Buckhead Station

“Enemies,” Eichord told the men in the squad room, “we have to take a look at every possibility."

“I don't much like it,” Brown said, his gaze wandering with unconcealed desultoriness and boredom, “but, um, hell, uh, I dunno. I don't see it. Not with an icepick."

“Suppose somebody had her at the top of their shit list and they paid somebody. Somebody with an icepick."

“Unnnnn,” Brown groaned, “you know what I mean?” As if that was a logical response.

“We got an eyeball on her leaving the speaking engagement and we got driving time. We got her pulling up in front of the church. We got an ETA. Now. Something happens to Tina Hoyt. She gets out. The killer who her political enemy has paid the money to is surveilling her. He grabs her as she gets out of her car, throws her into his vehicle, does her with the icepick. Drives out to the park and dumps her. Huh?"

“Nah. It's somebody knows her. He's waiting for her and she parks, gets in with him, he drives to the river and whacks her inna ear."

“Dana? You agree?"

“Hey, I can suddenly answer riddles now?” Dana whined. “Whatta hell do I look like, a fuckin’ contestant on Wheel of Fortune?"

“No, you look like a contestant on Dialing for Hippopotami. But what do you think—if anything?"

“You really wanna know what I think?"

“No. But tell us anyway."

“I think somebody did her because she was a diesel dyke. Some ole man finds out his missus was gettin’ the double-dildo put to her by this bull dagger, see. And he makes her get inna car like you said. Takes her down to the park and reams her ears out real good, pushes her out the door, and roars off into the night. Or jacks off into the night."

“What a load of shit,” Monroe Tucker said. “This is a definite political assassination."

“Wait a minute. I got it. Dig this, Monroe, Martians beam the bitch up into a flying saucer and—"

“You give me d’ porker-dorkers,” the huge black detective told his partner.

“Yeah? You give me the jungle jitters, Rastus."

“We assume a feminist with a high profile and with political aspirations as well could easily have crossed paths with somebody who wanted her hit.” Eichord continued as if uninterrupted. “So we'll start with that. Who stood to gain a political advantage by her death?"

“Yeah,” Dana mumbled, “we'll round up all the known heterosexuals."

“That'll leave YOU out."
