1Co 4: 12 When r, we bless; 1Pe 4: 14 If you are r for the name of Christ,
REWARD Ps 19: 11 in keeping them there is great r. Isa 40: 10 r is with him, and his recompense Mt 6: 5 I tell you, they have received their r. Lk 6: 23 for surely your r is great in heaven; Rev 22: 12 I am coming soon; my r is with me,
RIB Ge 2: 22 r that the LORD God had taken from
RICH → RICHES Mt 19: 23 hard for a r person to enter the 2Co 8: 9 by his poverty you might become r. Eph 2: 4 But God, who is r in mercy,
RICHES → RICH Lk 8: 14 they are choked by the cares and r Ro 11: 33 O the depth of the r and wisdom 1Jn 2: 16 the desire of the eyes, the pride in r Sir 13: 24 R are good if they are free from sin;
RIGHT → BIRTHRIGHT Ex 15: 6 Your r hand, O LORD, glorious in Dt 6: 18 Do what is r and good in the sight Ps 110: 1 says to my lord, “Sit at my r hand Pr 14: 12 a way that seems r to a person, Ac 2: 34 said to my Lord, “Sit at my r hand, Heb 1: 13 “Sit at my r hand until I make your
RIGHTEOUS → RIGHTEOUSNESS Ps 11: 7 For the LORD is r; he loves r deeds; Jer 23: 5 I will raise up for David a r Branch, Eze 3: 20 if the r turn from their righteousness Hab 2: 4 but the r live by their faith. Mt 5: 45 rain on the r and on the unrighteous. Mk 2: 17 come to call not the r but sinners.” Ro 1: 17 one who is r will live by faith.” Heb 10: 38 but my r one will live by faith. 1Jn 2: 1 with the Father, Jesus Christ the r; Rev 19: 8 the fine linen is the r deeds of the Wis 5: 15 r live forever, and their reward Sir 35: 22 and does justice for the r,
RIGHTEOUSNESS → RIGHTEOUS Ge 15: 6 the LORD reckoned it to him as r. Isa 11: 5 R shall be the belt around his waist, Jer 23: 6 be called: “The LORD is our r.” Da 9: 24 to bring in everlasting r, Hos 10: 12 Sow for yourselves r; reap steadfast Mt 5: 6 those who hunger and thirst for r, Jn 16: 8 about sin and r and judgment: Ro 5: 18 act of r leads to justification Gal 3: 6 and it was reckoned to him as r,” Eph 6: 14 and put on the breastplate of r. 2Pe 3: 13 heavens and a new earth, where r
RIPE Jn 4: 35 how the fields are r for harvesting. Rev 14: 15 the harvest of the earth is fully r.”
RISE → ARISE, RAISE, RAISED, ROSE Da 12: 13 shall r for your reward at the end of Mal 4: 2 the sun of righteousness shall r, Mt 27: 63 ‘After three days I will r again.’ 1Th 4: 16 and the dead in Christ will r first.
ROAD Mt 7: 13 and the r is easy that leads to
ROBBERS Jer 7: 11 become a den of r in your sight? Mt 21: 13 but you are making it a den of r.”
ROBE Ex 28: 4 a breastpiece, an ephod, a r, Jn 19: 5 crown of thorns and the purple r. Rev 6: 11 They were each given a white r and 19: 13 He is clothed in a r dipped in blood,
ROCK Ex 17: 6 Strike the r, and water will come Nu 20: 8 you shall bring water out of the r 1Sa 2: 2 there is no R like our God. Mt 16: 18 and on this r I will build my church, Mk 15: 46 that had been hewn out of the r. 1Pe 2: 8 and a r that makes them fall.”
ROD Ps 2: 9 shall break them with a r of iron, 23: 4 your r and your staff — they comfort Pr 13: 24 who spare the r hate their children, Rev 2: 27 to rule them with an iron r,
ROLL Mk 16: 3 “Who will r away the stone for us
ROOT Isa 11: 10 On that day the r of Jesse 53: 2 and like a r out of dry ground; Ro 15: 12 “The r of Jesse shall come, 1Ti 6: 10 For the love of money is a r of all Rev 5: 5 the tribe of Judah, the R of David,
ROSE → RISE SS 2: 1 I am a r of Sharon, a lily 1Th 4: 14 believe that Jesus died and r again,
RULE Eph 1: 21 far above all r and authority and Col 3: 15 the peace of Christ r in your hearts,
RUMORS Mt 24: 6 you will hear of wars and r of wars;
RUN Isa 40: 31 they shall r and not be weary, Heb 12: 1 let us r with perseverance the race
RUST Mt 6: 19 where moth and r consume LtJ 6: 12 cannot save themselves from r
SABBATH Ex 20: 8 Remember the s day, and keep it holy. Mk 2: 28 Son of Man is lord even of the s.” 1Mc 1: 43 to idols and profaned the s.
SACRIFICE → SACRIFICED Ex 12: 27 ‘It is the passover s to the LORD, 1Sa 15: 22 Surely, to obey is better than s, Ps 40: 6 S and offering you do not desire, Da 9: 27 he shall make s and offering cease; Hos 6: 6 For I desire steadfast love and not s, Mt 9: 13 this means, ‘I desire mercy, not s.’ Ro 3: 25 put forward as a s of atonement Heb 13: 15 let us continually offer a s of praise 1Jn 2: 2 and he is the atoning s for our sins,
SACRIFICED → SACRIFICE 1Co 5: 7 our paschal lamb, Christ, has been s. 8: 1 Now concerning food s to idols:
SADDUCEES Mt 16: 6 the yeast of the Pharisees and S.” Mk 12: 18 S, who say there is no resurrection,
SAFE → SAFETY Ps 37: 28 righteous shall be kept s forever, Pr 18: 10 the righteous run into it and are s.
SAFETY → SAFE Dt 12: 10 around so that you live in s, Eze 34: 28 they shall live in s,
SAINTS Ps 31: 23 Love the LORD, all you his s. Ro 8: 27 the Spirit intercedes for the s 1Co 6: 2 that the s will judge the world? Eph 4: 12 equip the s for the work of ministry, Rev 5: 9 by your blood you ransomed for God s
SALT Ge 19: 26 back, and she became a pillar of s. Mt 5: 13 “You are the s of the earth;
SALVATION → SAVE Ex 15: 2 and he has become my s; Ps 27: 1 The LORD is my light and my s; Isa 52: 7 brings good news, who announces s, Lk 3: 6 all flesh shall see the s of God.’” Ac 4: 12 There is s in no one else, Php 2: 12 work out your own s with fear Heb 2: 3 escape if we neglect so great a s? 2Pe 3: 15 regard the patience of our Lord as s. Bar 4: 29 everlasting joy with your s.
SAMARITAN Lk 10: 33 But a S while traveling came near Jn 4: 7 A S woman came to draw water,
SANCTIFICATION → SANCTIFY Ro 6: 19 as slaves to righteousness for s. 1Th 4: 3 For this is the will of God, your s:
SANCTIFIED → SANCTIFY Jn 17: 19 so that they also may be s in truth. 1Co 6: 11 But you were washed, you were s,
SANCTIFY → SANCTIFICATION, SANCTIFIED Lev 11: 44 s yourselves therefore, and be holy, Heb 13: 12 to s the people by his own blood.
SANCTUARY Ex 25: 8 And have them make me a s, 1Ch 22: 19 build the s of the LORD God Heb 9: 24 Christ did not enter a s made by 1Mc 1: 21 He arrogantly entered the s
SAND Mt 7: 26 foolish man who built his house on s.
SAT → SIT Heb 10: 12 “he s down at the right hand of God, Rev 3: 21 and s down with my Father
SATAN 1Ch 21: 1 S stood up against Israel, Job 1: 6 and S also came among them. Zec 3: 2 “The LORD rebuke you, O S! Mt 4: 10 Jesus said to him, “Away with you, S! 16: 23 said to Peter, “Get behind me, S! 2Co 11: 14 S disguises himself as an angel of light. Rev 12: 9 who is called the Devil and S, 20: 7 S will be released from his prison
SAVE → SALVATION, SAVED, SAVIOR Isa 59: 1 LORD’s hand is not too short to s, Jer 15: 20 for I am with you to s you Mt 1: 21 he will s his people from their sins.” 16: 25 who want to s their life will lose it, Lk 19: 10 came to seek out and to s the lost.”
SAVED → SAVE Isa 45: 22 Turn to me and be s, Joel 2: 32 on the name of the LORD shall be s; Mt 10: 22 who endures to the end will be s. Mk 15: 31 He s others; he cannot save himself. Ro 10: 13 on the name of the Lord shall be s.” Eph 2: 8 For by grace you have been s
SAVIOR → SAVE Isa 49: 26 know that I am the LORD your S, Hos 13: 4 and besides me there is no s. 1Ti 4: 10 who is the S of all people, Tit 2: 13 of the glory of our great God and S, 2Pe 3: 18 knowledge of our Lord and S Jesus
SCARLET Isa 1: 18 your sins are like s, they shall be Mt 27: 28 stripped him and put a s robe on him
SCEPTER Ge 49: 10 The s shall not depart from Judah, Nu 24: 17 and a s shall rise out of Israel;
SCRIBES Mt 7: 29 having authority, and not as their s. 23: 13 “But woe to you, s and Pharisees,
SCRIPTURE → SCRIPTURES Lk 4: 21 “Today this s has been fulfilled in Jn 10: 35 and the s cannot be annulled— 1Ti 4: 13 attention to the public reading of s, 2Ti 3: 16 All s is inspired by God and is useful
SCRIPTURES → SCRIPTURE Mt 22: 29 know neither the s nor the power Lk 24: 45 their minds to understand the s, Jn 5: 39 “You search the s because you think
SEA Ps 95: 5 The s is his, for he made it, Mic 7: 19 all our sins into the depths of the s. Rev 4: 6 there is something like a s of glass, 21: 1 and the s was no more.
