"Yes." The girl's voice was muffled and very nasal through the door.
"It's me – Maureen. Can I come in?"
Maureen entered the room and walked directly to the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Lousy. I just tried to eat and I couldn't taste a thing."
"Nothing?" Maureen said, and stood beside the bed so that her cunt, beneath the gown, was on a direct line with Riva's face. "I'll bet there's one thing you can taste."
"Pussy," the redhead said, and pulled her dressing gown wide open to reveal her rust-colored triangle to Riva's startled eyes.
Riva smiled. Her eyes roamed from Maureen's heavy, dark-tipped breasts down to the dark vee between her legs and back again. "Even as sick as I am, just looking at a cunt is driving me crazy. How did you know I was lying here horny as hell?"
"I didn't," Maureen laughed. "But I was hoping!"
"My pussy's on fire, Maureen."
"Good!" the redhead cooed. "Look, honey, I'll just blow you a little and…"
"Oh, no, you won't."
"Why not?"
"Because it'd drive me out of my mind, that's why."
"What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing, except that I wouldn't be able to lie still. You think I could just lie here like a log while you sucked me off? God, Maureen! Ten seconds after you got your tongue in there, I'd be flopping all over the damn bed. I'd get all worn out and start sweating, and the first thing you know, I'd have pneumonia!"
"Gee, I hadn't thought of that."
Then Riva laughed. "But that doesn't mean we can't fuck each other!" She reached beneath the bed and pulled out a vibrator. "Look what I've got!"
She turned the vibrator over in her hand. It was about nine inches long and an inch and a half wide, shaped and colored exactly like a cock. From the base and a short length of cord connected with a flexible rubber cylinder about five inches long.
"I hope the batteries are still good," she said, and flipped the switch in the base. The vibrator began to hum and throb in her hand, and the rubber cylinder suddenly seemed to have a life of its own.
"Beautiful," Maureen giggled. "We can fuck each other at the same time!" She reached out and gingerly pulled the covers from Riva's body.
The girl was dressed in bra and panties, and Maureen openly appraised her body with desire-filled eyes. Riva spread her legs wide and raised her knees a little. The small pink slit in the dark pelt was glistening wet and the hair around it was matted and sticky-looking. The scent of cunt perfume was so irresistible that Maureen leaned forward to inhale it. The temptation to go even further, to glue her mouth to the juicy little slit, was almost overpowering, but she steeled herself and drew back.
"Do you want that asshole thing up you, too, honey?" she asked.
"Might as well," Riva said. "I need all the help I can get!"
"Well, I'd better stick that in first, I guess. You got any Vaseline?"
"Just use some of my pussy juice. I don't want it too slippery in there."
Maureen slipped the blunt end of the cylinder into Riva's streaming cunt, then moved it back to her asshole. Gently, she began pushing it into the opening.
"Sorry. Would you rather not have it up you?"
"Na, no! I want it! Just shove it in all at once!"
Maureen hesitated, then pushed. The vibrator jammed all the way into Riva's ass, so that her asshole closed over the butt end, leaving only the cord protruding from the fucked brawn hole.
"Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh, that's good!"
"It didn't hurt?"
"Sure it hurt! It feels wonderful! Oh God, that thing's churning up a storm! It's like a swarm of bees in there!"
"It really feels good?"
"God, doin' this to you has made me hotter than hell! When you're well, I'm gonna eat your cunt right out from between your legs!"
"I can't wait! Ohhhh, that thing in my ass feels so good!"
"You ready for the vibrator itself now?"
"Yeah – hurry!"
"Not so fast, honey, I want to tease you with it a little first." Maureen put the tip of the vibrator against Riva's juicing slit and rubbed it lightly against the swollen pink lips, running it up and down, up and down, pushing it little by little between the lips.
"Good?" she asked.
"Oh, my God!" Riva breathed. "Push it all the way in, Maureen!"
Maureen pushed the buzzing, throbbing instrument slowly up Riva's pussy until she felt it come to a stop against her womb.
"More!" Riva shouted. "Shove it all the way up me!"
"That's as far as it will go, honey."
"You've got it all the way, I tell you!"
"Ohhhh, it's good, it's just so damn good, baby!"
Maureen pushed out her lower lip in a mock pout. "As good as my tongue would be?"
