
And so once again, the tale has been told. Last night, I wrote the last words and then slept for twelve hours.

This morning I woke up with the joyous understanding that all the dates with friends that I have cancelled can be reinstated.

But it is so satisfying to tell another tale, to share another journey with characters I have created and come to care deeply about-or not.

As always, for the last forty years, Michael V. Korda, my editor, has been the captain of my ship. I send him twenty or twenty-five pages at a time. His phone call “The pages are fine,” is music to my ears. Let me repeat even more fervently, Michael, it’s been grand working with you.

Marysue Rucci, the new editor in chief at Simon & Schuster, has been a marvelous friend and mentor. It is a joy working with her.

The home team starts with my right hand, Nadine Petry, my daughter Patty and my son Dave, Agnes Newton and Irene Clark. And of course, John Conheeney, spouse extraordinaire, and all of my family.

Abiding thanks to copy editor, Gypsy da Silva and to art director, Jackie Seow. Her covers make me look so good. Thanks as well to Elizabeth Breeden.

It is time to start to think about what comes next. But I will put that off just a little while. After all, tomorrow is another day.