SEAL 2Co 1: 22 by putting his s on us and giving us Eph 1: 13 the s of the promised Holy Spirit; Rev 7: 3 our God with a s on their foreheads.
SEASON → SEASONS Ps 1: 3 which yield their fruit in its s, Ecc 3: 1 For everything there is a s,
SEASONS → SEASON 1Th 5: 1 Now concerning the times and the s,
SEAT Ex 25: 17 make a mercy s of pure gold; Ro 14: 10 stand before the judgment s of God. 2Co 5: 10 must appear before the judgment s
SECRET Dt 29: 29 The s things belong to the LORD Ro 2: 16 will judge the s thoughts of all.
SEE → SEEN, SEES, SIGHT Ex 33: 20 for no one shall s me and live.” Jn 9: 25 that though I was blind, now I s.” Rev 1: 7 the clouds; every eye will s him,
SEED → SEEDS, SEEDTIME Mt 17: 20 have faith the size of a mustard s,
SEEDS → SEED Mt 13: 8 Other s fell on good soil Mk 4: 31 the smallest of all the s on earth;
SEEK 1Ch 28: 9 If you s him, he will be found by Ps 34: 10 those who s the LORD lack no good Isa 55: 6 S the LORD while he may be found, Lk 19: 10 came to s out and to save Heb 11: 6 that he rewards those who s him. Sir 2: 16 who fear the Lord s to please him,
SEEN → SEE Jn 1: 18 No one has ever s God. 14: 9 Whoever has s me has s the Father.
SELF-CONTROL 2Pe 1: 6 with s, and s with endurance,
SEPARATE Mt 19: 6 joined together, let no one s.” Ro 8: 35 will s us from the love of Christ?
SERPENT Ge 3: 1 the s was more crafty than any other 2Co 11: 3 the s deceived Eve by its cunning, Rev 20: 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient s,
SERVANT Isa 42: 1 Here is my s, whom I uphold, 53: 11 my s, shall make many righteous, Zec 3: 8 going to bring my s the Branch. Lk 1: 38 “Here am I, the s of the Lord; Ac 3: 13 has glorified his s Jesus, Heb 3: 5 faithful in all God’s house as a s,
SERVE Jos 24: 15 my household, we will s the LORD.” 1Sa 12: 20 but s the LORD with all your heart; Mt 6: 24 You cannot s God and wealth. Mk 10: 45 Son of Man came not to be served but to s, 1Pe 4: 10 s one another with whatever gift
SEVEN → SEVENTH Ge 7: 2 with you s pairs of all clean animals, Ex 25: 37 You shall make the s lamps for it; Jos 6: 4 march around the city s times, Da 9: 25 prince, there shall be s weeks; Mt 18: 22 “Not s times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven Rev 1: 12 turning I saw s golden lampstands, 5: 1 and on the back, sealed with s seals; 8: 2 I saw the s angels who stand before 12: 3 a great red dragon, with s heads and 15: 1 s angels with s plagues,
SEVENTH → SEVEN Ge 2: 2 on the s day God finished the work Ex 20: 10 the s day is a sabbath to the LORD Heb 4: 4 God rested on the s day from all his
SEVENTY → SEVENTY-SEVEN Da 9: 24 S weeks are decreed for your people
SEVENTY-SEVEN → SEVENTY Mt 18: 22 “Not seven times, but, I tell you, s
SHADOW Ps 17: 8 hide me in the s of your wings, 91: 1 who abide in the s of the Almighty,
SHAME → ASHAMED Da 12: 2 some to s and everlasting contempt. 1Co 1: 27 foolish in the world to s the wise; Heb 12: 2 endured the cross, disregarding its s, 1Jn 2: 28 be put to s before him at his coming.
SHARE Col 1: 12 to s in the inheritance of the saints Heb 12: 10 in order that we may s his holiness. Jude 1: 3 to you about the salvation we s,
SHARPENS → SHARPER Pr 27: 17 Iron s iron, and one person s
SHARPER → SHARPENS Heb 4: 12 s than any two-edged sword,
SHED Ge 9: 6 shall that person’s blood be s; Rev 16: 6 s the blood of saints and prophets,
SHEEP Isa 53: 6 All we like s have gone astray; Mt 9: 36 like s without a shepherd. Jn 10: 7 I am the gate for the s. 10: 15 And I lay down my life for the s. Heb 13: 20 the great shepherd of the s, 1Pe 2: 25 For you were going astray like s,
SHEOL Ps 139: 8 if I make my bed in S, you are there. Hos 13: 14 O S, where is your destruction?
SHEPHERD → SHEPHERDS Ps 23: 1 The LORD is my s, I shall not want. Isa 40: 11 He will feed his flock like a s; Mt 2: 6 ruler who is to s my people Israel.’” Jn 10: 11 “I am the good s. Heb 13: 20 the great s of the sheep, 1Pe 5: 4 And when the chief s appears,
SHEPHERDS → SHEPHERD Lk 2: 8 there were s living in the fields,
SHIELD Eph 6: 16 With all of these, take the s of faith,
SHINE → SHINES Nu 6: 25 LORD make his face to s upon you, Ps 4: 6 light of your face s on us, O LORD!” Da 12: 3 Those who are wise shall s like the Mt 5: 16 let your light s before others,
SHINES → SHINE Jn 1: 5 The light s in the darkness,
SHORT Ro 3: 23 sinned and fall s of the glory of God;
SHOW → SHOWED Ex 33: 18 Moses said, “S me your glory, Ps 85: 7 S us your steadfast love, O LORD, Jn 14: 8 said to him, “Lord, s us the Father, 1Co 12: 31 will s you a still more excellent way
SHOWED → SHOW Jn 20: 20 he s them his hands and his side.
SICK → SICKNESS Mt 8: 16 and cured all who were s. Jas 5: 14 Are any among you s?
SICKNESS → SICK Ex 23: 25 I will take s away from among you. Mt 4: 23 and curing every disease and every s
SIDE Jn 19: 34 soldiers pierced his s with a spear,
SIGHT → SEE Mt 11: 5 blind receive their s, the lame walk, 2Co 5: 7 for we walk by faith, not by s.
SIGN → SIGNS Mt 24: 3 the s of your coming and of the end Mk 8: 12 does this generation ask for a s?
SIGNS → SIGN Ge 1: 14 be for s and for seasons and for days Mt 16: 3 cannot interpret the s of the times. Jn 20: 30 Jesus did many other s in the 1Co 1: 22 Jews demand s and Greeks desire Rev 16: 14 demonic spirits, performing s,
SILENT Isa 53: 7 a sheep that before its shearers is s, Mk 14: 61 But he was s and did not answer.
SILVER Mt 26: 15 They paid him thirty pieces of s. Ac 3: 6 But Peter said, “I have no s or gold,
SIN → SINNED, SINNER, SINNERS, SINS Nu 32: 23 and be sure your s will find you out. 2Ch 7: 14 forgive their s and heal their land. Ps 119: 11 so that I may not s against you. Isa 53: 12 yet he bore the s of many, Mt 5: 29 If your right eye causes you to s, Jn 1: 29 who takes away the s of the world! Ro 6: 23 For the wages of s is death, Heb 4: 15 tested as we are, yet without s. 1Jn 1: 7 Jesus his Son cleanses us from all s. Tob 12: 10 but those who commit s Wis 10: 13 but delivered him from s. Sir 3: 30 so almsgiving atones for s.
SINAI Ex 19: 20 the LORD descended upon Mount S,
SING → SONG, SONGS, SUNG Ps 47: 6 S praises to God, s praises; 1Co 14: 15 I will s praise with the spirit, Col 3: 16 gratitude in your hearts s psalms, Rev 5: 9 They s a new song: Jdt 16: 13 I will s to my God a new song: Aza 1: 35 s praise to him and highly exalt him
SINNED → SIN Ps 51: 4 Against you, you alone, have I s, La 5: 7 Our ancestors s; they are no more, Ro 3: 23 all have s and fall short of the glory 1Jn 1: 10 If we say that we have not s, Sir 18: 21 and when you have s, repent.
SINNER → SIN Lk 15: 7 over one s who repents than Jas 5: 20 that whoever brings back a s
SINNERS → SIN Pr 23: 17 Do not let your heart envy s, Ro 5: 8 we still were s Christ died for us. 1Ti 1: 15 Jesus came into the world to save s
SINS → SIN 1Sa 2: 25 if someone s against the LORD, Eze 18: 4 only the person who s that shall die. Mt 9: 6 has authority on earth to forgive s”— Lk 11: 4 forgive us our s, for we ourselves Ac 3: 19 to God so that your s may be wiped 1Co 15: 3 Christ died for our s in accordance Heb 9: 28 offered once to bear the s of many, 1Jn 1: 9 If we confess our s, he who is faithful Rev 1: 5 loves us and freed us from our s Sir 2: 11 he forgives s and saves
SISTER Pr 7: 4 Say to wisdom, “You are my s,” Mk 3: 35 the will of God is my brother and s
SIT → SAT Ps 110: 1 says to my lord, “S at my right hand Mt 20: 23 to s at my right hand and at my left, Heb 1: 13 “S at my right hand until I make
SIX Ex 20: 9 S days you shall labor and do all Pr 6: 16 are s things that the LORD hates,
SKULL Mt 27: 33 Golgotha (which means Place of a S)
SLANDER → SLANDERED Ps 15: 3 who do not s with their tongue, Pr 10: 18 and whoever utters s is a fool. Mt 15: 19 fornication, theft, false witness, s. 1Pe 2: 1 all guile, insincerity, envy, and all s.
