To our family—you’re all crazy in your own right, and we love you for it. Thanks for being the best rock to lean on.
Thanks to our daring older brother, who inspired one of the biggest events in this book. You are beyond fearless, and we admire your courage more than you know.
Big thanks to two of the sweetest fans, who’ve been a tremendous force behind the series: Jenn and Ate Lanie. You girls—your love for our work means so much to us. No words can thank you for the support. And thank you, Sue! You’ve been reading our books from nearly the very start. We can’t think of someone who loves Ryke & Daisy more, and we constantly thought of you while writing this one.
Thanks to Nieku, for more kickass French translations and being there on such short notice. You’re an amazing friend!
And lastly but most importantly, we want to thank all of our fans. Even saying we have any has been a dream. But if it wasn’t for all of you, this book would have never been written. These characters would have never come to life. And these stories would have never been told. Not to this extent.
Your love for this series is what keeps it going.
Stay wild.