
It’s much easier to write a novel than acknowledgments because the latter is chiefly comprised of reality and that’s not an arena I excel in. However, I shall try.

First, thanks goes to my agent, Adriann Ranta, without whom my literary gunslingers would still live in the slush pile and not in the hearts and minds of readers. In the same vein I heartily thank my editor, Sarah Shumway, for allowing me to be an instinctive writer, as well as not minding when I respond to serious emails with Star Wars gifs.

Thank you also to the HarperCollins family at Katherine Tegen Books, true lovers of books, supporters of writers, and champions of literacy. I must thank my cover designer, Erin Fitzsimmons, whose artwork puts the book in readers’ hands, while hopefully my words keep it there. Also I would be remiss not to mention Margot Wood and Aubry Parks-Fried, the “Epic Reads Girls,” who tirelessly promote myself and my fellow HarperCollins authors, as well as Ali Lisnow, my publicist, who doesn’t mind when I make up fake new names for book fairs.

Also instrumental in the creation of any book I write, my crit partner, R. C. Lewis, who changes all my spelling mishaps from UK to US and constantly reminds me what time zone I live in, even though she’s half a country away and I should know by now. It’s a good thing I have a keeper.

Authors need other authors both as sounding boards and friends. My first tour experience was amazing and I can only hope I continue to be surrounded by such amazing women as Rae Carson, Michelle Gagnon, Madeleine Roux, Sherry Thomas, and Amelia Kahaney as my career continues. The Class of 2k13 remains a tight-knit group and I must especially mention my Midwestern cohorts Kelly Barson, Geoffrey Girard, Demitria Lunetta, Jennifer McGowan, and Kate Karyus Quinn for keeping it lively and making me feel like perhaps I’m not crazy, but if I am, I’m in good company.

You can’t swing a dead cat in Ohio without hitting a YA author. I especially want to thank Liz Coley for support, encouragement, and good road conversation.

I must thank my boyfriend, who accidentally supplied the catalyst for both Not a Drop to Drink and In a Handful of Dust. Art is not created in a vacuum, and he has provided more inspiration than he’ll ever know.

There are also people in my everyday life who deal with my resistance to phone calls and occasionally answering with, “WHAT?!” Thank you to my family for the support, especially to my mother, who keeps hoping that someday I’ll write a happy book about cats. We’ll see.
