Chapter 16

Nikki was glad she and Cal were on the same page, because she wanted to do a whole lot more, too. Except that he wasn’t getting naked.

“You aren’t going to take off your clothes?” Now that would be a shame.

Cal reached for his top button. “I’m enjoying the view.”

“Is that so?” She grinned as she toed off her boots, then unbuttoned her jeans and slowly slid the zipper down. She kicked out of her jeans, leaving her black lacy thong on as she tugged off her socks. Then slowly, seductively, she removed the thong, too.

“Have you ever had sex in the water?”

It wasn’t so much a question as it was a promise. Her nipples tightened as a familiar ache swept over her.

“I think I’m about to.”

Nikki walked to the water’s edge and hesitantly stepped in. It was cooler than she expected. The bottom was smooth, soft except for an occasional rock. Okay, she could do this. She waded out a little farther.

Not long ago, she would’ve laughed if anyone had told her she’d be swimming in something other than a pool, or living on a ranch in a cabin without utilities. Or milking a cow, gathering eggs, or churning butter.

Or that she would meet a very incredible man and they would have fantastic, mind-blowing sex.

Or that she would be deceiving the man in the hopes of getting a story.

Drat, why did she have to think about that now? She quickly pushed that thought to the far recesses of her mind. She’d worry about the consequences of her actions later.

When she was waist deep, she dropped down until the water covered her head. Cold enveloped her, but different from a winter day. It was more exhilarating and exciting and…fun. She pushed with her feet and shot back up, shoving the hair from her face as she turned toward the bank.

No, she wouldn’t think about the story she was trying to get. Not right now, not when Cal’s passion-filled gaze captured hers.

His heated look started at the top of her head, lingered on her breasts, then moved downward as if he could see past the shadowy water to her legs, which trembled so hard from need she could barely stand.

She didn’t take a breath until he turned away to untie the leather strips at the back of his saddle. He brought the blanket that had been rolled up and laid it on top of a large rock.

Tossing his hat to the side, Cal grasped the bottom of his black T-shirt, and in one movement, he tugged it over his head. A fine sheen of sweat covered his sun-bronzed skin. Nikki swallowed hard to remove the lump that had formed in her throat. Heat coursed through her body like hot wax dripping down the sides of a melting candle.

Entranced, she found herself unable to look away as his hand slid down his stomach, over his six-pack abs, and down to the first button of his jeans. He tugged it through the buttonhole and continued with the second, third, and fourth. Hooking his hands into the waistband, he pushed the denim down, revealing white briefs.

There was enough exposed skin to make her muscles turn to the consistency of pudding. She tried to drag her gaze away, to think about anything besides the fact she wanted him so bad she’d probably raised the temperature of the water at least a degree. But she could only stare as he performed his striptease.

No, she didn’t look away. Hell, she had an incredible urge to yell, “Take it off, take it all off!” But she already knew he would. He was stripping for her and it was a hell of a turn-on.

He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his briefs and smiled. A slow, sexy smile that said he knew exactly what she wanted. Then when she was about ready to launch herself out of the water and throw herself at him, he pushed his briefs downward, revealing his incredible erection. Her mouth went dry; her body burned for him.

He grabbed a condom out of his jeans before dropping them behind him, and sliding it on in slow motion. Her hands itched to be the one to do that, to caress him. He stepped into the water and advanced. She took a step toward him, wanting to feel his arms around her.

He grinned devilishly, then dove into the water, a ripple the only sign of where he’d been.

Now where was he?

Water splashed. She whirled around. He stood before her, water dripping down his face. Cal laid a hand on her shoulder, slid his fingers down until they curled around her arm, and tugged her toward him. She trembled, knew he felt her reaction. His eyebrows arched upward as his other hand brushed across the fullness of her bottom lip.

“Do you know how incredibly beautiful you are? The first time I saw you, I wanted you.” His words scraped against her skin.

He lowered his head until his mouth covered hers. She drew in a quick, sharp breath and tasted his need. His tongue stroked hers. He brushed a strand of hair from her cheek, his touch sending a spasm of pleasure over her.

“I want you,” he murmured.

“I want you, too.” He drew her closer, and she pressed against him.

Cal knew this was wrong, but it felt too damned good to stop. When he gazed into the golden-brown depths of her eyes, he could only think of how right it felt. He wanted her like he’d wanted no other woman. He’d sensed the fire inside her from day one. And even knowing he’d probably get burned, he had to have her again.

A groan escaped his lips when he cupped her breast, the nipple already hard from the cold water. He rolled it beneath his thumb.

She gasped.

“You’re so perfect.”

Her body shivered.

“Are you cold?”

“Just the opposite. You make me hot. I think you’ve cast a spell over me, Cal Braxton.”

