Now Linda and Mike were looking over the seat, doing some watching in their turn, while Tina finished fucking Clyde to a frazzle. Tina was lithe and limber and fucked as sinuously as a snake, clinging to him when he filled her cunt with his thick load and wailing with the joy of it as her pussy melted on his spurting prick.
Then Clyde was finished.
His prick came out limp and drooping, and his balls had gone into a state of collapse.
Mike, although he had enjoyed watching, also had a soft cock now, and neither of the young men was going to be able to do any more fucking for a while.
That, Linda thought, was a shame. She wondered if a little tonguing might harden either of those spent pricks.
Then she wondered if either one of the boys would care to suck her pussy. As soon as that thought occurred to her, Linda wanted it very much. She had always wondered what it felt like to get licked, and she imagined it would be a wonderful sensation. Now that she had sucked cocks and been fucked, she was keen to get eaten out.
But she was too shy to suggest it.
She wished that Tina, who was much bolder than she, would get the idea and make the suggestion.
And then, thinking about Tina, Linda had another idea!
Trembling with vibrant hopefulness, Linda said, "I have to go to the restroom – want to come with me, Tina?"
Tina looked from prick to prick and shrugged.
"Might as well," she said. "Ain't nothing stiff in this car."
The two girls got out of the car and headed for the restroom together, the way that women do – and Linda was thinking very hard about other things that women could do, as she went.
Jerry had already gone into the women's washroom and entered one of the cubicles. He lifted his dainty dress and took his thundering cock out, but he didn't start masturbating immediately.
Although his balls were begging to be emptied, Jerry was trying to restrain himself until some girl came in. He was hoping that he might get a look at a cunt or a set of tits and that he could pull himself off while he enjoyed the view.
He had closed the cubicle door, of course – because he did not want to be seen with a hard cock sticking out from under his skirts – but he was able to peer through the crack between the door and jamb. He could see the sink. He knew from happy experience that sometimes a girl, when she was alone in the room, would drop her panties before she went into one of the booths, and that was what he was hoping for.
But he got a lot more than that.
In came Linda and Tina.
"Gee, I sure do love sucking and fucking!" Linda was saying.
Jerry stifled a groan and squeezed his prick by the hilt.
"Fun, isn't it?" Tina said gaily.
"And – and I like it when you were playing with my pussy and – and sucking my titties, too," Linda added, lowering her eyes and blushing a demure rosy pink, gazing through her fluttering eyelashes in a speculative way at the other girl.
"I wasn't sucking your tits," Tina said. "I was licking the jism off them – that's different."
But despite correcting Linda, Tina was gazing at her thoughtfully and grinning devilishly.
Linda smiled. "It felt nice, anyhow. But – well, I've got more cum in me, now – in a different place – and I was just wondering if you might want to lick that up, too?"
"Why, you naughty girl! You want me to suck your cunt!"
Embarrassed, Linda said, "Oh, no – I just thought you might like to suck the cum out of it – not suck it, itself."
"Because we ain't lesbians, right?"
"Oh, we certainly aren't lesbians – I know you'd never suck my cunt – unless it was full of cum."
Tina licked her lips as if she were trying to decide if she felt like having another mouthful of cum. "Of course, it ain't possible to just suck jism out of a cunt – you got to get some cuntjuice with it."
"I suppose so."
"But that's okay. Cuntjuice is tasty stuff, too – especially when there's jism mixed in with it. And while I'm doing it, I might as well make you come, I guess."
"Oh! Will you, Tina?" cried Linda, clapping her hands together in merry expectation.
"And – and I'll suck you off, too!" Linda promised.
"What a swell idea," said Tina. "Let's go in a booth."
They went in a booth.
It was the booth next to the one in which Jerry was with lurking prick in hand and visions of ecstasy dancing in his head.
Jerry got up on the toilet seat and craned his neck over the partition and, sure enough, he found that he could look right down upon the two naughty teenagers.
He gripped his prick as if for support – and watched.
Tina had bolted the door behind them. She turned to Linda.
Linda, although she certainly wanted it, was a bit nervous and not sure how to go about such things.
But Tina was no stranger to the gentle art of lapping cunts. She had acquired a taste for pussy several years before when her older sister had coaxed her into doing a bit of cuntsucking and sixty-nining and, since then, she had seldom passed up a chance to eat out a cunt.
Linda's cunt, she thought, looked absolutely delicious.
"How – how shall we…"
"Why don't you sit down and I'll kneel between your legs, okay?"
