
One day in 1986, in Taormina, Sicily, Evan Hunter told me I should think about doing a book in some way different from what I’d done before; larger in scope, perhaps, or new in approach, or unexpected in thematic material. If Evan hadn’t put that bee in my bonnet, this book would not exist.

On a later day, in 1990, in New York City, I found that my voyage into this unknown had led to an apparent impasse; I could not for the life of me figure out how to go on. Several desperate phone calls later I met, via fax, a gentleman, scholar, physicist, and science-fiction writer in California named Robert Forward. We communicated over several days in a flurry of faxes, before he finally transmitted, “By George! I do believe he’s got it!” Without him, this book would never have been finished.

On every day, in every way, everywhere, my wife, Abby Adams, makes it possible and keeps me from carelessness and error. Without her, this book would not be coherent.

Evan, Bob, Abby: it’s your fault.