SLANDERED → SLANDER 1Co 4: 13 when s, we speak kindly.
SLAUGHTER Isa 53: 7 like a lamb that is led to the s, Ac 8: 32 “Like a sheep he was led to the s,
SLAVE → SLAVERY Mk 10: 44 first among you must be s of all. Jn 8: 34 who commits sin is a s to sin. Gal 3: 28 there is no longer s or free,
SLAVERY → SLAVE Gal 5: 1 do not submit again to a yoke of s.
SLEEP → ASLEEP, SLEEPER, SLEEPING Ps 121: 4 keeps Israel will neither slumber nor s. Da 12: 2 Many of those who s in the dust of
SLEEPER → SLEEP Eph 5: 14 “S, awake! Rise from the dead,
SLEEPING → SLEEP Mt 9: 24 for the girl is not dead but s.” 26: 40 to the disciples and found them s;
SLING 1Sa 17: 50 over the Philistine with a s and a stone,
SLOW → SLOWNESS Ex 34: 6 merciful and gracious, s to anger, 2Pe 3: 9 The Lord is not s about his promise, Sir 5: 4 for the Lord is s to anger.
SLOWNESS → SLOW 2Pe 3: 9 think of s, but is patient with you,
SNOW Ps 51: 7 and I shall be whiter than s. Isa 1: 18 sins are like scarlet, they shall be like s; Da 7: 9 his clothing was white as s, Rev 1: 14 as white wool, white as s;
SOBER 1Th 5: 6 but let us keep awake and be s; 2Ti 4: 5 always be s, endure suffering,
SODOM Ge 19: 24 rained on S and Gomorrah sulfur Lk 10: 12 it will be more tolerable for S than Rev 11: 8 city that is prophetically called S
SOLDIERS Mt 28: 12 give a large sum of money to the s, Jn 19: 23 When the s had crucified Jesus,
SON → SONS Ex 4: 23 now I will kill your firstborn s.’” 2Sa 7: 14 and he shall be a s to me. Ps 2: 7 He said to me, “You are my s; Isa 7: 14 is with child and shall bear a s, Mt 1: 23 virgin shall conceive and bear a s, 3: 17 from heaven said, “This is my S, 16: 16 the Messiah, the S of the living God.” Mk 10: 45 S of Man came not to be served but to Lk 1: 35 he will be called S of God. Jn 3: 16 loved the world that he gave his only S, 1Th 1: 10 to wait for his S from heaven, Heb 1: 2 last days he has spoken to us by a S, 1Jn 4: 9 God sent his only S into the world Rev 12: 5 she gave birth to a s, a male child, 14: 14 the cloud was one like the S of Man, Sir 4: 10 be like a s of the Most High, 2Es 13: 32 then my S will be revealed,
SONG → SING Ps 40: 3 He put a new s in my mouth, Rev 5: 9 They sing a new s: “You are worthy 15: 3 and the s of the Lamb:
SONGS → SING Col 3: 16 hymns, and spiritual s to God.
SONS → SON Ac 2: 17 s and your daughters shall prophesy, 2Co 6: 18 you shall be my s and daughters,
SOON Rev 22: 20 says, “Surely I am coming s.”
SOUL → SOULS Dt 6: 5 all your s, and with all your might. Jos 22: 5 all your heart and with all your s.” Mt 10: 28 fear him who can destroy both s and Heb 4: 12 piercing until it divides s from spirit Jas 5: 20 will save the sinner’s s from death 3Jn 1: 2 just as it is well with your s. Sir 7: 29 With all your s fear the Lord,
SOULS → SOUL Jer 6: 16 walk in it, and find rest for your s. Mt 11: 29 and you will find rest for your s.
SOWS Jn 4: 37 ‘One s and another reaps.’ 2Co 9: 6 who s sparingly will also reap
SPARROWS Lk 12: 7 you are of more value than many s.
SPEAK → SPEAKING Ecc 3: 7 time to keep silence, and a time to s; Mt 13: 13 The reason I s to them in parables is Ac 2: 4 began to s in other languages, 1Co 12: 30 Do all s in tongues?
SPEAKING → SPEAK 1Co 14: 39 and do not forbid s in tongues; Eph 4: 15 But s the truth in love,
SPEAR → SPEARS Jn 19: 34 the soldiers pierced his side with a s,
SPIES → SPY Nu 13: 32 we have gone through as s Jos 2: 1 two men secretly from Shittim as s,
SPIRIT → SPIRITS, SPIRITUAL Ge 6: 3 My s shall not abide in mortals forever, Nu 11: 25 s rested upon them, they prophesied. Ps 31: 5 Into your hand I commit my s; 51: 17 acceptable to God is a broken s; Isa 42: 1 I have put my s upon him; Eze 36: 26 and a new s I will put within you; Joel 2: 28 I will pour out my s on all flesh; Mt 1: 18 to be with child from the Holy S. 5: 3 “Blessed are the poor in s, 26: 41 the s indeed is willing, but the flesh Mk 1: 8 will baptize you with the Holy S.” Jn 3: 5 without being born of water and S. 4: 24 God is s, and those who worship him must worship in s and truth.” 14: 26 But the Advocate, the Holy S, Ac 2: 4 of them were filled with the Holy S Ro 8: 26 the S helps us in our weakness; 1Co 12: 4 are varieties of gifts, but the same S; 2Co 3: 6 the letter kills, but the S gives life. Gal 5: 22 the fruit of the S is love, joy, peace, Eph 1: 13 the seal of the promised Holy S; 5: 18 but be filled with the S, 1Th 5: 19 Do not quench the S. Heb 4: 12 piercing until it divides soul from s, 1Jn 4: 1 Beloved, do not believe every s,
SPIRITS → SPIRIT Lk 4: 36 power he commands the unclean s, Rev 1: 4 seven s who are before his throne,
SPIRITUAL → SPIRIT 1Co 2: 13 interpreting s things to those who are s. 12: 1 Now concerning s gifts, 14: 1 Pursue love and strive for the s gifts, Eph 1: 3 every s blessing in the heavenly 1Pe 2: 5 yourselves be built into a s house,
SPIT Mk 14: 65 began to s on him, to blindfold him, Rev 3: 16 am about to s you out of my mouth.
SPY → SPIES Nu 13: 2 men to s out the land of Canaan, Jos 6: 25 whom Joshua sent to s out Jericho.
STAFF Ex 4: 4 and it became a s in his hand— Nu 17: 6 the s of Aaron was among theirs. Ps 23: 4 your rod and your s—they comfort me.
STAND → STANDING Ex 14: 13 “Do not be afraid, s firm, Job 19: 25 at the last he will s upon the earth; Ps 1: 5 wicked will not s in the judgment, Mt 12: 25 house divided against itself will s. Ro 14: 10 all s before the judgment seat of God.
STANDING → STAND 1Co 10: 12 So if you think you are s, Rev 3: 20 I am s at the door, knocking;
STAR → STARS Nu 24: 17 a s shall come out of Jacob, Isa 14: 12 are fallen from heaven, O Day S, Mt 2: 2 For we observed his s at its rising, 2Pe 1: 19 day dawns and the morning s rises Rev 9: 1 saw a s that had fallen from heaven 22: 16 of David, the bright morning s.”
STARS → STAR Ge 1: 16 to rule the night — and the s. Job 38: 7 when the morning s sang together Rev 1: 16 In his right hand he held seven s,
STATUE Da 2: 31 there was a great s.
STATUTE → STATUTES Lev 16: 29 This shall be a s to you forever: Nu 19: 21 It shall be a perpetual s for them.
STATUTES → STATUTE Ge 26: 5 commandments, my s, and my laws. Dt 4: 1 give heed to the s and ordinances Ne 9: 13 good s and commandments, Ps 119: 8 I will observe your s;
STEADFAST Heb 6: 19 a sure and s anchor of the soul, 1Pe 5: 9 Resist him, s in your faith,
STEAL Ex 20: 15 You shall not s. Mt 6: 19 and where thieves break in and s;
STILL Ps 46: 10 “Be s, and know that I am God! Mk 4: 39 said to the sea, “Peace! Be s!”
STING 1Co 15: 55 Where, O death, is your s?”
STONE → CORNERSTONE, MILLSTONE, STONED, STONES Ex 31: 18 tablets of s, written with the finger of 1Sa 17: 50 the Philistine with a sling and a s, Ps 118: 22 The s that the builders rejected has Isa 28: 16 in Zion a foundation s, a tested s, Eze 36: 26 from your body the heart of s Mt 4: 6 will not dash your foot against a s.’” Mk 12: 10 ‘The s that the builders rejected has 16: 3 “Who will roll away the s for us Ro 9: 32 have stumbled over the stumbling s, 2Co 3: 3 not on tablets of s but on tablets
STONED → STONE Ac 14: 19 Then they s Paul and dragged him Heb 11: 37 s to death, they were sawn in two,
STONES → STONE Mt 3: 9 God is able from these s to raise Lk 19: 40 were silent, the s would shout out.” 1Co 3: 12 precious s, wood, hay, straw— 1Pe 2: 5 like living s, let yourselves be built
STRAIGHT Pr 3: 6 and he will make s your paths. Isa 40: 3 s in the desert a highway for our God. Mt 3: 3 way of the Lord, make his paths s.’” Ac 9: 11 Get up and go to the street called S,
STRANGER → STRANGERS Dt 10: 19 You shall also love the s, Mt 25: 35 I was a s and you welcomed me,
STRANGERS → STRANGER Ro 12: 13 extend hospitality to s. Heb 11: 13 They confessed that they were s
STREAMS Ps 1: 3 like trees planted by s of water, 42: 1 As a deer longs for flowing s,
STRENGTH → STRONG Ex 15: 2 The LORD is my s and my might, 1Ch 16: 11 Seek the LORD and his s, Ne 8: 10 for the joy of the LORD is your s.” Ps 46: 1 God is our refuge and s, Isa 40: 31 for the LORD shall renew their s, Mk 12: 30 all your mind, and with all your s.’ Jdt 9: 11 your s does not depend on numbers, 1Mc 3: 19 but s comes from Heaven.
