Dramatis Personae

San Francisco

Connor Brooks—Seaman

Miles Uma—Captain, Oilstar Zoroaster

Ed Dailey—Second Mate

Dr. Alex Kramer—Oilstar Microbiogist

Maureen Kramer—his wife

Jay Kramer—his son

Erin Kramer—his daughter

Dr. Mitchell Stone—Alex’s assistant

Jackson Harris—Environmental activist

Daphne Harris—Environmental activist, Jackson’s wife

Todd Severyn—Petroleum Engineer

Dr. Iris Shikozu—Stanford University

William Plerry—Environmental Policy Office

Emma Branson—CEO Oilstar

Walter Cochran—Oilstar executive

Moira Tibbett—Sandia, Livermore researcher

Dave Hensch—Stanford student

Officer Orenio—security guard

Jake Torgens—Environmentalist, radical activist

Reverend Timothy Rudge—Pastor, Holy Grace Baptist Church

White Sands, New Mexico

Dr. Spencer Lockwood—Physicist, Solar Satellite project head

Rita Fellenstein—Chief technician

Dr. Lance Nedermyer—Department of Energy program manager

Dr. Gilbert Hertoya—Director, Electromagnetic Launch Facility

Juan Romero—technician

Dr Arnold Norton—Sandia scientist

Albuquerque, NM

Brig General Bayclock—Commander, Kirtland Air Force Base

David Reinski—Mayor of Albuquerque

Sgt Catilyn Morris—Helicopter mechanic

Colonel David—Commander, Phillips Laboratory

Colonel Nichimya—Commander, Base Personnel

Washington DC

Henry Holback—President of the US

Harald Wolani—Vice President of the US

The Honorable Jeffrey Mayeaux—Speaker of the House

Rita Mayeaux—his wife

Franklin Weathersee—Mayeaux’s Chief of Staff

General Wacon—Chairman, JCS

Other locations

Heather Dixon—Insurance adjuster (Flagstaff, AZ)

Al Sysco—Manager, Surety Insurance (Flagstaff, AZ)

Dick Morgret—Gas station owner (Death Valley, CA)

Carlos Bettario—Rancher (Death Valley, CA)

Lt Bobby Carron—F/A-18 pilot, USN (China Lake, CA)

Lt Ralph “Barfman” Petronfi—Bobby’s wingman (China Lake, CA)
