Valentine Visconti, Duchess of Orléans.

Wife of the King’s brother, Louis d’Orléans, daughter of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Lord of Milan.

Charles VI, King of France.

The elder son of Charles V, who was also known as Charles the Wise.

Isabeau, Queen of France.

The wife of Charles VI.

Louis, Duke of Orléans.

The younger son of Charles the Wise; brother to Charles VI, husband of Valentine Visconti.

Philippe, Duke of Burgundy.

Also known as Philippe the Bold (Philippe le Hardi). Brother of Charles the Wise and therefore uncle to Charles VI and Louis d’Orléans. He is married to Margaretha of Flanders; their son is Jean de Nevers.

Jean, Duke of Berry.

An obsessive aesthete, collector and bibliophile. The patron of the famous Book of Hours. Also a brother of Charles the Wise and therefore uncle to Charles VI and Louis d’Orléans.

Louis, Duke of Bourbon.

Brother-in-law of Charles the Wise and therefore uncle to Charles VI and Louis d’Orléans on their mother’s side (Queen Jeanne).