Linda lifted her skirt and sat on the toilet seat, her slim, sleek, cum-streaked thighs spread. Tina gazed at the blonde's pussy for a few moments, as a hungry girl might gaze at a dessert, licking her lips, her dark eyes-flashing. Then she knelt down and looked some more, from closer range. Linda's cunt was spread open, the cuntlips unfurled and the slick hole full of juice.
Tina began running her tongue up the insides of Linda's thighs, licking up the congealed spunk for starters – still making believe that it was jism she was after, not pussy juice.
Linda began to moan and whimper as Tina's tongue moved higher up her legs and drew near to her cunt.
Tina spread Linda's pussy wide open with her fingers.
Her tongue flicked out, lapping at her clit.
"Ummm – yummy," Tina purred.
"Oh! Oh! Do it!" Linda wailed.
Tina's tongue flicked again. It ran up the creamy slot this time, then she stabbed it right up the sodden cunthole. She began tonguing away steadily.
Linda squirmed and writhed in ecstasy. Her long legs thrust out, ankles arched, toes pointing away. Then they clamped around Tina's face, as if trapping her where she was – but no trap was necessary to hold the cunt-loving girl in that sweet honey pot. Tina was glued there by lust, plastered by passion, clamped by carnal desire. She had been using only her tongue, at first. Now she started using her lips, as well. She opened her mouth wide and fitted her lips to Linda's steaming pussy and started sucking steadily, pulling mouthfuls of cuntjuice – and cum, of course – out, while her tongue slid in and out of the hole.
"Ahhhh," Tina whimpered, relishing the feast.
"Ummmm," Linda purred.
Linda had loved sucking cocks and getting fucked, and now she found that getting sucked off was every bit as good as the other pleasures – and even before she had creamed, she was looking forward to doing her own share of the pussy-licking, wanting to suck Tina off in turn.
Linda arched her back and her hips worked like smooth pistons, while her belly heaved up and her ass ground about on the toilet seat. Her cunt was running like a river now. Tina had already sucked all the jism out and it was pure cuntjuice that was flooding over her tongue and running past her talented lips.
She began finger-fucking Linda's hole, using three fingers and pushing them in steadily, while she concentrated on the blonde's clitoris with her tongue and lips.
"Come," she whispered.
The word echoed in Linda's pussy, so that she felt it rather than heard it.
"Yes – yes!" Linda cried.
"Come for me – come in my mouth, honey! Oh! I want to drink your sweet cuntjuice!" Tina wailed, really getting carried away now. This was the sweetest cunt she had ever sucked, and she felt starved for the cream of Linda's climax. Her stiff fingers fucked in, her lips pulled on Linda's clit and her tongue slurped in and out.
Linda felt the first wave rush across her belly. Other waves were darting up her trembling thighs, coming faster and higher until they blended into one, and she was crying out with joy as she creamed.
Tina licked and sucked and moaned as her mouth filled up with the precious pussyjuice. She kept licking even after Linda had finally stopped coming and had slumped back against the wall. After a while Tina raised her head. Her lips were dripping and her eyes glowed with happiness and anticipation.
"Want to do me, now?" she asked.
"I sure do!" Linda said happily.
They changed positions. Linda was every bit as eager to eat out Tina's juicy cunt as she had previously been to have her own cunt gobbled, but she hesitated for a moment, gazing at the tasty-looking cunt, letting her appetite build up until her mouth was starting to water for it.
Linda leaned in and buried her face between Tina's slender, trembling thighs and clamped her mouth on the girl's bushy cunt.
With the first suck, Linda discovered – just as she had earlier, when sucking her first prick – that cunt-lapping was the sort of thing that just came natural to a girl. No experience or practice was necessary. She knew how to do it, and she loved doing it. Eating cunt was as wonderful as any of the other pleasures that the innocent teenager had discovered on this memorable evening.
She was looking forward to making Tina come. She didn't have long to wait.
Tina had gotten tremendously excited while she was eating Linda's pussy and she began to melt almost at once – although she was trying to hold back and prolong the pleasure, for Linda's tongue was talented and her lips skilled.
Tina wailed and panted and creamed. Linda gobbled down great foaming mouthfuls of cuntjuice and found it as delicious as jism, and she kept sucking more out.
"Ohhh – that was wonderful!" Tina gasped.
"Who cares if Clyde and Mike get hard-ons again?" Linda said, still flicking her tongue around in Tina's pussy, gathering up the last stray drops of cuntjuice from Tina's hairy crotch.
Jerry stared down at the cunt-sucking teenagers. His hard-on was a thing of beauty, and he was so fascinated by what he was watching that he had forgotten to jack off. But it wasn't necessary.
Jerry's prick went off of its own accord…