
A book is seldom the work of the author alone, but usually the collaborative effort of many folks. This novel is no exception. First, Steve Prey must be mentioned as the chief engineer and draftsman for this novel, whose painstaking work on constructing the station schematics both inspired and changed the story. Then I had a posse of language experts who helped with countless details. Carolyn Williams, Vasily Derebenskiy, and William Czajkowski helped with the Russian translations, while Kim Crockatt and were integral to finding my Inuit translator: Emily Angulalik. I also must thank John Overton of the Health News Network for his assistance in collating historical information used in this novel.

Additionally, I must heartily acknowledge my friends and family who helped shape the manuscript into its present form: Carolyn McCray, Chris Crowe, Michael Gallowglas, Lee Garrett, David Murray, Dennis Grayson, Penny Hill, Lynne Williams, Laurel Piper, Lane Therrell, Mary Hanley, Dave Meek, Royale Adams, Jane O’Riva, Chris “the little” Smith, Judy and Steve Prey, and Caroline Williams. For the map used here, I must acknowledge its source: The CIA World Factbook 2000. Finally, the four folks who continue to remain my most loyal supporters: my editor, Lyssa Keusch; my agents, Russ Galen and Danny Baror; and my publicist, Jim Davis. Lastly and most importantly, I must stress that any and all errors of fact or detail fall squarely on my own shoulders.
