“I suppose it all went as well as could be expected.” Charles Wetherby was standing by the window of his office, looking down at the Thames, where the little waves bristled, sawtoothed in the late November wind. A tourist cruising boat moved jerkily in the chop, its decks empty, the few passengers sitting snugly in the cabin below.

“Thank goodness it was no worse,” said Liz Carlyle from her chair in front of Wetherby’s desk.

She had given evidence to the inquiry for over three hours; Wetherby had been there a day and a half. Now he looked tired, strained, and, unusually for him, made no effort to disguise it. Sighing, he rubbed a palm against his cheekbone thoughtfully, then turned and faced Liz. “DG says you did very well. Not that you ever had anything to worry about.”

She nodded, wishing she shared his confidence. The fallout from that last operation had not yet subsided. The discovery of a mole in MI5, who had been intent on undermining the Service, was likely to reverberate for years to come. As the Home Secretary had taken to saying, with the monotony of a mantra, “If the Security Service isn’t fit for purpose, how the hell can we win the war on terrorism?”

The same Home Secretary had insisted on an inquiry into the whole sorry business. Fortunately he’d eventually grasped that a public inquiry would be a disaster, so it had been held in closed session, chaired by a former Cabinet secretary, assisted by a judge and a trusted businessman. No prying press, no trial by headline; no MPs posturing in some parliamentary committee room for the benefit of the cameras. The report when it came had been a model of Whitehall-ese, beautifully expressed, utterly undramatic, no blame, reasonably fair.

“What will happen now?” asked Liz.

Wetherby moved back to his desk, sitting down and picking up a pencil. He tapped distractedly on a pile of papers. “There’ll be a review of recruitment, enhanced vetting procedures… other things. But as I say, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

“Have you, Charles?” she asked. It had been Wetherby himself who had predicted heads would roll after the near-debacle and the Thames House rumour mill had suggested Wetherby’s would be one.

He shrugged, leaning back in his chair. He was not as engaged as usual, which alarmed Liz. What else could he be thinking about? Finally he said, “I’d like to think it will be all right for me as well. But who knows? I’ve learnt these things are hard to predict. Anyway, I won’t be here for the aftermath. I’m taking some leave.”

“Oh,” she said.

He heard the question in her voice. She was wondering whether this was voluntary. “It’s my choice, Liz.” Wetherby looked at her. “I’m entitled to a sabbatical and I’ve decided I should spend some time at home.” He gestured with a quick motion of his head at a framed photograph of his wife and sons.

Liz nodded. This was why he seemed so subdued. Joanne Wetherby had been seriously ill for as long as Liz had known Charles—over five years. It could not have been easy, juggling his job with his role as the husband of an invalid and the father of two boys. She was sure he would miss the challenge, the excitement and the colleagues. And her, Liz wondered, would he miss her?

Liz asked, “How long will you be away?”

Wetherby shrugged and flicked a non-existent piece of fluff off his suit jacket. “I’m not sure. Perhaps three months, something like that. We’ll have to see how things go. While I’m away, Michael Binding will run the branch.”

Oh God, thought Liz, not that condescending oaf. They’d crossed swords more than once. She tried her best to mask her reaction, but Wetherby gave her an ironic smile. “Don’t worry. He won’t be telling you what to do.”

“Won’t he?”

“No. You’re being posted. DG and I have discussed it, and we want you to move to Counter-Espionage.”

“What?” she asked bluntly, unable to contain her surprise. Nor her dismay. During the Cold War, Counter-Espionage had been the plum assignment, the primus inter pares of the Service’s various branches. But in a post-9/11 world, its light was dimmer, overshadowed by Counter-Terrorism. Counter-Espionage was something of a backwater now.

“You need a change. You know that.”

“I don’t need a demotion, Charles. That’s what it is. I feel as though I’m being pushed out.” She paused, realising that her hurt was showing, and bit her lip.

Charles looked at her gravely. “That’s not it at all,” he said. “We just want to broaden your experience. People think espionage is no longer a problem. Well, they’re wrong. There are more foreign intelligence officers in London now than before the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Russians are back in force, the Chinese are more active than ever. So are some of the Middle Eastern countries. And the game’s changed, you know. It used to be all about political and military intelligence—all about winning the Cold War and the fighting war that never happened. Deadly enough, but strictly for professionals. Now there’s money, big money in it. We wouldn’t be posting you there if there wasn’t a job for you to do.”

“Who will I report to?” she asked.

“To Brian Ackers,” said Charles. “You’ll be in the Russian Section and he’s the assistant director. He’s also acting director of the whole Counter-Espionage Branch for the time being.”

Liz raised her eyebrows. Brian Ackers was a Cold War veteran who hadn’t moved on. Prickly, touchy, a man who resented the displacement of counter-espionage as the Service’s highest priority.

“I know he’s not the easiest man to work for,” Wetherby continued, “but he’s got enormous experience. You could learn a lot from him. After all, that’s where the whole intelligence game started and where many of the real skills still are.”

Liz nodded. “Yes, Charles,” she said, trying not to sound as disappointed as she felt.

“Brian won’t be there forever, Liz,” said Charles encouragingly. “He’ll retire in two years.” He looked at her meaningfully. “There may be opportunities after that.”

She tried to take this in. Was he suggesting she might replace Brian Ackers one day? Become an assistant director? She was flattered, but she still found the prospect of a move to Counter-Espionage uninspiring. “When do I start?” she asked.

“Next week. Peggy Kinsolving is going with you.”

So, thought Liz, they’re moving everyone closely involved with the mole investigation. But this was good news. Peggy had been seconded by MI6 in the previous year, then opted to stay on in MI5. She was a desk officer, with boundless energy and an almost unique ability to ferret out facts. If Wetherby and DG were offering her to Liz, she was more than happy to accept the gift.

“Anyway, I’m off next week, so I’ll say goodbye now. Good luck in the new post,” said Wetherby, and Liz took her cue and stood up. He held out his hand and grasped hers. Suddenly he said, in an awkward, tentative voice, “Do me one favour, please.”

“Of course,” she said, suddenly near tears.

“Stay in touch.” He said this shyly, then quickly looked down at the papers on his desk.

And turning to go, Liz saw through the window the tour boat returning from its quick jaunt upriver, moving more smoothly, travelling with the receding tide. Dusk was turning to dark. As the windows lit up in the offices and flats on the far bank, the river became quite quickly a gleaming black flood, flecked with gold.
