“She’s going to be fine,” Walker enthusiastically reported to Sister on the vixen’s surgery.
“What good news! We could use a little good news around here,” Sister, on the kennel phone, said warmly.
After more details on the recovery of the vixen, whom Walter had named Bessie, Sister hung up the phone and she gave Shaker a full report. When she was done, she told Shaker something that had been running around, unarticulated, in the back of her mind for quite some time. “You know, it’s the most curious thing, Walter reminds me of Raymond. He even moves like Raymond. Same jaw, square shoulders. He’s a touch shorter and quieter than Raymond, but it’s uncanny. It’s one of those realizations that’s grown on me.” She looked brightly at Shaker. “Have you noticed it?”
“Uh, well, I suppose,” Shaker fumbled.
Sister knew in an instant that her huntsman knew more than she did. “Ah.” A long silence followed. “Does Walter know?”
“No.” Deeply embarrassed, he gave a small shrug.
“Shaker, don’t fret. I should have figured it out. It’s as plain as the nose on my face.”
“Things happen.”
“With Raymond they certainly did.” She spoke with conviction, breathed, then smiled. “How did you know?”
“He confessed in a weak moment.”
“Aided by scotch?”
“Scotch and emphysema. He asked me to watch out for Walter.”
“I see. She was pretty, as I recall, Walter’s mother.”
“They were all pretty, but Janie, not one of them was as good a woman as you.” Shaker’s voice rose and he looked her straight in the eye.
“Thank you. But I have my failings.” She glanced down at her hands, the red clay ground within. “I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid.”
“You weren’t stupid.”
“Not about that.” She smiled sadly. “Not about that. But I think I’ve been half in love with Walter. Now it makes sense.” She dismissed the notion with a wave of her hand. “Younger men don’t look at older women. I guess I just realized how drawn I am to him.” She sighed. “Love never dies.”
“I don’t know. I’m not good at those things.”
She paused a moment. “Well, I’ve had my revelation. Love never dies.” She fell quiet again, then suddenly sat up and said with much animation, “Shaker, that’s it!”
“Love never dies! The killer is still in love with Nola or with Guy.”