"Don't be silly. Of course it isn't. But it's good. Oh God, but it's good!"
"It looks like you're loving it," Maureen gasped, feeling wild sensations surging through her own pussy as she watched Riva gyrate her cunt around the vibrator.
"You've got to try it, Maureen honey. Just as soon as I come. You'll love it!"
Maureen looked at the shiny red pussy lips stretched so tightly around the prick-like vibrator, watching the cunt juice pumping from the bottom of Riva's distended slit and trickling down her asshole. The juice was literally dripping from Riva's ass to the sheet below; there was already a good-sized puddle of it there, and it was getting larger by the second.
The redhead felt a twinge of envy. She'd always been proud of the way her own cunt juiced so freely, but she'd never been capable of actually pouring, the way Riva was doing now. It must be wonderful to have the stuff practically squirt out of you like that! she thought.
Thinking about sipping the honeyed nectar from Riva's pussy, coupled with the sight and smell, was almost more than Maureen could bear. She forced her eyes away from between the other girl's legs for a moment in an effort to control herself.
God, she was horny. And now she realized that the mouth-watering aroma of Riva's steaming cunt had been joined by the equally delectable scent of her own. And her nipples, now swollen and erect, were screaming to be sucked.
She put her hand between her legs, cupping her drenched cunt for a moment before she inserted a finger. Then, glancing again at the humming vibrator between Riva's widely spread legs, she had an idea. Raising one knee, she withdrew her dripping finger from her slit and worked it slowly into her asshole, forcing it up her rectum as far as she could. Then she slid her thumb into her pussy, and began to rock her hand back and forth, spearing first her cunt, then her ass.
The sensation was delicious. She pressed her knees together so that her cunt and rectum would squeeze more tightly onto her thumb and forefinger, and began to fuck herself as hard and fast as she could. God, it was good. It wouldn't surprise her if she came before Riva did!
To Riva, lying back against the pillows with her eyes shut and a blissful expression on her beautiful face, the vibrator and its asshole attachment had been a salvation. She had needed someone to fuck around with, and Maureen had happened along at the perfect time.
Riva began to massage her breasts, kneading the fine mounds roughly, dragging her palms across the stiff tips, moaning with the added thrill she was giving herself.
God, she thought, how she wished she were sucking Maureen's pussy. How wonderful it would be if the redhead would get over her, with her cunt pressed against her face, while at the same time the vibrator and its attachment worked away in her cunt and ass. It was almost enough to make a girl come, just thinking about it!
She was squeezing her tits so hard now that they hurt; but they hurt good, and she squeezed even harder, at the same time pinching her nipples savagely, rolling first one, then the other between thumb and forefinger, drawing her tits out as far as she could, then mashing them almost flat, grinding them against herself with as much pressure as she could bring to bear on them. But at last the pain began to outweigh the pleasure, and she relaxed her grip, merely cupping her tits in her palms and rotating her hands slowly and gently, marveling at how incredibly hard and big her nipples were. Against her palms, they felt like two live coals.
The vibrator had brought her to the very edge of orgasm, and had kept her there. It was an exquisite state to be in; in fact, it was, in its way, almost as good as coming. After all, anticipation was nine-tenths of sex anyhow, and this feeling of being on the very edge of a come was wonderful beyond belief.
And the nicest thing about it was the fact that she could stretch the sensation out as long as she wanted to. She could sort of store things up until, when she finally did decide to let herself come, it would be like a volcano erupting.
Riva had been aware of the scent of Maureen's cunt juice for some time, but now she noticed the squishy sound of finger-in-pussy. She opened her eyes to see what the other girl was doing.
Maureen was stabbing both her cunt and asshole with abandon, rocking back and forth in ecstasy, her head bent forward so that she could watch her pistoning fingers, the heavy mane of her red hair swung forward in front of her face, swaying slightly with the rapid movement of her wrist and hand. She was, Riva knew, lost in a world other own.
Riva watched her for a moment, smiling. Maureen was so beautiful, so sweet. It must be terrible for her to have a pussy so near, and yet not be able to eat it. It was too bad there wasn't another girl in the worn for her to suck.
Suddenly there was a scream from Maureen and she fell to the bed alongside Riva.
"Oh shit, I'm gonna come! I'm gonna come so fucking good!" the redhead shouted.