STRENGTHEN → STRONG Ps 119: 28 s me according to your word. Heb 12: 12 hands and s your weak knees,
STRENGTHENS → STRONG Php 4: 13 do all things through him who s me.
STRIFE Pr 23: 29 Who has sorrow? Who has s? Ro 1: 29 Full of envy, murder, s, deceit, Gal 5: 20 enmities, s, jealousy, anger,
STRIKE Ge 3: 15 he will s your head, and you will s Ex 17: 6 S the rock, and water will come out Mk 14: 27 ‘I will s the shepherd, and the sheep
STRONG → STRENGTH, STRENGTHEN, STRENGTHENS, STRONGHOLD Dt 31: 6 Be s and bold; have no fear Jos 1: 6 Be s and courageous; for you shall Ecc 9: 11 nor the battle to the s, nor bread to Ro 15: 1 We who are s ought to put up with 1Co 1: 27 in the world to shame the s; 2Co 12: 10 whenever I am weak, then I am s. Eph 6: 10 be s in the Lord and in the strength
STRONGHOLD → STRONG Ps 9: 9 The LORD is a s for the oppressed, Na 1: 7 a s in a day of trouble;
STUDY Ezr 7: 10 Ezra had set his heart to s the law Ecc 12: 12 much s is a weariness of the flesh.
STUMBLE → STUMBLING Mt 18: 9 And if your eye causes you to s, Ro 9: 33 a stone that will make people s,
STUMBLING → STUMBLE Mt 16: 23 You are a s block to me; Ro 11: 9 a s block and a retribution for them; 1Co 8: 9 not somehow become a s block to
SUBDUE Ge 1: 28 and fill the earth and s it;
SUBJECT Ro 13: 1 be s to the governing authorities; Eph 5: 21 s to one another out of reverence
SUBMISSION → SUBMIT 1Ti 2: 11 a woman learn in silence with full s. Heb 5: 7 was heard because of his reverent s.
SUBMISSIVE → SUBMIT 1Ti 3: 4 keeping his children s and respectful Tit 2: 5 kind, being s to their husbands,
SUBMIT → SUBMISSION, SUBMISSIVE Heb 13: 17 Obey your leaders and s to them,
SUCCEED → SUCCESSFUL Pr 15: 22 but with many advisers they s. Ecc 10: 10 but wisdom helps one to s.
SUCCESSFUL → SUCCEED Jos 1: 7 that you may be s wherever you go.
SUDDENLY Mal 3: 1 Lord whom you seek will s come to Mk 13: 36 find you asleep when he comes s.
SUFFER → SUFFERED, SUFFERING, SUFFERINGS Lk 22: 15 this Passover with you before I s; 24: 46 the Messiah is to s and to rise from Heb 9: 26 then he would have had to s again
SUFFERED → SUFFER 1Pe 2: 21 because Christ also s for you,
SUFFERING → SUFFER Isa 53: 3 a man of s and acquainted with Mk 8: 31 Son of Man must undergo great s,
SUFFERINGS → SUFFER Ro 8: 18 the s of this present time are not
SUFFICIENT 2Co 12: 9 “My grace is s for you,
SULFUR Ge 19: 24 rained on Sodom and Gomorrah s Ps 11: 6 he will rain coals of fire and s; Rev 21: 8 in the lake that burns with fire and s,
SUN Jos 10: 13 And the s stood still, Ecc 1: 9 there is nothing new under the s. Mt 5: 45 he makes his s rise on the evil and Rev 22: 5 they need no light of lamp or s,
SUPPER Lk 22: 20 he did the same with the cup after s, Rev 19: 9 to the marriage s of the Lamb.”
SUPPLICATION → SUPPLICATIONS Eph 6: 18 at all times in every prayer and s.
SUPPLICATIONS → SUPPLICATION 1Ti 2: 1 then, I urge that s, prayers, Heb 5: 7 Jesus offered up prayers and s,
SURPASSES Eph 3: 19 the love of Christ that s knowledge, Php 4: 7 the peace of God, which s all
SUSTAINS Ps 3: 5 for the LORD s me. Heb 1: 3 he s all things by his powerful word.
SWALLOW → SWALLOWED Jnh 1: 17 provided a large fish to s up Jonah; Mt 23: 24 You strain out a gnat but s a camel!
SWALLOWED → SWALLOW 1Co 15: 54 “Death has been s up in victory.”
SWEAR Dt 10: 20 and by his name you shall s. Ps 24: 4 and do not s deceitfully. Mt 5: 34 Do not s at all, either by heaven,
SWEAT Ge 3: 19 By the s of your face you shall eat Lk 22: 44 ás became like great drops of bloodâ
SWINE Mt 7: 6 do not throw your pearls before s, 1Mc 1: 47 sacrifice s and other unclean animals,
SWORD → SWORDS Ge 3: 24 and a s flaming and turning to guard Mt 10: 34 not come to bring peace, but a s. Eph 6: 17 the s of the Spirit, which is the word Heb 4: 12 sharper than any two-edged s, Rev 1: 16 mouth came a sharp, two-edged s, Sir 21: 3 All lawlessness is like a two-edged s
SWORDS → SWORD Isa 2: 4 shall beat their s into plowshares, Joel 3: 10 Beat your plowshares into s,
SYMPATHIZE → SYMPATHY Heb 4: 15 unable to s with our weaknesses,
SYMPATHY → SYMPATHIZE Php 2: 1 any compassion and s, 1Pe 3: 8 all of you, have unity of spirit, s,
SYNAGOGUE → SYNAGOGUES Lk 4: 16 he went to the s on the sabbath day, Ac 18: 26 He began to speak boldly in the s;
SYNAGOGUES → SYNAGOGUE Mt 4: 23 teaching in their s and proclaiming Jn 18: 20 always taught in s and in the temple,
TABERNACLE Ex 25: 9 concerning the pattern of the t 40: 34 the glory of the LORD filled the t. 1Ch 6: 48 for all the service of the t of the house
TABLE → TABLES Ex 25: 23 You shall make a t of acacia wood, Ps 23: 5 a t before me in the presence of my
TABLES → TABLE Mk 11: 15 overturned the t of the money changers
TABLETS Ex 31: 18 gave him the two t of the covenant, 2Co 3: 3 not on t of stone but on t of human hearts.
TALENT Mt 25: 25 and hid your t in the ground.
TAX → TAXES Mt 11: 19 a friend of t collectors and sinners!’ Lk 18: 10 Pharisee and the other a t collector.
TAXES → TAX Mt 22: 17 Is it lawful to pay t to the emperor, Ro 13: 7 t to whom t are due,
TEACH → TEACHER, TEACHERS, TEACHING Dt 6: 1 to t you to observe in the land that Jer 31: 34 No longer shall they t one another, Col 3: 16 t and admonish one another in all 1Jn 2: 27 so you do not need anyone to t you.
TEACHER → TEACH Ecc 1: 1 words of the T, the son of David, Jn 1: 38 “Rabbi” (which translated means T)
TEACHERS → TEACH Ps 119: 99 more understanding than all my t, 1Co 12: 28 second prophets, third t; Eph 4: 11 evangelists, some pastors and t, Jas 3: 1 Not many of you should become t,
TEACHING → TEACH Mk 1: 27 A new t—with authority!
TEAR Rev 7: 17 God will wipe away every t from
TEETH → TOOTH Mt 8: 12 will be weeping and gnashing of t.”
TEMPLE 2Ch 2: 12 who will build a t for the LORD, Mt 4: 5 placed him on the pinnacle of the t, 12: 6 something greater than the t is here. 1Co 3: 16 you are God’s t and that God’s Spirit Eph 2: 21 and grows into a holy t in the Lord; Rev 21: 22 its t is the Lord God the Almighty and 1Mc 4: 48 sanctuary and the interior of the t,
TEMPTATION → TEMPTED 1Ti 6: 9 who want to be rich into t and Jas 1: 12 Blessed is anyone who endures t.
TEMPTED → TEMPTATION Mk 1: 13 wilderness forty days, t by Satan; Gal 6: 1 care that you yourselves are not t.
TEN Ex 34: 28 the covenant, the t commandments.
TENT Ex 27: 21 the t of meeting, outside the curtain 2Co 5: 1 the earthly t we live in is destroyed,
TEST → TESTED, TESTING Dt 6: 16 put the LORD your God to the t, Lk 4: 12 not put the Lord your God to the t.’ 10: 25 then a lawyer stood up to t Jesus. 2Co 13: 5 indeed, you fail to meet the t! 1Jn 4: 1 t the spirits to see whether they are Sir 37: 27 My child, t yourself while you live;
TESTED → TEST Ge 22: 1 After these things God t Abraham. Ps 78: 41 They t God again and again, Heb 4: 15 been t as we are, yet without sin.
TESTIMONY Mk 14: 59 on this point their t did not agree. Rev 1: 9 the word of God and the t of Jesus.
TESTING → TEST 1Co 10: 13 No t has overtaken you that is not Jas 1: 3 t of your faith produces endurance;
THANK → THANKS, THANKSGIVING 2Ch 29: 31 bring sacrifices and t offerings to Ps 52: 9 I will t you forever, Sir 35: 4 gives alms sacrifices a t offering.
