
This book would not have been possible without the enthusiasm and belief of a select group of people. My mother and father, first of all, thank you for teaching me to believe in myself and to believe in the power of imagination. Mom, thank you for teaching me to believe in magic. I cannot imagine two people more brilliant and capable of being great parents, and in that way, I am absurdly lucky. My sister, Julia, whom I love very much and who has always been patient with me.

Simon, my agent, who has championed and believed in me from the beginning. Thank you, brother, for reading a fifty-page draft full of typos and seeing something special.

Claudia, my book agent, who decided to take on a music-video director with no writing experience and muscle through countless drafts and revisions. Brian, you know how instrumental you have been, and without you, none of this would have been possible.

Alicia, another key cheerleader who decided to stand up and back the project. Without your enthusiasm, the book would still be unfinished.

Ashley, for your love, faith, and support, for early morning coffees, and for all those fashion ideas. No project is accomplished without the support of great friends, friends like Lucas, Steve, Michael, and Brandon — thank you all for reading drafts and giving your feedback and notes. Finally, my editor, Laura, whose unrelenting passion for the book has seen it through its final transformation. Laura, you made the decision to invest yourself in a dream I had about celebrity Angels two years ago, and for that, I am forever grateful.