Riva stared at her, fascinated. There was nothing more beautiful than seeing another woman in the throes of orgasm, and Maureen was especially beautiful as she wildly fucked her own cunt and asshole.
The sight of Maureen in the throes of her passion almost took Riva's mind off the mounting ecstasy in her own cunt and rectum. Then, suddenly, she realized that the vibrator and its asshole attachment had slipped up on her, and that she, too, was on the very edge of orgasm.
"Maureen!" she shrieked. "Fuck me!"
Maureen looked at her, her eyes glazed, her full red mouth moist and slack. Between her legs, her thumb and forefinger stabbed her cunt and asshole mercilessly.
"Maureen!" Riva pleaded. "Fuck me, honey! Fuck me!"
Maureen licked her lips.
"Please, honey, I want you to fuck me! With the vibrator. I want to come when you do!"
Moaning softly, the redhead reached down with her free hand, grasped the protruding butt of the instrument and began to plunge it in and out of Riva's cunt, meanwhile continuing to fuck herself as fast as she could.
"Ohhhhhhh," Riva sighed. "Oh, God, honey, do it harder!"
Maureen was rocking back and forth in her excitement, working both hands faster and faster, moaning constantly, lower lip caught between her small white teeth, her eyes tightly shut and her creamy body shone with sweat.
"Oh, God!" Maureen cried. "I'm there – I'm cominnnnng!"
Riva, too, was coming, and the headlong rush of her orgasm was so powerful she felt as if she were paralyzed. Even in her wildest sex fantasies, she had never been able to imagine anything like the electrifying sensation she was now experiencing. It was as if her entire being had become just one big, tremendous orgasm, an orgasm that was now exploding in her cunt and her nipples and her ass.
She came steadily, with ever-increasing force, until she thought she would go insane with the unbearable pleasure of it.
And then, with a cry of utter ecstasy, Maureen let go of the vibrator and collapsed on the bed beside Riva, shuddering with the violence of her own orgasm, moaning with delight, her sweat-damp body going rigid time after time as she came again and again.
But at last both girls lay still, breathing heavily, neither of them able to move or speak. A minute went by, then another. Finally, with a long sigh, Maureen sat up and crawled over between Riva's widely spread legs.
"I've got to eat you, Riva honey – I've got to!"
"Yes, yes, do it," Riva sighed. "I don't give a shit if I do get pneumonia. Eat me and then I'll get you off again with my tongue!"
Joanie ordered a drink and rubbed her pussy against the barstool as she checked out the available studs around the bar.
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a man at the next table looking her over. Crossing her legs, she allowed the hem of her black dress to climb higher on her thighs. She could see him smile longingly as his gaze traveled up and down the length of her sculptured legs.
Coyly dropping her hand down to one exposed thigh, she began drawing tiny circles on her tanned skin with the tips of her fingers. Checking to make sure that only her unknown admirer was watching, she drew her hand along her nylon-clad flesh, moving it steadily to the building heat of her pussy.
She was glad she hadn't worn any panties as she turned slightly to the man sitting at the next table. She could feel the cool air caressing her cunt lips, and knew that he had a perfect view.
She was pleased to see her one-man audience stare intently as she shoved a long finger into the folds of her cunt. Though it was difficult, Joanie managed to keep a straight face as she began pumping her hand in and out of her pink, moist cunt.
Lifting her hand from between her legs, she brought the sweetly coated fingers to her lips, and began licking her juices off with long strokes of her tongue. As her mouth filled with the delicious taste of her own pussy, Joanie uncrossed her legs and spread them just as far as she could. With a warm, inviting smile curling the corners of her mouth, she displayed the wet folds.
The handsome stranger was grinning from ear to ear now and stoking his cock through his trousers. She returned his grin and mouthed the words, "I'll leave, you follow me. Okay?"
He nodded vigorously and Joanie slipped off the stool. She quickly pulled her dress into place and took a deep breath to accent the already looming expanse of her tits.
Rolling her hips like a hooker looking for a customer, she sailed past the man at the adjoining table. As she walked toward the exit, she could feel his eyes burning through the material pulled taut across the rounded fullness of her buttocks. Glancing over her back, she smiled as she saw her admirer paying his bill and following her out of the bar.