THANKS → THANK 1Co 11: 24 and when he had given t,
THANKSGIVING → THANK Ps 50: 14 Offer to God a sacrifice of t, Php 4: 6 with t let your requests be made known Rev 7: 12 glory and wisdom and t and honor
THIEF → THIEVES Ex 22: 1 The t shall make restitution, Jn 10: 10 The t comes only to steal and kill 1Th 5: 2 day of the Lord will come like a t in Rev 16: 15 (“See, I am coming like a t!
THIEVES → THIEF Mt 6: 19 and where t break in and steal;
THINK → THOUGHTS Ro 12: 3 not to t of yourself more highly than 1Co 10: 12 So if you t you are standing,
THIRD → THREE Mt 26: 44 and prayed for the t time, Lk 18: 33 and on the t day he will rise again.”
THIRST → THIRSTY Mt 5: 6 who hunger and t for righteousness, Rev 7: 16 will hunger no more, and t no more;
THIRSTY → THIRST Mt 25: 35 I was t and you gave me something Jn 6: 35 believes in me will never be t. Rev 22: 17 And let everyone who is t come.
THORN → THORNS 2Co 12: 7 a t was given me in the flesh,
THORNS → THORN Jn 19: 2 the soldiers wove a crown of t and
THOUGHTS → THINK Isa 55: 8 For my t are not your t, 1Co 3: 20 “The Lord knows the t of the wise, Heb 4: 12 judge the t and intentions of the heart.
THOUSAND Ps 90: 4 t years in your sight are like yesterday 2Pe 3: 8 one day is like a t years, and a t years Rev 20: 4 and reigned with Christ a t years.
THREE → THIRD Mt 18: 20 two or t are gathered in my name, 26: 34 you will deny me t times.” Mk 8: 31 be killed, and after t days rise again. 2Co 12: 8 T times I appealed to the Lord 1Jn 5: 7 There are t that testify:
THRONE Ps 45: 6 Your t, O God, endures forever Isa 6: 1 I saw the Lord sitting on a t, high Mt 19: 28 the Son of Man is seated on the t Heb 4: 16 approach the t of grace with boldness, Rev 4: 10 they cast their crowns before the t, 20: 11 I saw a great white t and the one
THUMMIM Ex 28: 30 you shall put the Urim and the T,
THUNDER Ex 9: 23 and the LORD sent t and hail, Rev 4: 5 and rumblings and peals of t,
TIME → TIMES Est 4: 14 dignity for just such a t as this.” Ecc 3: 1 a t for every matter under heaven: Da 7: 25 for a t, two times, and half a t. Ro 5: 6 the right t Christ died for the ungodly. 2Co 6: 2 See, now is the acceptable t; Gal 4: 4 when the fullness of t had come, Rev 12: 14 for a t, and times, and half a t.
TIMES → TIME Mt 16: 3 cannot interpret the signs of the t. 18: 22 seven t, but, I tell you, seventy-seven t. Mk 14: 30 you will deny me three t.” Sir 20: 12 but pay for it seven t over.
TITHE Dt 12: 17 the t of your grain, your wine, and Mal 3: 10 Bring the full t into the storehouse,
TODAY Ps 2: 7 my son; t I have begotten you. Heb 1: 5 my Son; t I have begotten you”? 13: 8 Christ is the same yesterday and t
TOMB Mk 15: 46 laid it in a t that had been hewn out Lk 24: 2 the stone rolled away from the t,
TOMORROW Mt 6: 34 “So do not worry about t, Jas 4: 14 do not even know what t will bring.
TONGUE → TONGUES Isa 45: 23 shall bow, every t shall swear.” Php 2: 11 every t should confess that Jesus Christ
TONGUES → TONGUE Ac 2: 3 Divided t, as of fire, appeared 1Co 12: 10 t, to another the interpretation of t.
TOOTH → TEETH Ex 21: 24 t for t, hand for hand, foot for foot, Mt 5: 38 ‘An eye for an eye and a t for a t.’
TOWER Ge 11: 4 and a t with its top in the heavens, Pr 18: 10 The name of the LORD is a strong t;
TRADITION Mt 15: 2 disciples break the t of the elders? Col 2: 8 empty deceit, according to human t,
TRAIN → TRAINING Pr 22: 6 T children in the right way, and 1Ti 4: 7 T yourself in godliness,
TRAINING → TRAIN 1Ti 4: 8 while physical t is of some value, 2Ti 3: 16 and for t in righteousness,
TRAITOR Lk 6: 16 and Judas Iscariot, who became a t.
TRANSFIGURED Mt 17: 2 And he was t before them,
TRANSFORM → TRANSFORMED Php 3: 21 will t the body of our humiliation
TRANSFORMED → TRANSFORM Ro 12: 2 be t by the renewing of your minds, 2Co 3: 18 are being t into the same image
TRANSGRESSION → TRANSGRESSIONS Ex 23: 21 for he will not pardon your t; Da 9: 24 to finish the t, to put an end to sin,
TRANSGRESSIONS → TRANSGRESSION Ps 103: 12 so far he removes our t from us. Isa 53: 5 But he was wounded for our t,
TREASURE → TREASURES Mt 6: 21 where your t is, there your heart 2Co 4: 7 But we have this t in clay jars, 2Ti 1: 14 Guard the good t entrusted to you,
TREASURES → TREASURE Col 2: 3 are hidden all the t of wisdom
TREE Ge 3: 24 to guard the way to the t of life. Mt 12: 33 for the t is known by its fruit. Rev 22: 2 the t of life with its twelve kinds
TREMBLING Ps 2: 11 Serve the LORD with fear, with t Php 2: 12 your own salvation with fear and t;
TRESPASS → TRESPASSES Ro 5: 15 But the free gift is not like the t.
TRESPASSES → TRESPASS Mt 6: 14 For if you forgive others their t, 2Co 5: 19 not counting their t against them,
TRIAL → TRIALS Lk 11: 4 do not bring us to the time of t.” 2Pe 2: 9 knows how to rescue the godly from t, Rev 3: 10 I will keep you from the hour of t
TRIALS → TRIAL Jas 1: 2 whenever you face t of any kind, 1Pe 1: 6 you have had to suffer various t,
TRIBES Ge 49: 28 All these are the twelve t of Israel, Ex 24: 4 to the twelve t of Israel. Mt 19: 28 judging the twelve t of Israel. Rev 21: 12 inscribed the names of the twelve t
TRIUMPHAL → TRIUMPHS 2Co 2: 14 Christ always leads us in t procession,
TRIUMPHS → TRIUMPHAL Jas 2: 13 mercy t over judgment.
TROUBLE → TROUBLED Ps 9: 9 a stronghold in times of t. Pr 11: 8 The righteous are delivered from t, Isa 33: 2 our salvation in the time of t. Mt 6: 34 Today’s t is enough for today.
TROUBLED → TROUBLE Jn 14: 1 “Do not let your hearts be t.
TRUE → TRUTH Ps 119: 151 and all your commandments are t. Jn 1: 9 The t light, which enlightens 1Jn 5: 20 He is the t God and eternal life. Rev 3: 14 the Amen, the faithful and t witness, 19: 11 Its rider is called Faithful and T,
TRUMPET 1Co 15: 52 twinkling of an eye, at the last t. 1Th 4: 16 and with the sound of God’s t,
TRUST → ENTRUSTED, TRUSTED, TRUSTWORTHY Ps 37: 3 T in the LORD, and do good; Pr 3: 5 T in the LORD with all your heart, Sir 2: 6 T in him, and he will help you;
TRUSTED → TRUST Da 3: 28 delivered his servants who t in him. 6: 23 because he had t in his God. Sus 1: 35 for her heart t in the Lord.
TRUSTWORTHY → TRUST Ps 111: 7 and just; all his precepts are t. Rev 22: 6 “These words are t and true, 1Mc 14: 41 until a t prophet should arise,
TRUTH → TRUE Pr 23: 23 Buy t, and do not sell it; Jn 1: 17 grace and t came through Jesus Christ. 4: 23 worship the Father in spirit and t, 8: 32 and the t will make you free.” 14: 6 “I am the way, and the t, and the life. 14: 17 This is the Spirit of t, Eph 4: 15 But speaking the t in love, 2Ti 2: 15 rightly explaining the word of t. Tob 3: 2 all your ways are mercy and t;
TURNED → TURN Isa 53: 6 we have all t to our own way, Ro 3: 12 All have t aside, together they have
TWELVE Ge 49: 28 All these are the t tribes of Israel, Mt 10: 1 Jesus summoned his t disciples Lk 9: 17 t baskets of broken pieces. Rev 21: 12 inscribed the names of the t tribes 22: 2 tree of life with its t kinds of fruit,
TWINKLING 1Co 15: 52 in the t of an eye, at the last trumpet
TWO → TWICE, TWO-EDGED Ge 1: 16 God made the t great lights— 6: 19 bring t of every kind into the ark, Ex 31: 18 the t tablets of the covenant, Dt 17: 6 of t or three witnesses the death Mt 6: 24 “No one can serve t masters; 19: 5 and the t shall become one flesh’?
TWO-EDGED → TWO Heb 4: 12 sharper than any t sword, Rev 1: 16 his mouth came a sharp, t sword,
UNBELIEF → UNBELIEVER, UNBELIEVERS Mk 6: 6 And he was amazed at their u. 9: 24 cried out, “I believe; help my u!”
UNBELIEVER → UNBELIEF 1Co 10: 27 If an u invites you to a meal and 2Co 6: 15 does a believer share with an u?
UNBELIEVERS → UNBELIEF 2Co 6: 14 Do not be mismatched with u. 2Es 15: 4 all u shall die in their unbelief.
