As usual when I write my books, I have received fantastic support from Piratförlaget. Warm thanks to everyone who works there, and special thanks to my publisher Sofia and my editor Anna. Without you, things would often come to a standstill and end up much worse.

Thank you also to everyone at the Salomonsson agency who continue to ensure that my books reach readers outside Sweden’s borders. Special thanks to my agent Leyla, who puts such an enormous amount of energy into promoting my books overseas.

Thanks to Johan for his opinions and non-opinions on my manuscript.

Thanks to Karl-Henrik for taking the time to answer all my questions about airline security and routines.

And thanks to Sofia E for once again reading my book and coming back to me with wise comments.

And finally, thanks to my fantastic family and all my wonderful friends who continue to think it’s cool that I write books, and who are always there when I want something else to think about, or when I simply want to call them and tell them the latest news about my writing.

Thank you.

Kristina Ohlsson

Stockholm, winter 2012