“Good.” Slipping his hands beneath her arms he brought her out of the water. She grasped his shoulders, wrapping her legs around him. He took his time as he lowered her.

He nipped a breast, then circled the orb with his tongue before sucking the pebbled nipple into his mouth. She moaned, arching toward him. He lowered her farther, his tongue tasting her skin, wanting even more. His mouth found hers again as their bodies began to join. She tightened her legs around him, pulling him deeper inside. Hot liquid fire filled him. He cupped her buttocks, rocking her against him, groaning with pleasure.

She nipped his neck with her teeth, then licked across the tiny wound. He sucked in his breath, pulling her closer, crushing her body against his. The heat of her body scorched him as she kissed his face.

“Look at me,” he said when her glazed eyes began to drift closed.

Slowly, her eyes opened and their gazes locked. He wanted to watch her. To know the very moment she was ready. He wanted to see the passion flare in her eyes. It had to be as good for her as it was for him. He’d settle for no less.

“Now.” Her arms tightened around his neck as her mouth moved over his.

“Not yet. Soon.” Cal wanted every one of her senses to explode when she came. He nibbled her ear; his tongue plunged inside.

She cried out. “I need you.”

He ignored her pleas for release. “I want to taste you again. All of you.” Cal raked his teeth along her neck. He looked deep into her eyes. “Next time you’ll let me. Promise me that you’ll let me kiss your sex, that you’ll let me lick every inch of it.”

“Yes,” she cried as her body trembled. “I need…I need…”

He thrust deeper.

She gasped and pressed closer.

Water splashed around them, slapping their bodies and intensifying the motion. The strain of holding back became too much as her hardened nipples brushed against his chest. Spasms clutched his body. The muscles in his legs grew taut as every part of him became a roaring fire burning out of control. When the explosion hit, it rocked him to the core of his being. He clasped her tighter against him, cupping her butt and pulling her in closer.

She cried out her pleasure when she came. Their ragged breathing echoed in the silence. Still holding her close, he moved to shallow water, and sank to his knees. Water lapped around their waists in gentle caresses.

Right now, he knew if Nikki asked him about what had happened between him and Cynthia, he would tell her every blasted thing there was to tell.

Yeah, he was in deep shit.

He drew in deep mouthfuls of air. No woman had ever made his legs tremble like this-hell, his whole body.

They finally waded to the bank. He spread the blanket and they collapsed on it.

“I could sleep the rest of the day,” she said, stretching as she rolled to her back.

Without really thinking, he cupped her breast, lightly massaging.

“Or not.” Her laugh was shaky.

He realized what he was doing and stopped, moved to his back as he lay on the blanket. “Sorry.”

“I’m not.” She moved into the crook of his arm, resting her head on his chest.

He stared at the tree limbs crisscrossing above him. This was nice, and he didn’t regret anything they’d done, either. He’d told himself after he discovered Nikki was a reporter out to get a story, he didn’t have to give her one, and he wouldn’t.

“I can’t believe you don’t have a girlfriend,” she said, breaking the silence.

And the moment was destroyed. One little sentence and she’d killed it.

“I’m a free agent,” he said.

“So you’ve never been engaged?”

Damn, if he didn’t know who she really was, he’d probably be spilling his guts right now. Telling her things that would end up in an article for the world to read. Except he did know better.

“I was engaged once, but it didn’t work out,” he said. Before she could probe further, he asked a question of his own. “What about you? Ever gotten close to the altar?”

“No. Marriage is way down on the bottom of my list of things to do. So, who was she?”

“Who was who?”

“The girl you almost married.”

“I didn’t marry her and that should be all that matters.”

“I guess every woman wants to know her predecessor.”

Cal turned in a way so that she was half beneath him. His lips found hers. She moaned when he deepened the kiss, but he abruptly ended it before he could go very far and jumped up instead.

“I promised Brian I would help at the ranch this afternoon.”

She frowned. “I think most of the afternoon is already gone.”

“So I guess I’d better get back.” He pulled on his briefs, then his jeans.

She didn’t look too happy, but she stood and reached for her clothes and began to reluctantly pull them on.

Damn, she was temptation. He quickly averted his eyes and grabbed for his shirt.

As soon as they were dressed, he helped Nikki mount. He played the perfect guide on the way back to the homestead, pointing out different kinds of trees. Once a jackrabbit popped his head up, long ears straight in the air. He kept the conversation going so she wouldn’t have a chance to ask any questions about Cynthia.

She didn’t look happy when he left her at the cabin. But she also didn’t have any fodder for a story, either.

Damn, he was good. He was still smiling when he rode up to the barn at the ranch. Barracuda, yeah, well she’d just met a shark.