UNCIRCUMCISED → UNCIRCUMCISION Ac 7: 51 people, u in heart and ears, Ro 4: 11 he had by faith while he was still u. Col 3: 11 circumcised and u, barbarian,
UNCIRCUMCISION → UNCIRCUMCISED 1Co 7: 19 Circumcision is nothing, and u is Gal 5: 6 neither circumcision nor u counts
UNCLEAN → UNCLEANNESS Lev 5: 2 when any of you touch any u thing Isa 52: 11 Touch no u thing; Mk 3: 11 Whenever the u spirits saw him, Rev 21: 27 But nothing u will enter it,
UNDERSTAND → UNDERSTANDING Lk 24: 45 opened their minds to u the scriptures, Eph 5: 17 but u what the will of the Lord is.
UNDERSTANDING → UNDERSTAND Ex 36: 1 has given skill and u to know how Pr 2: 6 from his mouth come knowledge and u Lk 2: 47 heard him were amazed at his u Php 4: 7 peace of God, which surpasses all u,
UNGODLY Ro 5: 6 the right time Christ died for the u. 2Pe 2: 6 example of what is coming to the u;
UNITY Ps 133: 1 when kindred live together in u! Eph 4: 3 to maintain the u of the Spirit
UNJUST Ro 3: 5 That God is u to inflict wrath on us? Heb 6: 10 For God is not u; he will
UNLEAVENED Ex 12: 17 shall observe the festival of u bread, Mt 26: 17 first day of U Bread the disciples
UNRIGHTEOUS → UNRIGHTEOUSNESS Mt 5: 45 rain on the righteous and on the u. 2Pe 2: 9 u under punishment until the day
UNRIGHTEOUSNESS → UNRIGHTEOUS Ps 92: 15 and there is no u in him. 1Jn 1: 9 and cleanse us from all u.
URIM Ex 28: 30 of judgment you shall put the U
USEFUL 2Ti 3: 16 scripture is inspired by God and is u
VAIN → VANITY Ps 2: 1 and the peoples plot in v? Mt 15: 9 in v do they worship me, Php 2: 16 that I did not run in v or labor in v.
VALLEY Ps 23: 4 through the darkest v, I fear no evil;
VANITY → VAIN Ecc 1: 2 v of vanities! All is v.
VEIL Ex 34: 33 he put a v on his face; 2Co 3: 15 a v lies over their minds;
VENGEANCE → AVENGE, AVENGER, AVENGING Ps 94: 1 O LORD, you God of v, Isa 34: 8 For the LORD has a day of v, Na 1: 2 the LORD takes v on his adversaries
VICTORY Pr 21: 31 but the v belongs to the LORD. 1Co 15: 54 Death has been swallowed up in v.”
VINE → VINEYARD Jn 15: 1 “I am the true v, and my Father is
VINEYARD → VINE Isa 5: 1 had a v on a very fertile hill. Mt 21: 33 a landowner who planted a v,
VIOLENCE Ge 6: 11 and the earth was filled with v. Isa 53: 9 although he had done no v, Hab 2: 17 because of human bloodshed and v
VIRGIN Mt 1: 23 the v shall conceive and bear a son, Lk 1: 34 “How can this be, since I am a v?”
VISION → VISIONS Isa 22: 1 oracle concerning the valley of v. Da 8: 26 As for you, seal up the v,
VISIONS → VISION Nu 12: 6 make myself known to them in v; Eze 1: 1 were opened, and I saw v of God. Da 1: 17 Daniel also had insight into all v Joel 2: 28 and your young men shall see v. Ac 2: 17 and your young men shall see v,
VOICE Heb 3: 7 says, “Today, if you hear his v, Rev 3: 20 if you hear my v and open the door,
VOID Ge 1: 2 the earth was a formless v
VOW Ecc 5: 4 Fulfill what you v. Sir 18: 23 Before making a v, prepare yourself
WAGES Ro 6: 23 For the w of sin is death,
WAIT Ps 27: 14 W for the LORD; be strong, 1Th 1: 10 to w for his Son from heaven, Sir 2: 7 fear the Lord, w for his mercy;
WALK Dt 10: 12 to w in all his ways, to love him, Ps 23: 4 I w through the darkest valley, Isa 40: 31 they shall w and not faint. 2Co 5: 7 for we w by faith, not by sight.
WALL Jos 6: 20 shout, and the w fell down flat; Ne 2: 17 let us rebuild the w of Jerusalem, Eph 2: 14 has broken down the dividing w,
WANT Ps 23: 1 LORD is my shepherd, I shall not w.
WAR → WARRIOR, WARS Ecc 3: 8 a time for w, and a time for peace.
WARRIOR → WAR Ex 15: 3 LORD is a w; the LORD
WARS → WAR Mt 24: 6 you will hear of w and rumors of w;
WASH Ps 51: 7 w me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Jn 13: 5 and began to w the disciples’ feet
WATER → WATERS Jer 2: 13 the fountain of living w, Eze 36: 25 I will sprinkle clean w upon you, Mk 1: 8 I have baptized you with w; Jn 2: 9 tasted the w that had become wine, 3: 5 without being born of w and Spirit. 4: 10 he would have given you living w.” 1Jn 5: 6 the one who came by w and blood, Rev 22: 1 showed me the river of the w of life,
WATERS → WATER Ge 7: 7 the ark to escape the w of the flood. Isa 55: 1 who thirsts, come to the w;
WAY → WAYS Ps 1: 6 watches over the w of the righteous, Pr 22: 6 Train children in the right w, Mt 3: 3 ‘Prepare the w of the Lord, Jn 14: 6 “I am the w, and the truth, and the life. 1Co 12: 31 show you a still more excellent w. Heb 10: 20 the new and living w that he opened
WAYS → WAY Dt 10: 12 to walk in all his w, to love him, Sir 2: 15 who love him keep his w.
WEAK → WEAKNESS, WEAKNESSES Mt 26: 41 indeed is willing, but the flesh is w.” 1Co 1: 27 God chose what is w in the world 2Co 12: 10 whenever I am w, then I am strong.
WEAKNESS → WEAK Ro 8: 26 the Spirit helps us in our w;
WEAKNESSES → WEAK Heb 4: 15 to sympathize with our w,
WEALTH Rev 5: 12 receive power and w and wisdom Sir 5: 1 Do not rely on your w,
WEARY Isa 40: 31 they shall run and not be w, Heb 12: 3 you may not grow w or lose heart.
WEDDING Jn 2: 1 there was a w in Cana of Galilee,
WEEKS Ex 34: 22 You shall observe the festival of w, Lev 23: 15 you shall count off seven w;
WEEP → WEEPING Ecc 3: 4 a time to w, and a time to laugh; Ro 12: 15 w with those who w.
WEEPING → WEEP Ps 30: 5 W may linger for the night, Mt 8: 12 will be w and gnashing of teeth.”
WELL Dt 6: 3 so that it may go w with you, Mt 3: 17 with whom I am w pleased.” 17: 5 I am w pleased; listen to him!” 2Pe 1: 17 with whom I am w pleased.”
WICKED → WICKEDNESS Ps 1: 5 the w will not stand in the judgment, Isa 48: 22 no peace,” says the LORD, “for the w.” Eze 18: 23 any pleasure in the death of the w,
WICKEDNESS → WICKED Ps 45: 7 you love righteousness and hate w. Lk 11: 39 inside you are full of greed and w.
WIDOW → WIDOWS Ex 22: 22 shall not abuse any w or orphan. Ps 146: 9 he upholds the orphan and the w, 1Ti 5: 4 If a w has children or grandchildren,
WIDOWS → WIDOW 1Ti 5: 3 Honor w who are really w. Jas 1: 27 to care for orphans and w in their
WIFE → WIVES Ge 2: 24 and his mother and clings to his w, Ex 20: 17 shall not covet your neighbor’s w, Pr 18: 22 who finds a w finds a good thing, Mt 5: 32 that anyone who divorces his w, Eph 5: 28 He who loves his w loves himself. Rev 21: 9 the bride, the w of the Lamb.” Tob 8: 6 his w Eve as a helper and support. Sir 26: 3 A good w is a great blessing;
WILDERNESS Isa 40: 3 the w prepare the way of the LORD, Mt 3: 3 voice of one crying out in the w:
WILL → WILLING Ps 40: 8 I delight to do your w, O my God; Mt 6: 10 Your w be done, on earth as it is in Lk 22: 42 yet, not my w but yours be done.” Jn 4: 34 “My food is to do the w of him who Eph 6: 6 doing the w of God from the heart. 1Jo 5: 14 if we ask anything according to his w,
WILLING → WILL Mt 26: 41 spirit indeed is w, but the flesh is weak. Lk 22: 42 if you are w, remove this cup from
WIND Ecc 1: 14 all is vanity and a chasing after w. Jn 3: 8 The w blows where it chooses, Ac 2: 2 a sound like the rush of a violent w,
WINE Mt 9: 17 is new w put into old wineskins; Jn 2: 9 tasted the water that had become w, Eph 5: 18 Do not get drunk with w, for that is
WINGS Ex 19: 4 and how I bore you on eagles’ w Ps 17: 8 hide me in the shadow of your w, Mal 4: 2 shall rise, with healing in its w. Lk 13: 34 hen gathers her brood under her w,
WIPE Isa 25: 8 GOD will w away the tears from all Rev 21: 4 he will w every tear from their eyes.
