Melanie fell into a set routine after that, for a while.
She continued to date men, getting fucked more often than notРbut never blowing them and never managing to have an orgasm when they fucked her. Then, after they had taken her home, she usually sucked the dog off while she finger-fucked herself to a climax.
It was not a particularly satisfying arrangement for her, although it suited the men and the terrior admirably. But Melanie was longing to get fucked to a climax.
She despaired of never meeting a man who could make her come.
And gradually she began to speculate on fucking the dog.
She thought about it for a long time, weighing the pros and cons, torn between the unholy urge and her inhibitions about the ultimate degradation of bestiality.
But she knew that she would love fucking a dog.
The very idea of having a dog's prick fucking in and out of her cunt was enough to make her pussy cream. The thought of how the dog would whimper and tremble as he fucked his cock into her cunt drove her to wild heights of desire.
One night she had a particularly bad fuck from a man.
He had taken her to a motel and when he undressed and she got a look at his cock, Melanie had high hopes. He had by far the largest prick she had ever encountered and his balls were big as melons, obviously full of spunk.
She spread her legs, trembling with hope as well as passion.
He mounted her and fucked his cock up her cunt.
His cock filled her to the brim and to the depths and Melanie thought that, at long last, she had found a man who could make her come! He took a fuck-stroke.
Then he stiffened and gripped her by the ass and took a second fierce fuck-stroke, growling as he did so – and shot his wad! Oh, no, the poor girl thought.
But, sure enough, he had come on the second fuck-stroke, and when he pulled his soaking prick out of her unsatisfied cunt, it had already started to go soft.
Smug and satisfied, he took the girl home.
Her faithful dog was waiting.
That was the night when Melanie got her first dog-fuck.
The terrier was not tall enough to mount her dog-style.
Melanie sat on the edge of her bed and held the dog between her legs, his front paws straddling her hips. She fitted the head of his prick into her yearning, unfulfilled pussy.
The dog began to fuck with vigor.
The instant that she felt those vigorous fuck-strokes skimming into her cunt, Melanie wailed with the joy of it. It was so much better than fucking with a man. She thrashed about on the edge of the bed, arching her back and pumping her pelvis. Her ass churned and her hips rolled from side to side.
The terrier fucked rapidly. His sturdy body was like a buzz saw between her thighs.
Melanie felt the thrill run up her trembling legs and cascade across her heaving belly.
She was going to come! At long last she was going to come while she had her cunt full of cock! Her clit began to tingle.
The dog whimpered and slammed in and the crazed girl felt a hot load of doggy spunk rush into the depths of her cunt, flooding her pussy, filling her.
Her climax rippled and ran wild through her pussy.
The girl wondered why she had waited so long for such joy.
Once she had discovered the joy of dog-fucking, Melanie stopped going out with men very often and, when she did, she refused to go to bed with them. Her boyfriends were puzzled and wondered why she had suddenly turned from wanton to frigid.
But Melanie had not turned frigid at all. She was still promiscuous.
But now she was a promiscuous animal lover! It was only natural that she should wonder what a really big dog would be like. Her terrier had been wonderful and she still fucked him from time to time, more out of gratitude than anything else – and her duty as his mistress, of course – but he was too small. She began to look for opportunities to fuck the largest animals she could find.
She fucked the neighbor's German shepherd.
She fucked a large mongrel hound that she found wandering, without a collar, in the park.
She offered to take care of a friend's Doberman while the girl went on vacation and, for two weeks, enjoyed sucking and fucking with the handsome brute. Later, her friend gave her some awfully funny looks when the dog's bad habits came to light.
By this time, Melanie had graduated from school and was ready to get an apartment of her own. The terrier was aging now, and no longer seemed very interested in fucking, so she left him with her parents. At first, shi intended to buy herself a nice big dog, but she wanted to experiment with the various breeds first, so that she could purchase the type tha satisfied her most.
She fucked an Airedale and a boxer. She enjoyed a lightning-fast fuck from a racing greyhound and a long, slow fuck from a bulldog.
Each dog had its merits and Melanie was having difficulty in deciding what type of animal she should buy – just as a girl with hall a dozen suitors, determined to be a faithful wife in the end, might have trouble deciding which of them to wed.
It dawned on Melanie that she as not yet ready to be faithful to a single dog, that she preferred to play the field, alternating between elegant pedigreed animals and lusty mongrel brutes.
Yet it wasn't always easy to find a suitable dog when the urge came upon her. Often, horny as hell, her cunt dripping, Melanie found herself walking the streets looking for a stray dog, or wandering in the park in search of dog-cock.
But then – her lucky day – Melanie met the man who owned the Quality Kennels for Class Canines!
Her problems were solved.
But first, in her constant quest for dog-prick, Melanie accidentally discovered the joys of cunt-sucking…