
Mostly, I want to thank the people who have helped me bring this book to fruition. My main supporter and most reliable critic was my husband, Tom Hennigan, who gave me the best advice and also tolerated my moods. In that vein, I should also thank my children, Aidan and Alex, for putting up with my crankiness. Like some people discover they are mean drunks, I have discovered that I am a grumpy writer.

I’d like to thank Mark Hurwich for his eagerness to help me no matter what the endeavor and for his always spot-on critiques. Without him, this book would never have happened. I also want to thank Rich Catanese for his feedback and his encouragement. My business partners are also due some thanks: Peg MacBeth for her kind words of support and Dwight Ueda for putting up with my delayed deadlines while I worked on the manuscript. My friend Julie Ruth supplied me with wise and practical advice on more than one occasion and continues to be my best sounding board.

This book wouldn't be possible without the wonderful folks at Вerrett-Koehler. They provided me with a great community of resources and a supportive environment. Some of the people at В К and It's associates who were invaluable were Neal Maillet, Jeevan Sivasubramaniam, Michael Crowley, Katie Sheehan, Dianne Platner, Richard Wilson, Sharon Goldinger, and Beverly Butterfield. I apologize to anyone I may have inadvertently left out.

I'd also like to thank those reviewers that В К rounded up for all their helpful feedback, including Katherine Armstrong, Tora Estep, Pamela Gordon, and Wally Bock.