WISDOM → WISE 1Ki 4: 29 God gave Solomon very great w, Pr 1: 20 W cries out in the street; 9: 10 fear of the LORD is the beginning of w, Jer 9: 23 Do not let the wise boast in their w, Mt 13: 54 this man get this w and these deeds Lk 2: 52 Jesus increased in w and in years, Ro 11: 33 the depth of the riches and w and 1Co 1: 19 “I will destroy the w of the wise, Col 2: 3 whom are hidden all the treasures of w Jas 3: 17 But the w from above is first pure, Rev 5: 12 wealth and w and might and honor Wis 6: 12 W is radiant and unfading, Sir 1: 1 All w is from the Lord, 24: 1 THE PRAISE OF W
WISE → WISDOM Ps 19: 7 are sure, making w the simple; Pr 3: 7 Do not be w in your own eyes; Da 12: 3 are w shall shine like the brightness 1Co 1: 26 not many of you were w by human Eph 5: 15 not as unwise people but as w,
WITHER → WITHERS Ps 1: 3 and their leaves do not w. Eze 47: 12 Their leaves will not w nor their
WITHERS → WITHER Jn 15: 6 is thrown away like a branch and w; 1Pe 1: 24 The grass w, and the flower falls,
WITNESS → EYEWITNESSES, WITNESSES Dt 19: 15 single w shall not suffice to convict Rev 1: 5 faithful w, the firstborn of the dead,
WITNESSES → WITNESS Mt 26: 60 though many false w came forward. Heb 12: 1 surrounded by so great a cloud of w, Rev 11: 3 my two w authority to prophesy
WIVES → WIFE Eph 5: 22 W, be subject to your husbands as 1Pe 3: 1 W, in the same way, accept the
WOMAN → WOMEN Ge 2: 22 he made into a w and brought her to 3: 15 enmity between you and the w, Ps 113: 9 He gives the barren w a home, Pr 11: 16 A gracious w gets honor, 31: 30 w who fears the LORD is to be praised. Rev 12: 1 a w clothed with the sun, Jdt 16: 5 foiled them by the hand of a w.
WOMEN → WOMAN Lk 1: 42 “Blessed are you among w, 23: 55 w who had come with him from 1Pe 3: 5 that the holy w who hoped in God
WONDERFUL → WONDERS Ge 18: 14 Is anything too w for the LORD? Isa 9: 6 named W Counselor, Mighty God,
WONDERS → WONDERFUL Ex 3: 20 and strike Egypt with all my w that Ps 136: 4 who alone does great w, Jn 4: 48 signs and w you will not believe.” 2Th 2: 9 who uses all power, signs, lying w,
WORD → BYWORD, WORDS Dt 30: 14 No, the w is very near to you; Ps 119: 105 Your w is a lamp to my feet and Pr 30: 5 Every w of God proves true; Isa 40: 8 the w of our God will stand forever. Jn 1: 1 In the beginning was the W, and the W was with God, and the W was God. 1: 14 the W became flesh and lived among 2Ti 2: 15 rightly explaining the w of truth. Jas 1: 22 But be doers of the w, Rev 19: 13 his name is called The W of God.
WORDS → WORD Ex 20: 1 Then God spoke all these w: Dt 11: 18 put these w of mine in your heart Mt 24: 35 but my w will not pass away.
WORK → WORKS Ge 2: 2 the seventh day God finished the w Ex 20: 10 you shall not do any w— Php 2: 12 w out your own salvation with fear 2Ti 3: 17 equipped for every good w.
WORKS → WORK Gal 2: 16 and not by doing the w of the law, 5: 19 the w of the flesh are obvious: Eph 2: 9 not the result of w, so that no one may 1Ti 6: 18 to do good, to be rich in good w,
WORLD Mt 5: 14 “You are the light of the w. 16: 26 gain the whole w but forfeit their life? Jn 1: 10 yet the w did not know him. 3: 16 loved the w that he gave his only Son, 8: 12 saying, “I am the light of the w. 1Jn 2: 15 not love the w or the things in the w. Rev 11: 15 kingdom of the w has become the
WORRY Mt 6: 25 do not w about your life, 10: 19 not w about how you are to speak
WORSHIP Ex 20: 5 not bow down to them or w them; Ps 100: 2 W the LORD with gladness; Mt 4: 9 if you will fall down and w me.” Jn 4: 24 who w him must w in spirit and truth.” Ro 12: 1 which is your spiritual w.
WORTHY 2Sa 22: 4 LORD, who is w to be praised, Eph 4: 1 to lead a life w of the calling Rev 4: 11 “You are w, our Lord and God, 5: 12 W is the Lamb that was slaughtered
WOUNDS 1Pe 2: 24 by his w you have been healed.
WRAPPED Mk 15: 46 the body, w it in the linen cloth, Lk 2: 7 w him in bands of cloth,
WRATH Nu 16: 46 For w has gone out from the LORD; Ps 2: 5 Then he will speak to them in his w, Pr 15: 1 A soft answer turns away w, Zep 1: 15 That day will be a day of w, Mt 3: 7 you to flee from the w to come? Ro 1: 18 w of God is revealed from heaven 1Th 1: 10 rescues us from the w that is coming Rev 6: 17 the great day of their w has come, Sir 16: 11 For mercy and w are with the Lord;
WRITE → WRITING, WRITTEN, WROTE Ex 34: 27 LORD said to Moses: W these words; Dt 6: 9 w them on the doorposts of your house Pr 7: 3 w them on the tablet of your heart. Jer 31: 33 and I will w it on their hearts; Heb 8: 10 and w them on their hearts,
WRITING → WRITE Ex 32: 16 and the w was the w of God, 2Es 14: 24 prepare for yourself many w tablets,
WRITTEN → WRITE Lk 24: 44 everything w about me in the law Jn 21: 25 if every one of them were w down, Rev 21: 27 are w in the Lamb’s book of life. 2Es 14: 44 forty days, ninety-four books were w.
WRONG → WRONGED Lk 23: 41 but this man has done nothing w.” Ac 23: 9 “We find nothing w with this man.
WRONGED → WRONG 1Co 6: 7 Why not rather be w?
WROTE → WRITE Ex 24: 4 And Moses w down all the words
YEAR → YEARS Ex 23: 14 Three times in the y you shall hold a Heb 10: 1 continually offered y after y,
YEARS → YEAR Ps 90: 4 For a thousand y in your sight are like Jer 25: 12 Then after seventy y are completed, Da 9: 2 of Jerusalem, namely, seventy y. 2Pe 3: 8 the Lord one day is like a thousand y, Rev 20: 2 and bound him for a thousand y,
YEAST Mt 16: 6 beware of the y of the Pharisees and Gal 5: 9 A little y leavens the whole batch of
YESTERDAY Heb 13: 8 Jesus Christ is the same y and today
YOKE Mt 11: 30 my y is easy, and my burden is light.”
YOUTH → YOUNG Ecc 12: 1 Remember your creator in the days of your y,
ZEAL Ps 69: 9 z for your house that has consumed me Jn 2: 17 “Z for your house will consume me. Ro 10: 2 testify that they have a z for God, 1Mc 2: 26 Thus he burned with z for the law,
ZION 2Sa 5: 7 David took the stronghold of Z, Ps 2: 6 I have set my king on Z, my holy hill. Isa 28: 16 I am laying in Z a foundation stone, Mic 4: 2 For out of Z shall go forth instruction, Zec 9: 9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter Z! Mt 21: 5 “Tell the daughter of Z, Ro 11: 26 “Out of Z will come the Deliverer; 1Pe 2: 6 “See, I am laying in Z a stone, Rev 14: 1 the Lamb, standing on Mount Z!
Ant: Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews
Aram: Aramaic
Ch(s): Chapter(s)
Cn: Correction; made where the text has suffered in transmission and the versions provide no satisfactory restoration, but where the Standard Bible Committee agrees with the judgment of competent scholars as to the most probable reconstruction of the original text.
Gk: Septuagint, Greek version of the OT
Heb: Hebrew of the consonantal Masoretic Text of the OT
Macc.: The book(s) of the Maccabees
Ms(s): Manuscript(s)
MT: The Hebrew of the pointed Masoretic Text of the OT
OL: Old Latin
Q Ms(s): Manuscript(s) found at Qumran by the Dead Sea
Sam: Samaritan Hebrew text of the OT
Syr: Syriac Version of the OT
Syr H: Syriac Version of Origen’s Hexapla
Tg: Targum
Vg: Vulgate, Latin Version of the OT
THIS PREFACE IS ADDRESSED TO YOU by the Committee of translators, who wish to explain, as briefly as possible, the origin and character of our work. The publication of our revision is yet another step in the long, continual process of making the Bible available in the form of the English language that is most widely current in our day. To summarize in a single sentence: the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible is an authorized revision of the Revised Standard Version, published in 1952, which was a revision of the American Standard Version, published in 1901, which, in turn, embodied earlier revisions of the King James Version, published in 1611.
In the course of time, the King James Version came to be regarded as the “Authorized Version.” With good reason it has been termed “the noblest monument of English prose,” and it has entered, as no other book has, into the making of the personal character and the public institutions of the English-speaking peoples. We owe to it an incalculable debt.
Yet the King James Version has serious defects. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the development of biblical studies and the discovery of many biblical manuscripts more ancient than those on which the King James Version was based made it apparent that these defects were so many as to call for revision. The task was begun, by authority of the Church of England, in 1870. The (British) Revised Version of the Bible was published in 1881–85; and the American Standard Version, its variant embodying the preferences of the American scholars associated with the work, was published, as was mentioned above, in 1901. In 1928 the copyright of the latter was acquired by the International Council of Religious Education and thus passed into the ownership of the churches of the United States and Canada that were associated in this council through their boards of education and publication.
The Council appointed a committee of scholars to have charge of the text of the American Standard Version and to undertake inquiry concerning the need for further revision. After studying the questions of whether revision should be undertaken and, if so, what its nature and extent should be, in 1937 the Council authorized a revision. The scholars who served as members of the Committee worked in two sections, one dealing with the OT and one with the NT. In 1946 the Revised Standard Version of the NT was published. The publication of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, containing the OT and NT, took place on September 30, 1952. A translation of the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books of the OT followed in 1957. In 1977 this collection was issued in an expanded edition containing three additional texts received by Eastern Orthodox communions (3 and 4 Maccabees and Psalm 151). Thereafter the Revised Standard Version gained the distinction of being officially authorized for use by all major Christian churches: Protestant, Anglican, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox.
The Revised Standard Version Bible Committee is a continuing body, comprising about thirty members, both men and women. Ecumenical in representation, it includes scholars affiliated with various Protestant denominations as well as several Roman Catholic members, an Eastern Orthodox member, and a Jewish member who serves in the OT section. For a period of time the Committee included several members from Canada and from England.
Because no translation of the Bible is perfect or acceptable to all groups of readers, and because discoveries of older manuscripts and further investigation of linguistic features of the text continue to become available, renderings of the Bible have proliferated. During the years following the publication of the Revised Standard Version, twenty-six other English translations and revisions of the Bible were produced by committees and by individual scholars — not to mention twenty-five other translations and revisions of the NT alone. One of the latter was the second edition of the RSV NT, issued in 1971, twenty-five years after its initial publication.
Following the publication of the RSV OT in 1952, significant advances were made in the discovery and interpretation of documents in Semitic languages related to Hebrew. In addition to the information that had become available in the late 1940s from the Dead Sea texts of Isaiah and Habakkuk, subsequent acquisitions from the same area brought to light many other early copies of all the books of the Hebrew scriptures (except Esther), though most of these copies are fragmentary. During the same period early Greek manuscript copies of books of the NT also became available.
In order to take these discoveries into account, along with recent studies of documents in Semitic languages related to Hebrew, in 1974 the Policies Committee of the Revised Standard Version, which is a standing committee of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., authorized the preparation of a revision of the entire RSV Bible.
For the OT the Committee has made use of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (1977; ed. sec. emendata, 1983). This is an edition of the Hebrew and Aramaic text as current early in the Christian era and fixed by Jewish scholars (the “Masoretes”) of the sixth to the ninth centuries. The vowel signs, which were added by the Masoretes, are accepted in the main, but where a more probable and convincing reading can be obtained by assuming different vowels, this has been done. No notes are given in such cases, because the vowel points are less ancient and reliable than the consonants. When an alternative reading given by the Masoretes is translated in a footnote, it is identified by the words “Another reading is.”
Departures from the consonantal text of the best manuscripts have been made only where it seems clear that errors in copying had been made before the text was standardized. Most of the corrections adopted are based on the ancient versions (translations into Greek, Aramaic, Syriac, and Latin), which were made prior to the time of the work of the Masoretes and which therefore may reflect earlier forms of the Hebrew text. In such instances a footnote specifies the version or versions from which the correction has been derived and also gives a translation of the Masoretic Text. Where it was deemed appropriate to do so, information is supplied in footnotes from subsidiary Jewish traditions concerning other textual readings (the Tiqqune Sopherim, “emendations of the scribes”). These are identified in the footnotes as “Ancient Heb tradition.”
Occasionally it is evident that the text has suffered in transmission and that none of the versions provides a satisfactory restoration. Here we can only follow the best judgment of competent scholars as to the most probable reconstruction of the original text. Such reconstructions are indicated in footnotes by the abbreviation Cn (“Correction”), and a translation of the Masoretic Text is added.
For the NT the Committee has based its work on the most recent edition of The Greek New Testament, prepared by an interconfessional and international committee and published by the United Bible Societies (1966; 3d ed. corrected, 1983; information concerning changes to be introduced into the critical apparatus of the forthcoming 4th edition was available to the Committee). As in that edition, double brackets are used to enclose a few passages that are generally regarded to be later additions to the text, but that we have retained because of their evident antiquity and their importance in the textual tradition. Only in very rare instances have we replaced the text or the punctuation of the Bible Societies’ edition by an alternative that seemed to us to be superior. Here and there in the footnotes the phrase “Other ancient authorities read” identifies alternative readings preserved by Greek manuscripts and early versions. In both OT and NT, alternative renderings of the text are indicated by the word “Or.”
As for the style of English adopted for the present revision, among the mandates given to the Committee in 1980 by the Division of Education and Ministry of the National Council of Churches of Christ (which now holds the copyright of the RSV Bible) was the directive to continue in the tradition of the King James Bible, but to introduce such changes as are warranted on the basis of accuracy, clarity, euphony, and current English usage. Within the constraints set by the original texts and by the mandates of the Division, the Committee has followed the maxim “As literal as possible, as free as necessary.” As a consequence, the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) remains essentially a literal translation. Paraphrastic renderings have been adopted only sparingly, and then chiefly to compensate for a deficiency in the English language — the lack of a common-gender third-person singular pronoun.
During the almost half a century since the publication of the RSV, many in the churches have become sensitive to the danger of linguistic sexism arising from the inherent bias of the English language toward the masculine gender, a bias that in the case of the Bible has often restricted or obscured the meaning of the original text. The mandates from the Division specified that, in references to men and women, masculine-oriented language should be eliminated as far as this can be done without altering passages that reflect the historical situation of ancient patriarchal culture. As can be appreciated, more than once the Committee found that the several mandates stood in tension and even in conflict. The various concerns had to be balanced case by case in order to provide a faithful and acceptable rendering without using contrived English. Only very occasionally has the pronoun “he” or “him” been retained in passages where the reference may have been to a woman as well as to a man, for example, in several legal texts in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. In such instances of formal, legal language, the options of either putting the passage in the plural or of introducing additional nouns to avoid masculine pronouns in English seemed to the Committee to obscure the historic structure and literary character of the original. In the vast majority of cases, however, inclusiveness has been attained by simple rephrasing or by introducing plural forms when this does not distort the meaning of the passage. Of course, in narrative and in parable no attempt was made to generalize the sex of individual persons.
Another aspect of style will be detected by readers who compare the more stately English rendering of the OT with the less formal rendering adopted for the NT. For example, the traditional distinction between “shall” and “will” in English has been retained in the OT as appropriate in rendering a document that embodies what may be termed the classic form of Hebrew, while in the NT the abandonment of such distinctions in the usage of the future tense in English reflects the more colloquial nature of the Koine Greek used by most NT authors except when they are quoting the OT.
Careful readers will notice that here and there in the OT the word LORD (or in certain cases GOD) is printed in capital letters. This represents the traditional manner in English versions of rendering the divine name, the “tetragrammaton” (see the text notes on Exodus 3.14–15), following the precedent of the ancient Greek and Latin translators and the long-established practice in the reading of the Hebrew scriptures in the synagogue. Although it is almost if not quite certain that the name was originally pronounced “Yahweh,” this pronunciation was not indicated when the Masoretes added vowel sounds to the consonantal Hebrew text. To the four consonants YHWH of the divine name, which had come to be regarded as too sacred to be pronounced, they attached vowel signs indicating that in its place should be read the Hebrew word Adonai, meaning “Lord” (or Elohim, meaning “God”). Ancient Greek translators employed the word Kyrios (“Lord”) for the name. The Vulgate likewise used the Latin word Dominus (“Lord”). The form “Jehovah” is of late medieval origin; it is a combination of the consonants of the divine name and the vowels attached to it by the Masoretes but belonging to an entirely different word. Although the American Standard Version (1901) had used “Jehovah” to render the tetragrammaton (the sound of y being represented by j and the sound of w by v, as in Latin), for two reasons the Committees that produced the RSV and the NRSV returned to the more familiar usage of the King James Version. (1) The word “Jehovah” does not accurately represent any form of the divine name ever used in Hebrew. (2) The use of any proper name for the one and only God, as though there were other gods from whom the true God had to be distinguished, began to be discontinued in Judaism before the Christian era and is inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian church.
It will be seen that in the Psalms and in other prayers addressed to God the archaic second-person singular pronouns (“thee, thou, thine”) and verb forms (“art, hast, hadst”) are no longer used. Although some readers may regret this change, it should be pointed out that in the original languages neither the OT nor the NT makes any linguistic distinction between addressing a human being and addressing the deity. Furthermore, in the tradition of the King James Version one will not expect to find the use of capital letters for pronouns that refer to the deity — such capitalization is an unnecessary innovation that has only recently been introduced into a few English translations of the Bible. Finally, we have left to the discretion of the licensed publishers such matters as section headings, cross-references, and clues to the pronunciation of proper names.
This new version seeks to preserve all that is best in the English Bible as it has been known and used through the years. It is intended for use in public reading and congregational worship as well as in private study, instruction, and meditation. We have resisted the temptation to introduce terms and phrases that merely reflect current moods, and have tried to put the message of the scriptures in simple, enduring words and expressions that are worthy to stand in the great tradition of the King James Bible and its predecessors.
In traditional Judaism and Christianity, the Bible has been more than a historical document to be preserved or a classic of literature to be cherished and admired; it is recognized as the unique record of God’s dealings with people over the ages. The OT sets forth the call of a special people to enter into covenant relation with the God of justice and steadfast love and to bring God’s law to the nations. The NT records the life and work of Jesus Christ, the one in whom “the Word became flesh,” as well as describes the rise and spread of the early Christian church. The Bible carries its full message not to those who regard it simply as a noble literary heritage of the past or who wish to use it to enhance political purposes and advance otherwise desirable goals, but to all persons and communities who read it so that they may discern and understand what God is saying to them. That message must not be disguised in phrases that are no longer clear or hidden under words that have changed or lost their meaning; it must be presented in language that is direct and plain and meaningful to people today. It is the hope and prayer of the translators that this version of the Bible may continue to hold a large place in congregational life and to speak to all readers, young and old alike, helping them to understand and believe and respond to its message.
For the Committee,
Bruce M. Metzger